
    Parties Gone Wrong | Reading Reddit Stories

    enJuly 22, 2023
    Why did the man leave his girlfriend's birthday party early?
    How did the girlfriend react to his departure?
    What could the man have communicated better?
    Why did Anna feel humiliated at her party?
    What is highlighted as crucial for successful event planning?

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective communication and consideration in relationshipsClear communication and understanding are crucial in relationships, especially during special events. Small gestures and consideration can prevent misunderstandings and maintain happiness.

      Communication and consideration are key in relationships, especially during special events. In the story shared, a man attended his girlfriend's birthday party but left after an hour due to disliking the music and wanting to go out with friends. His girlfriend felt disrespected and upset by his departure, leading to a heated argument. The man felt that he had shown up and offered to help clean up, but his girlfriend's manipulative behavior and ungratefulness towards his efforts further escalated the situation. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding between partners. The man could have communicated his discomfort with the music and asked if they could change it or find another activity to do together. The girlfriend could have expressed her disappointment in his departure but also acknowledged his efforts to help clean up and take her home. Overall, the story serves as a reminder that small gestures and clear communication can go a long way in maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. It's important to consider each other's feelings and work together to find solutions that make everyone involved feel valued and appreciated.

    • Assumptions from past experiences can harm current relationshipsRecognize that every relationship is unique and avoid letting past experiences dictate current behavior, to build a healthier partnership.

      Assumptions and past experiences can negatively impact current relationships. A man's belief that he doesn't have to stay at his girlfriend's birthday party the whole time led him to feel disconnected and disrespectful. This behavior, rooted in his past experiences, caused embarrassment and frustration for both parties. Through online feedback, he came to realize his mistakes and the importance of understanding that every relationship is unique. The growth and self-awareness shown in the comments are a reminder that it's never too late to apologize and work towards a healthier partnership.

    • Charging for a Birthday Party: Fair or Manipulative?Consider guests' expectations and feelings when planning a party. Communicate costs clearly and ask for help in a less direct way.

      Charging admission to a birthday party can be a contentious issue. While some people may view it as a fair way to offset costs, others may see it as inconsiderate and even manipulative. The woman in this situation, who charged $90 admission to her friends for her extravagant party, was met with backlash and accusations of being money-minded and selfish. It's important to consider the expectations and feelings of your guests when planning a party, and to communicate clearly about any costs involved. If you're looking to make your friends contribute financially, it may be more effective to ask for help in a less direct way, such as asking for potluck contributions or requesting that everyone brings their own drinks. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize the enjoyment and comfort of your guests, rather than focusing solely on the cost of the event.

    • Respecting Budgets and Autonomy in Social SituationsAssume financial responsibility when hosting events and respect friends' input, while also respecting their autonomy and boundaries in what they wear or contribute.

      Clear communication and respect for others' autonomy are crucial components in event planning and social situations. In the first scenario, the person organizing a party without considering their friends' budgets or input was compared to demanding money at a birthday party. It's essential to assume financial responsibility when hosting an event and not expect friends to foot the bill without having a say in the planning. In the second scenario, a friend demanded approval of what the other person wore to her boyfriend's party, implying that she wanted to outshine the girlfriend. This behavior was perceived as controlling and immature, and the person declined the invitation to avoid feeling humiliated. Overall, respecting others' boundaries and maintaining open communication are essential to ensuring positive social experiences.

    • Friends should support each other's choicesCommunicate openly and trust in relationships, friends should uplift and encourage, not put down choices

      Friends should support each other's choices and not dictate what they wear or try to create unnecessary tension in relationships. In this situation, Kate's request for the OP to dress frumpily for her boyfriend's party caused confusion and discomfort. The OP's friends advised her to stand firm and communicate openly with Jamie about the situation. It was later revealed that Kate's insecurity stemmed from her friends' dislike for her, and Jamie had no romantic feelings for the OP. The incident served as a reminder for the importance of open communication and trust in relationships. It's essential to remember that everyone has the right to make their own choices and that friends should be there to uplift and encourage, not put them down.

    • Impact of Honesty on RelationshipsHonesty, although necessary, can have unintended consequences. Consider the impact of words and actions to maintain healthy relationships.

      Communication and honesty, although difficult at times, are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. In the discussed situation, Jamie's honest but insensitive comment about Kate's worth in comparison to the narrator led to Kate feeling insecure and hurt. Despite his intentions, Jamie's words had a significant impact on their friendship, causing Kate to question her self-worth and her relationship with the narrator. Kate's insecurities were long-standing and intensified by Jamie's comment, leading her to reevaluate her friendship with the narrator. The incident also revealed Jamie's plans to propose to Kate, adding to the complexity of the situation. Ultimately, the incident highlighted the importance of considering the potential consequences of one's words and actions, and the need for open and honest communication in resolving conflicts.

    • Respecting personal boundaries in relationshipsListen to and respect others' feelings, avoid unwanted advances or comments, and remember everyone's right to privacy and autonomy in their personal lives.

      Personal boundaries should be respected, especially when it comes to relationships. In the discussed situation, a 24-year-old woman felt uncomfortable with her parents' friends repeatedly commenting on her relationship status and pressuring her to find a boyfriend. Despite expressing her discomfort, the friends continued to make insensitive comments, leading the woman to publicly call them out for their interest in her. It's important to listen to and respect others' feelings, and not push unwanted advances or comments, even if they come from a place of concern or joking. It's crucial to remember that everyone has the right to privacy and autonomy in their personal lives. In this case, the woman's bold move to address the situation directly led to the friends finally respecting her boundaries.

    • Setting Boundaries and Respecting ThemCommunication, respect, and understanding are crucial in relationships. Setting boundaries is essential for emotional well-being, but repeated disrespect can lead to conflict and discomfort. Openly addressing discomfort and disrespect is necessary for maintaining healthy relationships.

      Setting boundaries in relationships is important, but repeated disrespect of those boundaries can lead to conflict and discomfort. In this discussion, a woman recounted her experience with her parents' friends making inappropriate comments about her relationship status. Despite her repeated requests for them to stop, they continued, leaving her feeling disrespected and uncomfortable. The woman's best friend supported her, but her parents believed she was being unnecessarily harsh. The incident raises questions about the role of boundaries in relationships and the importance of respecting them. It also highlights the potential discomfort and awkwardness that can arise when people make assumptions about others' personal lives and relationships. The conversation also touched on the generational divide in understanding and interpreting such comments and the impact of societal pressure on individuals' decisions about relationships and living situations. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of open communication, respect, and understanding in relationships, and the need to recognize and address discomfort and disrespect when they arise. It also emphasizes the value of setting and maintaining boundaries to protect one's emotional well-being.

    • Respecting Personal Choices for Well-beingCommunicate openly and respectfully about sensitive issues, acknowledging everyone's unique needs and preferences, even if it means making difficult decisions for personal well-being.

      As the world changes, people must adapt and respect each other's choices, especially when it comes to personal well-being. A young couple in the story chose to serve non-alcoholic drinks at their parties due to their family's excessive drinking and the impact it had on their partner's sobriety. However, their decision led to family conflict and boycotts. The couple's friends had mixed reactions, with some supporting their right to set party rules and others believing it was not their place to control others' drinking. Ultimately, it's essential to communicate openly and respectfully about sensitive issues, acknowledging that everyone has different needs and preferences. In the case of the couple, their priority was to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for themselves and their guests, even if it meant making difficult decisions.

    • Pressuring loved ones to drink in recovery and hiding alcohol at partiesHonesty and respect for others' boundaries are crucial for healthy relationships. Open communication and addressing issues directly can prevent potential damage.

      Trying to deceive loved ones into consuming alcohol when they're in recovery is not a healthy solution. The discussion revolves around a family dynamic where the boyfriend is pressured to drink, and in response, the woman hosts parties without alcohol. However, she tries to trick her family into believing they're consuming alcoholic beverages. This behavior is problematic and could potentially damage relationships. Instead, honesty and respect for others' boundaries are essential. In another context, a woman shares her experience of overhearing her boyfriend expressing regret over their relationship, which raises questions about their future together. The key takeaway is that open communication and addressing issues directly can lead to healthier relationships.

    • A woman's desperate attempt to keep her manIt's unhealthy to force someone to stay in a relationship out of fear. Prioritize self-worth and seek advice if needed.

      Trying to force someone to love you or stay in a relationship out of fear of starting anew is not a healthy solution. The text describes a woman who has been in a long-term relationship with a man who has expressed feelings for someone else. She went to great lengths to throw him a surprise birthday party, but during the party, he confided in his friend that he still had feelings for the mutual friend. Instead of confronting him or ending the relationship, she continued to attend the party and pretend everything was okay. The situation highlights the importance of self-worth and recognizing when a relationship is no longer fulfilling or healthy. It's crucial to understand that everyone deserves to be with someone who genuinely loves and appreciates them. If you find yourself in a similar situation, it's essential to prioritize your emotional well-being and consider seeking advice from trusted friends or professionals.

    • Leaving a Disrespectful Relationship: Prioritizing Self-WorthIt's never too late to leave a relationship that doesn't bring joy or growth. Recognize the sunken cost fallacy and prioritize self-respect and personal growth.

      No matter your age, it's never too late to leave a relationship that makes you feel unloved and disrespected. People shared their experiences of moving on from long-term relationships that weren't fulfilling, emphasizing the importance of self-respect and growth. The sunken cost fallacy, where one feels they've invested too much time into a relationship to leave, was discussed, and the importance of recognizing that relationships should bring joy and growth, not misery, was emphasized. The community encouraged the OP to leave her current relationship and focus on her own growth and happiness. Additionally, the importance of having a support system and friends who uplift and encourage was highlighted. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of prioritizing self-worth and leaving relationships that don't serve one's emotional well-being.

    • Handling Offensive QuestionsStand up for yourself and others, but consider context and consequences. Iconic comeback: man responds rudely to offensive question about his sexuality, putting everyone at ease.

      It's important to stand up for oneself and others in the face of offensive or inappropriate questions, even if it means stooping to the questioner's level momentarily. However, it's also crucial to consider the context and potential consequences of one's response. In this particular situation, a woman asked a rude and offensive question about a man's sexuality during a social gathering. Instead of ignoring or escalating the situation, the man replied with a similarly rude question, which put everyone at ease and diffused the situation. While some may argue that he stooped to her level, others see it as a clever and iconic comeback. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how to respond to offensive questions, but it's essential to remember that such behavior is not acceptable and should be challenged when encountered.

    • Moral boundaries at parties vs. workplacesUnderstanding and respecting each other's perspectives and expectations is crucial, especially during significant life milestones.

      Moral boundaries can be more flexible in social settings like parties compared to more formal environments. This was discussed in relation to a situation where a woman felt uncomfortable with her daughter's behavior at a party, and was surprised by the different expectations and reactions compared to the workplace. Additionally, the woman shared her struggles with raising a teenager with vastly different personalities and upbringings, leading to tension and disagreements. Despite her efforts to accommodate her daughter's desire for an extravagant sweet sixteen party, the woman felt let down when her daughter was still disappointed with the budget-friendly event. This experience underscores the importance of understanding and respecting each other's perspectives and expectations, especially during significant life milestones.

    • Miscommunication and lack of consideration during event planning for teenagersInvolve teenagers in planning, set clear expectations, and consider their desire to fit in to ensure a successful event.

      Effective communication and consideration are key in planning events for teenagers. The mother's failure to discuss decorations and the DJ's unexpected trivia night led to Anna feeling humiliated and entitled. While it's understandable that the mother wanted to keep costs down, she could have avoided the situation by involving Anna in the planning process and setting clear expectations. Additionally, it's important to remember that teenage years are a time of peer pressure and a desire to fit in, making the perception of the party's grandeur significant. By not providing necessary decorations and a DJ playing trivia instead of music, Anna's expectations were not met, leading to her reaction.

    • Regretting a lackluster birthday partySmall efforts and communication matter in making special occasions memorable for loved ones

      Lack of effort and communication can lead to disappointment and feelings of disregard, especially for children. In the discussion, it was clear that the mother regretted not putting enough thought and resources into her daughter's birthday party, leading her to feel entitled and humiliated in front of her friends. The lack of decorations, music, and overall effort made the party feel lackluster and left the daughter feeling unloved. It's important to remember that even small gestures and communication can go a long way in making special occasions memorable and meaningful for our loved ones.

    • Clear communication and shared responsibilitiesMaintaining relationships requires effective communication and follow-through, especially when it comes to shared responsibilities. Respecting people's time, resources, and personal space is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Communication and follow-through are crucial in maintaining relationships and ensuring shared responsibilities are met. In the discussed situation, a friend hosted a surprise party without consulting the homeowner, leaving her with the cleanup. Despite her requests for help, her friends were unavailable due to their own commitments. The friend's frustration escalated, leading to a heated exchange of texts. While it's understandable for the friend to feel upset, it's also important to consider the context and intentions behind the surprise party. However, the lack of communication and follow-through from her friends in helping with the cleanup was a significant issue. To avoid similar situations in the future, clear communication and shared responsibilities are essential. It's also important to respect people's time, resources, and personal space, especially when planning surprise events.

    • Impact of Surprise Parties on FriendshipsConsider others' feelings and communicate effectively to maintain friendships after a surprise party. Express gratitude and offer help when possible.

      Organizing a surprise party without checking with the guest about the timing and leaving them with the cleanup can damage friendships. The OP, who was the guest, felt disrespected and unappreciated when her friends left her with a mess after the party without offering to help clean up. Although the verdict was not the asshole, the OP realized she could have reacted more graciously and communicated her feelings more effectively. It's essential to consider the impact of our actions on others and be open to apologizing and making amends when necessary. The etiquette for the aftermath of a surprise party may not be clear, but expressing gratitude and offering help when possible can go a long way in maintaining healthy friendships.

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    Reddit's Messiest Drama | Reading Reddit Stories

    Reddit's Messiest Drama | Reading Reddit Stories
    Some messes you can't clean up! 0:00-1:05 Intro 1:06-11:06 My “husband’s” mistress thinks he’s richer than he actually is and I’m keeping silent https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1auve96/i_think_my_husbands_mistress_thinks_he_is_richer/?share_id=YikpOLrDE0QadQswD-CV6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1  11:07-23:37 TIFU by agreeing to a threesome with my best friend https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/15cfph1/tifu_by_agreeing_to_a_threesome_with_my_best/  23:38-36:21 My ex lied about having a child and I’m being called heartless for not staying with him https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1cotb9x/ex_lied_about_having_a_child_and_im_being_called/  36:22-44:38 TIFU by cancelling my roommate’s favorite TV show https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/16c315r/tifu_by_canceling_my_roommates_favorite_tv_show/  44:39-55:22 AITA for telling my husband he’s too broke to be sexist? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1d53lbi/aita_for_telling_my_husband_hes_too_broke_to_be/  55:23-1:20:44 AITA for asking my friends what flavor their wedding cake is? https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cuom9a/aita_for_asking_my_friends_what_flavor_their/  SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Emily Rose Jacobson Editor: Vida Robbins Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Alexcina Figueroa Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Zianne Hoover Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Director of Social Media: Erica Noboa Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Coordinator Producer of Programming: Marcus Munguia Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Back To School Stories | Reading Reddit Stories

    Back To School Stories | Reading Reddit Stories
    Stay in school, kids! Go to http://Zocdoc.com/PITREDDIT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. 0:00-2:16 Intro 2:17-11:33 AITA for snitching and causing my friend to lose her scholarship/dream college acceptance? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zyrhm8/aita_for_snitching_and_causing_my_friend_to_lose/  11:34-23:39 My lecturer hired me as a naked maid, but I need him to get over it https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/pn4ise/my_lecturer_hired_me_as_a_naked_maid_and_is/  23:40-32:29 AITA for complaining about the signs at my daughter’s preschool? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/17hhd9u/aita_for_complaining_about_the_signs_at_my/  32:30-38:59 My wife and I promised my son that we’d match his savings upon his graduation, but he ended up with more than we could have predicted https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/gswmw3/i_46m_promised_my_son_18m_that_his_mother_and_i/  39:00-52:42 I didn’t get a job because I was a bully in high school https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/t1ys1m/i_didnt_get_a_job_because_i_was_a_bully_in_high/  52:43-1:04:29 My fiancee freaked out after seeing a genitalia diagram in my anatomy textbook https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/3juufo/i_22m_am_in_medical_school_and_my_fiancee_22f/  1:04:30-1:13:26 I didn’t know the guy I like works on the same floor as me https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/acyy54/tifu_by_not_knowing_that_the_guy_i_like_works_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3  SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Tommy Bowe // https://www.instagram.com/tomeybones/ Arasha Lalani // https://www.instagram.com/arashalalani_/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Bailey Petracek Editor: Vida Robbins Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Camera Operator: Eric Wann Director: Bailey Petracek Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Assistant Director: Alexcina Figueroa Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia, Zianne Hoover Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Director of Social Media: Erica Noboa Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    From The Weird Corners Of Reddit | Reading Reddit Stories

    From The Weird Corners Of Reddit | Reading Reddit Stories
    A classic AITA episode. 0:00-0:29 Intro 0:30-12:31 AITA for buying a $50k guitar for $4k and not selling it back? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ftum7d/aita_for_buying_a_50000_guitar_for_4000_and/ 12:32-19:51 AITA for refusing to consider stopping our divorce after my ex’s “psychic” friend lied about me having an affair? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1cjf0jo/aitah_for_refusing_to_consider_stopping_our/ 19:52-26:19 AITA for replying to a coworker’s inappropriate texts by work email, and attaching them? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tmem01/aita_for_replying_to_a_coworkers_inappropriate/ 26:20-41:47 AITA for asking my best friend to break up with his uneducated, unemployed girlfriend so we can be together? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f6jxtk/comment/fi57hf5/ 41:48-54:35 AITA for divorcing my wife over getting a massage? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c5z9py/aita_for_divorcing_my_wife_over_getting_a_massage/ 54:36-1:05:15 AITA for not taking the fall when my wife farted? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15hjftb/aitah_for_not_taking_the_fall_when_my_wife_farted/ 1:05:16-1:16:16 AITA for pursuing the nanny? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tb2d8z/comment/i04f6xp/ SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Spencer Agnew // https://www.instagram.com/spennser/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Editor: Vida Robbins Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Alexcina Figueroa Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia, Zianne Hoover Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Director of Social Media: Erica Noboa Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis NEW SMOSH VIDEOS: Watch Are We Mentally Ill? | Lunchtime with Smosh 4: https://youtu.be/CkYWMOFitt4 Watch Embracing Our Red Flags: https://youtu.be/FAOPA9Ik_RQ OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    And They Were Roommates | Reading Reddit Stories

    And They Were Roommates | Reading Reddit Stories
    Oh my god they were roommates... Go to http://Zocdoc.com/PITREDDIT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. 0:00-3:06 Intro 3:07-13:09 AITA for charging my roommates a "clean air fee" to make things fair? https://www.rareddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1cr8ccr/aita_for_charging_my_roommates_a_clean_air_fee_to/ 13:10-23:21 My roommate ate my beans so I threw all his items off a cliff in Baldur's Gate 3 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/comments/1bzyvn0/my_roommate_ate_my_beans_so_i_went_to_his_baldur/ 23:22-30:53 My roommate uses the dishwasher to clean their sex toys https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/flnkos/this_quarantine_has_revealed_that_my_roommate/ 30:54-38:04 I terrorized my roommates into cleaning up https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/hasst0/aita_for_terrorising_my_roommates_into_cleaning/ 38:05-48:36 My roommate takes 2-3 hour long showers a day https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/comments/163sa5e/my_roommate_takes_23_hour_long_showers_a_day/ 48:37-56:43 AITA for asking my roommate to keep her cat in her bedroom? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10jot1f/aita_for_asking_my_roommate_to_keep_her_cat_in/ 56:44-1:09:23 I met my new flatmate yesterday and we had sex within an hour of meeting. What do I do? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10jot1f/aita_for_asking_my_roommate_to_keep_her_cat_in/ SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Damien Haas // https://www.instagram.com/damienhaas/ Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Emily Rose Jacobson Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Editor: Vida Robbins Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Prop Master: Luke Brau Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Camera Operator: Eric Wann Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Reddit's Best Liars | Reading Reddit Stories

    Reddit's Best Liars | Reading Reddit Stories
    You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies? Head to https://factormeals.com/pitreddit50 and use code pitreddit50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month. 0:00-1:42 Intro 1:43-11:56 AITA for lying to my girlfriend in a video game about lying?https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jdzka3/aita_for_lying_to_my_gf_in_a_video_game_about/ 11:57-22:15 AITA for calling my boyfriend a liar for not buying me the perfume I wanted for my birthday? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/165425q/aita_for_calling_my_boyfriend_a_lying_pos_for_not/?share_id=GdDSCv59pJB0SgPK9Nmv2&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 22:16-30:03 I caught my girlfriend in a lie, how do I confront her? https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/hi97h9/my_girlfriend_told_me_she_was_with_a_friend_but/ 30:04-44:17 I lied about my zodiac sign at work and now it’s getting out of hand https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/qdbrhj/ive_been_telling_people_at_work_that_im_a_leo_im/ 44:18-1:00:42 DM decided I’m lying about my rolls because I’m a girl https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15mtxue/dm_has_decided_i_am_lying_about_my_roles_because/ 1:00:43-1:24:01 My boyfriend has been lying to me about where he goes for the last three years https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/183tuyu/my_24f_boyfriend_27m_has_disappeared_every/ SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Trevor Evarts // https://www.instagram.com/trevorevarts/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Bailey Petracek Editor: Vida Robbins Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Prop Master: Luke Brau Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Camera Operator: Eric Wann Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Is Blood Thicker Than Water? | Reading Reddit Stories

    Is Blood Thicker Than Water? | Reading Reddit Stories
    But sometimes blood gets messy... Go to http://Zocdoc.com/PITREDDIT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. 0:00-1:23 Intro 1:24-11:07 Boyfriend's family don't want us to share a hotel room https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/14j65bg/boyfriend_30ms_family_[…]m=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 11:08-24:39 AITA for threatening my wife with divorce for quitting her job to be a "tradwife"? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c397zy/aita_for_threatening_my_wife_with_di[…]tm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 24:40-37:15 I didn't let my sister walk down the aisle at my wedding https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14mlj2k/aita_for_not_letting_my_sister_walk_down_the/ 37:16-44:16 My fiancé wants his father to check my hymen before we get married https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/cx7vr0/my_22f_fiance_25m_want_[…]check_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 44:17-54:27 AITA for driving and paying for my own room on a family vacation so i won't have to be a babysitter? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13savby/aita_for_saying_ill_be_driving_myself_and_paying/ 54:28-1:03:31 My brother is using common law to evict me from my own house? https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/comments/jv9ytd/brother_is_using_common_law_to_evict_me_from_my/ SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Arasha Lalani // https://www.instagram.com/arashalalani_/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Bailey Petracek Editor: Vida Robbins Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Prop Master: Luke Brau Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Camera Operator: Eric Wann Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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