
    Overtime – Episode #628: Noa Tishby, Andrew Yang, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin

    enMarch 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Should there be a Democratic primary for the vice presidency?Bill Maher advocated for a primary while panelists had varying opinions, with some favoring the presidential nominee's choice and others seeing a need for a contest. AI technology, particularly ChatGPT, was also discussed, with panelists expressing mixed feelings about its benefits and potential risks.

      Learning from the discussion on the HBO podcast "Real Time with Bill Maher" is the debate over whether there should be a primary election for the Democratic Party's vice presidential nominee. Bill Maher expressed his belief that there should be a primary, as the vice president could potentially become president. However, the panelists had differing opinions, with some believing it's the prerogative of the presidential nominee to choose their running mate, and others seeing no need for a primary. Another topic discussed was the advancements in AI technology, specifically ChatGPT. While some saw benefits such as the ability to write college essays quickly, others found the technology's recent upgrades to be even more creepy. Overall, the panelists had mixed feelings about the advancements in AI technology and its potential impact on society.

    • The labor market is facing a paradoxical situation with automation and shrinking workforceDespite automation and technological advancements eliminating repetitive jobs, the labor force is shrinking, leaving a significant challenge to fill existing jobs, particularly in industries like call centers, while getting the current workforce back into the labor market is also a concern.

      We are witnessing a paradoxical situation where automation and technological advancements are eliminating repetitive jobs at an unprecedented rate, while the labor force is shrinking due to various reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic. This leaves us with a significant challenge of filling the existing jobs. For instance, 44% of US jobs are repetitive, and cognitive jobs might be the first to go. However, industries such as call centers, which employ 2 million Americans, could be severely impacted. At the same time, we are struggling to get the current workforce back into the labor market. The shrinkage of the labor force by 2.5 million post-COVID is a major concern. The issue of the extravagant Oscar dress obstructing the view of audience members pales in comparison to these larger concerns. It is crucial that we find ways to adapt to these changes and ensure that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in the evolving job market.

    • Drawing the line between criticism and anti-SemitismCriticizing Israeli government policies isn't anti-Semitic, but denying Israel's legitimacy crosses the line. Distinguish between legitimate criticism and anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionism doesn't equal anti-Semitism, but some mistakenly label all criticisms as such. The conversation also covered the ongoing debate on abortion rights in the US.

      While criticizing Israeli government policies is valid, it becomes anti-Semitic when the goal is to dismantle the Jewish state. The line is drawn when one denies the legitimacy of Israel's existence. It's essential to distinguish between legitimate criticism and anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism, but caring about Palestinian affairs is not anti-Semitic. However, some people incorrectly label every criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. On a different note, the discussion also touched on the threat to abortion rights in the US, with Utah being the latest state to ban abortion clinics. This issue highlights the ongoing national debate on reproductive rights.

    • Judge in Texas tries to restrict access to abortion pill nationwideDespite the majority of Americans supporting women's autonomy, political dysfunction fuels extreme positions on abortion access, threatening reproductive rights for millions.

      The right to access abortion in the United States is under threat, with a federal judge in Texas attempting to restrict access to the abortion pill nationwide. This comes after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, making it difficult or impossible to get an abortion in over 30 states. Even in states where abortion is still legal under Roe standards, access to medication could be threatened. It's important to note that the majority of Americans, including pro-life individuals, believe in respecting other women's autonomy and personal choices. The political system's dysfunction is fueling the extreme positions on this issue, leading to detrimental consequences for women's reproductive rights. A contrasting example is Israel, where the government covers the cost of abortion. The conversation should focus on finding common ground and working towards a more inclusive and compassionate approach to reproductive rights.

    • Regulating Extreme Content on Social Media: Balancing Free Speech and HarmSocial media companies must balance free speech with potential harm caused by extremist content, while maintaining political neutrality, as they profit from monetization through algorithms.

      The responsibility for regulating extreme content on social media platforms lies with the companies themselves, as they profit from the monetization of such content through algorithms designed to maximize engagement and advertising revenue. The ongoing Supreme Court case highlights this issue, focusing on whether social media companies can be held accountable for the spread of extremist content on their sites, regardless of who creates it. The panel discussed the complexity of balancing free speech with the potential harm caused by such content, and the challenge for social media companies to navigate this bind while maintaining their political neutrality. The return of former President Trump to YouTube, Meta, and potentially other platforms, raises questions about the impact on public discourse and the role of these companies in shaping it.

    • Don't miss Real Time with Bill Maher on HBOWeekly dose of humor and analysis on current events and political happenings available on HBO or on-demand

      Real Time with Bill Maher is a must-watch show, airing every Friday night at 10 PM ET on HBO, or available on-demand on HBO's website. Bill Maher's insightful commentary on current events and political happenings makes for thought-provoking television. Whether you're looking for a weekly dose of humor and analysis or want to catch up on missed episodes, HBO offers multiple ways to access Real Time. For more information, visit hbo.com. Don't miss out on Bill Maher's unique perspective and wit – tune in or stream Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO.

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    Above photograph © Tati Bruening

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    Guests: Tati Bruening and Anya Anti

    For more information on our guests and the gear they use, see:

    Top shot © Tati Bruening

    Episode Timeline:

    2:38: Tati Bruening’s offhand Instagram post that turned into an international viral movement, emphasizing the value of stills over video. 

    6:13: Bruening’s preferences for lighting tools, modifiers, and lenses.

    11:52: Making an initial connection to a manager and assembling a wider team.

    14:04: Bruening’s 5-year plan to stop being controlled by social media algorithms.

    15:33: Bruening’s tips for seeking and working with a manager and pitfalls to avoid.

    18:50: Episode Break

    20:44: Anya Anti’s approach to self-portraits vs. photographing other people to use as alter egos in her pictures.

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    28:27: Concerns about AI technology and its related ethical issues.

    32:31: The beneficial aspects of AI and using Adobe smart selection tools.

    34:22: Upcoming projects, a series of editing tutorials, and animation pieces.

    Guest Bios:

    Tati Bruening rose to fame by making personal portraits of some of TikTok's most recognizable stars, celebrating the individuality of her subjects. She made headlines in 2021 by posting a simple request to ‘Make Instagram, Instagram Again’ and the rest of the world echoed her sentiment by adding over 300,000 signatures on her Change.org petition. She consults on Gen Z with various companies and has been a featured speaker on photography and social media at events such as VidCon 2022, among many other conferences.

    Anya Anti specializes in on-location fine art and conceptual portraiture. An internationally published, award-winning photo artist, Anti strives to go beyond traditional portraiture to tell imaginative stories through her art and share her passion for beauty and a craving for everyday enchantment. An international speaker and workshop instructor for companies such as Broncolor, Adobe, and Nikon, Anti has been a featured presenter at events like Adobe MAX, Adobe Live, PPE, WPPI, CES, among others.

    Stay Connected:

    Tati Bruening Website: https://www.illumitati.com/

    Tati Bruening Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/illumitati/

    Tati Bruening Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tati.tutu.5/

    Tati Bruening Twitter: https://twitter.com/illumitatiana

    Tati Bruening TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/tati-bruening

    Anya Anti Website: https://anya-anti.com/

    Anya Anti Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anya_anti_art/

    Anya Anti Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnyaAntiArt

    Anya Anti YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnitaAnti

    Anya Anti Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnyaAnti

    Anya Anti Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/anya_anti/

    Anya Anti TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@anya_anti

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    Above photograph © Tati Bruening

    We start with Tati Bruening, who shares how her plea to “Make Instagram Instagram Again” became a global meme, ultimately prompting a response from the platform’s head. Learn how she spent the pandemic focused on daily DIY shoots with friends, allowing her to quickly master her Canon 5D Mark IV inside and out. Today, Bruening is supported by a powerhouse management team. Hear how she made these essential connections, get tips on working with a manager, and learn which pitfalls to avoid.

    After a break, we shift gears to Anya Anti, who fills us in on the intricate set design and attentive compositing work behind her whimsical portraits, which seamlessly bridge fantasy and real life. She distinguishes between shooting self-portraits for a more personal approach and posing models as alter egos for more control behind the camera. We also tackle the elephant in the room—artificial intelligence in photographic creation—with Anti weighing in on both the significant ethical issues posed by AI and its positive aspects as incorporated in Adobe’s smart selection tools.

    Guests: Tati Bruening and Anya Anti

    For more information on our guests and the gear they use, see:

    Top shot © Tati Bruening

    Episode Timeline:

    2:38: Tati Bruening’s offhand Instagram post that turned into an international viral movement, emphasizing the value of stills over video. 

    6:13: Bruening’s preferences for lighting tools, modifiers, and lenses.

    11:52: Making an initial connection to a manager and assembling a wider team.

    14:04: Bruening’s 5-year plan to stop being controlled by social media algorithms.

    15:33: Bruening’s tips for seeking and working with a manager and pitfalls to avoid.

    18:50: Episode Break

    20:44: Anya Anti’s approach to self-portraits vs. photographing other people to use as alter egos in her pictures.

    25:20: Concept development and preproduction process for Anti’s portraits.

    28:27: Concerns about AI technology and its related ethical issues.

    32:31: The beneficial aspects of AI and using Adobe smart selection tools.

    34:22: Upcoming projects, a series of editing tutorials, and animation pieces.

    Guest Bios:

    Tati Bruening rose to fame by making personal portraits of some of TikTok's most recognizable stars, celebrating the individuality of her subjects. She made headlines in 2021 by posting a simple request to ‘Make Instagram, Instagram Again’ and the rest of the world echoed her sentiment by adding over 300,000 signatures on her Change.org petition. She consults on Gen Z with various companies and has been a featured speaker on photography and social media at events such as VidCon 2022, among many other conferences.

    Anya Anti specializes in on-location fine art and conceptual portraiture. An internationally published, award-winning photo artist, Anti strives to go beyond traditional portraiture to tell imaginative stories through her art and share her passion for beauty and a craving for everyday enchantment. An international speaker and workshop instructor for companies such as Broncolor, Adobe, and Nikon, Anti has been a featured presenter at events like Adobe MAX, Adobe Live, PPE, WPPI, CES, among others.

    Stay Connected:

    Tati Bruening Website: https://www.illumitati.com/

    Tati Bruening Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/illumitati/

    Tati Bruening Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tati.tutu.5/

    Tati Bruening Twitter: https://twitter.com/illumitatiana

    Tati Bruening TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/tati-bruening

    Anya Anti Website: https://anya-anti.com/

    Anya Anti Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anya_anti_art/

    Anya Anti Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnyaAntiArt

    Anya Anti YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnitaAnti

    Anya Anti Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnyaAnti

    Anya Anti Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/anya_anti/

    Anya Anti TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@anya_anti

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