
    About this Episode

    This is the third of 3 2 minute podcasts featuring Jon Sinton. Sinton, who co-founded Air America back in 2004 and is currently the co-founder of Progressive Voices, spoke with Patriot-Made's Rita Rich. Sinton who is based in Atlanta, GA, attended the 2015 Netroots Nation gathering in Phoenix, AZ.  This is blunt discussion about the challenges of leading passionate citizens and united them during Presidential election years.


    Recent Episodes from Patriot-Made Audio Podcast

    Conflicting sounds of Summer of ' 16

    Conflicting sounds of Summer of ' 16

    Courtesy of Flint Rising


    This is a commentary from PatriotMade-Audio's Rita Rich. 

    While the Republican and Democratic National Conventions were playing on cable TV, outside the commentator's front window was a very different scene. 

    Heavy construction equipment rumbled up and down her block, shaking the walls and floors of her house. But, this was good news. Sixty-year-old lead water mains were being dug up from her street and replaced with new ones.  

    If you didn't hear much about Flint at the conventions, please listen to this commentary. The wheels of justice are finally turning against the public servants who failed Flint.   

    Please feel to send comments to patmadeaudio@gmail.com

    US Made Back To School Supplies

    US Made Back To School Supplies

    The National Retail Federation's annual survey estimates that the average family with students in kindergarten through to 12th grade will spend about $630.00 on school supplies, electronics and clothes for back to school.  Of that figure, families will spend an average of $97.74 on school supplies such as notebooks, folders, pencils, backpacks and lunch boxes. 

    Please visit our website and take a look at our shopping lists and suggestions.


    Manscaping-The Patriot-Made Way

    Manscaping-The Patriot-Made Way

    He's your baby, and you know that he doesn't just shave away stubble from his face---he manscapes and grooms.  Why not manscape the Patriot-Made way. Check out the made in USA products at www.classicshaving.com.  Have you heard of the U.P.? That stands for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That's where they still handcraft straight edge razors, the kind you see in movies. You know, like the kind you see in the movies after when a cowboy goes to a barber to get cleaned up, after riding into town on a dusty range.

    Visit Classic Shaving on the web here.

    Visit the Patriot-Made Audiocast website here.

    Or, contact Flatlands Avenue Productions partner Debra Grobman here.


    Part 3 of 3 Jon Sinton

    Part 3 of 3 Jon Sinton

    This is the third of 3 2 minute podcasts featuring Jon Sinton. Sinton, who co-founded Air America back in 2004 and is currently the co-founder of Progressive Voices, spoke with Patriot-Made's Rita Rich. Sinton who is based in Atlanta, GA, attended the 2015 Netroots Nation gathering in Phoenix, AZ.  This is blunt discussion about the challenges of leading passionate citizens and united them during Presidential election years.


    Urban Ashes

    Urban Ashes

    8bsR5DxnReclaiming Wood and Lives in Ann Arbor  Patriot-Made Audio's current podcast feature (one of  two) is about Urban Ashes, which is an Ann Arbor, Michigan company who takes diseased or damaged wood from from urban area trees andReclaimFrame2 mills to make beautiful hand-made goods including ready-made photo frames, custom frame moldings, home goods, custom-made furniture, and custom-designed products. As you'll learn from our two podcasts in this series about Paul Hickman (click here), the President and founder of Urban Ashes, the company is proud to recycle lives as well.

    Read our entire story about Urban Ashes on our blog to learn more You can visit our blog at PatriotMade-Audiocast's website to read all our podcast stories which provide more details for a fun read.  

    To reach our producers please email us at patmadeaudio@gmail.com. You can also text us or leave us a voice message at (202) 594-6138.

    NWF's Great American Campout

    NWF's Great American Campout

    This is Patriot-Made Audio's second in a series of camping podcasts featuring The National Wildlife Federation's David Mizejewski (@Dmizejewski). David tells us about his own camping and outdoor memories.  Text us your camping memories with a video/voice recording to

    (202) 594-6138 or via email at patmadeaudio@gmail.com You can get lists of US Made camp supplies, camping/hiking APPS & the best places to camp in the US at http://bit.ly/1RE8bPY

    Great American Campout

    Great American Campout

    It's summertime and this month Patriot-Made Audio is featuring an interview with The National Wildlife Federation's David Mizejewski (read his bio here ). He says you may already have the basics for camping at home and encourages everyone to take the Great Campout ChallengeTent camping with your family can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have as a traveler. There's something about being away from home and then setting up your shelter together as a family or group, organizing your gear, your kitchen, cooking and working together: it’s always fertile ground for creativity, improvisation, comedy, and bonding which will undoubtedly create endearing life long memories. 

    Read more and get a list of Camping essentials, Camping and hiking APPs, and a list of US MADE Camping supplies on our blog at Patriot Made Audio