
    People Are Not Always What They Seem.

    en-usJuly 31, 2020

    About this Episode

    On this episode of Brian Turds Mark and I are talking about people. How sometimes the people we think we know turn out not to be who we thought they were. We also talk about Rochester, NY and the phase 3 clinical trial of a vaccine for Coronavirus.

    Recent Episodes from Brain Turds

    Virtual Running (How to race during Coronavirus)

    Virtual Running (How to race during Coronavirus)
    On this episode of Brain Turds we are talking about virtual running / races. How you can still get out and race with others virtually during Coronavirus. How you can compete in crazy challenges and push yourself to extremes even though we are all on shutdown due to this pandemic. We are sharing two upcoming events with you all. See the links below. BIG FOOT SOCIAL DISTANCING CHALLENGE https://www.bigfootrunningchallenge.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One NY Virtual Challenge Race Across New York! 500k & 1000k https://runsignup.com/Race/NY/EntireState/OneNY?rsus=100-200-120a52c5-5dcd-4749-9e0f-b7643f6af4a6