
    Pelosi Melts Down (Ep 1127)

    enDecember 05, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Rep. Nadler's questionable actions during impeachment hearingsUnacceptable behavior by Rep. Nadler includes spying on Congress members' phone records, prompting calls for action and transparency

      The impeachment hearing has reached a new low with Representative Jerry Nadler's actions, which include spying on phone records of Congress members and their lawyers. This behavior, according to Dan Bongino, is unacceptable and a violation of the constitutional republic. The situation has prompted calls for fighting back and taking action, rather than relying on the referee to intervene. Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz was among those who took a stand against the elitist law professors explaining the importance of the impeachment proceeding to the public. The Dan Bongino Show also highlighted John Solomon's article on upcoming revelations in the IG report. Additionally, the Trump administration's initiatives and the Chamonix Christmas sale were featured on the show.

    • Gaetz questions professor's impartiality during impeachment hearingGaetz accused a law professor of bias during impeachment hearing due to her political donations and past comments about conservatives, sparking controversy

      During the impeachment hearing, Representative Matt Gaetz called out a law professor for her past political donations and comments about conservatives, raising questions about her impartiality. Gaetz accused her of being a "hoity-toity" professor who donated significantly more to Democratic candidates and made derogatory comments about conservatives. He argued that her message would not resonate with working-class voters in states like Pennsylvania or West Virginia. Gaetes's confrontational approach received praise from some, while others criticized him for disrespecting the professor. Regardless, the incident highlighted the heated and polarized nature of the impeachment proceedings.

    • Political Divide and Heated Exchanges at Impeachment HearingThe impeachment hearing showcased intense political animosity and a lack of concrete evidence, with Democrats and witnesses criticizing conservatives and the administration, while Republicans emphasized the importance of facts and evidence.

      The impeachment hearing featured heated exchanges between politicians and witnesses, with some Democrats and witnesses expressing disdain for conservatives and the current administration. However, the lack of firsthand knowledge or evidence presented during the hearing raised questions about the validity and motivations behind the proceedings. Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman, criticized the hearing for being dominated by academics with no direct connection to the case, and called out a witness for making light of the president's son's name and being a Democratic donor. Gaetz also emphasized the importance of focusing on facts and evidence in the impeachment process, and questioned the Democrats' tactics and strategies. The hearing highlighted the deep political divide in the country and the intensity of feelings towards the current administration.

    • Impeachment hearings raise questions about potential wrongdoings during Obama administrationCritics argue the impeachment hearings lack substance and transparency due to reliance on hearsay evidence and absence of factual witnesses, with some even calling it a farce

      The ongoing impeachment hearings against President Trump have raised questions about potential wrongdoings during the Obama administration. A representative suggested the possibility of reversing the impeachment of Obama due to allegations of spying on Trump's campaign. Congressman Louie Gohmert, who has real-world experience as a judge, criticized the reliance on hearsay evidence and called for factual witnesses. The hearing was criticized for being a farce, with some lawmakers even falling asleep during the proceedings. The overall sentiment was that the process lacked substance and transparency.

    • Contact Senator Graham for transparency in political investigationsListeners urged to request Senator Graham's help in obtaining call records for transparency during political investigations. NetSuite suggested for managing business financial data.

      It's important for individuals and businesses to stay informed and involved in political matters that could impact them. During a radio discussion, the hosts urged listeners to contact Senator Lindsey Graham to request the subpoena of call records for specific individuals involved in ongoing political investigations. This action was encouraged due to the potential for transparency and accountability in the impeachment trial process. Additionally, the importance of having access to accurate financial information for businesses was emphasized, with NetSuite being presented as a solution for streamlining and managing financial data.

    • IG report on Russia probe may reveal significant misconduct and potential malfeasance within the FBIThe IG report on the Russia probe is expected to expose up to 12 instances of FBI failures, mistakes, and intentional acts, ranging from document alteration to evidence production lapses. These issues, potentially including deliberate doctoring of documents, could represent a major wake-up call for the FBI and its oversight bodies.

      The upcoming IG report on the Russia probe is expected to reveal significant misconduct and potential malfeasance within the FBI's investigation into Carter Page and the FISA warrant process. According to John Solomon's report, the IG report may identify between 6 and 12 instances of failures, mistakes, and intentional acts, ranging from altering government documents to failing to produce required evidence. These issues, if confirmed, would represent a serious wake-up call for the FBI and its oversight bodies. The distinction between misfeasance (failing to do the right thing) and malfeasance (deliberately doing something wrong) is important here, and Solomon hints that the report may reveal more than just unintentional mistakes. In fact, some of the reported issues involve deliberate doctoring of FBI documents. The full article, available at Bongino Report or Bongino.com, provides more details on the expected revelations from the IG report.

    • Potential breach of obligation to disclose exculpatory evidence in Russia investigationIG report may reveal FBI withheld exculpatory evidence from FISA court, potentially impacting Carter Page and George Papadopoulos cases, and raising questions about Christopher Steele's credibility

      The upcoming IG report on alleged FBI misconduct during the Russia investigation could be a game-changer if it reveals that exculpatory evidence regarding individuals like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos was withheld from the FISA court. This would be a breach of federal agents' obligation to disclose such evidence to the defense, and could result in serious consequences. Another significant takeaway is the potential issue with the credibility of the main informant, Christopher Steele, which was not disclosed to the FISA court. If it is revealed that the FBI knew of this but still presented the application for a warrant, it would be a clear case of malfeasance. The political implications of these revelations could be profound, as both sides are likely to use the report to their advantage.

    • FBI's handling of Steele dossier and media leaksThe FBI's relationship with Steele may not have ended before the first FISA warrant was obtained, raising questions about the investigation's legitimacy

      The timeline of events surrounding the FBI's handling of the Steele dossier and the New York Times reporting raises questions about when the FBI truly terminated their relationship with Christopher Steele due to his media leaks. The New York Times reported on October 31, 2016, that there was no clear link between Donald Trump and Russia, just a day before the FBI allegedly fired Steele. This raises the possibility that the FBI may have kept Steele as an informant after the first FISA warrant was obtained, despite knowing or suspecting that he was leaking to the media. This situation could potentially call into question the legitimacy of the FISA warrant and the entire Russia investigation.

    • FBI agents reportedly leaked info to protect Clinton's presidency during 2016 electionSome FBI agents allegedly leaked information to the media before the 2016 election to protect Hillary Clinton's presidency and avoid political fallout, but the accuracy of these claims remains unconfirmed

      During the 2016 election, some individuals at the FBI were concerned about the potential impact of their investigation into the Trump campaign on the outcome of the election. They reportedly leaked information to the media before the election to establish a narrative that their investigation didn't alter the election's result. This was done allegedly to protect Hillary Clinton's presidency and avoid any potential political fallout. Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, was reportedly fired on November 1, 2016, to further reinforce this narrative. However, it's important to note that these claims are based on speculation and require further investigation to confirm their accuracy.

    • BCM: Manufacturing Precision Rifles for Combat StandardsBCM produces high-quality, precise rifles prioritizing durability for combat use, while the Trump admin focuses on work requirements for SNAP to reduce dependency and promote self-sufficiency.

      Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) is a US-based company that produces high-quality, precision rifles designed to meet combat standards, rather than for sporting use. BCM prioritizes quality and durability, as their products may be used in life-or-death situations by law enforcement officers or military personnel. The company manufactures its rifles in the USA and is committed to providing the same level of protection to all Americans. If you're in the market for a reliable and precise rifle, BCM should be your first choice. Additionally, the Trump administration is focusing on reforms that encourage able-bodied adults to work instead of relying on food stamps. The changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will take effect in April 2021, and it is projected that nearly 1.1 million people will be subject to new work requirements. However, the changes will not affect parents, disabled individuals, or those over 50. The Trump administration's stance on this issue is aimed at reducing government dependency and encouraging self-sufficiency.

    • Emphasizing personal responsibility and hard workAble-bodied adults should work instead of relying on others, and personal responsibility and hard work are key to success. Job opportunities exist, so make excuses unnecessary.

      Able-bodied adults under the age of 50 without kids or disabilities should be working instead of relying on others for support. The speaker believes that people should help each other through charity and private organizations, but emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and hard work. He criticizes the idea of others working for those who don't, stating that there are more job openings than unemployed individuals in the US. The speaker also expresses his frustration with those who make excuses for not working and encourages them to re-tool themselves and find employment. Additionally, the speaker comments on Nancy Pelosi's decision to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump, expressing skepticism towards her motivations.

    • Democrats pushing for impeachment despite unlikely removalDemocrats plan to use failed impeachment as new narrative, but support is eroding among swing voters, potentially backfiring and strengthening Trump's position

      Pelosi and the Democrats are pushing for impeachment despite knowing it's unlikely to result in Trump's removal from office. They plan to use the failed impeachment attempt as a new narrative against Trump, accusing him of attempting to interfere in the 2020 election with foreign governments. However, this strategy may not be effective as support for impeachment is eroding among independent voters in crucial swing states. Pelosi is reportedly feeling pressure from her caucus to proceed with impeachment, but she is aware of the potential political consequences. The impeachment process is seen as a disaster by many, and it's unclear how it will impact the 2020 election. Overall, the Democrats' impeachment strategy may backfire and strengthen Trump's position.

    • Impeachment may not benefit Democrats in 2020 electionHistorically strong indicator of re-election success for incumbent presidents, chaotic DNC convention due to super delegates, and ongoing impeachment process could lead to massive defeat for Democrats in the Senate and electoral college.

      The ongoing impeachment process against President Trump may not be beneficial for the Democrats in the upcoming 2020 election. According to a Wall Street Journal article, when asked if they are better off now than they were four years ago, 50% of registered voters answered yes. This "Reagan standard" question has historically been a strong indicator of re-election success. Additionally, the impeachment process may lead to a chaotic Democratic National Convention due to the role of super delegates, who are not bound by primary vote results. The Democrats experienced similar chaos during the Obama-Hillary primary in 2008. These factors, combined with the ongoing impeachment process, could potentially lead to a massive face plant for the Democrats in the Senate and the electoral college.

    • Democratic Party's rule change may lead to contested nominationThe Democratic Party's decision to prevent super delegates from voting on the first ballot could result in a contested nomination and prolonged battle for the presidency.

      The Democratic Party's decision to prevent super delegates from voting on the first ballot at the convention may lead to a fractured race and a contested nomination. This rule change was instituted to prevent a rebellion among voters who felt their choice was being overruled by super delegates. However, if no candidate achieves a first ballot majority, the super delegates could once again play a decisive role in choosing the nominee. This could result in another round of protests and potential voter revolt, especially among Sanders supporters. The Democratic Party may have inadvertently set the stage for a contested convention and a prolonged nomination battle.

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