
    Our Gender Reveal, Peeing My Pants & Deciding on a Name

    enMay 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Surprises in PregnancyExpecting a new baby brings unexpected desires and surprises, including the discovery of milk glands, accidental peeing, and preferences for certain genders based on existing family dynamics. Hormones can also influence thoughts on having more children.

      The anticipation and excitement of expecting a new baby can bring unexpected surprises and desires, even if the gender is known. The speaker shares her experience of being 24 weeks pregnant and the discovery of milk glands, accidental peeing, and her preference for having another boy due to her existing children's close ages. She also discusses the appeal of having multiple boys and a girl in the family, and how her hormones have influenced her thoughts on having more children. The conversation also touches on the use of Vaseline for comfort during pregnancy in the dry desert climate. Overall, the conversation highlights the emotional and physical journey of pregnancy and the joy and anticipation that comes with it.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Family PlanningWhile desiring more children, the speaker acknowledges the unpredictability of life and the importance of balancing family and personal dreams.

      While the speaker expresses a deep desire to have more children and feels sadness at the thought of not being able to, she acknowledges that life is unpredictable and that she and her partner are currently content with their current family size. She also emphasizes the importance of following one's dreams and passions, whether that be in the form of a career or personal hobbies, and that being a parent and pursuing those dreams are not mutually exclusive. The speaker values creating and being a dad, and while she may have dreams of having more children, she recognizes the importance of taking time for herself and her relationship with her partner before making any decisions.

    • Embracing unique desires and goals in a partnershipPartners can have contrasting desires and goals, but it's essential to support each other and appreciate the differences. Recognize and value each other's unique strengths and weaknesses to create a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

      Everyone's desires and goals in life can be different, and that's okay. In the conversation, one person expressed a desire to be a stay-at-home mom, while the other considered working at a coffee shop. Their contrasting interests make their partnership unique and complement each other. It's essential to do what makes us happy and fulfilled, even if it differs from others. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of being supportive and appreciating each other's differences. The partners acknowledged their contrasting strengths and weaknesses and how they balance each other out. They also showed appreciation for each other's unique qualities, such as their voices and sense of humor. Ultimately, they recognized the importance of working together as a team and finding joy in their differences.

    • The impact of personal time and self-care on mental and emotional well-beingPersonal time and self-care activities like going to the gym can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being. Communication and flexibility in relationships are also crucial for maintaining a healthy balance of individual interests and priorities.

      The importance of personal time and self-care, such as going to the gym, can significantly impact one's mental and emotional well-being. The speaker shared how she feels upset when her "me time" is taken away, and how she uses working out as a way to feel good both physically and mentally. The conversation also touched on the uncertainty and anticipation surrounding the gender reveal of their second baby, with the speaker sharing her experience of having similar symptoms in both pregnancies and the fun of engaging in old wives' tales to guess the gender. Despite the uncertainty, the couple ultimately found joy in the experience of preparing for their new addition to the family. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication and flexibility in relationships. The speaker acknowledged how her partner's dedication to working out motivated her to maintain her own fitness routine, but also acknowledged the challenges and changes that come with pregnancy. They shared their experiences of vlogging their gender reveal day and the joy of revisiting the memories, as well as the challenges of balancing their individual interests and priorities within their relationship. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of self-care, communication, and the shared experiences of pregnancy and parenthood.

    • Discussing the challenges of pregnancy and baby name decisionsDespite the unexpected challenges of pregnancy, such as frequent bladder leaks and concerns about the baby's position, the speakers found comfort in keeping their baby's name a secret. They acknowledged the benefits of pelvic floor therapy but found previous experiences uncomfortable and believed it would be more effective postpartum.

      The speakers in this conversation are having a discussion about their upcoming baby's name and the challenges of their current pregnancy, particularly the emotional connection to the name and the unexpected experience of frequent bladder leaks. They decided to keep the name a secret and were hesitant to announce it on their podcast due to their uncertainty. The speaker, Abby, shared her concerns about the anterior placenta affecting her back pain and the baby's position, causing less frequent kicks and more pressure on her bladder. They also discussed their experiences with pelvic floor therapy and how it could have been more beneficial postpartum rather than during pregnancy. The speakers found the experience of peeing their pants unexpected and taboo, but acknowledged that it's a common issue for pregnant women, especially those having multiple pregnancies close together. They also acknowledged that pelvic floor therapy could be beneficial, but their previous experiences were uncomfortable and they felt it would be more effective postpartum.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges postpartumUnexpected life changes can bring new challenges, like postpartum bladder leaks. Open discussion and humor can help cope with embarrassing situations.

      Unexpected life changes, such as postpartum experiences, can lead to unexpected challenges. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of using bladder leak pads, which she had on hand due to a past advertising campaign for the product. She was initially using them for period-related issues but now finds herself using them frequently due to postpartum leaks. The conversation also touched upon the embarrassment surrounding these types of experiences and the importance of addressing them openly. The speaker acknowledged that many people experience embarrassing situations and encouraged laughter and open discussion as a way to cope. Additionally, the conversation mentioned a doctor's appointment where the speaker was unsure if her baby was getting enough kicks, leading to a discussion about the placenta's position and its potential impact on fetal development. Overall, the conversation highlights the unexpected challenges that come with life changes and the importance of addressing them with openness and humor.

    • Ultrasound gender reveal: A bonding momentClear communication from sonographers is crucial during ultrasound gender reveals to avoid confusion and ensure accurate information.

      The reveal of a baby's gender during an ultrasound can be a meaningful and bonding experience, but it's important for sonographers to ensure clear communication to avoid confusion and uncertainty. The story shared involved a situation where the sonographer accidentally revealed the wrong gender, leading to confusion and a mind game for the parents-to-be. However, the experience also highlighted the joy and connection that comes with learning the gender and choosing a name for the baby. It's a moment that brings the expectant parents closer to their child and helps make the pregnancy feel more real. Not all doctor's offices may offer a special reveal, but it can add an extra layer of excitement and memory to the experience.

    • Brunching after Baby Appointments: Churro French Toast, Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, and No AlcoholThe couple enjoys trying new dishes at brunch after baby appointments, including churro French toast and cinnamon roll pancakes, and have adopted the habit of not consuming alcohol to save money for more dining experiences.

      The couple has established a new tradition of going to brunch after baby appointments, where they enjoy both a sweet and savory dish. They shared their excitement about trying churro French toast and cinnamon roll pancakes. The couple also mentioned that they've adopted the habit of not consuming alcohol during brunch, which helps them save money for more dining experiences. The gender reveal party for their upcoming baby was discussed, with the couple sharing that they told some friends the gender beforehand but kept it a secret from others for fun. They also mentioned that their first gender reveal party was extravagant, with balloon arches and marquee key letters. The couple encouraged listeners to leave a podcast review and share the episode with a friend.

    • Love and support of family and friends make gender reveal parties specialGender reveal parties are made memorable by the presence of loved ones, whether it's a large gathering or a more intimate family affair.

      The experience of a gender reveal party is made special not just by the event itself, but by the presence of loved ones. The speakers shared their experiences of two different gender reveal parties - one extravagant and one more low-key. While the first party was exciting and fun, the second party, which was filled with family members, was described as more precious. The speakers emphasized that while it would have been nice to have more friends present, having almost all of their immediate and extended family made the experience incredibly meaningful. They also noted that gender reveal parties are a relatively new trend, and it was heartwarming to see everyone coming together for the occasion. Overall, the speakers agreed that the love and support of family and friends make any celebration worthwhile.

    • Understanding Cousins Once RemovedCousins once removed are your parents' cousins, resulting in second cousins for their kids' kids. A successful gender reveal party had equal guesses for boy or girl and Chick-fil-A chicken minis, but privacy concerns arose with shared personal info.

      While it's exciting that our extended family knows each other, the concept of cousins once removed can be confusing. A cousin once removed is a cousin, but not in the same generation, meaning they are your parents' cousins. If their kids have kids, those are your second cousins. Despite the confusion, the gender reveal party was a success, with everyone guessing equally between boy and girl, resulting in a 50-50 split. The party featured a large order of Chick-fil-A chicken minis, which were devoured by the guests. Despite the excitement of meeting new relatives, privacy concerns arose when personal information was shared with the catering staff, who could not accept tips. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding family relationships and the potential challenges that come with extended family gatherings.

    • Unexpected winnings lead to acts of kindnessDirect cash giving has unintended consequences, consider donating to charities instead for sustainable impact

      The speaker and her friend had unexpectedly come into a large amount of cash from a competition win and decided to spread it as tips and random acts of kindness. However, they eventually ran out of cash and regretted not having a more sustainable way to help those in need. The experience highlighted the importance of considering the potential consequences of giving cash directly to individuals, and the potential benefits of donating to charities instead. The weekend also included a gender reveal party, a family Easter gathering, and a visit to the speaker's grandpa's 80th birthday party. Despite the passing of time and the aging of family members, the speaker valued the strong relationships and traditions that brought them together.

    • Accidents and unexpected consequencesDespite past accidents and injuries, life moves on, bringing new experiences and challenges

      Accidents happen, and sometimes they lead to unexpected consequences. During a game of wall ball, I accidentally elbowed my uncle in the face, causing damage to his false teeth, requiring a root canal. My older brother had also injured him in the past, cracking a rib during a wrestling match. As we reflected on our past experiences, we realized that despite the mishaps, life moves on. My uncle, who is expecting a baby soon, shared his excitement and apprehension about the upcoming arrival, acknowledging the challenges that come with having multiple children. The conversation shifted from past accidents to the anticipation of a new family member, reminding us of the joys and complexities of life.

    • Understanding the unique experiences and challenges of childbirth and breastfeedingWomen may have varying levels of fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth and breastfeeding, with past experiences and discomfort from engorgement being significant sources. Epidurals can impact women's engagement in the birthing process, and some women may experience swelling in their armpits due to milk glands extending beyond the breast.

      Childbirth and the experience of breastfeeding can be incredibly intense and painful, and women may have varying levels of fear and anxiety surrounding these experiences. During childbirth, some women may remember past experiences and feel that they endured more pain than others. The fear of breastfeeding engorgement and the discomfort it brings can also be a significant source of anxiety for some women. The conversation also touched on the use of epidurals during labor and the potential for women to feel more engaged in the birthing process without one. Additionally, the discussion revealed that some women may experience swelling in their armpits due to milk glands extending beyond the breast, a phenomenon known as "pit of milk" or "pitties." Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and validating the unique experiences and challenges that women face during pregnancy and childbirth.

    • Navigating the Challenges of New ParenthoodNew parenthood requires constant balance between caring for a child, maintaining personal health, and nurturing relationships. Communication, self-care, and fun conversations are essential for support during this complex and joyful journey.

      Being a new parent involves a constant balancing act of caring for a child, maintaining personal health, and nurturing relationships. The speaker acknowledges the exhaustion and challenges that come with this role, but also cherishes the moments of adult interaction and self-care. The importance of communication and checking in with each other was emphasized, as well as the need for fun and meaningful conversations. The speaker also expressed admiration for those who engage in physically demanding activities, like running marathons, and the highs they experience. The conversation highlighted the complexities and joys of new parenthood, and the importance of supporting each other through it.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsClear communication, respect, and understanding are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Avoid assumptions and ask questions to clarify instructions.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker acknowledges that they sometimes struggle with understanding their partner's needs and preferences, leading to misunderstandings and frustration. They also mention the importance of respecting each other's ways of doing things, even if they differ. The discussion also touches upon the topic of specificity and the importance of clear instructions. The couple shares an experience of a misunderstanding regarding loading the dishwasher, which highlights the importance of open communication and asking questions to avoid assumptions. The conversation also includes a lighter moment where they discuss their excitement about having another child and the possibility of sibling dynamics. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of clear communication, respect, and understanding in a relationship.

    • Focusing on the positiveEmbrace positivity, acknowledge good reviews, and prepare for future with emergency supplies

      Focusing on the positive can help overcome the negativity we encounter in life, whether as creators dealing with criticism or as individuals navigating the news and current events. The good far outweighs the bad, and it's essential to acknowledge and appreciate the positivity around us. This can be seen in the overwhelmingly positive reviews and feedback received by creators, reminding us that there is much love and support in the world. It's important to remember this when we're bombarded with negative news and feel overwhelmed by the harsh realities facing us. Instead of getting sucked into the negativity, we can choose to focus on the good and take action to prepare for the future by investing in emergency supplies and becoming self-reliant. By doing so, we can not only improve our own lives but also make a positive impact on those around us. So, let's focus on the good, leave a positive review, and prepare for the future with My Patriot Supply.

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