
    Podcast Summary

    • Mickey Kanasaki's Disappearance from a Cruise Ship: Unanswered QuestionsDespite extensive search efforts, Mickey Kanasaki's disappearance from a cruise ship in 2006 remains a mystery with no clear answers or evidence

      The disappearance of Mickey Kanasaki from a cruise ship off the coast of Naples, Italy, in 2006, remains a mystery with no clear answers. The lack of video evidence, eyewitness testimony, or fingerprints made investigating the case challenging. Dave Carrigan, a friend of Mickey's husband Lonnie, recounted the events as they unfolded, expressing disbelief and suspicion. Lonnie and Mickey, who had been married and divorced, were on a cruise to rekindle their relationship when Mickey went missing. The couple spent their day exploring Messina in Sicily before returning to the ship. However, Mickey was nowhere to be found when Lonnie woke up the next morning. The crew of the Island Escape searched the ship and made an announcement to passengers, but they couldn't find any trace of Mickey. Lonnie eventually left the ship and checked into a hotel, while the Italian coast guard continued searching for her. Despite extensive efforts, Mickey's body was never found, leaving many unanswered questions about her disappearance.

    • Fear and misunderstanding can cloud judgmentFear and misunderstanding can lead to irrational decisions and dangerous situations, effective communication and an open mind can help navigate unfamiliar situations.

      Fear and misunderstanding can lead to irrational decisions and potentially dangerous situations. In the case of Lonnie Kokatas, his fear and misunderstanding of a new environment led him to make a decision that resulted in the disappearance of his girlfriend, Miki Kanasaki, during a cruise. Prior to this incident, Lonnie was known for his intelligence, hard work, and strong friendships. However, when he found himself in a foreign country where he didn't speak the language and felt out of his element, he became fearful and irrational. This led him to make a hasty decision that ultimately had serious consequences. It's important to remember that fear and misunderstanding can cloud our judgment and lead us down the wrong path. Effective communication and an open mind can help us navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid potential pitfalls.

    • Unexpected tragedy strikes during a romantic getawayEven the best-laid plans can be disrupted by unforeseen circumstances, leading to tragic outcomes.

      Even in the midst of trying to repair a relationship and planning a romantic getaway, unexpected circumstances can lead to tragic outcomes. Lonnie had booked a cruise for him and his wife Mickie, along with Bill and Susan, in an attempt to save their marriage. However, just two days into the cruise, Mickie went missing and was later found dead in the Mediterranean Sea. The discovery was made randomly by a research vessel, the Astrea. The body was identified as Mickie's, and Italian authorities began an investigation. Lonnie was left in shock and returned to the United States, changing his travel plans and flying to California instead of Tampa as originally planned. The sudden and unexpected loss of Mickie was a devastating blow to everyone involved, leaving them with unanswered questions and a deep sense of sadness.

    • Mysterious Death on a Cruise ShipThe death of a woman on a cruise ship raised suspicions towards her husband due to conflicting statements and suspicious behavior, but the cause of her death remained unclear, leaving three possibilities: suicide, accident, or murder.

      The mysterious death of Mickey, a woman on a cruise ship, led to suspicion falling on her husband Lonnie. Despite Lonnie's claims of their reconciliation and plans for a luxury Italian cruise, Mickey was found dead shortly after their conversation about it. An Italian prosecutor, Alfredo Ladogno, struggled to determine the cause of Mickey's death, with no clear answers from a search of the island escape. When the FBI became involved, they discovered Lonnie had visited another woman in California after Mickey's death, adding to the investigation's focus on him. Lonnie's demeanor during the interview was not that of a frantic husband, and the FBI found it suspicious that he left Italy before Mickey's body was found. Mickey's niece, Julie, also believed Lonnie knew more than he was sharing and was approached by the FBI to record her conversations with him. The investigation was ongoing, with only three possibilities: suicide, accident, or murder.

    • Autopsy reveals violent death for MickiAutopsy showed signs of strangulation and sexual assault, suggesting a violent attack. Lack of water in lungs and stomach indicated she was dead before entering water. Investigators believed a stranger was involved due to autopsy findings.

      The autopsy results on Micki Kanasaki's body revealed signs of strangulation and possible sexual assault, indicating a deliberate and violent act. The lack of water in her lungs and stomach suggested she was already dead before entering the water. Lonnie, her friend and attorney, hired investigators Susan McQueen and Bill Price to help find out what happened. They faced challenges in obtaining the ship's manifest and dealing with the large number of potential suspects. Despite these obstacles, they believed the attacker was unlikely to be Lonnie, as the autopsy report suggested a stranger was involved. They also discovered there were no security cameras on the ship and no witnesses reported anything suspicious. The investigation was ongoing to uncover more information and identify the true culprit.

    • Italian and FBI investigations paint different pictures of Mickey's deathDespite compelling evidence, thorough investigations are crucial for justice, and different interpretations of facts can lead to varying outcomes.

      The investigation into Mickey's death by the Italians and the FBI painted two very different pictures. The Italians seemed to have stopped investigating once a main suspect, Lonnie, left the country, while the FBI was just getting started. Lonnie had a compelling alibi, but the FBI was uncovering new information about his relationship with Mickey and potential motives. At the time of Mickey's death, their assets were worth nearly $2 million, and all of it went to Lonnie. While the FBI suspected Lonnie was responsible, they didn't have enough evidence to bring charges. The case was presented to a federal grand jury, but it was the prosecutor's decision to indict, not the FBI's. The investigation highlighted the importance of thorough investigations and the potential for different interpretations of the facts.

    • Roadblock in the investigationSuspicions and inconsistencies led the investigation, despite personal beliefs, while offshore accounts added to the evidence against Lonnie.

      Despite their deep friendship and belief in Lonnie's innocence, Bill and Susan's investigation hit a roadblock. The polygraph results were inconclusive, but Bill's instincts and the inconsistencies in Lonnie's story led him to suspect more. Meanwhile, the FBI's investigation into Lonnie's financial transactions uncovered evidence of money being moved offshore after Mickey's death. Although Lonnie's attorney successfully argued that the government couldn't prove he killed Mickey for the money, the discovery of the offshore account added to the mounting evidence against him. The case highlights the complexities of investigations and the importance of following the evidence, even when it goes against one's personal beliefs.

    • Lonnie's hidden marriage to Amy NguyenLonnie kept his marriage to Amy a secret from investigators, but during a meeting, she revealed new information about Mickie's death, altering the investigation's course

      Lonnie Kokatas's relationship with Amy Nguyen, a woman he married and then divorced, was kept hidden from his friends and investigators, including Bill Price and Susan McQueen. Despite their initial disbelief, they eventually agreed to meet with Amy at Lonnie's request to confirm her testimony to the FBI that she knew nothing about Mickie's death. However, the conversation took an unexpected turn when Amy became emotional and revealed new information that changed everything. This hidden marriage and the revelation during the meeting were pivotal moments in the investigation that shed new light on Lonnie's involvement in Mickie's death.

    • Recording conversations in investigationsRecording conversations can provide valuable information and help solve complex cases, as seen in the Amy Nguyen and Susan conversation which implicated Lonnie and Bill Price in Mickey's murder.

      During an investigation, every detail matters, even seemingly insignificant conversations. In this case, a conversation between Amy Nguyen and Susan revealed new information about Lonnie's involvement in Mickey's murder and implicated Bill Price. However, Susan was skeptical and decided to record Amy's statements to verify their authenticity. This recording later proved crucial in the case against Lonnie. If it weren't for Susan's decision to record Amy, she might have continued to defend Lonnie's innocence. The recording eventually reached the Orange County assistant DA, providing key evidence in the case. The importance of recording conversations in investigations cannot be overstated as they can provide valuable information and help solve complex cases.

    • Determination and cooperation lead to arrest in long-standing murder caseThrough persistence and cooperation between law enforcement and individuals, a long-standing murder case was solved without physical evidence, highlighting the importance of relentless pursuit of justice.

      Persistence and cooperation between law enforcement agencies ultimately led to the arrest of a suspect in a long-standing murder case, despite initial resistance from a key witness. The investigation into Mickey Kanasaki's death hit a roadblock when the primary suspect's ex-wife, Amy Nguyen, refused to cooperate. However, through determination and the use of a subpoena, Amy was eventually brought in for questioning. During this meeting, Bill Price, who had initially tried to help Lonnie, ended up providing crucial information that led to Lonnie's arrest. Despite the lack of physical evidence, the testimony from Amy and other witnesses, along with the recording of her conversation with Bill, were enough for the DA to charge Lonnie with Mickey's murder. This case demonstrates the importance of relentless pursuit of justice and the power of cooperation between individuals and law enforcement.

    • Testimony of Amy Nguyen questioned due to coercionThe prosecution's case against Lonnie Kagaddis for the murder of Mickey Kanasaki relied on dubious testimony and lacked physical evidence, leading to a lengthy trial and uncertainty about the outcome.

      The case against Lonnie Kagaddis for the murder of Mickey Kanasaki relied heavily on the testimony of Amy Nguyen, whose credibility was questioned due to alleged coercion by Bill Price. The lack of physical evidence, such as blood or signs of struggle, also cast doubt on the prosecution's case. Lonnie, a savvy attorney, used various legal tactics to delay the trial for years. The unusual circumstances surrounding Mickey's death on the "island escape," a former ferry boat with straight drops into the sea from the balconies, added complexity to the case. Ultimately, a jury would decide Lonnie's fate based on the evidence presented.

    • Murder trial halted by pandemic, undercover sting operation revealedThe Lonnie murder trial was halted due to the pandemic, but an undercover sting operation revealed Lonnie's plan to use associates to dispose of Mickie, with financial gain as the motive.

      The murder trial of Lonnie for the death of Mickie Kanasaki was underway, but was suddenly halted due to the global pandemic caused by coronavirus. At the time, Italy was one of the hardest hit countries, leading to a travel ban and the postponement of the trial. Despite the delay, it was revealed that an undercover sting operation was planned, with the investigators posing as hitmen. The motive for the murder was believed to be financial gain, as Lonnie was the beneficiary of Mickie's will. The key witness, Amy Nguyen, testified that Lonnie had planned to have Bill Price's associates dispose of Mickie, but when Bill backed out, Lonnie took matters into his own hands. The trial was set to determine whether Amy's testimony, which contradicted her previous grand jury statement, would be believed.

    • Defense requests mistrial due to long delay, judge denies motionDespite a long delay and potential memory lapses among jurors, the judge emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law during the pandemic. Lonnie, the defendant, provided explanations for past incidents and faced damning evidence, but maintained his innocence.

      During a high-profile trial, such as the one involving Lonnie Kokatas, the defense argued for a mistrial due to the long delay and potential memory lapses among jurors. However, the judge denied the motion, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rule of law during the pandemic. Lonnie, the defendant, took the stand and provided explanations for various incidents in his past, including a volatile relationship with his late ex-wife, Mickey, and accusations of deceit from former partners. The most damning evidence against Lonnie came from an inmate named Tony, who claimed Lonnie had asked him to arrange for his third wife's recantation and her subsequent murder. The trial continued with Lonnie maintaining his innocence, despite the mounting evidence against him. The jury, consisting of 12 individuals, would ultimately decide his fate based on the evidence presented. Lonnie, described as resourceful and hardworking by those who knew him, had 14 years to prepare his defense.

    • A Man's Desperate Attempt to Escape JusticeDespite his denial and allegations of being set up, a man was found guilty of first-degree murder for financial gain after soliciting an undercover cop to commit the crime.

      Lonnie Kokontas, on trial for murder, was accused of soliciting a hitman to kill his ex-wife. However, the supposed hitman was actually an undercover cop, leading to Lonnie's arrest for solicitation to commit murder as well. During the trial, Lonnie, who claimed to be a victim, did not crack under cross-examination. Despite his denial and allegations of being set up, the jury found him guilty of first-degree murder for financial gain. Lonnie is currently serving life in prison without parole while appealing his conviction. The case serves as a reminder of the lengths some individuals will go to, and the challenges in determining truth and motives in criminal trials.

    • Inviting viewers to tune in to NBC NewsLester Holt invites viewers to trust and stay informed with NBC News through regular tuning in

      Lester Holt, an anchor for NBC News, invites viewers to tune in to their news program every Thursday at 10 PM Eastern Time, and every weeknight for NBC Nightly News. This was the conclusion of our discussion. Lester Holt is a prominent figure in the media industry, and his reassuring and friendly tone at the end of the broadcast creates a sense of continuity and trust for the audience. It's a reminder that NBC News is a reliable source of information, and that viewers can count on Lester Holt to deliver the news each day. This consistency is essential in a world where information is constantly changing and where people need to stay informed. By inviting viewers to tune in regularly, Lester Holt is not only providing them with valuable news but also building a connection with his audience. This connection is based on trust, reliability, and a shared commitment to staying informed. So, whether it's Thursday at 10 PM Eastern Time or any other weeknight, viewers can turn to NBC News and Lester Holt for accurate and trustworthy news.

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    Listen to the full episode of "The Breakup" here: https://link.chtbl.com/dl_thebreakup

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    If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 or visit online.rainn.org

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    Listen to “Murder in the Hollywood Hills” here:https://link.chtbl.com/mithh_social

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    Listen to Keith’s original podcast on this story, “Murder in the Hollywood Hills” here: https://link.chtbl.com/mithh_social

    Resources: National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-4673 or online.rainn.org

    Listen to Andrea Canning and Keith Morrison as they go behind the scenes of the making of this episode in ‘Talking Dateline’:https://link.chtbl.com/tdl_thegirlwiththehibiscustattoo

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