
    About this Episode

    Everyone loves being catered to; someone to cook for you, serve you, wait on you, and clean up afterward. But someone has to pay the bill. And I promise you - they're not doing it from the goodness of their hearts. You will get the bill, and YOU WILL PAY.

    The same goes for weight loss. It seems like it's just one donut or one pizza. But the bill comes in the form of eczema, IBS, medications, migraines, or weight gain.

    Don't lie to yourself; everything you indulge in right now will have to be paid back at some point. If you indulge in unhealthy foods, the time to pay will surely come, and you will have to do it.

    When you go to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a fine dining experience, somebody pays the bill. The same case with our health, when we indulge, I promise you that you'll have to pay for it. Those calories are gonna show up somewhere in your body. You can pay now or pay later buy pay you will. There's no running away from it.

    Commit today to a healthy lifestyle such as the Code Red Lifestyle that is based on real food, water, and sleep. If you don't, your poor food choices compound and start manifesting in your body through headaches, pains, inflammation, etc. It's all fun and games till the bill comes.

    Make wise choices today no matter your age. Pay your dues and avoid boatloads of heartache later. When it comes to your health, it's either you pay now or later. You can't get away from it. Click Play on this episode and learn how to pay the piper today!

    Key Takeaways

    • Why the statement pay now or pay later holds true in weight loss (10:33)
    • If you indulge in something, you'll have to pay for it (12:22)
    • I promise you, none of these calories are free (13:00)
    • You can't get away from it; you'll soon get the bill (14:01)
    • How your poor choices compound and start manifesting in your body (15:42)
    • You can take care of your problem now, or later when it gets worse (18:38)
    • How to save yourself and your family boatloads of heartache later (23:08)

    Additional Resources:


    Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. 

    Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge!

    Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here

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    Recent Episodes from Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

    Fear the ABSENCE of PRESSURE with Chris Cavallini

    Fear the ABSENCE of PRESSURE with Chris Cavallini

    I haven't met many people who seek out discomfort and avoid comfort like the plague, but this week's podcast guest is one of them.

    His name is Chris Cavallini, and he's the CEO and founder of Nutrition Solutions, a healthy meal prep company.

    Growing up, Chris was in and out of foster homes, group homes, juvenile detention centers, and jail cells.

    He was arrested seventeen times before his eighteenth birthday and committed multiple felonies.

    Yet despite ALL that, Chris turned his life around in a BIG way that, statistically, most people don't.

    And like most people who transform in a big way, it started with a turning point.

    His path wasn't all sunshine and rainbows even after he chose a new path. Not even close.

    But he made it happen cap'n, and to me, his story is proof that anyone who decides to CAN turn their life around.

    So how did Chris go from convicted felon to CEO of a successful health-based company?

    And what can YOU learn from his trials and tribulations to get and keep your weight off?

    Tune into this episode to learn all that and MORE.



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    This episode is all about how quickly we forget, and what happens when we do.

    I was born partially deaf in my right ear, but my hearing loss wasn't discovered until I was in seventh grade, after my math teacher made fun of me in front of the whole class because I couldn’t hear him.

    My parents had my hearing checked after that, and that's when we discovered my partial hearing loss.

    I got hit in the head a lot during my eight-year boxing career, which made my hearing loss worse.

    Fast-forward to last year, when I finally invested in high-quality hearing aids, and let me tell ya...I had no idea how much I was missing!

    When I go to the gym in The Grove Hotel (which I live above at the time of this episode), I take my hearing aids out because I sit in the sauna after I work out and don’t want them to get all gross.

    Sometimes I chat with other people in the sauna, including a lobbyist I met there recently. I really wanted to hear what he had to say, but without my hearing aids I could only hear one in every three words. It was awful!

    And it got me thinking about how quickly we forget how miserable we USED TO BE.

    In my case, I left my hearing aids behind because I quickly forgot how miserable it is not to be able to hear people.

    When it comes to the Code Red Lifestyle™, how quickly we forget the misery we lived in before switching to real food, water, and sleep.

    That’s why this episode is all about how quickly we forget...and more importantly, how we can remember...not so we wallow in the pain, but so we don't lose sight of what we left behind, slip back into our old ways, and lose everything we worked so hard to get.


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    When I first started Code Red fourteen years ago, people lost weight much more slowly, and that's for two reasons:

    1. I was still learning, so the program wasn't as good as it is now
    2. I allowed people to eat one cheat meal a week

    I come from a bodybuilding background, and one cheat meal a week is what bodybuilders often do.

    But many average Americans don't work out consistently (or at all), and most are metabolically broken.

    (More importantly, you cannot out-train a bad diet, no matter how much you exercise.)

    What I eventually figured out is that a healthy, super fit bodybuilder eating one cheat meal a week is a completely different situation than an obese grandmother who can't get out of her recliner without help eating one cheat meal a week.

    It also became crystal clear that cheat meals led my clients to take one step forward and TWO steps back.

    Plus, once they started cheating, they couldn't contain it to just one meal. It turned into going off the rails completely.

    In this week’s new podcast, I’ll reveal how cheat meals really affect you, including what they actually do to you and how they impede your progress. (There's more to it than you probably realize.)

    If you struggle with the "but it's just this once" mindset when it comes to cheats, tune in for an eye-opening episode!


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    A lot of people have heard of a customized nutrition program from Code Red, but not everyone knows how it works.

    Since a customized program is the fastest way to get your weight off with Code Red, I've dedicated this week's podcast episode to pulling back the curtain and showing you what a custom program (now called a Home Study nutrition program) is and how it helps you lose weight faster.

    If you've ever wondered about a customized program (or you haven't heard of it and want to get the full scoop), check out this episode for all the details!


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    Expecting a miracle when you won't do your part

    Expecting a miracle when you won't do your part

    This episode is about expecting a miracle when you're not willing to do your part to get it.

    John Chapter 5 in the Bible illustrates this perfectly. People believed that once a year an angel came down to stir the waters in the Pool of Bethesda, and the first person to touch the stirred water was healed.

    A paralyzed man had been there for thirty-eight years trying to get into the pool.

    Jesus came to help him, but interestingly, he didn't heal the man right away.

    Instead, he first asked him if he wanted to be healed...and instead of just saying yes, the guy whined and felt sorry for himself because nobody would put him in the pool.

    I see a version of this when I ask people if they want to lose the weight.

    Many tell me, "Yes, BUT..." and rattle off excuses about why they can't, kinda like the paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda did.

    Until that man was willing to quit focusing on his excuses, he couldn't be helped, and it's the same for us. If we want our excuses more than our results, we won't get our results.

    To be clear, I'm not saying you shouldn't pray. Yes, pray about everything...AND do your part to make it happen cap'n.

    Joyce Meyer says you can't do God's part and God won't do your part. For clarity on how to know when it's time to do your part, check out this episode!


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    Don't Sleep One More Night with the Frogs

    Don't Sleep One More Night with the Frogs

    The Book of Exodus in the Bible tells the story of how God used Moses to free the Israelites from centuries of enslavement in Egypt.

    Egypt's ruler, Pharaoh, refused to let God's people go, so God sent plagues into Egypt. The second of those plagues was frogs. EVERYWHERE.

    Frogs in their houses, in their bedrooms, in their beds, in their servant's houses, and even ON the Egyptians and their servants! Can you imagine?

    (I can't imagine touching one frog, much less having wall-to-wall frogs in my house, in my bed, and hopping all over me!)

    But this is the part of the story that always gets me.

    When Moses went to Pharaoh and asked him when he should remove the frogs, you know what Pharaoh said?



    WHY would Pharaoh want his people to spend even one more night with the frogs?

    It seems weird, but how often in life do we wait around in rotten situations, like Pharaoh did with the frogs, instead of starting NOW?

    If you still haven't taken your life back with Code Red...or you're figuratively "sleeping with the frogs" in some other part of your life...

    Listen to this episode for help putting an end to "sleeping with the frogs."


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    No, weight loss is NOT all MENTAL!

    No, weight loss is NOT all MENTAL!

    Almost every day, I hear someone say something that just isn't true:

    "Weight loss is all mental."

    If weight loss was ALL mental, you could sit around and think your way to goal weight (without having to address what you're doing that's causing your weight problem in the first place).

    Does mindset have a place?

    Oh, absolutely! The right mindset makes everything easier.

    But weight loss is not "all" mental. That's like saying getting your car out of the garage and into the grocery store parking lot is ALL mental. Unless you're telekinetic, no, it isn't! 😂

    In this episode, I'm debunking the myth that weight loss is "all mental."

    If you struggle with mindset while losing weight, tune in, because what I have to say will help.

    If you don't struggle with mindset while losing weight, also tune in and see if what I say in this episode is why you don't struggle with mindset.


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    Learning it vs Living it

    Learning it vs Living it

    It was 2016, and I was sitting across the table from a lady who'd put on some weight.

    I didn't say a word about her weight, but she knew what I did and opened up to me.

    I asked if she'd thought about doing a custom program with me.

    "Look, I know what to do," she said.

    Andrea Dell, my Director of Coaching and a Code Red Certified Coach, heard a speaker at a summit in 2019 point out that just because you learn something doesn't mean you can LIVE it.

    We're SO conditioned to think that learning something is enough to be able to DO it.

    If your goal is to memorize information so you can pass a test or win on Jeopardy, then yeah, learning is enough.

    But if you want to transform, just learning what to do won't cut it.

    People get caught in this cycle of thinking that all their problems will be solved if they just find the right "new information."

    To hear why that kind of thinking is destroying your ability to get and keep the transformation you want--like losing weight and keeping it off--join me and Andrea for this episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle.


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    From 350 to 150 in 18 months with Lory Stobart

    From 350 to 150 in 18 months with Lory Stobart

    Can you imagine losing over 200 pounds?

    Lory doesn’t need to imagine it, because a year and a half ago she weighed 355 pounds.

    She vividly remembers how often she traveled at that size and the challenges that came with it, like slogging through airports drenched in sweat...

    Like making sure she wasn't bumping into people as she boarded and got off the plane...

    Like hoping she wasn't seated next to someone who was as big as she was, because they’d be "spilling over" onto each other.

    (That did happen a few times, and it was super uncomfortable.)

    The armrests cut into her thighs and she wanted to leave them up, but didn't because she didn't think it wasn’t fair to the other passengers.

    She got tired of asking for the seat belt extender, so ordered her own off Amazon.

    At work conferences, she'd sit all day in seats that didn’t fit and bit into her legs, so she'd always try to find the widest chair possible.

    Travel anxieties like these are just a fraction of the extreme hardships Lory found relief from after losing over 200 pounds with real food, water, and sleep on the Code Red Lifestyle™.

    To hear what it's like to lose that much weight from someone who's actually done it (no shots, surgery, or having to exercise), tune into this episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle.


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    Sometimes we forget about the little things that make a big difference.

    That's why, in this podcast episode, I'm sharing five simple strategies you can use to enhance your results with the Code Red Lifestyle™.

    Maybe you forgot about them or maybe you just never knew, but any one of them could be a game-changer for you.

    Tune in to get these five little strategies that can make a BIG difference!

    1. AVC







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