
    On Success

    enAugust 19, 2024
    Who are the hosts of the Distractable podcast?
    What topics do the hosts discuss during the podcast?
    Which film does Bob mention enjoying multiple times?
    What financial hardships did the speaker experience in 2019?
    What achievements marked the speaker's trip to Minnesota?

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast hosts' friendly competitionDespite engaging in friendly competition, the Distractable podcast hosts maintain a light-hearted and playful atmosphere, discussing various topics such as state sizes and favorite movies.

      The hosts of Distractable podcast, Bob, Mark, and Wade, engage in friendly competition to determine who will host the next episode. During their conversation, they discuss various topics, including the size of states, their recent travels, and their favorite movies. The conversation veers off into humor and mispronunciations, adding to the light-hearted atmosphere of the podcast. Bob shares his pride in winning every competition, while Mark and Wade share their recent experiences and travels. They also discuss the size of different states, leading to a debate about which states are the biggest. The conversation then turns to movies, with Bob expressing his enjoyment of seeing movies multiple times, including the controversial film "Cats." Despite their differences, the hosts maintain a playful and engaging banter throughout the episode.

    • Movie watching experienceThe atmosphere and sound system significantly impact the enjoyment of watching movies, and cheaper projectors are used for movie ads to prevent damage to the main feature projector.

      The experience of watching movies, especially in a theater, can be enhanced by various factors such as sound design, company, and even the quality of the projector. The speaker shared his personal experiences of re-watching movies in different settings and how the atmosphere and sound system significantly impacted his enjoyment. Additionally, an interesting revelation was made about the reason behind the lower quality of movie ads compared to the actual movie - it's because they use cheaper projectors to prevent damage and ensure the main feature looks perfect. The conversation also touched upon food, with the speaker expressing his love for hibachi and admitting to being a picky eater. The topic then shifted to success and defining what it means, inspired by a viral video of a pole vaulter who lost due to an unexpected distraction.

    • Unexpected places of successSuccess can be found in unexpected places and small moments, like bronze medal wins or achieving personal goals, and it's important to appreciate these achievements.

      Success comes in various forms and can be found in unexpected places. The Olympic Games showcase athletes who have dedicated their lives to their craft, but even those who don't win gold or silver medals can still experience success. The men's gymnastics team, who won bronze, celebrated their achievement as if they had won the intergalactic universal championship. Similarly, in everyday life, success can be found in small moments, like getting a pet to follow a command or making progress on long-term goals. It's essential to appreciate these achievements, no matter how big or small they may seem.

    • Perseverance and AdaptabilitySuccess requires perseverance and adaptability, as demonstrated by Mark's ability to successfully pan-sear a steak for the first time and adapt to unexpected travel disruptions, while maintaining a positive attitude and finding joy in small victories.

      Perseverance and adaptability are key to success. Mark shared his experience of successfully pan-searing a steak for the first time, despite initial challenges with his contacts and the cooking process. He also reflected on the importance of preparation and flexibility, as demonstrated by his ability to handle travel disruptions and adapt to unexpected situations. The conversation also touched on the importance of having a positive attitude and finding joy in small victories, even if they may seem insignificant to others. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying focused on personal goals and finding ways to overcome obstacles, no matter how big or small.

    • Finding success amidst challengesEven during seemingly disastrous experiences, there can still be successes and satisfying moments. Focusing on the positive outcomes can help us continue moving forward.

      Even during seemingly disastrous travel experiences or business setbacks, there can still be successes and satisfying moments. The speaker's successful travel day, despite initial delays, and the positive reception of his movie by his team, serve as reminders that progress can be made amidst challenges. The widespread impact of CrowdStrike's software malfunction on various companies and travelers highlights the interconnectedness of our modern world and the potential ripple effects of such events. While some experiences may be more inconvenient than others, it's important to focus on the positive outcomes and continue moving forward.

    • Food goals and family tripSpeaker successfully achieved food goals, enjoyed family time, and experienced new adventures in Minnesota despite challenges, demonstrating determination and appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Excited about movie project progress.

      The speaker had a successful trip to Minnesota where he achieved various food goals, enjoyed quality time with family, and experienced new adventures. Despite some challenges in finding specific food items and making small talk with unfamiliar relatives, the trip was filled with delightful surprises and successes. The speaker's focus on food and achieving specific goals demonstrates his determination and appreciation for the simple pleasures in life. Additionally, the speaker shared his excitement about the progress being made on his movie project, expressing gratitude for the support and faith shown by those involved.

    • Financial strugglesFinancial struggles can lead to valuable lessons and growth, including the importance of diversifying income and being financially responsible.

      Financial struggles and hardships can lead to important lessons and growth. In 2019, the speaker experienced significant financial difficulties, including paying off debt, navigating house issues, and relying heavily on YouTube revenue. This period was incredibly stressful and humbling, but it ultimately led to a greater understanding of the importance of diversifying income and being financially responsible. The speaker's success with the "Unisonis" project during this time was a highlight, but the experience as a whole taught him valuable lessons that he continues to apply today. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains grateful for the experience and the growth it brought about.

    • Engaging contentCreating unique, intriguing content, even if seemingly unrelated, can increase engagement and lead to unexpected outcomes such as ARGs and memes.

      Engagement on social media platforms can be increased through unique and intriguing content, even if it seems unrelated to the topic at hand. Markiplier shared an example of a video where he asked viewers to copy and paste solar wind speed information from a government website, resulting in over a million views and hundreds of thousands of comments. This success came from creating a sense of urgency and intrigue, using quick cuts, a timer, and speaking directly to the camera. The conversation then shifted to the possibility of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) in one of Markiplier's videos, with viewers noticing hidden clues and creating a Discord to document their findings. Markiplier jokingly admitted that he often fools his audience with seemingly insignificant content, such as repeating the phrase "Hi yah," which became a meme and a popular part of his brand. The conversation ended with a playful competition to see who had earned the most "points" for their various successes and failures in their content creation.

    • Change emotionsMetaphors like 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' are used to describe the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with change, whether it's a promotion, a departure, or a lateral move.

      The speaker in the text is expressing various emotions and reactions to a situation, using metaphors such as "upgrade," "sidewalk," "lateral move," "ladder," "downgrade," and "awful." The situation seems to involve someone leaving or moving on to a new opportunity. The speaker expresses a range of emotions, from sadness and regret to excitement and congratulations. Overall, the text highlights the human experience of dealing with change and the complex emotions that come with it. The speaker also takes a moment to promote some of his own projects towards the end of the clip.

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