
    Pause and Find the Cause - Ron Frost

    enFebruary 14, 2022

    About this Episode

    The Universal Law of Cause and Effect says that for every condition, situation or effect (wanted or unwanted) in our life there is a corresponding cause (thought, belief, fear, etc.). When we choose to Pause and seek to understand the nature of our thoughts, inner stories, and beliefs, we become aware and empowered on how to change our thoughts and change our life! This message was delivered by Ron Frost in an outdoor setting while livestreamed to the CSL Sarasota audience on 2-13-2022

    Fawny Frost and Bob Teesdale perform "Perfect" a song written by Jami Lula. Jami is a very gifted musician and song writer! to find out about other amazing songs written and performed by Jami please visit his website www.jamilula.com

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    Embracing Paradox - Ron Frost

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    the 4 practices for embracing paradox:

    1. Be Open
    2. Let Go 
    3. Awareness (higher level awareness)
    4. Compassionate Understanding

    Ron's websites: www.NewThoughtSpeaker.org www.RonaldFrost.com

    CSL Cape Coral website: https://www.cslcapecoral.org

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    To do this Ron Frost shares insight into the Four Permissions and how they can liberate us and allow us to move forward in a happy self-expressive and positively creative life!

    1. Permission to be Imperfect
    2. Permission to be Different
    3. Permission to Dream
    4. Permission to Allow Our Divine Grace







    Interview with Mallika Davi, RScP

    Interview with Mallika Davi, RScP

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    to learn more about Mallika please visit her website: https://www.allaboutonelife.com/

    to find out about CSL Cape Coral visit: https://www.cslcapecoral.org/

    The Power of Vulnerability: Cracks & Canyons - Ron Frost

    The Power of Vulnerability: Cracks & Canyons - Ron Frost

    The Power of Vulnerability: Cracks & Canyons was a message shared live on April 9th at the Center for Spiritual Living in Cape Coral, Florida, It was delivered by Ron Frost who is the author of "Getting Unstuck - 9 Keys to Creating More Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Joy in Your Life!

    Does the FEAR OF BEING JUDGED (by self or by others) stop you from expressing your true authentic self? Do you sometimes LIMIT YOURSELF, your relationships, your inner joy, or your soul's passion at the risk of being too vulnerable? Are you ready to learn how to BREAKTHROUGH any self-limiting beliefs and live the grander version of YOU? ...this message will share why it is important for us, our relationships, our spiritual journey, and our lives to be truly authentic, open, and vulnerable!

    Ernest Holmes writes, “There is something within you beyond all doubt and fear, something which has never been limited by your acts or destroyed by your feeling. This is the only something that can make you whole.” This Thing Called You, pg.4. Science of Mind teaches there is something within us that has never been affected by fear, uncertainty, comparison, etc. This place is the home of Spirit, that individualized expression that resides within us all. This space is the very birthplace of vulnerability and authenticity. It is that gentle, creative urge that propels us forward into deeper and deeper expressions of ourselves. This space makes room for fear and uncertainty, and meets it with the very essence of the divine.

    to learn more about the benefits of vulnerability I would recommend listening to Brene Brown's videos on the topic. Lewis Howes also shares some great insight as well as Tony Robbins, Russell Brand, Aaron Doughty, Sean Smith, and several others.

    Ron Frost is the author of "Getting Unstuck - 9 Keys to Creating More Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Joy in Your Life." www.RonaldFrost.com www.NewThoughtSpeaker.org


    Infinite Wisdom - Ron Frost

    Infinite Wisdom - Ron Frost

    this is from a live talk that Ron Frost delivered at the Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach on March 12th, 2023. Ron is the author of "Getting Unstuck - 9 Key to Creating More Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Joy in your Life!"

    How can one cultivate inner peace and tranquility in the midst of chaos and turmoil? What is the nature of consciousness, and how does it relate to our spiritual existence?  And can we really get to a place where we feel totally ONE with ALL THAT IS?

    In this message, Ron shares his insight as to how one can best understand, connect, and utilize this source of Infinite Wisdom to live a more self-empowered life!

    you are the greatness that illuminates the world!

    Infinite wisdom is a concept that has intrigued philosophers, theologians, and seekers of truth for centuries. It refers to the idea of a limitless source of knowledge and understanding that transcends human comprehension. While it may seem like an impossible concept to grasp, the pursuit of infinite wisdom can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    to learn more about Ron Frost visit: www.NewThoughtSpeaker.org or www.RonaldFrost.com


    Staying Consistent with Life - Mallika Davi, RScP

    Staying Consistent with Life - Mallika Davi, RScP

    "Staying Consistent with Life" was delivered by Mallika Davi, RScP on December 18th, 2022 at the Center for Spiritual Living, Sarasota, Florida

    "Mallika Davi, RScP is a licensed practitioner with the Center for Spiritual Living Cape Coral and is currently enrolled in Center for Spiritual Living Ministerial school to become a Reverend. She grew up in South India, and in the late 1970s moved to Maryland, and then eventually to Southwest Florida where she resides today. Mallika has served as the past president of the CSL Cape Coral Leadership Council and has been a key facilitator and teacher of the Marry Morrissey - Prosperity Plus programs at CSL Cape Coral." She also owns and operates a bookkeeping and QuickBooks training business, where she helps local business leaders achieve sound financial management.  Mallika's mission is to help others raise their level of prosperity consciousness!




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    Ode to Joy: The Song of Community - Dawn Bower, RScP

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    Dawn Bower is a Religious Science Practitioner, licensed through Mile Hi Church in Lakewood, Colorado.  She is currently serving both Mile Hi Church and Centers for Spiritual Living Cape Coral as an Outreach Practitioner.  In addition, Dawn is an actress, a certified NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Coach, and a former educator.  She is a speaker and workshop leader for schools and organizations across the country. 
    to find out more about Dawn please visit her website at http://www.dawnbower.com
    for additional info about the Center for Spiritual Living: