
    Porsche Pray Love | Ep 14 - Happiness Guru His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami

    en-usAugust 02, 2016

    About this Episode

    His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami is the incoming Chair of ISKCON, situated in over 100 countries, this selfless monk's organisation feeds 1.2 Million school children every single day. Today Roh and Swamiji cover why most people have become averse to religion, the power that comes from Surrender and Detachment, Selfless Leadership and Materialism and why one should enjoy the fruits of their work. We would love to see you show your support and better your community by following in the swami's steps even at local level. Please also share this great mans story by subscribing, liking and commenting.

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    Here are a few quotes to take from this interview:
    (13:20) - We change people's lives when we help them say yes to the right thing.
    (18:26) If I had 2 choices of people interesting extrovert or an interested introvert, I would choose the interested introvert any day and train them in sales.
    (21:20) Leadership is an art-form to have others follow you. And if you aren't being followed then you aren't a good leader.
    (24:24) What a way to live, changing other's lives because of the way you can teach.
    (26:16) I never see failure as failure, but only as an opportunity to develop my sense of humour. Well that is really what rejection does if you have a game with it.
    (30:42) Don't look at what you make, look at what you love. Because I believe you sell best that which you love. And the money will follow the product and service you give to others.
    (36:00) You can use technology as a tool, but it can't replace getting out and meeting people, following up on companies, making calls to set appointments. In other words, we are in the people business. YES
    (37:10) The people I have found that get the most 'nos' will end up with the most 'yeses' so get over the fear and talk to more people. YES
    (37:52) It is very hard for a person to be disciplined if they have never had discipline. YES
    (40:40) At this moment, you are and will become that which you think about most of the time. YES
    (42:39) The attitude you keep on a daily basis will determine the altitude you climb in this flight to success. YES
    (44:55) There are four areas of our lives we want to continue to work: financial independence, emotional stability, physical fitness and spiritual fulfilment.
    (49:26) Success is a practice not for a season but for a lifetime. Those who are successful work daily to improve themselves. They also realise that I can get better everyday not only with positive thoughts but also to develop better actions in my life.

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    "If only then I know what I know now" - Bob Carr.

    One of the beautiful things about life is making mistakes. Learning from a mistake, rather than being consumed by it. But you have to be able to look at yourself and be prepared to have a hard talk to yourself, smack yourself if you must so the mistakes are not repeated over and over. You must be prepared to rewire yourself to do things the right way. For anything else is insanity that will bring about a self-defeating mindset which will punish you over and over again. Rise Warrior.

    Bob found it is easy to do the pressing stuff that forms the norm of everyday work, what he found hard is meditation. Bob believes in the notion of continuous learning, hence his desire to learn meditation.  We talk about what makes a good leader. This man should know, he started from humble beginnings and went on to shape not only State politics as the longest serving NSW Premier but also held the role of Australian Foreign Minister.  Like him or not, all leaders need to pay attention to Bob, especially those aspiring to lead masses of people. 

    Life is a learning experience. Leaders ought to see their life as a trajectory of learning. The challenge of walking into a room and becoming interested in other people - it's easy when you have an approach where you feel that from each person you meet your can learn something. It makes life interesting as you become interested in others. Bob believes and I agree, that people who are defeated by life are people who are not passionate about learning.

    Fear of Failure is what made this public leader demand more from himself.

    At a time of an election, Bob was being said to quite possibly become the best Premier we never had. Experts said he would never win. He was behind in polls and written off. At this point in life he made a decision the bulk of the world will fail at; to acknowledge the current unfavourable situation and still give it your best! He simply said to himself that "Should I be defeated I want it to be said that I could not have done any more." Bob says that it is wise to accept when you are in a hell of a position and come out fighting as a warrior." Rise Warrior Rise.

    Virtuous men and women manifest greatness, in themselves and those their presence touches. Listen up leaders, board members as you shape your organisation culture and your individual Self. There is always a winner and loser in battle. Bob's world is straight forward, every election has a winner and a loser. If you don't achieve your goal, make a virtue of not getting bitter. If you do win, aspire to be kind. A single good deed could be enough to find you the path to heaven and a single act of bitterness or cheating could drive your reputation and company into hell.

    Bob has one regret - you will too if you do not learn to meditate properly. Learn from an authentic master. Bob is leaning the art of meditation as he feels that "it is an investment that makes me a better person." Bob finds it the hardest discipline to master. I showered him a couple of tips that i so often coach those who are ready to go beyond to their core of happiness. We talk about the process and I enjoyed giving a little coaching to Bob on this most important of disciplines. The earlier in life you recognise that there are four states of consciousness, the faster you will discover the art to fill the void of your soul. The key take out is it takes practice to make your mind your best friend, if you do not do so, you will never be a great leader of people or yourself as your mind will no doubt act as your worst enemy and take you to places you do not want to go. I won't point out the evidence here in this write up - if you are reading this I will assume you will find that the data is everywhere. I'll share more as Rise Warrior Rise, my book on Self Mastery comes out in September 2018.

    Click the video or podcast below and watch Bob give you his advice on why you must learn how to sell and debate as a master to serve your ambition and people best. 
    Bob is a strong leader. Learn from him. Learn from our 13 global masters including some of the strongest STEM women in power at world-class companies. Subscribe to www.happinessplatform.com or www.youtube.com/c/happinesslatform 


    As the CEO and founder of Populis, I work with organisations to help them build strong people and businesses alike. Through our revolutionary programs including the Happiness Platform™, Master the Art of Sales, The Leadership Framework™, and Excelerateyou.com, we help people to become mentally tougher, to overcome anxiety and restlessness, while increasing their overall satisfaction and performance. If you’d like to discover how Populis can help your business and your people to thrive, please feel free to contact me on +61404049613 or at roh@populis.com.au, or visit www.populis.com.au for more insights.


    Intagram: @rohilesh
    Facebook: Populis1
    Itunes: Happiness Platform

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    Porsche Pray Love | Ep 14 - Happiness Guru His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami

    Porsche Pray Love | Ep 14 - Happiness Guru His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami
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