
    Potluck — New Macs × Podcast Statistics × E-commerce Testing × WordPress × Charging More × Learning Web Dev × More!

    enDecember 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • New M1 chip Macs and web development compatibilityApple's new M1 chip Macs are generating buzz in web development community, with concerns about software compatibility and potential impact. Initial thoughts suggest a wait-and-see approach for some, while others are excited about faster machines. However, for video and content creators, current setups may still be the best fit.

      Apple's new M1 chip Macs are causing a buzz in the web development community, with developers wondering about their compatibility and potential impact. Pookie, a long-time listener, asked if these new machines could replace current setups for web development, raising concerns about software compatibility and the need to learn new tools. Scott and Wes shared their initial thoughts, with Scott expressing a wait-and-see approach due to his recent MacBook Pro purchase, while Wes expressed excitement about the potential for faster machines. However, they both agreed that for now, these new Macs may not be the best fit for video and content creators. FreshBooks and Sentry continue to sponsor the podcast, providing essential tools for managing invoices and monitoring application performance, respectively.

    • Web developer software transitioning to Apple SiliconPopular web developer tools like Visual Studio Code, Notion, Discord, Brew, Chrome, Firefox, and Brave are already or soon to be compatible with Apple Silicon. Some exceptions like ScreenFlow and Figma are being worked on for compatibility, with promising progress.

      Most web developer software is either already compatible or will soon be compatible with Apple Silicon. This includes popular tools like Electron-based apps (such as Visual Studio Code, Notion, and Discord), command line utilities like Brew, and web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Brave. However, there are some exceptions, such as ScreenFlow and Figma, which are still being worked on for compatibility. Apple has been actively working on porting these applications over, and the progress is promising. For example, ScreenFlow, a video editing tool, is expected to have significantly faster video export times and improved battery life. Overall, the transition to Apple Silicon for web developers is looking smooth, with only a few applications requiring patience for full compatibility.

    • Apple Silicon's compatibility with certain tools and software uncertainConsider specific tools and workflows before transitioning to Apple Silicon, as compatibility is still uncertain for some software like DaVinci Resolve, Node.js, and Docker.

      Apple Silicon's compatibility with certain tools and software, such as DaVinci Resolve, Node.js, and Docker, is still uncertain and may pose challenges for web developers. The speaker, who is a developer, shared his personal experience of waiting and seeing before making the switch to Apple Silicon. He also mentioned his preference for a MacBook Pro due to its portability and his need to take his work with him. However, for those who have a large monitor setup and don't mind maintaining two machines, an iMac could be a good option. The speaker also shared some humorous anecdotes about encounters with Apple support and the importance of having a reliable and powerful laptop for his work. Overall, the transition to Apple Silicon is an ongoing process, and it's essential to consider the specific tools and workflows before making the switch.

    • Podcast listenership drops during pandemic, but 'Syntactically Speaking' growsDespite a decrease in podcast listenership during the pandemic, 'Syntactically Speaking' continues to grow. A new React framework, Remix, was also discussed, offering an alternative to popular frameworks like Next.js.

      The podcast industry has seen a drop in listenership due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with many people no longer commuting and unable to listen during their daily commutes. However, the podcast "Syntactically Speaking" has continued to grow its listenership, likely due to the popularity of the show and the addition of new listeners. Another topic discussed was Remix, a new React framework developed by Michael Johnson, Brian Florence, and Michael Jackson, the creators of React Router. Remix approaches React development differently, including being a paid framework, and has gained attention for providing an alternative to popular frameworks like Next.js. The hosts expressed their appreciation for the work of the Remix creators and their past contributions to the React ecosystem. They also acknowledged their own biases towards React Router and their enthusiasm for its updates. The hosts also shared their personal experiences with hackintosh systems and the challenges of using multiple computers.

    • New framework Remix with server-side rendering capabilitiesRemix, a new framework, offers server-side rendering, potential for caching, and could be a viable alternative to popular frameworks like Next.js. It targets large applications and has a $1,000 per developer per year license fee.

      A new framework called Remix is gaining attention due to its server-side rendering capabilities and potential for caching and sending React components. This approach allows the server to do more work and could be a viable alternative to popular frameworks like Next.js. Remix is not aiming to replace Next.js in terms of popularity but could appeal to teams building large applications, as its license fee is $1,000 per developer per year. Some argue that this model won't take off, but the speaker believes there is a market for paid frameworks and CMSs, as seen with the success of ExpressionEngine in the past. Another topic discussed was testing ecommerce sites, with the speaker sharing their personal approach. They emphasized the importance of testing thoroughly, especially for critical parts like the checkout process. The speaker currently manually tests their code by using test Stripe keys and running fake transactions to ensure error handling and checkout functionality are working correctly. They also plan to develop an automated test for this purpose. The speaker acknowledged the importance of thoroughly testing ecommerce sites to prevent issues that could negatively impact the business.

    • Testing plugins and transactions in a controlled environmentEnsure smooth operations by testing plugins and transactions in a development environment, prioritize testing procedures based on store size and revenue, and provide excellent customer service for efficient problem-solving.

      Having a development environment for testing plugins and transactions before implementing them in a production WordPress site is crucial for preventing errors and ensuring smooth operations. The user's experience of encountering issues with credit card transactions and using coupons as a quick fix highlights the importance of testing in a controlled environment. However, the extent of testing procedures depends on the size and significance of the online store. For small stores or those with minimal revenue, a local development environment and occasional manual testing might suffice. On the other hand, larger stores with substantial revenue should prioritize automated testing and robust security measures to prevent potential financial losses. The user's positive experience with FreshBooks, a small business accounting software, underscores the importance of excellent customer service and efficient problem-solving in managing business operations.

    • Making web development courses more engagingFind ways to make web dev courses exciting and relevant, try coding assignments in preferred language, focus on core concepts, and make assignments inspiring through personal projects.

      When facing difficult or unengaging required courses in web development, it's essential to find ways to make the learning experience more exciting and relevant to you. The speaker shares their experiences with using suboptimal software for web development courses and suggests trying to code assignments in a programming language before using the software, or even finding ways to make the assignments more inspiring through personal projects. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the core concepts and fundamentals, but encourages students not to shy away from trying to write code and learning by doing, even if the results aren't perfect. The speaker's experiences with using flowchart diagramming tools in place of actual coding in school also highlight the importance of ensuring that the tools and methods used in courses are actually relevant to the learning goals. Overall, the key takeaway is to stay engaged and motivated, and to find ways to make the learning process more meaningful and effective.

    • The value of self-initiated projects and online learning in tech careersTraditional education is important but self-driven learning and practical experience are crucial for a successful career in tech. Look for more comprehensive offerings from JavaScript frameworks.

      While traditional education can provide valuable knowledge, the practical skills and experience gained through self-initiated projects and online learning are crucial for a successful career in tech. The speaker shares his personal experience of gaining a better understanding of programming concepts after learning them on his own, emphasizing the importance of putting in the time and effort. He also mentions the frustration of seeing limited overlap between traditional education and real-world tech skills. Regarding the news about Sapper being deprecated and Svelte expanding its core functionality, the speaker expresses his wish for more comprehensive offerings from JavaScript frameworks and shares his plans to wait for the release of SvelteKit before making any decisions about his Sapper site. Overall, the importance of self-driven learning and the need for more integrated tech solutions are key themes in this discussion.

    • Improve build times with Snowpack and WordPress developmentSnowpack offers fast build times and file-by-file compilation, making it an attractive choice for developers. WordPress remains popular for freelance web development due to its quick setup, large plugin ecosystem, and affordability. Learning PHP for WordPress development can expand opportunities, even if you focus primarily on JavaScript.

      Snowpack, a fast and efficient front-end development tool, is gaining popularity due to its 50 millisecond build times and file-by-file compilation process. This makes it an exciting choice for developers looking to improve build times. Additionally, WordPress continues to be a popular choice for freelance web development due to its quick setup, large plugin ecosystem, and affordability. While some developers may choose to focus solely on JavaScript, learning the basics of PHP for WordPress development can still be beneficial, as it requires minimal knowledge and can lead to more opportunities in the freelance market. Despite some larger agencies moving away from WordPress, there is still a high demand for freelance WordPress developers.

    • Choosing Between PHP and WordPress for Web DevelopmentFor building client sites, particularly in an agency setting, learning PHP and WordPress is beneficial. Ensure WordPress sites aren't publicly accessible when using as a headless CMS, and consider compiling Vue.js components into plain JavaScript for insertion into WordPress posts.

      The choice between learning PHP and WordPress for web development depends on your career goals. If you aim to work on engineering or advanced user interfaces, JavaScript might be a better investment. However, if you plan to build client sites, particularly in an agency setting, learning PHP and WordPress will be beneficial in the long run. Regarding the use of WordPress as a headless CMS, ensuring the WordPress site itself is not publicly accessible is essential. While there's no API-only mode in WordPress, making the REST endpoint or using GraphQL publicly accessible while redirecting and disallowing robots for the WordPress site can help prevent potential issues. Alternatively, creating a blank WordPress theme called "wp-dash-nothing" can also achieve this. When dealing with a Vue.js website running on WordPress, dynamically inserting Vue components into WordPress posts can be challenging. One possible solution is compiling the code down to plain JavaScript and inserting it into WordPress via a widget or section, allowing some parameters to be changed. However, this is a complex process and may require further research and experimentation.

    • Best practices for building dynamic content in React or Vue.jsUse props instead of directly modifying components, write custom PHP code for added functionality in WordPress, and use error tracking tools to help resolve issues.

      When it comes to building dynamic content in React or Vue.js, it's generally best to avoid directly modifying components through text areas or other methods that require recompiling the component. Instead, components should be designed to accept and process data through props. This approach allows for easier maintenance and more efficient development. Another key point from the discussion was the use of WordPress for hosting sites and creating custom themes. There are several ways to approach this, including buying and tweaking existing themes, creating child themes to selectively modify parts of a specific theme, or starting from scratch with a custom-built starter theme. Regardless of the approach, writing custom PHP code is often necessary for added functionality. It was also recommended to use error tracking tools like Sentry to help identify and resolve issues that may arise from modifying themes or working with dynamic content. Additionally, resources like Century.io were suggested for learning more about WordPress development and building custom themes.

    • Showcasing passion and experience in web developmentFocus on smaller projects, open source contributions, and emphasize problem-solving and people skills during interviews to increase chances of securing a job in web development despite gaps in employment history.

      Passion and experience, even if they're not currently reflected on a resume, can make a strong case for employment in the web development industry. Sentry, a leading error handling service, continually innovates and adds features, making it a top choice for exceptional error handling. For those seeking to return to web development after a long absence, it can be challenging to showcase skills and consistency on a resume. However, focusing on smaller projects, open source contributions, and emphasizing problem-solving and people skills during interviews can increase the chances of securing a job. Employers, especially in the agency world, may be more inclined to hire candidates with a breadth of experience, even if it's not continuous. Perseverance and dedication to improving skills are crucial during this process.

    • Small projects can add value to your portfolioInvest time and effort in small projects to expand your portfolio, share knowledge, build a personal brand, and secure higher-paying clients.

      While small projects may seem insignificant, they can be valuable additions to one's portfolio if given adequate time and effort. Sharing knowledge through blog posts, YouTube videos, and conference talks can help showcase skills and build a personal brand. Additionally, attention to detail in online presence, such as website design, can make a significant impact on potential clients. For those looking to transition into freelancing, it's essential to value one's work and communicate effectively with clients. Proving the worth of the technology being built can help overcome discomfort with pricing and ultimately lead to securing higher-paying clients.

    • Understanding the importance of communicating your worthAs a business owner or service provider, clearly expressing the value of your work and expertise to potential clients is crucial. Comparing your industry to others and showcasing enthusiasm can help build trust and secure their business.

      As a business owner or service provider, it's essential to value and confidently communicate the worth of your work to potential clients. Comparing your industry to others, like tradespeople, can help you understand the importance of being clear about your pricing and showcasing your expertise. Don't be afraid to express excitement and enthusiasm for what you offer, as clients appreciate a professional who is both competent and personable. Additionally, remember that it's okay if some clients may not be a good fit for your business, as focusing on those who value your work will ultimately lead to a more successful and profitable venture. Emulating qualities that resonate with your ideal clients and building a rapport with them can go a long way in securing their trust and business.

    • Discovering New Experiences with Local Meat Delivery and PodcastsExplore local meat delivery services for sustainably sourced, high-quality products and enjoy new podcasts for entertainment

      True Local, a meat delivery service based in Ontario, Canada, offers sustainably sourced, high-quality products directly from local farmers. The service allows customers to order a variety of meats using a point system and delivers the products with dry ice, ensuring they stay fresh during transit. The listener shares their positive experience with the service and recommends it as an alternative to traditional grocery store purchases. Additionally, they suggest two podcasts for entertainment: "Chameleon Hollywood Con Queen," a true crime podcast about a Hollywood scam, and "Q Clearance: The Hunt for QAnon," a podcast exploring the origins and believers of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Overall, the listener emphasizes the value of discovering new and engaging experiences, whether through local food delivery services or podcasts.

    • Learn Deno basics for web developmentMaster Deno fundamentals, read files, create contracts, build APIs with Oak, serve static files, and pages.

      The Deno 101 for web developers course on leveluptutorials.com is an excellent resource for learning the fundamentals of Deno, a new programming language. Throughout the course, you'll learn the basics of reading files, creating contracts, and building APIs using Oak, a Koa-like web framework for Deno. Additionally, you'll learn how to serve static files and pages with Oak. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid foundation in Deno and be able to apply your new skills to your web development projects. If you're a web developer looking to expand your skillset and stay ahead of the curve in 2021, consider checking out Deno 101 for web developers on leveluptutorials.com. Happy learning and happy holidays!

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    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
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    The difference, though, in governance is really important, which is that nobody owns WordPress. It's stewarded by the WordPress Foundation and a nonprofit that owns the intellectual property and everything around WordPress. That’s guided by Matt Mullenweg, its founder, co-founder, and still project lead. But the governance model is different. Whereas with WooCommerce, Automattic wholly owns WooCommerce. It's still an open-source product that uses the GPL license, free software, the same as WordPress is. Still, we effectively fund all of the development of WooCommerce. –Paul Maiorana, 14:36

    WooCommerce is a global platform for sure. So we have customers in every country. There is such great support for localization. Translations and localization are a massive part of that, not just in terms of people providing those translations but also on the other side. It's how merchants can build a localized experience for their shoppers. –Paul Maiorana, 20:57

    That's the beauty of open source, right? We're able to get leaner and meaner than some of our competitors. We’ve adequately federated this ecosystem of independent software developers, agencies, freelancers, and web hosts. These folks come together to produce a WooCommerce site and a quality product. Our interests are aligned, which ultimately makes for a better customer experience. –Paul Maiorana, 23:02


    [00:00] - About Paul.

    [03:28] - WooCommerce's origin & Automattic integration.

    [07:01] - Purpose of WooCommerce development.

    [09:38] - WooCommerce's market share.

    [13:27] - Developer engagement with WooCommerce.

    [17:10] - Exploring WooCommerce extensions/integrations.

    [20:57] - WooCommerce & localization strategies, shopping support, lean model & open-source contributions.

    [24:14] WooCommerce's Solution to ecommerce challenges.

    [26:23] Commerce platform fragmentation issues.

    [27:40] Future commerce trends: Smartphone preference.

    [29:37] Growth potential in the WooCommerce ecosystem.

    [30:42] WooCommerce success stories.


    Resources Mentioned:


    We think we've got a real advantage and opportunity to, through WooCommerce, provide a solution that developers love, but also to provide a more opinionated package of WooCommerce and extensions integrated with a hosting solution to provide something that's much more turnkey and simple and just more intuitive for a merchant to get up and running with. –Paul Maiorana, 26:23

    The ability to start with something simple like Woo Express, or something like that, just out of the box simplified shopping environment. And then as that company grows and as they go down the paths of more and more and test more and more marketing channels, making that easier to grow from a core as opposed to having everything thrown at you at once and trying to figure it out sounds like a very logical solution. –Loren Baker, 30:09

    We're making some decisions and saying, this is the best way to do that. These are all separate. Each of these features represents a different extension in the WooCommerce ecosystem today. And we're bringing that all together into a preconfigured solution so that it's easy, and again, people can start selling without having to build. –Paul Maiorana, 27:40


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    Connect With Paul Maiorana:

    Paul Maiorana is the CEO of WooCommerce, an open-source eCommerce platform, where he leverages his expertise in open-source development, content management, and WordPress, among other specialties. His leadership has contributed significantly to WooCommerce's growth and innovation in the online retail sector.

    Before WooCommerce, Paul built a formidable portfolio of professional experience focusing on open-source technology and software solutions. His understanding of the industry and his technical expertise have positioned him as an influential figure in pushing the boundaries of ecommerce.

    Connect with Paul on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pmaiorana/

    Follow him on Twitter:https://twitter.com/pmaiorana


    Connect with Loren Baker, Founder of Search Engine Journal:

    Follow him on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lorenbaker

    Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenbaker

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    00:00 Intro
    00:31 Publishing with WordPress Plugins
    02:02 Customization of Content
    03:05 Evolution of Direct Publishing
    04:48 Social Media Aggregators

    - Blog2Social: https://wordpress.org/plugins/blog2social/
    - Jetpack Social: https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-social/
    - Social Media Auto Publish: https://wordpress.org/plugins/social-media-auto-publish/
    - SchedulePress: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-scheduled-posts/
    - Buffer: https://buffer.com/
    - Zapier: https://zapier.com/

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    Mux - Sponsor

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    Show Notes

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    Mastering WordPress Auto-Updates: Strategies for Security and Stability

    Mastering WordPress Auto-Updates: Strategies for Security and Stability

    Ever wondered if auto-updates in WordPress are a blessing or a curse? Join us as we explore the pros and cons of different update strategies and share our own experiences. We'll explain why it's essential to keep your WordPress site updated for security reasons and what could go wrong if you don't, but also discuss how unexpected results can occur.

    Discover the best strategies for updating your WordPress site, from scheduled automatic updates with zero downtime deployments to utilizing external tools for backup and updates. We also touch on the importance of having a backup before updating, and how visual regression tests can ensure your site stays looking and functioning as it should. Don't miss out on this valuable advice for keeping your WordPress site secure and up-to-date!

    VRTs – Visual Regression Tests (Plugin): https://wordpress.org/plugins/visual-regression-tests/

    00:00 Intro
    00:36 WordPress auto-updates
    01:25 Scheduled automated updates
    03:07 Failure checks & recovery
    05:05 Manual update workflows
    07:09 Zero downtime updates
    08:50 Conclusion

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    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
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