
    PJI 30: Jak inwestować na giełdzie i osiągnąć zysk – Albert Rokicki, Longterm

    plOctober 13, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing is a long-term commitmentPatience and commitment are key to successful investing, even with uncertainties. Encouraged to invest and involve many people.

      Investing in the world is a long-term commitment. The speaker repeatedly emphasized that it's a long-term work, and he showed enthusiasm towards various investment opportunities. Despite some uncertainties, he encouraged viewers to invest and expressed the importance of having a large number of people involved in the investment process. Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of patience and commitment when it comes to investing.

    • Gratitude and Acknowledgement of Challenges in Achieving SuccessExpress gratitude, acknowledge challenges, ask questions, and maintain a positive mindset to achieve success.

      Success requires persistent effort and a positive attitude, even when faced with challenges. The speaker in this conversation expressed their gratitude for the support they have received and highlighted their achievements, acknowledging the difficulty of achieving such success. They also emphasized the importance of continuing to work hard and possibly asking questions to ensure they have a clear understanding and the necessary resources to move forward. The speaker's uncertainty about the number of people they were addressing may suggest a larger audience or a need for clarity in communication. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of perseverance, asking questions, and maintaining a positive mindset in the pursuit of success.

    • Speaker expresses uncertainty but remains committedDespite uncertainty, persist and communicate clearly to build trust and achieve long-term goals.

      The speaker in this text was expressing uncertainty and hesitation during a conversation or presentation. They repeated themselves multiple times, indicating a lack of clarity or confidence in what they wanted to say. However, despite their uncertainty, the speaker acknowledged the reason for their presence and expressed their intention to invest in their business. This highlights the importance of persisting through uncertainty and maintaining focus on long-term goals. Additionally, effective communication and clarity are essential for building confidence and trust in professional settings.

    • An opportunity to make a difference amidst pandemicStay optimistic and proactive, every industry is making strides towards mitigating pandemic impact, be a part of it.

      Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the current pandemic situation, it presents an opportunity for individuals and industries to make a difference. Repeating the phrase "I don't know how to do it" multiple times may reflect feelings of uncertainty or anxiety, but it's important to remember that every industry is making significant strides towards mitigating the impact of the pandemic. The repetition of "It's an opportunity to be a part of the pandemic" emphasizes the importance of staying engaged and contributing in any way possible. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of remaining optimistic and proactive during uncertain times.

    • Exploring the Significance of a Key Topic in American History and PoliticsSpeakers emphasized the importance and potential benefits of investing time and resources into a particular topic in American history and politics, and the need for a long-term perspective.

      The discussion revolved around the importance and significance of a particular topic in American history and politics. The speakers expressed their belief in its importance and the potential benefits of investing time and resources into it. They also emphasized the need for a long-term perspective when approaching this topic. Despite some confusion and repetition in the conversation, they remained committed to exploring and understanding its implications further. Ultimately, they believed that the topic was worth delving into and that they could make significant progress in their understanding and application of it.

    • Uncertainty and confusion in communicationEffective communication requires addressing uncertainties and ambiguities promptly to prevent misunderstandings. Being well-prepared and confident can help minimize anxiety and ensure clear language.

      Communication can be challenging when uncertainty and confusion arise. The speaker expressed their uncertainty multiple times, making it difficult for the listener to understand the intended message. It's essential to clarify any ambiguity and ensure that both parties are on the same page to facilitate effective communication. The speaker's repetition of "I don't know what to say" may indicate anxiety or lack of preparation, emphasizing the importance of being well-prepared and confident when communicating. Additionally, the speaker's difficulty in pronouncing a word highlights the need for clear and precise language to avoid misunderstandings. Overall, clear and effective communication is crucial for successful interactions, and it's essential to address any uncertainties and ambiguities promptly.

    • The importance of clear and definitive communicationEffective communication requires clarity and certainty. Repeated questioning and uncertainty can hinder progress and prevent resolution. Preparation, active listening, and acknowledgement of others' contributions are essential for clear communication.

      Clarity and certainty are essential for effective communication. The repeated questioning and uncertainty expressed in the conversation hindered the progress of the conversation and prevented the group from reaching a clear understanding or resolution. It's important to ask questions when necessary, but it's equally important to provide clear and definitive answers to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The discussion also highlighted the importance of being prepared and knowing the answers to potential questions, as well as the value of active listening and acknowledging the contributions of others. Ultimately, the group was able to move forward when clear and definitive answers were provided, demonstrating the importance of clarity and certainty in communication.

    • The Importance of Addressing Uncertainty about the PastRecognizing and addressing uncertainty about the past is crucial for gaining knowledge and understanding, which leads to progress.

      There are many people who are uncertain about the past and express this uncertainty repeatedly. This uncertainty can hinder progress and understanding. The speaker in the text emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing this issue. The text repeats the phrase "I don't know" numerous times, indicating the speaker's lack of knowledge or understanding about a specific topic. The topic in question is not clear, but the speaker seems to be emphasizing the importance of gaining knowledge and understanding. The speaker also mentions that there are many people who don't know what's going on in the past. This lack of knowledge can create confusion and hinder progress. The speaker seems to be advocating for the importance of historical knowledge and understanding. The repetition of "I don't know" can be seen as a reflection of the complexity of the issue. The speaker acknowledges that the problem is a big one and that it will take effort to address it. However, the importance of gaining knowledge and understanding is clear. In summary, the takeaway from this discussion is the importance of gaining knowledge and understanding, particularly about the past. The repetition of "I don't know" highlights the complexity of the issue, but also emphasizes the need to address it. By acknowledging and addressing uncertainty, we can make progress and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

    • Speaker expresses uncertainty and repetitionClear communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and ensure effective interaction between individuals.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses uncertainty and repetition, indicating a lack of clarity or understanding about a specific topic. The topic itself is not clear, but the speaker seems to be struggling to articulate their thoughts or find the right words. It's possible that they are seeking guidance or advice from the person they are speaking to. The conversation also suggests that the speaker may be uncertain about the validity or significance of what they are saying, as they repeatedly ask if they have spoken to their mother and question if it's a good story. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and the potential challenges that can arise when we are uncertain or unsure of ourselves.

    • Navigating Uncertainty and AmbiguitySometimes, we may not have all the answers and that's okay. Keep asking questions to gain clarity.

      The speaker in this text expresses uncertainty and ambiguity about various topics, including their ability to communicate and their assessment of a game. They repeatedly say that they don't know what to say or do, and they question whether the game is good or bad. Despite this uncertainty, they also express that they think the question being asked is good. The text as a whole reflects a sense of confusion and indecisiveness. It's important to note that without more context, it's impossible to determine the underlying reasons for the speaker's uncertainty or ambiguity. It could be due to stress, lack of information, or other factors. Regardless, the text serves as a reminder that sometimes, we may not have all the answers, and that's okay. It's important to acknowledge our uncertainty and keep asking questions to gain clarity.

    • Speaker's uncertainty and confusionThe speaker expresses uncertainty and confusion about various topics, but maintains confidence in their ideas and determination to move forward.

      The speaker expresses uncertainty and confusion about various topics, including a game they want to analyze and potential business ventures. They repeat their thoughts multiple times, indicating their lack of clarity. They also mention the difficulty of communicating with investors. However, despite their uncertainty, they express confidence in some ideas and believe that they are good. They also mention the use of Google, expressing conflicting views about its value. Overall, the speaker's words suggest a lack of focus and clarity, but also a determination to move forward with their ideas. It's important to note that without additional context, it's difficult to fully understand the speaker's intentions or the significance of their words.

    • Struggling with Business CommunicationUnclear vision and lack of confidence in business can hinder success. Seek guidance for clarity and direction.

      Many people struggle with expressing themselves, especially when it comes to their business. The speaker in this conversation repeatedly expressed their uncertainty and inability to speak, indicating a potential lack of confidence or clarity in their business. Furthermore, there was a contradiction in the statement that it's not a business but also a business, suggesting a lack of direction or understanding of the nature of the endeavor. It's essential to have a clear vision and communication skills to effectively run a business. If you're unsure about what to do, seeking guidance or support can help clarify your path forward.

    • Effective Communication is Key to SuccessClear communication is essential for understanding and progress. Listen actively and express yourself clearly to avoid misunderstandings and answer questions effectively.

      Clear and effective communication is essential for achieving understanding and progress. The repetition in the text emphasizes the importance of this concept. It's crucial that we ensure we can express ourselves clearly and that we listen actively to others to avoid misunderstandings and answer questions effectively. The text highlights the importance of this skill in various contexts and reinforces its significance. It's essential to remember that clear communication is the foundation for successful interactions, whether in personal or professional settings. Additionally, it's important to recognize that we may have many questions, but it's crucial to ask them clearly and patiently to ensure we receive accurate and helpful answers. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of effective communication and the need to prioritize it in our daily lives.

    • Effective Communication is Key to SuccessClear communication is crucial for achieving success and understanding the importance of effective communication can lead to improvement.

      Effective communication is essential for success. The repetition in the text emphasizes this point. It's important to have a clear message that can be understood by a large number of people. The speaker acknowledges the difficulty in conveying this message, but stresses its importance. The reason we are all here today might be to learn how to improve our communication skills. Despite the challenges, the speaker expresses optimism that it will happen. The difference between successful and unsuccessful communication lies in the ability to get your message across clearly and effectively. The speaker's repeated attempts to communicate this message underscore its importance. It's a theme that resonates throughout the text.

    • Speaker's uncertain but positive sentiment towards gameDespite expressing uncertainty and hesitation, the speaker held a positive sentiment towards the game, acknowledging its potential value.

      Despite the speaker expressing uncertainty and hesitation multiple times during the conversation, they ultimately expressed a positive sentiment towards the game being discussed. The speaker's repeated use of "I don't know" may suggest a lack of clarity or understanding, but the overall context indicates that they hold a favorable view of the game. However, it's important to note that the conversation did not provide enough information to determine if the game is a full concept or if it's going to happen. The speaker's uncertainty about the future of the game was evident, but their positive sentiment towards it remained consistent throughout the conversation. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing their gratitude and acknowledging that they didn't know what to say next. Overall, the conversation highlighted the speaker's ambiguity towards the game's development, but their repeated affirmation of its potential value.

    • Embracing Continuous Improvement and Challenging PerspectivesDedication, practice, and striving for excellence are essential for personal and professional growth. Continuous improvement and challenging perspectives are key drivers of change in business sectors and beyond.

      The importance of continuous improvement and the role of business sectors in driving important changes. The speaker expresses their admiration for a particular movie multiple times, but also emphasizes the significance of challenging perspectives and being in the public awareness, especially for journalists. They mention the importance of being able to do things repeatedly to master them, and the concept of QQM (Quality Quotient Management) as a step towards improvement. Despite some unclear statements, the overall message seems to be about the value of dedication, practice, and striving for excellence in various aspects of life.

    • Benji praises Dr. Philip Brannock as the world's best playerBenji highlights Dr. Philip Brannock's exceptional skills and plans to discuss international investing opportunities in future videos.

      Benji is emphasizing the exceptional skills of Dr. Philip Brannock, who he believes is the best player in the world. He repeats this statement multiple times to drive home the point. Additionally, Benji plans to discuss the importance of investing in the rest of the world in future videos. He encourages his audience to spread the word and join him in this venture. Overall, Benji's message is clear: Dr. Philip Brannock is a world-class talent, and they will be focusing on investing in international opportunities.

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    O czym usłyszysz w podcaście:

    00:01:59 Kim jest Mateusz Sagan?
    00:04:50 Fenomen nowych leków na otyłość, a wyceny Novo Nordisk i Eli Lilly
    00:08:30 Dlaczego Ozempic, Vegowy czy Zepbound są określane jako AI świata biotechnologii?
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    00:40:00 Czy europejska i polska biotechnologia może tworzyć przełomowe innowacje?
    00:46:20 Czym zajmuje się SDS Optic i jaką technologię rozwija?
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    00:00:00  Intro 
    00:01:40 Wzrosty na BTC i kryptowalutach, z czego wynikają
    00:02:51 Kryptowaluty znowu zyskują popularność, a co z adaptacją technologii blockchain
    00:05:00 Dlaczego wprowadzenie pierwszego ETF na Bitcoina to rynkowy gamechanger
    00:07:27 ETF na Ethereum to tylko kwestia czasu?
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    00:31:00 Cyfrowe waluty banków centralnych
    00:36:00 Czy porównywanie wyceny BTC do wartości rynku srebra czy wyceny NVIDIA ma sens?
    00:38:00 Nowe podejście do WEB 3.0
    00:43:00 Rozwój kryptowalut i aktywów cyfrowych, a rozwój mediów?
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    Zarządzał 3 mld zł aktywów, dziś prowadzi swój własny fundusz inwestycyjny | Procent Składany
    Skuteczne inwestowanie, zwłaszcza w sektorach technologicznych, wymaga umiejętności szybkiego odsiewania tematów nierokujących na ponadprzeciętne stopy zwrotu. Jednym z sektorów który obecnie wygląda niezwykle interesująco jest sektor lifesciences, gdzie wiele spółek na światowych giełdach jest obecnie notowanych poniżej poziomu gotówki. O tym rynkowym fenomenie i udziale w tym jaki mają fundusze ETF rozmawiamy z Robertem Florczykowskim z Third Dot.

    Robert Florczykowski to zarządzający i partner w funduszy Third Dot, który założył wspólnie z Andrzejem Bernatowiczem. Obaj są doświadczonymi zarządzającymi funduszami sektora technologicznego w renomowanych polskich instytucjach, którzy po latach pracy w nich postanowili przejść na swoje. W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Procent Składany Roberta opowiada o tym co obecnie się dzieje w światowej biotechnologii, tym jak profesjonalnie inwestować w podmioty z sektora lifeciences oraz o jego oczekiwaniach na przyszłość. 

    • 00:01:20 Kim jest Robert Florczykowski
    • 00:05:50 Polska biotechnologia - w jakim miejscu się obecnie znajduje
    • 00:10:25 Jaka będzie przyszłość polskiej biotechnologii
    • 00:17:20 Biotechnologia ma za sobą trudne dwa lata, z czego to wynika
    • 00:23:50 Fundusze ETF, a spółki biotechnologiczne
    • 00:28:00 Fenomen spółek biotechnologicznych o kapitalizacji bliskiej gotówce
    • 00:32:55 Leki na otyłość GLP-1 i ogromne wyceny spółek je produkujących
    • 00:43:00 Spółki biotechnologiczne w Europie
    • 00:47:36 Jak inwestować w spółki biotechnologiczne?
    • 00:53:55 Selekcja spółek biotechnologicznych
    • 00:58:30 Dlaczego sektor life sciences ma dobre perspektywy makroekonomiczne
    • 01:03:50 Sztuczna inteligencja w świecie biotechnologii

    Stopy procentowe pozostaną wysokie, a polska waluta może dalej się umacniać Piotr Bujak | Procent Składany

    Stopy procentowe pozostaną wysokie, a polska waluta może dalej się umacniać Piotr Bujak | Procent Składany
    Stopy procentowe w Polsce pozostaną wysokie przez dłuższy czas, a polska waluta ma potencjał aby dalej rosnąć zarówno względem dolara jak i euro. W rozpoczynającym się 2024 roku będziemy mieli do czynienia ze schizofrenicznym ożywieniem gospodarczym bo realna gospodarka przyspieszy, a nominalna zwolni. O aktualnej sytuacji w polskiej i światowej gospodarce, sytuacji na rynku pracy, zadłużeniu Polski, sytuacji na rynku nieruchomości i w sektorze bankowym rozmawiamy z Piotrem Bujakiem głównym ekonomistą PKO BP.

    00:00 Intro 

    02:40 Podsumowanie gospodarcze 2023 roku
    04:00 Czy kryzysy gospodarcze trwają krócej?
    08:40 Inflacja, wysokie stopy procentowe, a siła gospodarki
    12:20 Oczekiwania względem stóp procentowych w Polsce
    20:10 Schizofreniczny wzrost gospodarczy w 2024 roku czyli przyspieszenie gospodarki realnej, a spowolnienie realnej
    28:10 Zmiana władzy w Polsce i odblokowanie KPO, a Polska gospodarka
    34:00 Wybory, a hossa na akcjach banków
    43:00 Wyzwania przed sektorem bankowym
    47:50 Ceny nieruchomości w Polsce, czy jest bańka?

    30 lat na GPW i 7 lat w USA. Jakie są różnice między tymi rynkami? Adam Kalkusiński | Procent Składany

    30 lat na GPW i 7 lat w USA. Jakie są różnice między tymi rynkami? Adam Kalkusiński | Procent Składany
    Adam Kalkusiński, to weteran polskiego rynku kapitałowego na którym aktywnie działa od 30 lat. Równolegle od 7 lat aktywnie angażuje się inwestycyjnie na giełdzie w USA. W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Procent Składany opowiada nam o tym czym właściwie w praktyce różni się inwestowanie na Wall Street od GPW oraz dzieli się swoimi przemyśleniami na temat różnic w tych rynkach.

    Adam Kalkusiński to prezesa zarządu cc group, która od lat jest zaangażowana w różnego rodzaju transakcje i oferty na polskim rynku giełdowym. Dlatego, głównie z tego powodu, nasz dzisiejszy rozmówca kilka lat temu zainteresował się inwestowaniem w USA. Swoje wieloletnie doświadczenie z polskiej giełdy zaczął wykorzystywać próbując swoich sił w inwestycjach na Wall Street i dzisiaj dzieli się swoimi przemyśleniami na ten temat.Opowiada o różnicach między tymi dwoma rynkami, podejściu do analizy, selekcji oraz samym procesie egzekucji. W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Procent Składany konfrontujemy inwestowanie na GPW i Wall Street.

    • 00:02:00 Od czego zaczęła się przygoda Adama Kalkusińskiego z rynkami kapitałowymi?
    • 00:06:00 Największa różnice między GPW i Wall Street
    • 00:20:00 Strategia inwestowania na giełdzie w USA
    • 00:42:30 Źródła informacji na temat rynku i giełdy w USA
    • 00:50:00 Komunikacja z inwestorami na Wall Street
    • 00:53:00 Inwestowanie w USA, a podatki
    • 01:00:50 Czy Wall Street zawsze będzie rynkiem wzrostowym
    • 01:00:06 Fundusz inwestycyjny Adama Kalkusińskiego dedykowany rynkowi USA

    Sławomir Mentzen o IPO swojej spółki, biznesie, kryptowalutach i inwestowaniu | Procent Składany

    Sławomir Mentzen o IPO swojej spółki, biznesie, kryptowalutach i inwestowaniu | Procent Składany
    Sławomir Mentzen, przedsiębiorca, polityk i twórca internetowy, zapowiedział oficjalnie plany przeprowadzenia publicznej oferty akcji swojej spółki na GPW. W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Procent Składany opowiada nam o swojej działalności biznesowej, podejściu do inwestowania i planach giełdowych.

    Sławomir Mentzen to przedsiębiorca, współprzewodniczący rady liderów federacyjnego ugrupowania Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość, poseł na Sejm X kadencji, który od lat rozwija swoją działalność związaną z obsługą podatkową i prawną małych przedsiębiorców w Polsce. Swoją popularność w sieci zbudował na propagowaniu wolności gospodarczej jak również niskich podatków. Jak się okazuje, równolegle do działalności politycznej i internetowej rozwija szybko rosnący biznes. O Planowanym IPO i upublicznieniu spółki opowiedział nam w najnowszym podcaście Procent Składany.

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