
    About this Episode

    Season 1, Episode 16

    Theresa Dedmon 

    Theresa Dedmon, Overseer of Creative Arts for Bethel Church, shares her journey of becoming a forerunner who releases the creative arts back to the global church.

    • From more than 17 years of empowering the body of Christ to step into their creative destiny, Theresa shares the importance of knowing and holding fast to your calling to stay focused on your outcome without the fear of failure.
    • You’ll discover why you should never limit what you know by your past.
    • You’ll receive permission to explore.
    • At 20:00 minutes, Theresa shares 4 Truth Nuggets to help you launch your creative destiny.
    • Be sure to listen to the end to receive her Apostolic Blessings for you!

    Visit Theresa’s website for resources to empower and release creativity in your life and that of your church at www.theresadedmon.com

    Feel free to leave comments or subscribe to receive weekly show releases at my website: www.claudiaklann.com

    Recent Episodes from Living in Abundant Joy with Claudia Klann

    Keep Your Joy On!

    Keep Your Joy On!

    Don't let painful memories of past negative encounters keep you from Joy during the holidays. If there is someone you don't look forward to seeing, here's a simple technique to keep your joy on even as you gather around the dinner table with family and friends this year.

    I reference these books:

    The Joy Switch, by Chris Coursey

    Building Bounce, how to grow emotional resilience, by Marcus Warner

    Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You, by E. Jim Wilder, et al.

    4 Easy Ways to Build Your Joy Muscle Memory!

    4 Easy Ways to Build Your Joy Muscle Memory!
    Is it possible to still have joy during times of chaos or crisis? Yes, if you have Joy Muscle Memory. During turmoil and confusion is not the time to practice finding joy. Instead, build your joy muscles now so when the chaos comes, you can rely on Joy Muscle Memory!
    Today's podcast shares are 4 simple steps to begin to build your joy muscles. Plus, I share some of my favorite joy scriptures of Ps 16:11; Nehemiah 8:10; John 15:11; and Romans 14:17.
    Please share other ways you have built up your joy muscles.
    You're invited to join my free private Facebook group:
    And subscribe to my email list for more encouragement:

    Is It Real of Pseudo Joy?

    Is It Real of Pseudo Joy?

    This episode explores possible pseudo or imposters of joy so you can know the real thing!

    Happiness and excitement are not joy. Real joy is a feeling you get when you're happy to be with someone happy to be with you. If this sounds new, please watch or listen to the first 4 episodes of this season for a foundation to today's episode.

    What might be masquerading as joy in your life?

    We also explore our natural personality wiring. For example, can introverts experience relational joy?

    Why journalling appreciation and gratefulness should be a daily practice if you want to experience more joy.

    Sign Up for Find REAL Joy FREE 5-Day Challenge beginning September 20!


    Hopeless? Look Again!

    Hopeless? Look Again!

    How do you hold onto hope as Abraham, who contrary to hope, in hope believed?

    This week's episode explores practical steps you can take to look again for God's hope for your life.

    I invite you to spend some time asking questions of Jesus. I recommend that you either stop this podcast as we go along or return to these questions to ask later. But, please spend some time with Jesus to ask these questions to find the answers that will help you get back to hope. Be sure to listen the entire podcast for further instruction about these questions.

    Part 1 Grab your journal and your pen. Quietly focus on Jesus. Give yourself permission to see Jesus in your imagination. Imagine him sitting with you. See him in your mind's eye. We're going to ask him some questions. 

    1. Ask Jesus for the last promise he made to you.

    2. Ask Him, "What promise did he make that I chose not to believe? Write the answers down.

    3. What was your initial response when He first gave you the promise? 

    4. What is your response now?

    5. Did you believe it then?

    6. Will you believe now?

    7. What surprised you about what He said and about the process?

      Part 2 Reconnect with Jesus as you just did.

    1. Ask Jesus for a reminder of all the times and places of HIS promises made.  Record the answers by writing them down.

    2. Now ask for His promises fulfilled. Again, write them down in your journal.

    Follow me Facebook: @GuideClaudiaKlann

    Instagram: claudiaklann

    Website: https://claudiaklann.com


    Hope Does Not Disappoint!

    Hope Does Not Disappoint!

    In this episode, Claudia discusses how to find the true HOPE that does not disappoint!

    • Find out how disappointment stems from unmet expectations.
    • Learn how to never allow discouragement to follow.
    • How to Avoid becoming a target of the enemy.
    • Discover God's simple answer to avoid disappointment AND discouragement!
    • Stop writing the script you expect God to fulfill for you!
    • Action Steps:
      • 1. Make a list of any disappointments that grew into discouragement.
      • 2. Which ones do you blame on God?
      • 3. Ask Jesus what he wants you to do about that?

    God's word referenced: Romans 5:1-5; Romans 8:28

    Leave Disappointment in the Dust

    Leave Disappointment in the Dust

    What 3 losses come from disappointment?

    And the 1 way to return to joy?

    In this episode we discuss:

    - Steps to reevaluate the disappointment both objectively and subjectively

    - How disappointment can become a wedge between you and God.

    - What happens when all your hopes are gone? Who is your hope?

    1 Peter 1:3-6

    2 Cor 4:16-18



    Watch Your Kingdom Journey on YouTube

    Facebook: Claudia Klann - Inspiring Your Kingdom Journey

    What's Stealing Your Joy?

    What's Stealing Your Joy?

    In today’s episode, we’ll explore the joy stealers in your relationship with Jesus. If you’re not experiencing joy and peace it may be because something is keeping you from Him.

    • We'll discuss the real meaning of Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes it’s a tree of life."
    • You'll receive a simple exercise to connect with Jesus.

    Let me know what joy stealers you’re struggling with so we can explore them in future episodes.

    Don't miss our online HeART Healing Encounter with Jesus workshop on August 4, 2021!

    Sign up for our 3-Hour Online HeART Healing Workshop 

    Connect with Claudia

    Watch the video version

    Get Your Peace of Joy

    Get Your Peace of Joy

    Everyone wants to know how to have more peace. Peace is the fruit of joy when joy is fulfilled within your relationship with Jesus. 

    Find out what brain science has taught us about the connection between joy and peace.

    Scripture reference: Eph 2:14

    You'll want to grab the books mentioned:

    Building Bounce, by Marcus Warner

    Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You by James Wilder


    Face to Face Joy with Jesus

    Face to Face Joy with Jesus

    Joy is found in the Presence of the Lord, but how do you get face-to-face with Joy? In today’s episode, I will tell you how.

    You'll learn:

    • Why imagination is key to Face-to-Face Presence with Jesus.
    • Why Joy is found in the Presence of Jesus.
    • How to use the right hemisphere of your brain to encounter the Lord.
    • Practice using your imagination to encounter the Lord with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4.
    • Realize you already hear God's voice.
    • How to know for sure!

    Receive Claudia's latest newsletter and updates

    Visit Claudia's Website to learn more, see her art, and stay connected.

    Book your own personal Encounter With Jesus Session at Personal Heart Healing Encounter with Jesus


    What is the Joy of Presence?

    What is the Joy of Presence?

    Find out how to experience real Joy with the One who's happy to be with you, Jesus!

    In this episode, I will tell you about:

    • What is Presence?
    • How what you believe about how Jesus feels about you affects your JOY.
    • What's keeping you from His Presence?
    • How to involve your Right Brain
    • The benefit of imagination
    • Questions to consider
    • Scripture References: Ephesians 3:16-21 NLT; Romans 8:38-39 ESV; and Matthew 28:20 NIV

    Be sure to subscribe to this podcast or watch the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel, Your Kingdom Journey