
    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Migrant Tensions, State of the British Military and Chinese Spy Balloons

    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number Smart Bed: Customized Comfort, Top Customer SatisfactionThe Sleep Number Smart Bed offers personalized comfort and ranks number 1 in customer satisfaction according to JD Power.

      Quality sleep is essential and can be individualized with the Sleep Number Smart Bed, which ranks number 1 in customer satisfaction according to JD Power. Meanwhile, 1800 Flowers aims to bring joy and celebrate special occasions with their products, made with love every step of the way. However, tensions are high in the UK over the housing of migrants, leading to violent protests. The situation raises questions about toxic rhetoric, government failure, and the impact on local communities. It's important to address these concerns and find solutions to the ongoing crisis.

    • Immigration Crisis: Beyond Far-Right GroupsThe immigration crisis in Europe isn't solely caused by far-right groups, but by government policy failures. Efficient processing, compassionate policies, and effective communication can help reduce tensions.

      The current immigration crisis in the UK and other European countries is not solely the doing of far-right groups, but rather a failure of government policy and implementation. The situation calls for a more compassionate and efficient approach, such as allowing asylum seekers to work and pay their own rent while their cases are being processed. It's important to note that social tensions can arise when large groups of people from different backgrounds settle in new areas, and it's essential to address these issues through effective communication and understanding rather than labeling individuals as far-right or far-left without proper evidence. The root cause of the crisis is a lack of political will, competence, trained staff, and funding within the home office. Quick processing of claims within 15-20 days and effective enforcement of removal of those whose claims have been denied are necessary steps to alleviate the situation.

    • Asylum seekers' legal status and work rights in the UKThe debate over allowing asylum seekers to work in the UK during their claim process continues, with arguments for and against based on societal tensions, potential exploitation, and efficiency of the asylum process.

      The lack of clarity regarding the legal status and ability to work for asylum seekers in the UK contributes to societal tensions and potential encouragement of illegal immigration. While some argue that allowing them to work during their claim process could help reduce idleness and dependence on government handouts, others believe it may act as a magnet for more people to come illegally. The consensus seems to be the need for a more efficient asylum process to prevent prolonged waiting periods and potential exploitation. However, there is disagreement on whether this should include the immediate ability to work or not. Ultimately, the goal should be to ensure fair and timely processing of asylum claims, while also addressing the societal and economic implications of the current situation.

    • UK Faces Multiple Challenges: Migrants, Security, Military ReadinessThe UK is grappling with significant challenges, including a potential influx of migrants, security concerns, and questions about military capabilities, which could impact the political landscape and have serious consequences.

      The UK is facing significant challenges on multiple fronts, including a potential influx of migrants, security concerns, and questions about the country's military capabilities. The discussion highlighted the potential for tensions to rise as more people seek asylum and occupy hotels, with concerns about the security implications and the government's ability to process claims efficiently. Additionally, there are concerns about the UK's military readiness, with the army being described as a shadow of its former self and lacking the necessary resources to defend the country effectively. These challenges could have serious consequences in the coming months and may impact the political landscape, particularly in relation to immigration and national security.

    • UK Military Facing Challenges with Underinvestment and Outdated EquipmentThe UK military is facing challenges due to underinvestment and outdated equipment, emphasizing the need for increased defense spending and modernization, while relying on allies and partnerships to compensate for shrinking military size. Recent discoveries of Chinese spy balloons add to concerns, requiring further investigation.

      The UK's military, particularly the army, is facing significant challenges due to underinvestment and outdated equipment, despite the importance of maintaining a strong military presence as a NATO member. Lord Dannatt emphasized that while numbers aren't the only issue, ensuring soldiers have the right equipment is crucial. The defense budget, currently around 2% of GDP, needs to be increased to address these concerns. In the meantime, the UK must rely on its allies and partnerships to compensate for its shrinking military size. Additionally, the recent discovery of Chinese spy balloons and other objects over North America is a major concern, with Elbridge Colby confirming that the first balloon was indeed Chinese surveillance equipment. The motives and implications of these incidents are still being investigated. Overall, these discussions highlight the need for increased defense spending and vigilance in the face of potential threats.

    • Chinese Surveillance Balloons Discovered in North AmericaChinese surveillance balloons, the size of buses, have been discovered in North America, causing concerns about Chinese surveillance capabilities and intentions, potentially part of a larger, more sophisticated surveillance campaign, and fueling further tensions between China and the US.

      The discovery of large surveillance balloons entering North American airspace, allegedly originating from China, has raised significant concerns about Chinese surveillance capabilities and intentions. The objects, which are reportedly the size of a few buses, have been found in remote areas like Alaska and the Yukon, and their recovery is proving to be a challenging task. While it's not clear yet if all the unidentified objects are of Chinese origin, experts believe that China is likely behind this extensive surveillance operation. The implications of this development are far-reaching, as it underscores the increasing perception of China as a primary threat to American interests, which could have implications for European policy in the future. Experts suggest that these balloons may be part of a larger, more sophisticated surveillance campaign, potentially helping China to practice entry targeting for new, fast-moving weapons. The discovery of these balloons comes at a time when tensions between China and the US are already high, and it's likely that this incident will fuel further debate and diplomatic discussions between the two powers.

    • Heightened concerns over potential surveillance by unidentified objects in the skiesUnidentified objects, possibly used for intelligence gathering, have raised concerns in multiple countries, with China identified as a major competitor. The sudden appearance of these objects questions previous detection capabilities and not all countries may have the ability to down them.

      There is heightened concern over potential surveillance by unidentified objects, such as balloons, in the skies above various countries including the US, UK, and Europe. These objects may be used for intelligence gathering and could potentially target nuclear sites. China is identified as a major competitor in this regard, but continuous underwater deterrents, such as submarines, ensure that nuclear capabilities remain hidden. The sudden appearance of these objects has raised questions about their previous presence and detection capabilities. Despite the Americans' ability to down these objects, it remains unclear whether other countries have the same capability. The competition for information and intelligence is a significant geopolitical issue.

    • Teachers in England face critical staffing crisis due to falling pay, exhaustion, abuse, and lack of respectTeachers in England are under immense pressure due to falling pay, exhaustion, abuse, and lack of respect, leading to a high turnover rate and some tragic outcomes.

      The teaching profession in England is facing a critical staffing crisis, with a high turnover rate and a significant number of teachers planning to quit due to factors including falling real terms pay, exhaustion, abuse, and lack of respect. The case of languages teacher Catherine Schouler, who tragically took her own life ahead of a trial for allegedly assaulting a pupil, highlights the pressures and challenges teachers face in the classroom, as well as the shift in power dynamics where teachers often feel besieged and forced to justify their attempts to maintain discipline. The situation is further complicated by issues like cancel culture and gender identity, adding to the strain on an already overburdened profession. It's crucial that teachers receive the necessary support and respect to ensure they can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of their students.

    • College's response to student's request for gender transition raises concernsClear policies and procedures are necessary for colleges to handle student gender transitions, ensuring their welfare and respecting autonomy and privacy.

      The handling of a student's request to change pronouns and transition at a college raised concerns for safeguarding, but the college's response was not supportive. The student's welfare was the primary concern, and there was a risk of self-medication due to easy access to hormones online. However, the person discussing the situation was accused of having homophobic views based on past tweets. While the tweets might not be homophobic in nature, the language used could be perceived as such. The focus should have been on the college's lack of support and the potential risks to the student. Instead, the person was investigated for raising safeguarding concerns. It's crucial for educational institutions to have clear policies and procedures in place for handling such situations, ensuring the welfare of students while respecting their autonomy and privacy.

    • Parents voice concerns over school handling of sensitive issuesParents express frustration with schools' approach to sensitive matters, calling for stronger support from leadership, unions, and parents.

      There are concerns about the lack of support for teachers and students in handling sensitive issues in schools, as highlighted by two parents in a discussion on a TV show. They expressed frustration with the schools' handling of such matters and felt that there was a need for stronger backing from the leadership, unions, and parents. Additionally, there was a debate about Brexit and a secret summit at Ditchley Park, where various politicians met. Some perceived it as an attempt to betray Brexit, while others saw it as part of the opposition's preparation for government. Despite disagreements on the success of Brexit, there was a consensus that it hasn't been a resounding success yet, and there are concerns about certain forces trying to undermine it without giving it a fair chance.

    • Brexit concerns: Perceived plots and unfulfilled promisesBrexit supporters worry about government's commitment to upholding the vote, fearing a sell-out deal. Criticism towards Michael Gove and economic concerns add to the debate.

      There are concerns among Brexit supporters that the UK government is not doing enough to uphold the Brexit vote and that there is a perceived plot to sell out the Brexit deal. Nigel Farage, a prominent Brexit campaigner, has expressed this viewpoint, and while some may dismiss it as conspiracy theory, others believe it is a valid concern. Michael Gove, a former Brexit supporter and current Cabinet member, has been criticized for not delivering on the promises made during the Brexit campaign. The economic impact of Brexit, including increased government spending and decreased trade with the EU, has also been a point of contention. While some argue that the UK needs to grow its economy through tax cuts and new trade deals, others believe that the benefits of Brexit have not materialized and that the country is at a loss. The discussion also touched on the Brit Awards and the controversial outfits worn by some celebrities. However, the overarching theme was the ongoing debate surrounding Brexit and its implementation.

    • Acknowledging women's worth and securing essential needsRecognize women's worth, secure reliable health insurance, and be a thoughtful gift giver for joy and rewards

      Despite advancements in technology and societal norms, some fundamental needs and desires remain constant. On a personal note, it's disheartening to see that recognition of women's worth is still conditional. However, in the realm of practicalities, having reliable health insurance, such as UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans, is essential and provides peace of mind for an extended period. On a lighter note, being a thoughtful gift giver continues to bring joy to both the giver and receiver. With the help of resources like celebrations passport from 1800flowers.com, shopping for gifts becomes a breeze, and the more you give, the more rewards you reap. So, while the world around us evolves, let us not forget the importance of acknowledging women's worth and securing our essential needs and desires.

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    32:35 - Biden’s former advisor Moe Vela joins the discussion

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    01:07:42 - Cenk: “If we keep Biden in the race, a Trump victory is guaranteed"

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    00:00 - Introduction

    02:05 - Is any debate more divisive than Israel-Palestine?

    04:06 - Piers asks if Galloway condemns the actions of Hamas on Oct 7

    11:44 - Terrorist organisations and freedom resistance fighters

    18:14 - Israel’s creation of “a boogie man of an Islamist Regime”

    23:19 - “The fact cannot be changed, there once was a Palestine, now there is not”

    24:14 - The Balfour Declaration: “My country caused it, that is why I’m so exercised by it"

    26:14 - Failure of the Accords to create a Palestine state

    37:14 - Brexit and losing control of UK borders

    40:33 - Russia, Ukraine and the expansion of NATO

    41:14 - George Galloway on Zelensky - “the greatest showman on Earth”

    49:14 - “I trust Putin more than I trust Keir Starmer, Joe Biden and Donald Trump”

    51:14 - Battle of Bucha

    59:14 - “Why do you trust Putin?”

    01:03:14 - On Julian Assange’s release

    01:14:14 - On being stalked by Fiona Harvey

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    On a show called Uncensored, it probably comes as no surprise that she is one of our most popular ever guests.

    And with a mandatory trigger warning, Roseanne Barr, Uncensored.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    But if Putin’s real aim was to feign innocence for his apologists and score another propaganda victory, he may have been successful.

    To debate, We're joined by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Liberal media outlets screamed “misinformation.”

    While the President appeared to freeze at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday and had to be guided off stage by Barack Obama.

    Democrats love to go hopping mad about “cultist” Trump supporters wearing MAGA-coloured glasses.

    It’s time they admitted their president is now unfit to serve and started a serious conversation about how America and the world should deal with it.

    Joining to debate are three ferocious commentators from the political right, left and centre.

    Cenk Uygur, Founder & Host, The Young Turks 

    Host of Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick, Tomi Lahren 

    And the commentator and Author of the upcoming book ‘Shameless’, Brian Tyler-Cohen

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Princess of Wales Returns!

    Princess of Wales Returns!

    The Princess of Wales made a triumphant return to public duties this weekend.

    It was her first official public appearance since Christmas Day.

    Kate revealed that she is still receiving treatment, including chemotherapy, for an unspecified form of cancer. That treatment is expected to continue for several months.

    But make no mistake, this was a huge moment for the royals in an historically wretched year.

    King Charles, aged 75, is still fighting cancer too.

    Conspiracy theories swirled for months about the health and whereabouts of Princess Catherine. Her badly-edited Mother’s Day photograph was an unmitigated PR disaster.

    But this weekend, against all odds, she was back at her glamorous best. And the crowds loved it.

    So, have the royals now turned a corner on a dark chapter?

    Have the Kate-spiracies been banished for good? Or were they - in fact - correct?

    And has there EVER been a more feeble attempt to overshadow a state occasion than Meghan Markle’s decision to unveil a range of dog biscuits on the very morning of Kate’s return?

    Uncensored contributor Paula Rhone-Adrien, Royal Editor, Sarah Hewson & Royal Historian Tessa Dunlop join to debate.

    But first, Fox News contributor, Dr Marc Siegel gives his thoughts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    0:00 - Intro

    1:01 - Catching Up

    5:24 - J. Anthony’s Bidet Mishap

    17:40 - Diversity Among Friends

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    23:28 - Hydration with Liquid IV

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    51:40 - Fan-Requested Story Reaction

    52:55 - Inheritance Drama: Ex-Boyfriend's Will

    55:11 - Woman Inherits Ex's Estate

    1:03:40 - Q&A Session

    1:05:07 - Final Thoughts

    1:05:43 - Like, Comment, and Subscribe Reminder

    1:07:05 - Thank You Message


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    Mugshots to Billboards: Trump, Tunes, and Tax Dollars

    Mugshots to Billboards: Trump, Tunes, and Tax Dollars

    Coffee Milk Episode 32
    Mugshots to Billboards: Trump, Tunes, and Tax Dollars

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    So, grab your coffee, sit back, and tune in to this episode of Coffee Milk for an engaging discussion on these hot topics. We promise, it's an episode you won't want to miss!

    Reach out:

    Website: https://coffeemilk.co/

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