
    owning your balance, projection and embracing others

    en-gbJuly 02, 2023

    About this Episode

    if you dont have time to listen to this eposide the friendly autobot gave us this summary of whats within.

    the idea of center points in our lives, visualizing these as circles we create around us, which are indicative of our balance and direction. In any situation, it's important to take responsibility for your center point; if you lose sight of it, you lose balance. Owning your center point means owning your decisions and actions, as well as the resulting effects and emotions.

    always, we have multiple center points, representing the different roles and directions we project in life. By firmly embracing your core (visualized here as your left foot), you open up opportunities to help others, expanding your circles and deepening your impact. The right foot, on the other hand, symbolizes empathy for others, specifically the people we aim to assist or serve.

    Feedback from others can help refine your center points. However, it's crucial to ensure the feedback is relevant to your context and doesn't disrupt your balance. Furthermore, recognizing the direction and curvature of your path can lead to better navigation of life's complexities.

    Ultimately, this understanding and acceptance of your center points, combined with empathy, responsibility, and a willingness to play and adapt, allows for effective navigation through life's challenges. Embrace the intricate dance of life, remaining aware of your center points and your impacts on others. This approach helps build stronger relationships and fosters success, whether in personal or professional spheres.

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    Here’s a great start

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