
    About this Episode

    Do you find yourself feeling unhappy with your life or maybe just waiting for your life to start or even that nothing is going according to plan? If so, this episode is for you. Believe me I have been there, I have been in the grips of addiction, depression and anxiety. I have been in toxic work environments and relationships and hated where I was in life, even though on paper I had everything I wanted. If you find yourself wanting more out of life, trying to figure out who you are and what you want, or just feeling alone I hope this episode helps. I'm here to tell you that it gets better, you are resilient, and someday you will look back on all the hard things and be so grateful for the person they shaped you into.

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    Recent Episodes from Growth and Goals Podcast

    Getting Unplugged

    Getting Unplugged

    I don't know about you but social media has become a bit of an addiction for me lately. Every single day I go to work, come home, sit on my couch and doom scroll. Social media is designed to be addictive so if you've fallen pray to it don't worry, you're not the only one. 

    In today's episode I am going over some signs that you may need to get unplugged and tips on how you can start to limit your own screen time. If you're not ready to cut back but you want a more positive experience in your feed check out episode 95!

    It's time we stop watching other people on social media live their lives and get unplugged so we can be present in our own!

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    Pulling Myself Out of a Rut

    Pulling Myself Out of a Rut

    I have been in a funk recently. Every once in a while I get in these ruts where I don't feel like doing anything and I am so tired of my life feeling like groundhogs day just going to work, coming home, doom scrolling until way to late, going to sleep, and then waking up to do it all again the next day. 

    I am sick of living for the weekend and just waiting for life to happen. I can just hear my 80 year old self screaming at me to get off the couch and go live life. If you have been in a rut lately, this episode is for you. 

    I'm sharing my tips on how I have been pulling myself out of this funk and getting back on track. It's perfectly normal to feel down every now and again but you don't have to stay there.

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    Step Into Your Feminine Energy

    Step Into Your Feminine Energy

    Lately I have been operating out of my masculie energy and I am starting to feel stressed, tense, overwhelmed and burntout. The tips I am sharing in today's episode have helped me move out of my masculine and into the devine feminine. 

    Disclaimer, masculine and feminine energies have absolutely nothing to do with gender, every single person uses both. They're like yin and yang and there are seasons in everyone's life where one is needed more than the other. 

    The masculine energy isn't bad, it's what drives us forward, gives us the courage to take risks and drives us to achieve goals; however, getting stuck in your masculine energy can lead to anxiety because you try to control everything, cause stress because you're in fight or flight mode all the time, and lead to burnout due to constantly striving.

    If that sounds like you and you're wanting to move into the intuitive, creative, peaceful, and recieving energy of the divine feminine then this episode is for you!

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    Growth and Goals Podcast
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    My Relationship With Alcohol

    My Relationship With Alcohol

    Lately I have been doing several sober stints and honestly I have loved it. I did the 75 soft, dry January and now I've given up alcohol for lent and in doing these periods of being sober I have decided that drinking really isn't for me. It is something that has never really served me and I also think a lot of it has just come with age so I just wanted to share my thoughts with y'all.

    This episode is in no way intended to tell you what to do with your life, you do what works best for you, but I personally have really started to look at the role alcohol played in my life and reevaluated whether or not I want to continue doing it. 

    I am so done with hangxiety, harming my health or spending tons of money on bar tabs. I have no intention of being sober forever but I do want to really take step back and start to change my habits around alcohol consumption.

    If you are someone who struggles with alcohol please reach out and get help because addiction is a disease, you can reach out to the American Addiction Center at 855-504-6815

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    Growth and Goals Podcast
    enFebruary 19, 2024

    Why You Should Date Yourself

    Why You Should Date Yourself

    This Valentine's Day my goal is to convince you to take yourself on a date, you don't have to go out on the actual day cause I know it's busy, but I hope this episode convinces you sometime this week to have a date with yourself.

    Since I have started dating myself I have noticed so many improvements in my life, I know the idea of going out on your own can be intimidating and scary but growth happens when we get out of our comfort zone.

    If this episode fired you up to go on a solo date but your unsure of where to start go back and listen to last weeks episode for solo date ideas and check out Episode 110: Date yourself instead for tips on how to overcome that intial uncomfortable feeling.

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    Solo Date Ideas

    Solo Date Ideas

    It's February, which for many is a month of love, but as a single al that can be kind of hard. Whether you're happy being single or feeling a bit lonely I want to encourage you to intentionally date yourself this month and be your own Valentine.

    I've seen a lot of solo date date ideas going around on TikTok lately and a lot of them have just been grabbing a coffee and going to Target, and don't get me wrong that sounds like a fun day, but there is a difference between romanticizing something like errands and intentionally dating yourself for the purpose of getting to know yourself better.

    So I want to challenge you to be incredibly intentional with your solo dates. If you're just getting started with solo dates and you're feeling awkward and uncomfortable with the idea, go check out Episode 110: Date Yourself Instead for tips on how to get cofortable being out on your own.

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    Growth Goals: One Thing That Brings You Joy

    Growth Goals: One Thing That Brings You Joy

    It's 2024! We're kicking off this year with a 5 week series where each episode will be a deep dive on one of the Growth Goals. Growth Goals are the 5 things you should do every single day to show up as the best version of you and achieve your goals, for more info on them check out episode 25. But today's episode we're dicussing the Growth Goal, one thing that brings you joy!

    This Growth Goal is so important to me because I feel like our own joy is often something that gets put on the back burner, but we deserve to live happy lives so I want to challenge you to create small moments of joy for yourself every single day. We are responsible for our own happiness so it is up to you to create daily joy for yourself.

    Now obviously I can't tell you exactly what to do to be happy, so this episode is full of tips and exercises you can do to try and figure out what you can do to create joy; as well as, some research backed, science backed things that have been proven to increase happiness, but joy looks different for everybody, do what works for you.

    I am so sad to see this series ending because I have loved it, I hope you have too. If you haven't already make sure and check out all the episodes from this month!

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    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Spirit

    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Spirit

    It's 2024! We're kicking off this year with a 5 week series where each episode will be a deep dive on one of the Growth Goals. Growth Goals are the 5 things you should do every single day to show up as the best version of you and achieve your goals, for more info on them check out episode 25. But today's episode we're discussing the Growth Goal: One Thing For Your Spirit.

    I see lists all the time on the internet like '7 Daily Habits to Lose Weight' or '5 Things You Can Do Daily to Be Healthy' etc., but I felt like so many of those lists failed to help you grow in every area of your life, and honestly I think our spirit is so often negelcted. 

    So in today's episode I wanted to share with you ways that you can grow in your spirit that have been scientifically proven to not only improve your spiritual health but your mental health, physical health and overall well-being. I hope that regardless of your faith or where you're at in your spiritual journey you take some time today to do one small thing for your spirit.

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    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Mental Health

    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Mental Health

    It's 2024! We're kicking off this year with a 5-week series where each episode will be a deep dive on one of the Growth Goals. Growth Goals are the 5 things you should do every single day to show up as the best version of you and achieve your goals, for more info on Growth Goals check out episode 25. But today's episode we're discussing the Growth Goal, one thing for your mental health.

    I have been on a journey for YEARS, but for the longest time I didn't incorporate mental health practices into my daily life. I have been in therapy for years and my therapist would give me habits, coping mechanisms, or tips that I just wouldn't do and then wondered why I wasn't getting better. It wasn't until I started making taking care of my mental health a part of my every day life that I really started to see changes and feel so much better.

    In today's episode I share small things that you can do every day to improve your mental health. These are things that have helped me immensely to completely change the way I think, pull myself out of dark places and grow so much as a person. With that being said, I am not a mental health professional, and if you are really struggling with your mental health I want to encourage you to reach out to a professional and get the help you need.

    If you haven't already make sure and go back and listen to the previous episodes in this Growth Goals series and make sure to come back for the rest of the month for a deep dive on the rest of the Growth Goals!

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    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Physical Health

    Growth Goals: One Thing For Your Physical Health

    It's 2024! We're kicking off this year with a 5 week series where each episode will be a deep dive on one of the Growth Goals. Growth Goals are the 5 things you should do every single day to show up as the best version of you and achieve your goals, for more info on them check out episode 25. But today's episode we're dicussing the Growth Goal, one thing for your physical health.

    We all know there are so many benefits to taking care of our physical health. And this episode isn't to say you need to be a size two or be able to run a marathon, Lord knows I don't fall into either of those categories. It's about taking care of our bodies so that we can in turn show up for ourselves and others.

    In today's episode I break down how you can take small, incremental steps each day to start improving your health and actually change your lifestyle by developing healthier habits.

    Make sure to come back every Monday this month for a deep dive on a new Growth Goal and I hope you all had a great first day of 2024, this is going to be our year!