
    Panic Breaks Out Before the IG Report (Ep 1123)

    enDecember 02, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Frustration with detached political figures and importance of accurate informationDan Bongino's radio show provides accurate information on current events, including Spygate, and is a crucial source for those seeking reality-based analysis. Upcoming release of The Bongino Report focuses on freedom and liberty, and sponsor Lending Club offers debt consolidation loans with fixed monthly payments.

      Dan Bongino's radio show is known for providing accurate information on current events, including the ongoing investigation into Spygate. Bongino expressed his frustration with the detachment of some political figures from reality and the importance of his show as a source of information. He also announced the upcoming release of The Bongino Report, which will focus on freedom and liberty. Additionally, Bongino mentioned a sponsor, Lending Club, which offers debt consolidation loans with fixed monthly payments. Despite his busy schedule and long hours, Bongino remains committed to delivering critical information to his audience.

    • Media Pressuring Tech Companies to Censor Conservative ContentMedia and liberal activist groups are pressuring tech companies to remove conservative content, not a free speech issue but a matter of responsibility for these companies.

      The media, in conjunction with liberal activist groups, is putting pressure on tech companies like YouTube to censor conservative content. This was highlighted in a recent 60 Minutes piece on CBS, where Leslie Stahl, a known leftist, urged YouTube to remove certain content. The media is not legally bound by the First Amendment, and these companies have the right to choose what content is allowed on their platforms. However, this is not a free speech issue, according to Stahl, but rather a matter of responsibility. Conservatives should expect a full-scale corporate activism campaign from liberal radical groups to get shows like this one and others removed from YouTube and other platforms. This is part of a larger liberal effort to push conservatives off these platforms.

    • Tech companies under pressure to remove conservative contentLiberal groups push for censorship, leading to ad bans and targeting restrictions for conservatives. Progressives create local news sites to circumvent restrictions, while conservatives prepare for alternative platforms.

      Liberal groups are increasingly targeting tech companies like YouTube to remove conservative content and limit political advertising. This pressure campaign is working, as platforms like Twitter have banned political ads altogether, and Google and Facebook have made it more difficult to run targeted political ads. The impact of these changes is not equal for Democrats and Republicans, as progressive groups are reportedly creating local news sites to circumvent targeting restrictions and reach more voters. Conservatives are responding by preparing for alternative platforms and continuing their efforts to spread their message. Another key point is that Lesley Stahl's interview on 60 Minutes did not mention radical leftist groups or the controversy surrounding censored conservative content, further highlighting the bias and selective reporting in mainstream media. Overall, the days of corporate allegiance to fairness and impartiality in media and tech are over, and it's essential for individuals and groups to stay informed and adapt to these changing landscapes.

    • Democrats' efforts to restrict conservative contentDemocrats are deliberately suppressing free speech and political debates through social media restrictions and local news propaganda, ignoring fair political competition.

      The Democrats are taking deliberate steps to restrict conservative content and political advertising on social media platforms, while establishing their own local news sites as propaganda outlets. They are using their influence in media, academia, and congressional committees to suppress free speech and political debates. These actions, which are part of a larger plan, are not accidental and demonstrate a blatant disregard for free speech and fair political competition. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to stay informed and continue sharing conservative viewpoints, despite the potential risks. Subscribing to alternative platforms and supporting companies that uphold free speech is an important step in this fight. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of getting a good night's sleep, which can be achieved through affordable and comfortable bed sheets from Bowl and Branch.

    • Bowling brand sheets: A hit with customers and critics alikeThousands of satisfied customers and positive media attention for bowling brand sheets, with a risk-free trial, free shipping, and a 30-night refund policy.

      Bowling brand sheets have gained widespread popularity and positive reviews, with thousands of five-star reviews from customers and recognition from notable publications like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Fast Company. These sheets offer a risk-free trial with free shipping and a 30-night refund policy. Even Paula, despite working late hours, expressed her love for them. Contrastingly, Lisa Page, a key figure in the FBI's investigation into Donald Trump, made headlines recently when she spoke out against being targeted. However, her claims of being quiet and unfathomable that she committed a crime are questionable, as she and her FBI lover, Peter Strzok, were exchanging 50,000 texts expressing their disdain for Trump. Despite her claims, there is no evidence that Joseph Mipson, who Papadopoulos was reportedly talking to, was a Russian agent.

    • Speculation swirls around IG report on possible misuse of taxpayer funds for spyingThe IG report, due Dec 9th, could reveal taxpayer dollars were used for spying, potentially damaging for Lisa Page and Dems

      Lisa Page's attempts to avoid public scrutiny and the New York Times downplaying the significance of the upcoming IG report have fueled speculation that the report may contain damaging information against her and potentially the Democratic Party. The fact that the Trump campaign was spied on is no longer in question, but the source of funding for this spying is still under investigation. The IG report, set to be released on December 9th, could potentially reveal that taxpayer dollars were used to finance the spying, which would add another layer of controversy to the situation. The actions of individuals like Lisa Page and the efforts to downplay the significance of the report suggest that there may be significant damaging information contained within it.

    • DOD paid for info used in Steele dossier, raising concerns of Russian disinfo fundingThe DOD paid for information used in the Steele dossier, which raises concerns of U.S. taxpayer dollars funding Russian disinformation or fabricated info commissioned by those who ordered it.

      The Office of Net Assessment (ONA) in the Department of Defense (DOD) paid for information that may have been used in the creation of the Steele dossier, which was used to investigate President Trump for alleged Russian collusion. Senator Chuck Grassley, a long-time investigator of government malfeasance, wrote a letter in January 2019 raising concerns about potential partisan political activities related to these payments. If the information was indeed obtained from a Russian source, it raises the question of whether U.S. taxpayer dollars were inadvertently used to fund Russian disinformation. Even if the information was fabricated by the person paid, it still raises serious concerns about the origins of the dossier and the motivations of those who commissioned it. Regardless of the truth, the Democrats may have painted themselves into a corner with this issue.

    • FBI's Russian Probe Origins: Did Taxpayer Dollars Fund Political Spying?The targeting of Trump associates by Stefan Halper, paid by the Office of Net Assessments, and the questionable contracting practices at the Office of Net Assessments fuel suspicions of political bias and inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars in the FBI's Russian interference investigation.

      The targeting of Trump associates by Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, who was paid by the Office of Net Assessments, raises serious questions about the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Halper's interactions with individuals like Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Svetlana Lekova, as well as Trump aide Stephen Miller, suggest a wider effort to gather information on the Trump campaign. The fact that Halper's reports contained numerous unverified claims and footnotes attributed to interviews that could not be corroborated adds to the controversy. The suspension and investigation of whistleblower Adam Lovinger, who exposed questionable contracting practices at the Office of Net Assessments, further fuels suspicions that taxpayer dollars were used inappropriately. Overall, the situation raises concerns about the credibility of the FBI's investigation and the potential for political bias.

    • Possible False Origins of Trump-Russia ProbeThe investigation into Trump's team's collusion with Russians may have been based on false information, potentially damaging the Democrats' efforts to undermine the current administration.

      The origins of the investigation into Donald Trump's team's alleged collusion with Russians may have been based on false information from a supposed source named Halper. This source may have fabricated the entire story, using the name of a Russian, Trebnikov, to create a narrative. Regardless of the truth, the Democrats are facing a disastrous situation as both paths lead to negative consequences for them. Additionally, during the same broadcast, there was a mention of a mattress advertisement from Helix Sleep. While it may seem unrelated, the mattress ad served as a segue to the next topic - the failing campaigns of Democratic presidential candidates, specifically Elizabeth Warren, whose efforts to revive her campaign through her past progressive statements were criticized as outdated and ineffective. Overall, the discussion highlighted the potential fallacy of the initial investigation into Trump's team and the challenges faced by the Democratic Party in the upcoming presidential election.

    • Emphasizing Community Contributions to WealthBoth Warren and Obama highlighted the role of community in individual success, but criticisms arose for ignoring the substantial contributions of the wealthy and middle class to public financing.

      Both Elizabeth Warren and President Obama emphasized the importance of community contributions to individual success and wealth accumulation. However, their statements were criticized for oversimplifying the issue and disregarding the fact that the wealthy and middle class also contribute significantly to financing public services and infrastructure. The notion that successful individuals did not build their wealth through their own efforts, but rather due to the help of others, was deemed as an economic fallacy. The successful and middle class pay a disproportionate share of taxes that fund public services and infrastructure, which in turn contribute to their wealth creation. The argument that the wealthy are leaching off the rest of society is a misrepresentation of the facts.

    • Middle-class families pay more taxes in Europe than in the USMiddle-class households in Europe pay higher taxes than in the US, and adopting European models would lead to significant tax increases for American families

      The belief that the rich are the primary contributors to public services through taxes and that the middle class pays less in taxes under European social welfare models is a misconception. The speaker argues that middle-class households in Europe pay significantly higher taxes than their counterparts in the US, and adopting European models would result in substantial tax increases for American households. It is essential to understand that no social welfare system is truly "free," and middle-class families would bear a significant tax burden under such plans. The speaker encourages critical thinking and honesty in political discussions, as misinformation and false assumptions can lead to detrimental policies.

    • Government Interference in Healthcare and Gun Control: Consequences and ImplicationsGovernment involvement in healthcare and gun control can lead to inefficiencies, lack of evidence-based decision making, and potential infringement on individual rights. The UK's physician shortage crisis and New York City's restrictive gun laws illustrate these consequences.

      The discussion highlights the potential consequences of government involvement in healthcare and gun control, with examples from the UK's physician shortage crisis and New York City's restrictive gun law. The speakers argue that government interference can lead to inefficiencies, lack of evidence-based decision making, and potential infringement on individual rights. The ongoing Supreme Court case on gun rights serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding constitutional protections and the potential risks when these protections are challenged.

    • Government's use of taxpayer dollars for spying and collusion with RussiansThe current news cycle is dominated by investigations into the government's potential use of taxpayer dollars for spying operations and possible collusion with Russians during the Obama and Trump administrations.

      The current news cycle is focused on the government's use of taxpayer dollars for potential spying operations and possible collusion with Russians. This was a key theme discussed in a comparison of Washington Post coverage during the Obama and Trump administrations, as reported in the Wall Street Journal. It's important to note that this is the primary focus of the ongoing investigations and primaries. If you're interested in staying informed on this topic, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and audio show on various podcast platforms. We appreciate your support and will continue to bring you the latest news and insights. Stay tuned for more from the Bongino Report.

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    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    Utilizing Dr. Peterson’s lectures from the 2015 and 2017 Maps of Meaning Lectures as a framework; we have continued the investigation while adding conversations from the Jordan B Peterson Podcast, as well as from conversations where Dr. Peterson was a guest on other podcasts.

    We recently decided to move this compilation up in our release queue because of Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture at Caius College at the University of Cambridge, “Why Free Speech is the Antidote to Our Problems”

    You can view that lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twc6T19tap4 

    Like in Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture, we hope this compilation will inspire you to speak the truth and act in the protection of our most fundamental rights, including, maybe most importantly, the Freedom of Speech.

    Time Codes: 

    [00:00] Overview of the psychology behind Pinocchio - 2015 Personality Lecture 06: Depth Psychology: Carl Jung (Part 01)

    [03:44] Events at Evergreen - Bret Weinstein Episode 10

    [18:18] Teaching at Grace Church - Paul Rossi on JBP Podcast S4 E17

    [24:51] What exactly happened to Dr. Rima Azar - Dr. Rima on JBP S4 E28

    [39:25] Free Speech and No Safe Spaces documentaries attempt to get distributed - Prager & Carolla on JBP Podcast S4 E44

    [50:16] Changes in free speech policy at Cambridge - James Orr & Arif Ahmed on JBP Podcast S4 E75

    [01:02:17] - Did Dr. Ponesse ever apologize? - Dr. Julie Ponesse on JBP Podcast

    [01:03:16] When Yeon Mi started to speak out - Yeon Mi Park on JBP Podcast S4 E26