
    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming insecurities and keeping promisesEven when feeling insecure, it's important to keep commitments and maintain a positive attitude. Creating a professional online presence with Squarespace can help entrepreneurs succeed.

      Even when we don't feel our best, we still have commitments and responsibilities to fulfill. The speaker shared a personal story about attending a fancy event while feeling insecure about her appearance. Despite her feelings, she pushed through and enjoyed the experience. The importance of keeping promises and maintaining a positive attitude, even when facing challenges, was emphasized. Additionally, the speaker discussed the significance of having a good online presence, using the example of a friend's t-shirt and the importance of a well-designed website for selling products. She highlighted Squarespace as a platform that can help entrepreneurs create professional websites easily. An unexpected challenge the speaker faced was dealing with an unflattering photo of herself that was being widely shared on social media. In the moment, she found it difficult to move past the embarrassment, but in retrospect, she recognized that it was a small issue. The episode was sponsored by Haagen Dazs, Walmart, and Squarespace.

    • The Allure of Plastic Surgery for Self-AcceptanceThe increasing acceptance of cosmetic procedures raises questions about self-acceptance and societal values, as some individuals consider plastic surgery as a solution to feelings of insecurity.

      Our society's increasing acceptance and accessibility of cosmetic procedures have led some individuals to consider plastic surgery as a solution to feelings of insecurity, rather than learning to accept themselves as they are. The speaker, who had a moment of self-doubt and insecurity during an event, questioned why some people seem to have perfect photos online while she constantly struggles with her own. She then contemplated getting plastic surgery as a solution, but soon faced a moral dilemma. The speaker reflects on how society's mindset may have shifted towards focusing on changing physical appearances rather than self-acceptance. While plastic surgery may not be accessible to everyone due to cost, it is becoming more common and accessible. The speaker is unsure if this trend is a good thing and encourages deeper thought on the subject.

    • Embracing self-acceptance and confidence enhancement through plastic surgeryPlastic surgery can boost self-confidence and self-love when driven by self-acceptance and personal growth, rather than validation or change.

      Plastic surgery can be a positive experience when it comes from a place of self-acceptance and confidence enhancement, rather than a desperate need for validation or change. The speaker acknowledges the complexity of the issue, as it's important to accept oneself while also having the freedom to make improvements if desired. Positive outcomes can include increased confidence and self-love, without negatively impacting one's self-acceptance. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the motivations behind getting work done and ensure it aligns with personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Considering Cosmetic Procedures: Importance of Self-Acceptance and Informed DecisionsBefore getting cosmetic procedures, research costs, side effects, and long-term maintenance. Ask yourself if it'll bring genuine happiness and self-acceptance. Avoid impulsive decisions and ensure it aligns with your needs and desires.

      Before considering cosmetic procedures, it's crucial to thoroughly research, consider the costs, potential side effects, and long-term maintenance. It's essential to ask oneself if the procedure will genuinely bring happiness and self-acceptance, or if these things come from a deeper place within. Impulsive decisions or doing it when in an irrational state of mind may lead to regrets. Remember, self-acceptance and self-love are not superficial, and true happiness often comes from within. It's essential to be honest with oneself about one's current state of happiness and self-acceptance and whether the procedure will contribute to that or not. If you're considering cosmetic procedures, ensure you're making an informed decision, and it aligns with your genuine desires and needs.

    • Consider self-reflection, research, and genuine desire for enhancement before cosmetic surgeryUndergo cosmetic surgery for personal reasons, not to change who you are or fit in, and ensure it aligns with your values and self-acceptance.

      The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery should be based on self-reflection, proper research, and a desire to enhance, not change, one's features. It's important to consider that surgery may not bring happiness or self-acceptance, and attempting to look like someone else can be detrimental to individuality. While it's understandable to want to fit in, doing so by undergoing procedures to emulate others in a negative way can lead to negative consequences, such as not being true to oneself. Ultimately, cosmetic surgery should be a personal choice made for the right reasons.

    • Consider personal motivations and long-term implications before cosmetic proceduresReflect on reasons, research risks, and ensure alignment with values before undergoing cosmetic procedures to avoid potential addiction, obsession, and relationship complications.

      Undergoing cosmetic procedures should not be taken lightly. It's essential to reflect on personal motivations, research potential risks and side effects, consider the long-term implications, and ensure that the decision aligns with one's values. The allure of instant acceptance or happiness through cosmetic enhancements can be misleading, and the potential for addiction or obsession exists. Moreover, people who express interest in a relationship after you've undergone such changes might not have good intentions, and body dysmorphia can be a challenging condition to manage. Always prioritize self-reflection and thorough research before making any decision regarding cosmetic procedures.

    • Obsession with perceived flaws and distorted body imageBody dysmorphia can lead to addiction to cosmetic surgery, distorted self-perception, and guilt over societal beauty standards and genetic alterations.

      Body dysmorphia, a condition where individuals have distorted perceptions of their bodies, can lead to an obsession and addiction to cosmetic surgery. Those with body dysmorphia may not recognize their true reflection and focus on perceived flaws, often leading to extreme measures to alter their appearance. The potential for guilt is also a significant consideration, as individuals may feel remorse for contributing to societal beauty standards, changing inherited features, and permanently altering their genes. It's crucial to understand the potential risks and consequences before undergoing cosmetic procedures.

    • Pressure to conform in society leads to cosmetic surgerySocietal pressure and scrutiny drive celebrities to undergo cosmetic surgery, but guilt and regret are often overlooked. Creating a strong online presence is essential for building a brand, with user-friendly platforms like Squarespace available for all.

      Societal pressure and the constant scrutiny faced by celebrities contribute significantly to their decision to undergo cosmetic surgery. The guilt and regret often associated with this choice can be overlooked, but they are important aspects of the conversation. When it comes to selling products or building a brand, having a good website is essential. Platforms like Squarespace offer user-friendly solutions, even for those without design knowledge. Meanwhile, Bumble's features help users find compatible matches based on specific preferences. Ultimately, whether it's cosmetic surgery or creating a strong online presence, understanding the underlying motivations and potential consequences is crucial.

    • Celebrities and Cosmetic Procedures: Honesty is KeyLying about cosmetic procedures sets unrealistic beauty standards and can negatively impact fan relationships. Honesty is crucial for maintaining trust and transparency.

      While celebrities have the freedom to keep their personal lives private, including information about cosmetic procedures, lying about it sets a harmful standard and can lead to negative consequences. Celebrities do not owe explanations to their fans, but honesty is crucial. If they prefer not to discuss their procedures, they should simply avoid the topic rather than resorting to deceit. The issue arises when celebrities lie about undergoing cosmetic surgery, as it can create unrealistic beauty standards and fuel speculation. Ultimately, transparency and honesty are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship between celebrities and their fans.

    • Comparing ourselves to celebrities and their cosmetic enhancementsReflect on personal values and motivations before making decisions about cosmetic procedures.

      While it's natural to compare ourselves to others, especially celebrities, it's important to remember that most of them have undergone cosmetic enhancements. This knowledge can help us appreciate their humanity and reduce feelings of inadequacy. However, when it comes to our personal decisions regarding plastic surgery, it's essential to consider our own moral code and motivations. While it's not our place to judge others, we should reflect on whether getting cosmetic procedures aligns with our values and will genuinely make us happier. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one, and focusing on our own growth and self-acceptance is the healthiest approach.

    • Complex feelings about cosmetic surgeryFocus on personal motivations and potential outcomes, self-acceptance is key to finding peace and happiness with one's appearance.

      Individuals have complex feelings about cosmetic surgery and the potential impact it may have on their personal and public lives. Fear of rejection, regret, and the promotion of impossible beauty standards are common concerns. Ultimately, the decision to undergo cosmetic procedures is a deeply personal one, and individuals should focus on their own motivations and potential outcomes. While everyone's situation is unique, it's essential to remember that others' opinions are not the most important factor. Personal autonomy and self-acceptance are key to finding peace and happiness with one's appearance.

    • The Speaker's Reflections on Aging and Cosmetic WorkThe speaker encourages open discussions about aging and cosmetic work, values authenticity, and invites listeners to connect with her.

      The speaker is currently undecided about getting cosmetic work done as she ages, but she promises to be open and honest if she does make that decision. She reflects on her reasons for not having done it yet, despite living in an area where it's common, and expresses her belief in the natural beauty of aging. She encourages listeners to engage in thoughtful and open discussions about such topics and invites them to connect with her on social media or through reviews and subscriptions to her podcast. Additionally, she promotes her own coffee company and offers a discount code for listeners. Overall, the speaker values authenticity, self-reflection, and open communication.

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    • If your brand is not changing that means it is not growing. Use your brand as a force for good. As the world continues to change your brand may shift and evolve along with you. Taking risks is a huge step to growth, relatability and desirability for you and your brand.
    • Necessity is the mother of business. One of the blessings of covid is that it has brought people's attention to where it needed to be. The importance of having multiple streams of income has become more apparent.
    • Having multiple streams of income is security and opportunity. Know where your values are and where you should focus the large majority of your attention. You can then focus small amounts of time on other income-generating tasks that offer you security so that if something hits one of your income sources, you are still financially secure.
    • Self-responsibility and sovereignty have to be the backbone of anybody on social media. Don’t let social media be your backbone, or else you might break your back and you are not going to be as robust as you can.
    • Stay playful and childlike. As you get older, become more of a child than you already are. Let yourself be full, be goofy and worry even less about what people are thinking of you. The older we get, the more maturity we have to allow ourselves to be childlike.
    • When you look around at humanity, you will see so many brave people who are awake and who are brave enough to get their points of view from themselves. The goodness of humanity is the strongest force of nature. The force of good that naturally flows through people is flowing strong.



    “I do comedy in the name of freedom.”

    “One of the biggest mistakes I made for a long time was underestimating the legitimate business side that social media can offer you.”

    “Freedom is important to me.”

    “None of us can predict the future but what we do know is, if you are building a mansion in somebody else's backyard, you don’t own that equity.”

    “We all need to do our best to contribute to positive change in the world.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979



    JP Sears is an American life coach and internet comedian. He is known for his satirical parodying of veganism, gluten-free ads, new age beliefs, social justice warriors and other "modern hippy" topics with his video series Ultra Spiritual. He is the author of the satirical book How to Be Ultra Spiritual: 12-1/2 Steps to Spiritual Superiority. He gave a talk on TEDx titled "Saying YES! to your Weirdness" that was uploaded to the channel TEDxTalks on 19 July 2017.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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