
    On the Brink of Starvation: COVID-19 and the Global Food Chain (Talk by Raj Patel)

    enSeptember 07, 2020

    About this Episode

    Raj Patel discusses the causes and enormous impact of the global food crisis, which has only been intensified by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please join us. All participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences from their workplaces or community. 

    Raj Patel is an activist, journalist, film maker and professor, currently teaching at the University of Texas in Austin. He studies the global food system and is actively engaged in creating alternatives to what exists today. 

    His first book was Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. His second, The Value of Nothing, was a New York Times and international best-seller. His latest, co-written with Jason W. Moore, is A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things.

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