
    Picturing Your Prosperity with Ellen Rogin

    enMarch 02, 2021

    About this Episode

    We’re learning more about how to embrace the intuitive, emotional, creative side of money and how vision boarding, meditating, journaling, and other centering practices can actually help you achieve your goals faster and keep you happier during the journey. Much of the financial advisory world is focused on data and analytics and accidentally ignores the human component when it comes to financial decisions. Today’s talk with Ellen Rogin, author of Picture Your Prosperity will open your eyes to what may be missing from your financial plan. While we don’t fully recommend ditching the spreadsheets, we do recommend embracing your own customized vision for your future, independent of what you may have thought your financial goals should be. What can you do to look at your money in a more holistic way and embrace your own intuition? For starters, read “Picture Your Prosperity” by Ellen Rogin. More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Recent Episodes from Life Rebalanced Podcast

    Making the Best of Your Employer Benefits

    Making the Best of Your Employer Benefits

    Every year you have an opportunity to make the most of your employer’s dollars. When thinking about employer benefits, for most people, health insurance is what quickly comes to mind.

    The truth is, employers offer a variety of other benefits that you may be overlooking. As open enrollment quickly approaches, let’s review what benefits may be available to you and how to best leverage them. 

    In the wake of the COVID pandemic, many employers are adding benefits that in some cases, are becoming more important than salary. Benefits and perks that are attractive to employees allow companies to not only attract quality employees but also retain them.

    In this episode 

    • Tips to ensure you’re not leaving any money on the table.
    • The different types of benefits that employers offer.
    • How to best leverage your employee benefits.

    Must-Listen Moments: 

    [01:02] How to factor in other benefits and perks in addition to salary 

    [08:15] How to fully utilize a health savings account (HSA)


    To leverage your employer-offered benefits, know what’s available to you and what best fits your lifestyle, values, and needs. By evaluating the perks and benefits offered by your employer, you’re able to truly utilize what’s most beneficial to your life and the lives of your family members.

    Being overwhelmed by the options or not taking the time to review your benefits likely has you leaving money on the table.

    Be well.

    You can follow Donna Grace & Lauren on Instagram @life_rebalanced (www.instagram.com/life_rebalanced)

    The show is LIVE everywhere you can listen to podcasts + on YouTube!

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enNovember 09, 2021

    Checking Back In

    Checking Back In

    We’ve missed you! In an effort to practice what we preach, we had to pull back from the podcast and focus on our families, our own health, and the very real effects of the pandemic on our personal lives. Today, we chat with you as if we were meeting over drinks or coffee and share about our Summer, how life ramped back up to full speed in the Fall, and what we’re doing to care for ourselves moving forward.


    In this episode, listen for

    • Congruencies between health and productivity
    • How we feel we can show up as our best selves for our clients
    • What you can look forward to in this new season of the show

    Ultimately, money is a tool - not something to be judged by or to judge others about, and income or assets aren’t accomplishments.

    Money is simply a tool you can use to help you become a better version of yourself and we hope to present ideas and perspectives that make you step back and think about how you use money in our out of alignment with your values and the way you want to be remembered.


    Follow DonnaGrace & Lauren on Instagram @life_rebalanced (www.instagram.com/life_rebalanced)

    The show is LIVE everywhere you can listen to podcasts and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsX7eZUnIiC2IMAP8Jj-8RQ


    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/life-rebalanced-podcast/id1500890124

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6fbRnNBqijS8StvwSz28rL

    Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/liferebalanced

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enNovember 02, 2021

    Building Healthy Habits with Jeremy Hebets

    Building Healthy Habits with Jeremy Hebets

    We all want to be the healthiest version of ourselves, right? But what’s the best way to get there and how do we stay motivated to get there and maintain it?  

    In this episode, Jeremy Hebets explains how he started his lifestyle coaching business and his approach to coaching, working with clients, and growing his business.  His focus on clean living and holistic approach to lifestyle coaching has allowed him to help a variety of clients. He shares some of his coaching philosophy and also some of his personal strategies for living a balanced life. 


    In this episode, listen for

    • How Jeremy uses lifestyle coaching including fitness and nutrition to create a holistic approach to improving clients’ entire lives
    • Why people typically begin working with Jeremy and what they ultimately achieve through coaching
    • Why your motivation for any habit or lifestyle change matters as much, if not more than the coaching.

    He has a passion for caring for leaders, giving and instilling tools that help free people to live, with no excuses,  whole-hearted, authentic, happy lives.

    Read the FULL show notes over on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsX7eZUnIiC2IMAP8Jj-8RQ

    Follow Donna Grace & Lauren on Instagram @life_rebalanced (www.instagram.com/life_rebalanced)

    Find Jeremy Hebets on Instagram - @HealthyHebets

    and online at HealthyHebets.co

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enOctober 26, 2021

    Finding Your Brilliant Balance with Cherylanne Skolnicki

    Finding Your Brilliant Balance with Cherylanne Skolnicki

    You want to be a rockstar at work and at home, but you have too much to do and not enough time to do it. There’s a point where suddenly you realize the pace at which you’ve been working, running, volunteering, networking, and raising a family is unsustainable and you’re at max capacity. Cherylanne Skolnicki helps women redefine work-life balance in a way that feels fulfilling, peaceful, and sustainable and in this episode, you get tips about kids, email, daily choices, and more. Maybe you need a career change, but maybe you don’t - come find out!

    More on IG @life_rebalanced 


    Read the Show Notes on YouTube at


    Bringing Nature In With Katie Hess

    Bringing Nature In With Katie Hess

    We all face tense situations, stressors, and traumas, but with the preventative and healing powers of flowers, we may move through those more gracefully and with less fear or hesitation. Katie Hess is the flower alchemist at www.lotuswei.com where she’s created elixirs, oils, and mists to help you bring the healing power of nature in, even if you’re stuck behind the computer each day. She’s brought ancient practices from cultures all over the world into mainstream America so we can awaken our own innate wisdom about nature and what we’re drawn to, because it’s that which will help us unwind the knots and heal from the inside. 

    More on IG @life_rebalanced 


    Read the Show Notes on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsX7eZUnIiC2IMAP8Jj-8RQ

    Intermittent Fasting With Laurie Lewis

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    More on IG @life_rebalanced www.instagram.com/life_rebalanced

    Read the Show Notes on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsX7eZUnIiC2IMAP8Jj-8RQ

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    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enApril 27, 2021

    Using Hypnosis To Train Your Mind With Erika Flint

    Using Hypnosis To Train Your Mind With Erika Flint

    We often think of healthy habits and time-blocking as productivity-increasing tools, but hypnosis is a high-performance tool as well! Erika Flint shares all about how to use hypnosis to lose weight, stop drinking, sleep better, work through tension, and do the deep work required to feel better all around. The brain creates new cells and new connections daily, and it is up to us to focus on that ability and train the mind to learn conscious choice toward helpful habits and choose presence over default reactions so that we can lean into our most productive, best selves at work and home. Listen to how Erika combines her analytical expertise along with streamlined hypnosis techniques to train some of the best minds in the world with a powerful system of modern hypnosis specifically designed for entrepreneurs to use to grow their businesses. 

    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enApril 13, 2021

    Creating Your Team of Advisors if You're Starting A Business

    Creating Your Team of Advisors if You're Starting A Business

    Over the past year, while we’ve all experienced changes in our daily lives caused by the pandemic, we’ve also witnessed a record-setting number of new business applications in the US. If you’re one of the millions who has started or is starting a new business, this episode is for you! We want you to feel supported through the process and surround yourself with professionals who can help you navigate the stressful legal and financial choices that, if not checked, can hold you back from reaching your potential. When you have a trusted team of tax, legal, branding, and financial advisors to grow and build your business correctly, you’re free to focus on your services, customers, and passion for helping others and sharing your talent.

    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enMarch 30, 2021

    From Burnout To Balance with Veronica Sagastume

    From Burnout To Balance with Veronica Sagastume

    Not every decision we make should be about efficiency, upleveling our career, or investing more. Veronica Sagastume was faced with a choice, the corner office and three-letter title, or precious time with her then 90-year-old grandmother. She’d been stressed and snappy for weeks, developed an eye twitch, and felt pulled in every direction, feeling as if she was failing at everything. There had to be a better way. Tag along in this episode and hear about her breakthrough moment, how she consciously disassociated from her work title, and how, in just 6 months, she left her corporate career to be by her grandmother’s side when it mattered most. Now, as an entrepreneur, she’s helping more people than ever AND enjoying a flexible personal schedule. 

    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Life Rebalanced Podcast
    enMarch 16, 2021