
    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Titanic Sub Search, Going to School With a Cat, Cricket - The World's Greatest Sport?

    enJune 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Evolution of Identity: From Rings to AnimalsSchools are allowing students to identify as animals or objects, reflecting the increasing emphasis on limitless self-identity. Some see it as a farce, while others take it seriously.

      The world is changing, and with it, the way we view identity. At Blue Nile, you can design a unique engagement ring online, while Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn when it was revealed that some schools are allowing students to identify as animals or objects. This trend, while shocking to some, is a reflection of the increasing emphasis on limitless self-identity. A teacher in England was criticized for labeling students who held traditional views on gender as "despicable." The Daily Telegraph reported that children in the UK are identifying as cats, horses, dinosaurs, and even moons, leading to disruptions in lessons. It's a sign of the times, and while some may see it as a farce, others are taking it seriously. It's a reminder that as the world evolves, so too must our understanding and acceptance of identity.

    • Exploring the Consequences of Limitless Self-IdentityThe concept of limitless self-identity raises concerns about societal changes and their impact on children's education, particularly when they identify as animals or genders other than human. Some argue that this ideology denies biological reality and causes confusion and harm, while others defend it as a necessary step towards acceptance and understanding.

      The discussion revolves around the concept of limitless self-identity and its implications, particularly in the context of education and children identifying as animals or genders other than human. The speaker expresses concern over the radical societal changes and the potential chaos it causes, questioning the validity of such identities and the societal pressure to accept them without question. They argue that this ideology, which denies biological reality, is causing confusion and harm, especially in educational settings where children are encouraged to explore their identities without consequence. The speaker also criticizes the idea that questioning such identities makes one bigoted or transphobic. The conversation involves various perspectives, including those of a veteran LGBT activist, a political journalist, and a conservative commentator, who share similar concerns about the implications of this ideology on society and children's development.

    • Children's imaginative fantasies vs. identity issues in schoolsWhile children's imaginative fantasies are normal, insisting others conform and disrupting learning environments is problematic. Balanced and nuanced conversations on identity issues in schools are essential.

      While it's normal for children to have imaginative fantasies, it becomes problematic when they insist others conform to their identities and disrupt learning environments. The discussion also touched upon the sensitive issue of transgender rights and its portrayal in media. The Telegraph's reporting on trans issues has increased significantly, leading to concerns about the impact on trans people. However, the obsession with trans issues in media might not be the media's fault, but rather a response to the growing activism and aggression within the trans community. The media's coverage of extreme cases, such as biological males competing in women's sports, can fuel backlash against the trans community. It's essential to distinguish between children's fantasies and the serious implications of identity issues in adult life. Schools should address individual cases of excesses but avoid creating a generalized attack on the school system. The discussion emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced and nuanced conversation on these complex issues.

    • Perception of LGBTQIA+ movement promoting gender ideology and confusing childrenThe debate around gender identity within the LGBTQIA+ movement continues, with critics arguing it's leading to confusion and medical experiments on children, while supporters clarify the distinction between sex and gender and emphasize individual identity.

      The discussion revolves around the concern that the LGBTQIA+ movement is losing public support due to the perception that it is promoting gender ideology and confusing children. Critics argue that this ideology, which allegedly promotes the belief that gender is limitless and can be identified as anything, is leading to nonsensical situations and medical experiments on children. They believe that this is causing a backlash from the general public, who see it as the movement losing control of itself. However, it was clarified during the discussion that there is a distinction between sex and gender, and that gender identity is separate from biological sex. The debate went off the rails when the idea of limitless genders was brought up, with some claiming there is a limit while others do not. Ultimately, it was agreed that gender identity is how one sees themselves, but there is ongoing debate about the number of genders and whether it is limitless or not.

    • Discussing gender identity, intersex conditions, and media impactSpeakers debated the existence of over 100 genders, emphasized respect for individual identities, and discussed media's role in shaping societal norms. They also touched upon challenges of meeting partners and the impact of workplace scandals.

      The discussion touched upon various topics including gender identity, intersex conditions, and the impact of media on young minds. The speakers disagreed on the existence of over 100 genders, with one arguing that gender identity is rooted in brain structures and processes, while the other emphasized the importance of respecting individual identities. They also debated the implications of the Philip Scofield scandal and the role of media in shaping societal norms. Additionally, they discussed Elton John's reaction to the scandal and the historical context of workplace relationships. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of meeting partners for life in a world where work relationships are becoming taboo and society is increasingly digital. Overall, the speakers highlighted the importance of evidence-based understanding and respect for individual identities and experiences.

    • Exploring the Titanic's depth: Risks and improper safety measuresImproperly designed and untested submersibles increase the risk of accidents and potential harm to explorers in the deep sea

      The exploration of the deep sea, even by experienced and well-funded individuals, carries significant risks. The Titanic, located at a depth of 12,500 feet, is a harsh environment with extreme pressure, freezing temperatures, and complete darkness. Hamish Harding, an accomplished explorer with a history of daring expeditions, and his team embarked on a mission to explore the Titanic in a submersible that appeared to be improvised and not certified by any regulatory body. Retired US Navy submarine captain David Markey emphasized the importance of proper design, manufacturing, and testing to ensure submarines operate safely underwater. Despite the team's confidence and enthusiasm, the lack of these safety measures increases the likelihood of accidents and potential harm to the crew.

    • Sudden loss of communication from submarine raises concerns of catastrophic eventThe disappearance of a submarine and the absence of communication or signals suggest a potential catastrophe, such as a fire, oxygen depletion, or flooding, and extensive investigations are underway.

      The sudden loss of communications and the absence of any sounds or signals from the missing submarine suggest that the crew may have faced a catastrophic event, such as a fire, oxygen depletion, or flooding. The difference between a submarine and a submersible is that a submarine is self-propelled and can operate independently underwater, while a submersible is towed to the site and uses small propellers to maneuver around. The lack of communication and the crew's inability to surface are causing great concern, and the potential causes for the incident are being extensively investigated. During an earlier underwater exploration, Michael found himself and his team stuck beneath a shipwreck, experiencing a strong underwater current and communication difficulties, but they were eventually able to escape. The loss of communication and the potential danger faced by the crew are evoking strong emotions and memories for Michael and others involved in underwater exploration.

    • Surviving Against All Odds: A Story of Hope and DeterminationEven in the most desperate situations, hope and determination can lead to miraculous outcomes. Never give up.

      Even in the most dire and seemingly hopeless situations, there is always a chance for survival and rescue. This was vividly illustrated in the story shared by an experienced journalist who found himself trapped in the propeller of a ship. Despite the overwhelming sense of helplessness and despair, he was ultimately rescued by the heroic efforts of his crew member. This experience, which took place in a harsh and unforgiving environment, serves as a reminder that no situation is beyond redemption and that hope and determination can lead to miraculous outcomes. It's essential to keep this in mind during times of adversity and to never give up, no matter how insurmountable the odds may seem. Additionally, the discussion also touched upon the emotional description of the potential fate of those missing near the Titanic and the hope that they may still be alive. The speakers expressed their sympathy and support for the families and friends of those affected, and emphasized the importance of keeping a positive attitude and holding onto hope.

    • Cricket's Rich History and TraditionCricket, with its complex rules and long history, is a cherished pastime for many despite criticisms of its appeal.

      Despite the complexity and potential boredom some may perceive in cricket, those who love the sport believe it to be the greatest. Cricket has a rich history, dating back to the American Revolutionary War, and even George Washington was known to have played. However, the sport didn't gain popularity in the United States and was eventually replaced by baseball. Critics argue that cricket's rules and lengthy matches make it less appealing, but for many, the tradition, skill, and history make it worth the investment. The ongoing debate between cricket's greatness and its perceived complications was explored in a discussion between Dave Portnoy from the United States and David Lloyd from Yorkshire, with Lloyd passionately defending the sport's merits. Ultimately, whether or not cricket is the greatest sport is a matter of personal preference, but for those who appreciate its intricacies and history, it remains a cherished pastime.

    • A Debate on Cricket: Love vs. SkepticismTwo guests had contrasting opinions about cricket, with one expressing deep love and the other skepticism. The discussion touched upon the complexity, length, and global popularity of cricket, and the differences from other sports like baseball and pool.

      During the discussion on Piers Morgan Ascension, two guests, David Lloyd and Dave Portnoy, had contrasting opinions about cricket. While David Lloyd expressed his deep love and appreciation for the game, Dave Portnoy showed little interest and even expressed skepticism. The conversation touched upon the complexity and length of cricket matches, its global popularity, and its differences from other sports like baseball and pool. Despite their differing perspectives, the debate was light-hearted and humorous, showcasing the unique aspects of cricket that make it a beloved sport for many around the world. Additionally, the conversation briefly touched upon other topics, including the potential introduction of cricket to the United States and the ongoing debate about the appropriateness of beauty contests for women and children.

    • The debate over beauty pageants and objectification of womenWomen's choices to participate in beauty pageants should be respected, and signs labeling construction sites should not be perceived as demeaning.

      The debate surrounding beauty pageants and objectification of women stems from the notion that women should not be judged based on their physical appearance. However, many women willingly participate in these competitions as they see it as an opportunity to be judged and recognized for their beauty. It's important to remember that the title "beauty pageant" implies that the contestants are being judged on their physical appearance, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Similarly, signs labeling construction sites as "men at work" are simply stating a fact and should not be perceived as demeaning women's contributions. Ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge and respect individual choices and motivations, whether it's participating in a beauty pageant or working on a construction site.

    • Experience high-quality skincare sets from Osea MalibuSave up to $48 on two special sets, enjoy free shipping, and new customers get a 10% discount with code 'mom' for radiant skin at home

      Osea Malibu is offering two special sets for those seeking smooth, glowing skin. The Golden Glow body set includes three clinically proven bestsellers, while the glow and go facial set delivers spa-level results at home. Both sets come with savings up to $48 and free shipping, making them excellent gifts or treats for yourself. Plus, new customers can enjoy a 10% discount site-wide by using the code "mom" at checkout when shopping on osea malibu dot com. These sets provide an opportunity to experience high-quality skincare products and achieve radiant skin from the comfort of your own home.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

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    Its also contends that Netflix 'did nothing' to prevent Harvey from being identified and that, as a result, her life has been 'ruined'. 

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    Liberal media outlets screamed “misinformation.”

    While the President appeared to freeze at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday and had to be guided off stage by Barack Obama.

    Democrats love to go hopping mad about “cultist” Trump supporters wearing MAGA-coloured glasses.

    It’s time they admitted their president is now unfit to serve and started a serious conversation about how America and the world should deal with it.

    Joining to debate are three ferocious commentators from the political right, left and centre.

    Cenk Uygur, Founder & Host, The Young Turks 

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    And the commentator and Author of the upcoming book ‘Shameless’, Brian Tyler-Cohen

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    It was her first official public appearance since Christmas Day.

    Kate revealed that she is still receiving treatment, including chemotherapy, for an unspecified form of cancer. That treatment is expected to continue for several months.

    But make no mistake, this was a huge moment for the royals in an historically wretched year.

    King Charles, aged 75, is still fighting cancer too.

    Conspiracy theories swirled for months about the health and whereabouts of Princess Catherine. Her badly-edited Mother’s Day photograph was an unmitigated PR disaster.

    But this weekend, against all odds, she was back at her glamorous best. And the crowds loved it.

    So, have the royals now turned a corner on a dark chapter?

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    Uncensored contributor Paula Rhone-Adrien, Royal Editor, Sarah Hewson & Royal Historian Tessa Dunlop join to debate.

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