
    Post Election Day Special with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis (Ep 1393)

    enNovember 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing 2020 election legal fights with Jenna Ellis and Rudy GiulianiImportant interview addressing open questions about election legitimacy and anomalous Dominion voting system events, with support from ExpressVPN and Stamps.com

      The Dan Bongino Show is featuring an interview with President Trump's attorneys, Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani, about the ongoing legal fights regarding the 2020 election. They will discuss anomalous events related to the Dominion voting system and potential paths forward. The interview is important because the legitimacy of the election is at stake and there are many open questions that need answering. Additionally, sponsors like ExpressVPN and Stamps.com are supporting the show. ExpressVPN helps protect online activity, while Stamps.com simplifies mailing and shipping from the convenience of a computer. The interview with Jenna Ellis is already underway, with Giuliani to follow.

    • Dominion Voting System: Allegations of Election FraudConcerns about Dominion's role in the 2020 US elections, potential for intentional vote manipulation, and ongoing efforts to present evidence in court

      There are serious concerns regarding the use of the Dominion voting system and its potential for intentional fraud in the 2020 US elections. This foreign company's software, used in at least 28 states, allegedly has features that allow for the manipulation and cancellation of votes. Sworn affidavits and evidence are being compiled to present in court to address this issue. The mainstream media's dismissal of these allegations as baseless is concerning, and it's crucial to distinguish between the court of public opinion and the court of law. This could be one of the most significant scandals in US history. Evidence of Dominion's use in manipulating elections in other countries adds to the gravity of the situation.

    • The Constitutional Process for Determining the PresidencyDespite media chaos, the US has a constitutional process for electing a president in disputed results. The electors meet Dec 14, and if no winner, state legislatures or House of Reps may decide.

      Despite the media portraying the current situation as unprecedented chaos, there is a constitutional process in place to determine the presidency in case of disputed election results. The electors don't meet until December 14th, and even if they can't determine a winner within the states, there are still processes in place for the state legislatures to select the electors. This was a deliberate safeguard against corruption and foreign influence, as discussed in Federalist 68 by Alexander Hamilton. The constitutional process is underway, and it's important for everyone to remain calm and let it run its course. If the Trump legal team uncovers significant fraud or irregularities, the state legislature may be called upon to select the electors. The U.S. House of Representatives could also determine the next president if no determined winner emerges by January 20th. This process has precedent, and it's crucial to trust in the system rather than creating unnecessary chaos.

    • Presidential Election: What Happens If No Candidate Reaches 270 Electoral Votes?If no presidential candidate reaches 270 electoral votes, the decision goes to the House of Representatives, where each state delegation gets one vote. This scenario is not unprecedented and requires every legal vote to be counted and following the established process to determine the legitimate results.

      According to the Constitution, if no presidential candidate reaches the required 270 electoral votes, the decision goes to the House of Representatives. Each state delegation gets one vote, and given the current control of the House, it could potentially swing the election to Donald Trump if there are disputes in states like Pennsylvania, where Republicans have a majority. This scenario is not unprecedented, as it has happened before, most notably during Rutherford B. Hayes' presidency. The media may portray the current situation as chaotic and unprecedented, but it is not. The key is to ensure every legal vote is counted and go through the established process to determine the legitimate results.

    • Democratic operatives pushing to declare Biden as President-elect before election results certified and legal challenges resolvedDemocrats fear losing political initiative cost them the 2000 election and are trying to create a narrative that Trump won't concede, potentially leading to unrest and violence if outcome is contested.

      The ongoing attempts to declare Joe Biden as the President-elect before the election results are certified in multiple states and legal challenges are resolved, is being driven by Democratic operatives who believe that losing the political initiative in the 2000 Bush v. Gore election cost them the legal battle. They are trying to create a narrative that President Trump will not concede, and if he wins a second term, they will not concede that he is the legitimate president. This strategy is being pushed through the media to shape public opinion, similar to their approach with impeachment and the Russia collusion narrative. The stakes are high, and the potential for unrest and violence is a concern if the outcome is contested.

    • Media outlets declaring election results prematurely, but no chaos or violenceDespite media declaring Biden as next president, there's no chaos or violence in conservative areas. Rule of law and constitutional process important for election outcome.

      Despite media outlets declaring Joe Biden as the next president elect before the election results are finalized, there is no widespread chaos or violence in the conservative areas. Jenna Ellis, a member of President Trump's legal team, emphasized that the rule of law is important, and elections are decided through the constitutional process, not by media outlets. The interview also touched upon home security and online privacy. Simply Safe offers easy-to-install home security systems with professional monitoring and no long-term contracts or hidden fees. ExpressVPN ensures online privacy by hiding IP addresses and encrypting data, making it harder for advertisers to track and sell personal information.

    • Ensuring fair elections for the future: Addressing concerns in PennsylvaniaAllegations of potential fraud, irregularities, and lack of meaningful poll watcher access in Pennsylvania could impact future elections. Meaningful poll watcher access is crucial for effective observation of the voting process.

      The ongoing disputes over the 2020 presidential election results, particularly in states like Pennsylvania, are about ensuring free and fair elections for the future. Jenna Ellis, a member of President Trump's legal team, emphasized the importance of addressing issues in Pennsylvania, where allegations of potential fraud, irregularities, and lack of meaningful poll watcher access have been raised. These concerns go beyond the current election and could impact future elections. The distinction between "meaningful access" and mere presence of poll watchers is crucial, as the former allows for effective observation of the voting process. The conflicting narratives about poll watcher access in Pennsylvania highlight the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

    • Allegations of unfair practices in Pennsylvania during the 2020 electionThe 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania faced allegations of restricted poll watcher access, moving ballot counters, and other questionable actions potentially invalidating hundreds of thousands of votes, making it challenging for the courts to determine a fair remedy and impacting the election outcome.

      During the 2020 presidential election, there were allegations of unfair practices and lack of transparency in several key battleground states, specifically Pennsylvania. These allegations included restricted access for poll watchers, moving ballot counters further away from them, and other questionable actions. The consequences of these actions could potentially invalidate hundreds of thousands of votes, making it difficult for the courts to determine an appropriate remedy. The integrity of the election outcome hangs in the balance, as both parties and the American public demand fairness and impartiality from the judicial branch. The remedy for these issues, if proven, will be a significant challenge for the courts to determine, and the outcome could have far-reaching implications beyond just the 2020 election.

    • Assessing the credibility of witnesses and circumstantial evidence in election disputesEyewitness testimony and election officials' statements must be thoroughly investigated through the legal system, focusing on their reliability and potential for fraud. Statistical anomalies in vote counts and proper ballot safeguards are crucial in determining valid votes.

      The ongoing election disputes require a thorough investigation through the legal system, focusing on the credibility of witnesses and circumstantial evidence. The discussion highlighted the importance of assessing the reliability of eyewitness testimony versus that of election officials, and the significance of statistical anomalies in vote counts. These issues must be addressed in court, not through public opinion. Additionally, the discussion touched on the potential for fraud in instances where a large number of votes were cast for the presidential race but significantly fewer for down-ballot races. The importance of proper signature matching, security envelopes, and other safeguards to ensure valid ballots was emphasized. Ultimately, the Pennsylvania state legislature may need to act to appoint electors if the judicial process does not result in a clear winner.

    • Concerns over missing security envelopes for PA ballotsThe absence of security envelopes for PA ballots raises questions about potential fraud and the destruction of legitimate votes. Poll watchers and transparency are crucial for fair elections.

      The lack of matching security envelopes for ballots in Pennsylvania raises concerns about potential fraud and manipulation of the election process. If these ballots do not have the required outer security envelopes, they should be invalidated. However, this issue also poses a risk for the destruction of legitimate ballots by discarding their security envelopes after the fact. The importance of having poll watchers and full transparency cannot be overstated in ensuring fair and legitimate elections. The ongoing legal disputes surrounding the election outcomes rely on the belief of the American people in the legitimacy of the process. The unilateral rewriting of the law by courts with no authority to do so further complicates the situation.

    • Pennsylvania's Controversial Post-Election Ballot DecisionThe US Supreme Court is currently considering whether Pennsylvania segregated illegally received ballots, as the state allowed them to be received three days after the election despite it not being in state law.

      The Pennsylvania Supreme Court allowed ballots to be received three days after the election, despite it not being in the state law. This decision is currently being challenged in the US Supreme Court, with the question being whether Pennsylvania segregated these illegally received ballots. The Supreme Court previously declined to take up the case before the election due to the legal principle of ripeness. However, the importance of election law and voter integrity makes it crucial for the Supreme Court to intervene in this case. The Pennsylvania legislature had the power to change the election law but chose not to, and the courts should only apply the law as written to ensure due process and equal protection.

    • The Constitutionality of Election LawsThe legislative branch determines the constitutionality of election laws, and a uniform national election day set by Congress is crucial for election legitimacy.

      The constitutionality of election laws lies with the legislative branch, not the governor or the courts. The Pennsylvania case, where the legislature did not act, is considered unconstitutional. Even in states like Nevada, where the legislature did intervene, their actions must still adhere to the Constitution. The importance of a uniform national election day, as set by Congress, cannot be overlooked. The legitimacy of the election outcome is at stake when allegations of fraud persist, and addressing these concerns is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our democratic process.

    • Ensuring Election Legitimacy through Fair and Impartial JudgmentsJudges play a crucial role in maintaining election legitimacy by ensuring transparent and lawful proceedings, providing fair and impartial rulings, and upholding public trust in the democratic process.

      The concept of legitimacy in elections is a factual and legal question, not a matter of feelings or politics. It is crucial that we have impartial and independent judges to ensure that elections are transparent and conducted according to the law. Legitimacy comes from knowing that everything has been done fairly and objectively. Activist liberals may try to turn legitimacy into a political question, but it is the role of the judicial branch to provide legitimacy through fair and impartial rulings. The importance of legitimacy can be seen in any competition, where a legitimate result is accepted even if it goes against one's preferred outcome. It is essential to preserve the legitimacy of our elections to maintain unity and trust in our democratic process.

    • Introducing New Sponsors: Magic Spoon and Power XL Air Fryer GrillMagic Spoon offers delicious, health-conscious cereals with various options, while Power XL Air Fryer Grill is a versatile kitchen appliance with multiple guarantees.

      During this podcast episode, Magic Spoon was introduced as a sponsor, offering a delicious and health-conscious cereal option with various flavors, including keto-friendly, gluten-free, and backed by a 100% happiness guarantee. Another sponsor, Power XL Air Fryer Grill, was presented as a versatile kitchen appliance that can replace eight appliances in one, cook healthier with hot air, and comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. Rudolph Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City, was a guest on the show, discussing the importance of election integrity and the ongoing issue with the Dominion voting system, a foreign company raising concerns about the security and fairness of our elections.

    • Allegations of US election manipulation by Smartmatic and DominionSmartmatic, a company used in US elections with ties to Venezuela and accusations of vote manipulation, and Dominion Voting Systems, whose software allegedly flipped votes, have raised concerns due to lack of transparency and potential biases.

      The 2020 US presidential election results in certain counties were counted outside the United States by a company called Smartmatic, which has ties to Venezuela and allegations of election manipulation. Smartmatic's software, used by Dominion Voting Systems, has been accused of flipping votes, as seen in Antrim County, Michigan, where Biden's victory was unexpectedly high. Smartmatic was established by Chavez to steal elections, and its CEO had ties to Soros and the Democratic Party. Dominion's key personnel also support Antifa. The lack of due diligence in selecting these companies for vote counting raises concerns, and there have been reports of ballots appearing suddenly and only for Biden in Detroit. These allegations have been submitted as evidence in court but have been met with skepticism. The process lacks transparency, and the authenticity and reliability of the vote counts cannot be guaranteed.

    • Significant statistical anomalies in key battleground states during the 2020 presidential electionFormer Mayor Rudy Giuliani alleges voter fraud through irregularities in mail-in ballots, specifically ballot harvesting and an anomalous surge in requests from nursing homes in Pennsylvania. Giuliani's team claims to have evidence and argues for state legislature to set federal election rules.

      During the 2020 presidential election, there were significant statistical anomalies in several key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the charge to challenge the election results, shared on a radio show that there were unusually high numbers of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden, with few or no votes down the ballot. Giuliani suggested that this could indicate voter fraud, specifically ballot harvesting, which is illegal in Pennsylvania. He also pointed to an anomalous surge in mail-in ballot requests from nursing homes in Pennsylvania. Giuliani and his team claim to have proof of these irregularities and argue that the state legislature, not the courts, has the authority to set the rules for federal elections under the U.S. Constitution. They believe that hundreds of thousands of unlawful ballots were cast in Pennsylvania and other states, potentially skewing the election results.

    • Relief Band: A Wearable Device to Ease Nausea Now Available to PublicRelief Band, a hospital-backed wearable device, stimulates a nerve in the wrist to block nausea signals. It's now available to public for those dealing with sickness. Pennsylvania's election outcome could change with up to 600,000 potentially disqualified ballots and recent court victories for the Trump campaign.

      Relief Band, an over-the-counter wearable device originally developed to relieve nausea in hospitals, is now available to the public. It works by stimulating a nerve in the wrist that blocks the signal from the brain to the stomach, effectively alleviating feelings of sickness. Relief Band is the only wearable device with a hospital background for treating nausea and vomiting. If you know someone dealing with nausea, consider gifting them a Relief Band. Use code Bongino for a 20% discount at reliefband.com. Meanwhile, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani discussed ongoing legal efforts to ensure a fair election in Pennsylvania. The state's own law potentially disqualifies up to 600,000 ballots, which could significantly change the election outcome. A recent court victory in favor of the Trump campaign regarding "cured ballots" is a significant step towards removing unlawful ballots from the count. Pennsylvania's Secretary of State and courts have assumed legislative roles, disregarding the state Constitution. The Trump campaign is currently 50,000 votes behind in Pennsylvania, and the recent court victory, along with other irregularities, could potentially shift the balance in their favor.

    • Controversial Election Process in Key Battleground StatesThe election process in several key battleground states has been a source of controversy due to allegations of election law violations and potential systemic fraud, including late-arriving ballots, backdated ballots, and forged ballots. The validity and outcome of these contested votes remain uncertain.

      The election process in several key battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Michigan, has been a source of controversy due to allegations of election law violations and potential systemic fraud. The Supreme Court had ruled that ballots must be submitted by Election Day, but some states, like Pennsylvania, disregarded this order and accepted ballots after the deadline. This led to concerns about the validity of these late-arriving ballots and the potential for widespread confusion and uncertainty in the outcome of the election. Additionally, there have been reports of ballots being backdated and even forged, further casting doubt on the integrity of the process. These issues have led some to call for the contested votes to be segregated and closely scrutinized, but there is concern that this may not happen, and the outcome of the election may be uncertain as a result. The situation is particularly troubling given the clear election laws that have been violated and the potential for significant systemic fraud.

    • Former mayor suggests manipulation of election resultsFormer mayor alleges irregularities, potential manipulation in key battleground states, suggests stopping counts, adding ballots, and only calling states where ahead to create momentum

      During the 2020 US Presidential Election, there were allegations of irregularities and potential manipulation of vote counts, particularly in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. According to a former mayor, if someone were attempting to manipulate the election results, they would likely stop the count in the middle of the night when fewer people are paying attention, add ballots to change the outcome, and only call states where they were ahead to create political momentum for their candidate. The former mayor suggested that this is what happened in the 2020 election, and that there should be a thorough investigation into any potential communication or coordination between the Biden campaign and the DNC regarding these strategies. The former mayor also emphasized the importance of ensuring free and fair elections and investigating any potential issues with election software or processes. Additionally, the former mayor promoted a product called iTarget Pro, which is a laser round system for practicing gun skills safely and effectively at home.

    • I Target Pro Promotion and Upcoming EventListeners can save 10% and get free shipping on I Target Pro products using code Dan. The company is hosting a special event with surprise guests and potential election resolution news.

      The speaker is promoting a product from I Target Pro, which offers a discount of 10% and free shipping using the code Dan. This product, which comes in various calibers, is suitable for professionals who need to be proficient and efficient. The speaker also mentions that it makes a great gift. Additionally, the speaker announces an upcoming special event on I Target Pro, featuring surprise guests and potential resolution on the ongoing election. The speaker encourages listeners to check out I Target Pro using the offer code Dan for a discounted purchase. The speaker expresses his excitement about the upcoming event and thanks the audience for their patience and time.

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