
    Potluck - Beating Procrastination × Rollup vs Webpack × Leadership × Code Planning × Styled Components × More!

    enJuly 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Beyond APIs: Authentication, Database Calls, and Data AggregationTo become a full stack developer, learn authentication methods, handle database calls, and aggregate data effectively.

      Becoming a full stack developer involves more than just creating APIs. While APIs are a crucial part of back end development, there are other essential skills to learn. Authentication, such as JWT and OAuth, is important for securing applications. Database calls and data aggregation are also vital for handling and managing data effectively. These skills can help you create more robust and functional applications. Additionally, there's a new feature in accessibility settings for assigning tap sequences to initiate actions, which was discussed on the show but not widely known. Keep learning and expanding your skillset to grow as a developer.

    • Handling additional tasks in back end developmentBack end development involves more than databases and logic, includes server-side templating, email templating, cronjobs, webhooks, and security. Server side rendering can lead to fast, efficient apps. Webmasters can be a starting point for front end devs, managing website content and updates.

      Being a back end developer involves more than just managing databases and server-side logic. It also includes handling tasks like server-side templating, email templating, cronjobs, webhooks, and security. Server side rendering is making a comeback and can lead to building fast and efficient applications. For those aspiring to be front end developers, being a webmaster is a common starting point, where one manages a website's content and updates, even if it's a code-based system. For those working on a MERN Stack app and struggling with distractions, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable pieces can help overcome anxiety and make progress.

    • Improve focus with productivity appsUse productivity apps to block distracting websites and apps, improve self-awareness of distraction habits, and create a productive environment.

      If you find yourself easily distracted by technology and struggle to focus, consider using productivity apps to help you block distracting websites and apps. The speaker personally uses an app called Focus for Mac, but there are many similar options available. By using these tools, you can make yourself more aware of your compulsive distraction habits and improve your focus. Additionally, putting yourself in a productive environment can also help. While the current global pandemic may limit options, finding a quiet place to work and using focusing apps can be effective solutions. Regarding the tech debate, the speaker prefers using Rollup over webpack for personal projects due to his familiarity with the tool and its use within the Svelte community. Ultimately, the choice between tools depends on personal preference and effectiveness.

    • Discovering Parcel: A User-Friendly Alternative to WebpackParcel simplifies web project building with its user-friendly interface, built-in dev server, and image handling. Keep learning and exploring new tools for growth, and consider LogRocket for troubleshooting and user experience enhancement.

      Parcel is a user-friendly alternative to Webpack for building web projects. With its ease of use, built-in dev server, and handling of images, Parcel is an attractive choice for developers. The speaker also emphasized the importance of continuous learning and exploration in web development, suggesting that finding interesting topics and diving deep into them can lead to growth from beginner to intermediate to advanced levels. Additionally, tools like LogRocket can help developers troubleshoot issues and improve user experience on their websites.

    • Understanding User Interactions with LogRocket and Styled ComponentsLogRocket provides video logs of user interactions for effective debugging, while styled components offer dynamic CSS integration for handling complex layouts and components.

      LogRocket's session replay tool offers a more effective way to understand and solve user issues on websites by providing video logs of user interactions instead of just error logs. This allows developers to observe and diagnose problems as they occur in real-time, making it easier to identify and fix bugs. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the comparison of CSS components, such as styled components, to traditional CSS methods. Styled components offer dynamic CSS that can be easily integrated with JavaScript, making it simpler to handle complex layouts and components with varying properties. For instance, creating a grid component with dynamic columns can be challenging without a system like styled components, which can handle such dynamic loops more efficiently. Overall, both tools, LogRocket and styled components, offer valuable solutions to developers, with LogRocket focusing on debugging and understanding user interactions, and styled components streamlining the process of handling dynamic CSS and components.

    • CSS variables not scoped in nested grid componentsWhen using CSS variables in nested grid components, variables are not limited to the specific component, leading to potential unexpected results and the need for explicit variable passing at each level. Senior developers need both technical expertise and leadership skills, including communication and motivation, to effectively manage teams.

      When working with CSS variables in nested grid components, the variables are not scoped to the specific component, but rather cascade down to all child elements using the same variable. This can lead to unexpected results and the need to explicitly pass in variables at each level. In other news, the debate continues on the role of leadership skills for senior developers. While technical expertise is essential, senior developers often have team members reporting to them and require strong interpersonal communication skills. These skills are not innate for everyone and require deliberate learning and development. Being a senior developer goes beyond just being an excellent coder, and leadership qualities such as motivation and choosing the right tech for teams can make a significant impact in this role.

    • Effective communication and planning are crucial for senior developersSenior developers need strong communication skills to articulate ideas to clients and colleagues. Thorough planning, including detailed comments and appropriate tools, can improve code quality, reduce debugging time, and ensure project success.

      Effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential for senior developers, even if they're not always emphasized in the job title. A senior developer's ability to articulate their ideas clearly and professionally to clients and colleagues can significantly impact a project's success. Regarding planning out code, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what each component or function does before starting the development process. Writing detailed comments explaining the component's functionality can help clarify the development process and reduce the time spent debugging. Furthermore, choosing the right tools for the project is crucial. While some developers may find TypeScript challenging, it can offer benefits such as improved code quality and type safety. However, it's essential to start using it at the beginning of the project and plan accordingly to avoid spending excessive time trying to get it to work. In summary, effective communication, thorough planning, and the use of appropriate tools are crucial for both junior and senior developers to ensure project success.

    • Writing out the structure of your code in comments before filling in the actual codePseudo-code can save time and help ensure code functions as intended, but may not be effective for projects with long deployment times or slow local environments. Inconsistency of font sizes on different Windows systems is not a problem that can be solved through code alone.

      Writing out the entire structure and organization of your code in comments before filling in the actual code can save time and make the code naturally commented. This technique, often referred to as "pseudo code," can help developers understand the higher levels of their code and ensure that the code functions as intended. However, this method may not be effective for projects with long deployment times or slow local environments, as the feedback cycle can be significantly longer. Another issue raised in the discussion was the inconsistency of font sizes on different Windows systems. Unfortunately, this is not a problem that can be easily solved through code alone, as it stems from users adjusting their font sizes individually. Developers can aim for a good baseline and make adjustments as needed, but ultimately, users have control over their own display settings. In summary, writing out the structure of your code in comments before filling in the actual code can be an effective time-saving technique. However, it may not be suitable for projects with long deployment times or slow local environments. Additionally, the inconsistency of font sizes on different Windows systems is not a problem that can be solved through code alone. Developers can aim for a good baseline and make adjustments as needed, but ultimately, users have control over their own display settings.

    • Font size adjustments: User's responsibilityDevelopers can optimize font size adjustments, but users ultimately control their preferences. Use calc for viewport-based font sizes and avoid percentages for accurate adjustments.

      When it comes to font size adjustments on websites, it's mostly the user's responsibility to make those adjustments based on their individual preferences and accessibility needs. Developers can provide the best experience possible by detecting and accommodating different zoom levels, but they cannot account for every variable. Side projects are common among developers as they offer opportunities for learning and exploration outside of their main job responsibilities. However, it's important to communicate with your boss about the scope and seriousness of these projects. Additionally, font sizes set based on viewport height or width may not adjust properly when the browser is zoomed, and using calc instead can help address this issue. Finally, the use of percentages for font sizes or other dimensions is a common misconception, but browsers no longer behave that way, and developers should instead use pixel values or other appropriate units.

    • Communicating with your boss about side projectsDiscuss side projects with your boss, ensure manageable workload, respect company policies, and frame as opportunities to improve skills and contribute to the team.

      It's important to communicate with your boss about side projects you'd like to work on during work hours. While it's understandable for a boss to be concerned about unfinished work, side projects can also make you a better developer and bring new ideas to the table. However, it's crucial to ensure that your workload is manageable and that your boss supports your learning goals. If your boss is hesitant, try to frame side projects as opportunities to improve your skills and contribute to the team. It's also essential to respect company policies regarding intellectual property and ensure that any side projects align with your job responsibilities. Ultimately, open communication and a shared understanding of the benefits of side projects can lead to a positive outcome for both you and your employer.

    • Managing errors and exceptions with SentryImplementing Sentry for error handling can provide valuable insights into issues, prevent potential chaos, and save financial losses.

      Implementing error and exception handling tools, such as Sentry, is crucial for managing and addressing issues in your side projects, especially if they have users or have the potential to turn into a business. Sentry, specifically, provides valuable insights into errors, stack traces, and affected browsers, enabling developers to quickly identify and resolve issues. This can prevent potential chaos and financial losses. The podcast recommendation is "Maliciously," a cybersecurity podcast that provides in-depth explanations of various cyber threats and situations. It pairs well with "Darknet Diaries" and offers a more educational approach. Despite some minor annoyances, such as the host's intonation, the podcast is an excellent resource for expanding your knowledge in the field of cybersecurity.

    • Preference for physical USB drives and LaCie Rugged USB-C driveThe speaker shares his experience of damaging a Western Digital hard drive and his preference for using physical USB drives for Time Machine backups, specifically mentioning the new LaCie Rugged USB-C drive for its durability and convenience.

      The speaker values well-researched, technical content, even if it requires a more focused listening effort. He shares his experience of damaging a Western Digital hard drive and his preference for using physical USB drives for Time Machine backups, specifically mentioning the new LaCie Rugged USB-C drive. The speaker also promotes a new course on CSS design systems using classless CSS and encourages listeners to check it out at Leveluptutorials.com. The speaker expresses his appreciation for technical content, acknowledging that it can be more challenging to engage with but emphasizing the value of the information. He shares a personal story about damaging a Western Digital hard drive and expresses his preference for using physical USB drives for Time Machine backups. He specifically mentions his recent purchase of a LaCie Rugged USB-C drive, which he praises for its durability and the fact that it comes with a USB-C cable. The speaker then transitions to promoting a new course on CSS design systems using classless CSS, which he has been working on and encourages listeners to check out at Leveluptutorials.com.

    • Learn JavaScript from scratch with the Beginner JavaScript podcastThe Beginner JavaScript podcast offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for individuals looking to master modern JavaScript, with discounted pricing and a wide range of topics covered.

      The "Beginner JavaScript" podcast by Syntax.fm is an excellent resource for individuals looking to learn modern JavaScript from scratch. This podcast offers a fun and engaging approach to learning, catering to both beginners and those looking to advance their skills to intermediate levels. The podcast covers a comprehensive range of topics, ensuring that learners gain a solid understanding of JavaScript. Moreover, the podcast's beginner-friendly nature makes it an ideal choice for those new to the language. However, it doesn't limit itself to just the basics. Instead, it delves deeper into more complex concepts, providing learners with a well-rounded understanding of JavaScript. Additionally, the podcast offers an extra discount of $10 using a coupon code, making it an even more attractive option for those looking to invest in their learning journey. Overall, the "Beginner JavaScript" podcast is an excellent investment for anyone looking to master JavaScript and take their skills to the next level. So, if you're interested, head on over to beginnerjavascript.com and use the coupon code for a discounted price. Don't forget to check out the full archive of shows on syntax.fm and subscribe to the podcast for more informative content.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
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    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    Meet the Workforce Therapy Files Team

    Meet the Workforce Therapy Files Team

    File 1:  We’re excited to launch our Workforce Therapy Files Podcast!  We thought it would be best to give you a brief, behind the scenes introduction to how this podcast concept evolved.  We’re actively work in the recruiting and staffing space.  Our conversations will benefit any business leader or HR professional challenged with building the right team, while managing large staffing requirements on a tight implementation schedule.  Oh, and it might be a good idea if you knew a little about the 3 of us, as well.

    Who Are These Professionals?

    Jamie Swaim, SPHR – Founder of Parcel, a team of HR consultants.  She’s worked in human resources for over 23 years.  She’s been involved in the entire HR lifecycle from pre-hire to retire.  Her experience involves working with a range of businesses from start-ups to Fortune 5 organizations. 

    Molley Ricketts - CEO & Founder, Incipio Workforce Solutions.  Incipio partners with companies for recruitment and retention efforts.  She’s spent over 25 years in recruiting.  She’s worked in compliance-oriented industries such as banking, down to third-party recruiting for the small business owner. 

    Jason Heflin – Owner, Crowd South.  Crowd South is a marketing agency heavily focused on workforce solutions and employer branding solutions.  Recruiting teams aren’t trained to be marketers, so this creates an inherent gap between the target audience and the company attempting to effectively recruit from that audience.  They have a successful record of working with Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies to help them to achieve their recruiting and staffing objectives.

    What Inspired the Idea of Launching a Podcast?

    Jason explains how the three of us have a solid track record of partnering together on various client projects.  Sometimes the group works together, while other engagements may not involve all of us.  What we realized is that we are encountering organizations with common challenges.  We bring a tremendous level of experience and perspectives often leading to effective solutions for our clients.  Based on this realization, we decided to bring it together in a podcast format to share information, tips and advice and third-party perspectives.  The idea is to provide some guidance, as well as an opportunity to lay the foundation for a conversation with prospective clients.

    What’s Behind the Title, Workforce Therapy Files?

    We understand how frustrating many HR-related challenges can be, because we actively work in this space.  We want the episodes to provide “therapy” for those who are feeling overwhelmed.  Sure, it’s a little tongue and cheek, but it’s real, right? 

    For those trying to recruit and hire hundreds or thousands of new employees and building retention programs, there’s not simply a formula.  Maybe, you’re feeling as if you’re left to figure it out on your own.  We going to help by sharing the knowledge we’ve developed over the years.

    Does It Feel Like the Fight of Your Life?

    Jamie recounts how exasperated an HR professional felt in describing her current assignment.  It sounded great at the outset, but this individual quickly learned that the tasks and expectations were going far beyond the picture originally painted.  This person was at her wits end just trying to keep up with the day-to-day grind of her role and the environment. 

    Spending 70-80% of your awake hours at work can be emotionally draining.  If we can provide a path to improving the candidate and employee experience, it has a direct impact on those individuals and our communities. 

    The Problem May Not Be What You Think It Is

    Molley describes how easy it is to focus on an arbitrary metric, rather than fully breaking down the actual needs and understanding how to best satisfy those company requirements.  She comments on how it may a deeper issue that’s actually driving the problem set that needs to be addressed.

    For instance, could it be something within the company culture that’s driving turnover?  What’s the cost to the bottom line if it’s not effectively addressed?  You may benefit from a different perspective enabling you to uncover a better way to reach a solution. 

    The market itself has evolved.  How you hired in the past may not be effective in today’s environment.  Mid-level managers and below may pursue multiple opportunities, simultaneously.  If your process isn’t efficient, you could easily lose out on the chance to hire a particular individual.  There are processes, tools and technologies available to make your communication flow much more in tune with the expectations and needs of today’s prospective employees.  You have to engage early and consistently.  We can help you to do that sooner rather than later.

    Is Your Company Ready?

    There are many situations in which the team is assigned to manage aggressive recruiting and hiring goals, but the company hasn’t adequately provided the right tools to achieve these goals.  Ensuring the proper strategy has been built, before the initiative is launched, is often overlooked.

    As this podcast evolves, you’ll hear us talk about metrics and performance, but we’re also going to focus on the overall experience, employee/candidate sentiment, the impact the challenge has on those who are tasked with implementing these recruiting, hiring and retention programs.  Do they have the proper tools, budgets and/or constraints, as well as expectations?

    What’s the Real New Hire Journey?

    Focusing on those critical first few days after the new hire steps into the role is a key activity.  What made them take the initial step to apply for the position?  How did you curate that communication?  Are you delivering on the promises that were inherent in those conversations about culture, roles and responsibilities, and other expectations? 

    It Doesn’t Have to Feel This Way

    In closing, Jamie comments about how she’s looking forward to helping HR professionals get back to what made the role so much fun, in the first place.  That’s much better than the state of mind she typically encounters; namely, exhaustion.  It’s not supposed to feel like you’re in the fight of your life.  As she says, “Connecting people with awesome opportunities is supposed to feel pretty magical.” 

    So, there it is.  That’s what the Workforce Therapy Files, an Employer Solutions Podcast, is all about and why we want you to follow along with us.  We’re three different professionals with our own unique experiences and perspectives.  We’re going to bring it all together, along with a little irreverent humor, because sometimes, you just have to laugh about it.

    Need Help Supporting Your Company’s Recruiting and Staffing Goals?

    We’re here to help.  You can contact us via our individual websites, depending on your specific needs or questions:

    ·      Jamie Swaim, SPHR – www.ParcelKnows.com

    ·      Molley Ricketts – www.IncipioWorks.com

    ·      Jason Heflin – www.CrowdSouth.com


    We hope you found this episode insightful and helpful.  Thank you for listening!


    Recruiting Begins with Retention (Part 2 of 3)

    Recruiting Begins with Retention (Part 2 of 3)

    File 9:  In today’s file, the team continues a 3-part series focusing on how Recruiting Begins with Retention.  The discussion focuses on your employees who have been with you for 6 months to 3 years.  We’ll refer to them as “The Evolvers.”

    Jamie begins with a quote from Fortune magazine regarding why employees leave during the first 6-12 months.  Some of these reasons can be restated to include:

    •         Feeling out of sync
    •         Not understanding how they impact the company
    •      Realizing their job-related activities are different from what they were originally told

    In Part 1 of this discussion, specifically focused on employees who were in their first 6 months, the group stressed the importance of helping the new hire to clearly understand the above 3 points.  How well your team performed relative to this important activity will set up the next 6 months and beyond. 

    Molley discusses how at the 6-month mark, the employee is beginning to develop relationships with his/her co-workers.  They should be settling into both the role and the culture.  Jason asks if it’s fair for the responsibility to now transition from the recruiting team to the management team?  The answer is yes.

    This would make sense because the recruiting team now needs to refocus on generating the next batch of new hires.  They’ve generally done their job of finding the right candidate, getting them hired and assisting with the on-boarding process.

    Molley recognizes that there may be some joint-responsibility, but for the most part it’s no longer a recruiting issue.  There should be a helpful hand-off.

    If leaders were to see a trend develop in which people decide to leave in the 6-8 month period, then of course, maybe recruiting should be involved in a deeper dive into the core issue driving the trend.  However, generally speaking, it’s now in management’s hands.

    Molley recounts a series of simple, but important questions she presents to C-Suite leaders regarding their turnover rate, cost of hiring and the cost of leaving that position unfilled.  Many do not have a firm grasp on those metrics.

    Jason comments the above illustrates exactly why a company should have at least one individual tasked with monitoring, measuring and reporting on these metrics.  It’s vital to the company’s ability to grow in a competitive market. 

    The Workforce Therapy Files team is a group of professionals who work with companies grappling with the challenges of workforce development.  They know how overwhelmed talent-teams are.  Nonetheless, someone in the company needs to have retention as a part of their individual responsibilities. 

    Managing the Transition

    Molley recommends re-engaging with employees who are at that 6-month timeframe to see if they would be interested in mentoring others in the 0-6 month range.  It could foster engagement for both parties.  There’s a lot of value in this effort.

    Jamie discusses how the types of conversations you’re having with that employee who is in the 6-month to 3-year tenure needs to evolve.  It’s a good time to get the pulse of the individual relative to their aspirations for advancement, job-satisfaction and general engagement.  Make sure employees continue to feel that level of interest you initially showed.  They are still important to the overall mission.

    Unfortunately, at the 3-year mark, there tends to be a dramatic decrease in the engagement level of an employee, based on what Jamie’s observed during her career working to help various companies.  Job rotations and internal job fairs are ways to foster interest and improved engagement levels. 

    Molley makes a good point.  If you do internal job satisfaction-style surveys, but don’t take action based on the results, nothing will change.  In fact, it may worsen.  Your employees are human beings and they need to be acknowledged for the contribution they make to the overall organization’s success.  Knowing that they are being heard is a great way to begin improving employee engagement.  “I hear you” is a powerful statement for management and supervisors to make.

    How Does Your Employee Perceive What They Do?

    Jamie recounts an example that goes directly to an individual’s contribution to the mission:

    “A man was approached and asked what he was doing.  His response was that he was laying bricks.  A second man was asked the same question.  He responded he was building a wall.  A third man was asked and his response was ‘I’m building a cathedral.’”

    This illustrates the importance of ensuring the individuals understand how important they are.  It often begins with how they see their role.  Effective communication and coaching by management can help to influence that perception.

    Jason reminds us that this is why it’s so important that everyone understands the mission and vision of their respective companies.  It helps to define how each person’s role is related to the long-term success of the company and the customers who purchase the products and services provided by those companies. 

    Milestones at the 6-Month to 3-Year Stage

    Employees who are in this stage of their tenure generally experience the following:

    •         They’re comfortable with the role
    •         They’re getting competent in their role
    •         They’re getting clarity in their position

    However, there are some other actions, intended or not, that generally take place:

    •         Support for the individual begins to decline
    •        Expectations begin to increase
    •         Issues start to arise

    If you are doing engagement surveys with your workforce, hopefully you’ll be able to identify the red flags and take action before the employee fully disengages and/or exits the organization.

    Situational Leadership

    Jamie discusses how at 0-6 months, leadership needs to be directive.  At the early part of the 6-month to 3-year window, there will be fewer instructions and coaching.  This is the point at which recognition and feedback are important.  It gives you an opportunity to gauge how the employee views his/her progress.  Remember, these are “the evolvers.”

    Managers should never be too busy to engage in the recognition and feedback at this stage.  It’s a critical part of their role/responsibility.  The company has invested a lot in the individual’s achieving this stage in their career path.  Don’t short circuit the return on investment by ignoring this phase.

    At this phase, a manager will be able to get a feel for the individual’s trajectory and aspirations.  At the same time, the person’s true talents should be emerging, which could lead to opportunities in other roles.  Engaging with him/her about future options would be a great idea.

    Employee Referrals

    Molley explains how this is an excellent window during which employee referrals can be made.  Unfortunately, as the individual grows more comfortable, referrals tend to decrease.  However, while many companies have referral incentives, Molley shares a pro-tip.  How about instituting an employee referral program that rewards both the individual making the referral, as well as the new hire?  You can really get creative here to go beyond the status quo.

    There are many ways to get an employee to engage.  Some of the options may be for internal improvement initiatives, but don’t forget about community-wide initiatives.  Again, get creative and foster that sense of pride and belonging.

    Recognition is also important.  Jason recommends publicizing work anniversaries, promotions and achievements.  Jason shares his company’s fondness for fun trophies.  Recognition is recognition.  It motivates and fosters a sense community, even though it’s focused on the individual’s activity. 

    That’s where we’ll leave the conversation for today.  Before we close the file, we invite you to reach out to us with questions, suggestions or other comments.  We’d love to hear from you.

    Need Help Supporting Your Company’s Recruiting and Staffing Goals?

    We’re here to help.  You can contact us via our individual websites, depending on your specific needs or questions:

    We hope you found this file insightful and helpful.  Thank you for listening!

    Advice for New Devs

    Advice for New Devs

    In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about advice for new devs, our advice and opinions for how new devs can level up.

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    Show Notes

    01:59 - Get comfortable with your code not working

    • All of our code is broken much of the time.

    02:40 - Compound learning and momentum is your biggest tool

    • There is no formation without repetition.
    • It sucks to hear, but honestly, if you get a little bit better every single day, you will be WAY ahead in years to come. Keep at it, keep chipping away, take the lows and the highs.

    04:05 - Learn to read error messages

    • Is this error coming from my code?
    • Is this coming from the library? If so, maybe the library wasn’t expecting that.
    • Is this coming from the browser? An extension? Is it even related?
    • Stack trace is a treasure map

    09:42 - Take the time to learn the concepts that scare you

    • They are often easier than they seem (though not every time).

    10:40 - We all struggle

    • This stuff is hard — give yourself a break.

    12:56 - Taking a walk is good for solving bugs

    • It’s hard to walk away from broken code, but it really helps.

    14:33 - Get comfortable with the command line

    • You’ll need it

    18:09 - The ability to replicate a design pixel perfect is a valuable skill

    • You will be shocked at how many devs can’t or don’t do this. If you want to avoid spending extra time on something, don’t make the designers tell you to go back and fix simple spacing, color, and detail things.

    21:26 - You are on a team

    • Don’t get stuck in the "us vs them" mentality of internal company teams (e.g. devs vs designers). You are all working together to make something.

    24:10 - You are not an expert

    • Even if you think you are an expert, you should always be seeking out alternate viewpoints and ideas. You are a student forever in this game.

    26:14 - Scaffold with comments

    • It helps keep you organized once you get into the mess

    28:30 - From Twitter

    29:30 - Ben Newton

    32:46 - Eric McCormick

    33:31 - Jason Liggi

    35:34 - Andrew Nickerson

    37:15 - Michael Powers

    39:33 - Jason Liggi

    40:14 - Swashata

    49:59 - Max Stoiber

    43:34 - Pat Clarke

    44:21 - Musa Barighzaai

    45:20 - David Moore


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    Shameless Plugs

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    Wrapping Up 2022 and Blind Smartphone Test

    Wrapping Up 2022 and Blind Smartphone Test
    The year is coming to a close! In this episode, Marques and Andrew go over some quick news before looking back at some of the predictions the team made last year. Some of us were spot on, and others not so much. After that, they talk about some of the surprising insights gained from the new and improved Blind Smartphone Camera test. There was a lot to dig into this week so we hope you enjoy it! Happy holidays! Links: Studio ping pong video: https://bit.ly/studiopingpong Best Smartphone Camera 2022 video: https://bit.ly/mkbhdcamtest Crazy mechanical keyboard: https://bit.ly/vergekeyboard Power On newsletter: https://bloom.bg/3PzboRs Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Shop products mentioned: Keychron K2 Keyboard at https://geni.us/sTgxy9G Teenage Engineering Op-1 Field at https://geni.us/h7xj Google Pixel Watch at https://geni.us/MlVAiow Google Pixel 6a Smartphone at https://geni.us/2yN2s71 Google Pixel 7 Pro at https://geni.us/1BtZW Apple iPhone 14 Pro at https://geni.us/xznyCLt Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra at https://geni.us/FuSKLRB Nothing phone at https://geni.us/GlwhJS Sony Xperia 1 Mark IV at https://geni.us/4Rma Mac Studio at https://geni.us/E2dlfZ M1 Macbook Pro at https://geni.us/mYI2UPf Twitters: Waveform: https://twitter.com/wvfrm Marques: https://twitter.com/mkbhd Andrew: https://twitter.com/andymanganelli Adam: https://twitter.com/adamlukas17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvfrmpodcast/ Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices