
    Potluck - Programming Languages × Soft Skills × PHP vs JS × Breakdancing x Spice Blends

    enAugust 29, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Permissions in Advanced Courses: A Cyclical ChallengeCreating advanced courses involves tackling complex topics, learning from mistakes, and staying persistent. Managing permissions requires handling both client-side and server-side aspects, which can be a cyclical challenge.

      Being a successful web developer involves tackling complex topics, learning from mistakes, and staying persistent. Scott and Wes, the hosts of the Syntax podcast, shared their experiences of creating advanced courses on React and testing. They discussed the challenges of managing permissions, which required handling both client-side and server-side aspects. Scott mentioned that the hardest part was the cyclical nature of the problem, where managing permissions required having permissions, but obtaining permissions required managing them first. Wes shared that he had just finished recording his testing series and was editing it, expressing the excitement of knowing how well the video would turn out. They also discussed their editing process, mentioning that sometimes they need to scrap entire recordings and start again if they feel overwhelmed or make too many mistakes. The hosts emphasized the importance of staying focused and persistent, even when faced with challenges. They encouraged listeners to send their questions to the Syntax potluck button for a chance to have them answered on the podcast.

    • Speakers' Perspective on TypeScriptDespite not using TypeScript in their tutorials, the speakers recommend it for its benefits and encourage listeners to explore it.

      The speakers are fans of TypeScript, a typed language that compiles into JavaScript, and they appreciate its benefits such as better auto-completion and error catching. However, they don't use it in their tutorials because they want to keep their content accessible to a wider audience. They acknowledge that TypeScript has a learning curve but believe it's worth it for the long-term benefits. They receive many questions about using TypeScript, and while they plan to address it in future episodes, they encourage listeners to explore it on their own if they're interested. The speakers also mentioned that they receive a lot of questions, not all of which are suitable for their show, and that they prioritize answering the best ones. They emphasized that if a listener's question is good, they will get it on the air. Overall, the speakers expressed their positive views on TypeScript and recommended it to their audience, acknowledging the learning curve but emphasizing the benefits.

    • Managing Libraries Competing with the DOMConsider using libraries like Victory for charting or async script loaders to maintain library updates when unmounting components. TypeScript's stricter typing system is advantageous, and the community is encouraged to share thoughts and engage in discussions.

      When working with APIs and libraries that compete with the DOM, such as D3 plus React or React plus Google Maps, the challenge arises when unmounting a component, which results in the loss of the ability to update the library with parent state. The speaker recommends using libraries like Victory from Formidable Labs for charting, as it's a sweet and reliable option. Another approach is using an async script loader to load the script as a higher component on the page and rendering the page once the script has finished loading. However, the speaker admits that they don't deal with this in a complex way and mainly focus on learning hosted APIs like Braintree. The benefits of using a type language, like TypeScript, were also discussed, with the speaker emphasizing the advantages of TypeScript's stricter typing system and its growing popularity. They also mentioned their plans to create TypeScript content for their audience. The speaker encourages listeners to share their thoughts and opinions on the topic by tweeting @SyntaxFM. The community currently has over 12,000 followers, and the speakers value the insights and discussions that come from their audience.

    • Manually managing component lifecycle and state in ReactTo interface with third-party libraries, manually manage component lifecycle methods like componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount for setting up and tearing down event listeners and bindings. Understand the concept of state, which is the information a component needs to render itself, and can be local or global.

      When working with React, there will be instances where you need to manually manage the lifecycle of components to interface with third-party libraries that don't have built-in React components. This includes manually handling componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount methods to set up and tear down event listeners and bindings. Although it's not as convenient as using plain React, it's a necessary part of the development process. Another key concept discussed was the idea of state in the context of React and web applications. State refers to the information that a component needs to render itself, and it can vary from component to component. For instance, a mobile navigation component might have an open or closed state, while a Facebook post component would have information about the post, user interactions, and more. State can be local or global, depending on whether it's specific to a component or affects the entire application. Understanding the concept of state is crucial for effectively building and managing React applications.

    • Practicing soft skills in everyday lifeApplying soft skills like time management and confrontation in daily life can enhance their use in professional situations. Find practical ways to practice, like creating systems for managing tasks and communicating effectively in non-ideal situations.

      Practicing soft skills in everyday life can help improve their application in professional situations. Fudge, a listener, shared his concern about feeling overwhelmed with integrating soft skills like time management and confrontation into his professional life. The speaker suggested some practical ways to practice these skills, such as setting up systems for managing tasks and taking a thoughtful approach to confronting people in non-ideal situations. For instance, the speaker shared his personal experience of managing household tasks by creating lists and batching tasks, which helps him feel more in control and less stressed. Another example he gave was confronting people in a non-confrontational way. In a recent experience, he had to deal with a rental car issue and instead of getting upset, he took a calm and assertive approach to communicate his needs effectively. Overall, the key takeaway is that practicing soft skills in everyday life can help individuals become more effective and confident in their professional lives. It's essential to find ways to apply these skills in real-life situations and learn from them to improve over time.

    • Effective Communication in Difficult SituationsBe assertive, express frustration respectfully, ask for solutions, use productivity principles to make the most of time and energy

      Being assertive and communicating effectively can help navigate difficult situations in both personal and professional contexts. The speaker shared an experience of having to follow a tedious process with someone else, expressing her frustration but maintaining a respectful tone. By pushing back and asking for a solution that better suited her needs, she was able to find a more convenient solution. Another example given was asking for compensation for time wasted on customer service calls with the bank. By being polite and persistent, she was able to receive financial compensation for her time. The speaker also emphasized the importance of using productivity principles like the 80/20 rule and batching tasks to make the most of time and energy in daily life.

    • Batching tasks improves productivity and reduces stressDedicating specific times to handle tasks like mail and email can lead to faster processing and fewer distractions. Using tools like FreshBooks can simplify accounting and bookkeeping, helping freelancers and small business owners maintain financial health.

      Implementing systems and batching tasks can significantly improve productivity and reduce stress. Whether it's sorting through physical mail or managing digital inboxes, dedicating specific times to handle these tasks can lead to faster processing and fewer distractions. Additionally, reducing unnecessary mail and email can save time and resources. In the realm of accounting and bookkeeping, using a tool like FreshBooks can simplify the process, making it easier to track income, expenses, and taxes. By having a clear understanding of financial obligations, freelancers and small business owners can avoid unexpected costs and maintain financial health.

    • Effective financial management and testing for smooth operationsMark invoices as paid right after depositing checks for accurate financial tracking and test mission-critical features thoroughly before pushing code to production.

      Effective management of financial transactions and thorough testing are crucial for avoiding confusion and ensuring smooth operations. The speaker shares his personal experience of marking invoices as paid through the FreshBooks mobile app right after depositing checks to avoid the hassle of later wondering if the payment was processed. He also emphasizes the importance of testing, whether manually or through automated methods, to ensure the functionality of mission-critical features before pushing code to production. The speaker's approach involves testing locally and continuously, as well as monitoring for errors and user feedback to address any issues promptly. While the speaker's setup may not be suitable for larger teams, the principles of careful financial management and rigorous testing can be applied universally.

    • Balancing build vs buy for programmersProgrammers should find the right balance between using pre-existing solutions and building things from scratch. Leverage proven packages, but also showcase skills and avoid over-reliance.

      Finding the right balance between using pre-existing solutions and building things from scratch is crucial for programmers, especially those starting out. While it's important to showcase your skills and avoid being overly reliant on others' code, there's a fine line between cobbling together too many plugins and using proven, popular packages to solve specific problems. As you grow as a developer, you'll find yourself leaning less on pre-built solutions and taking more control over your projects. However, time and budget constraints are also significant factors to consider when deciding whether to build or use existing code. Ultimately, it's essential to understand the trade-offs and make informed decisions based on your unique situation. Remember, it's okay to use pre-built solutions when necessary, but always strive to learn and improve your skills to create custom solutions when appropriate.

    • Weighing the costs and benefits of using libraries versus building from scratchConsider project needs, budget, and learning goals before deciding to build or use a library. Adaptability and understanding underlying tech are crucial.

      When considering building a project, it's essential to weigh the costs and benefits of using existing libraries versus building something from scratch. While using libraries can save time and effort, it may limit your ability to fully understand the underlying code and hinder your growth as a developer. On the other hand, building from scratch allows for greater control and learning opportunities but requires more time and resources upfront. Another key point discussed was the importance of being adaptable and being able to work with different technologies. For instance, while using a library like Formic for a job interview may not get you the job, it's crucial to understand when to use existing solutions and when to build your own. Lastly, John Biddle raised an intriguing thought experiment: what if WordPress were built on Node and GraphQL? While it might make development more comfortable for some, it's unlikely that WordPress would maintain its popularity, as PHP's ease of use and affordability have contributed significantly to its widespread adoption. Ultimately, the decision to build or use a library depends on the specific project, budget, and individual goals. As developers, it's essential to continuously learn and adapt to new technologies while also understanding the fundamentals that underpin them.

    • WordPress vs Ghost: Choosing the Right Platform for Your NeedsBoth WordPress and Ghost offer unique advantages for website creation, with WordPress appealing to content creators and small businesses, and Ghost catering to developers. Access to extensive themes and plugins, as well as database management services like Mlab, enhance the development experience for both platforms.

      WordPress, with its low barrier to entry, attracts a diverse audience, ranging from content creators and small business owners to developers. The platform's extensive theme and plugin ecosystem makes it an accessible solution for building websites, even for those without extensive technical knowledge. However, the audience for WordPress differs from that of more tech-focused platforms like Ghost. While WordPress is popular among those focused on content and internet marketing, Ghost appeals to a more developer-oriented audience. Both platforms have their merits, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user. Additionally, services like Mlab provide an easy solution for managing databases, making the development process even more accessible for those starting out.

    • Managing databases with MlabMlab offers benefits like hosting, backups, scaling, and performance optimization, enabling developers to focus on coding and website performance without worrying about database management.

      Using a managed database service like Mlab can alleviate the stress and challenges of managing a database, especially for developers who aren't experts in database management. Mlab offers benefits such as hosting, backups, scaling, and performance optimization through slow query reports. These features allow developers to focus on their core competencies, like writing code and improving website performance, rather than worrying about database management. Additionally, it's never too late to learn new skills, such as programming or breakdancing, regardless of age. The web development industry is constantly evolving, and with dedication and interest, one can go from a beginner to an advanced developer in a relatively short period.

    • It's never too late to learn new skills and pursue your passionsEmbrace career changes and learn new skills, put in effort, gain wisdom and soft skills are valuable in professional life, use global styles effectively in Styled Components

      No matter what stage of life you're at, it's never too late to learn new skills and pursue your passions. The CEO of a top agency in Tokyo, who once owned a landscaping business, is a great example of this. He made a complete career change to programming later in life and became successful. The key is to put in the time and effort to make it happen. Additionally, as we get older, we gain valuable life wisdom and soft skills, which are essential for dealing with people and handling stressful situations. When it comes to using Styled Components for high-level page layout, embrace the cascade and use global styles for things like fonts, padding, and colors that apply to the entire page. Anything specific to a component should go inside the Styled Component itself. The tool is meant to help you understand your design system within React, and it's not always the right solution for every situation. Don't be afraid to use global styles when necessary.

    • Learning Laravel provides a solid foundation for programming conceptsWhile JavaScript is popular, Laravel and PHP offer valuable skills and job opportunities, making it essential for junior developers to prioritize learning them.

      While JavaScript is gaining popularity and offers the advantage of using the same code on both the client and server side, there's no need for junior developers to drop PHP and Laravel entirely. Laravel and PHP are massive and not going away anytime soon, and learning Laravel can provide a solid foundation for programming concepts that will transfer to other technologies. JavaScript might not be around forever, and it's essential to adapt to changing trends, but focusing on mastering one technology, such as Laravel, can lead to valuable skills and job opportunities. Ultimately, expanding your learning skills by exploring different technologies can be beneficial, but it's essential to prioritize based on current job demands and personal interests.

    • The value of expertise in a niche fieldBeing an expert in a specific area can lead to unique opportunities and discoveries, such as finding solutions to complex problems or discovering new tools. Stay curious and explore resources to stay ahead.

      Having expertise in a specific area can lead to valuable opportunities. In the discussion, a speaker expressed frustration over being unable to find developers for a big cold fusion project, emphasizing the importance of being an expert in a niche field. Another speaker shared their discovery of a smart emoji tool called Alfred Emoji, which uses deep learning to guess and suggest emojis based on the user's input. They also discussed their preference for various emoji workflows and tools, highlighting the importance of finding the most efficient methods for everyday tasks. The speakers also shared their recommendations for interesting resources, such as the Motherboard YouTube channel, which produces tech-focused documentaries on various topics, including hacking and repair issues related to modern technology. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of being knowledgeable and resourceful in specific areas, as well as the importance of staying curious and exploring new tools and resources.

    • Appreciation for Vice Media's Exploration of Various TopicsThe speaker expresses admiration for Vice Media's production quality and their coverage of diverse topics, including Tesla rebuilding, pyro technology, and Netflix shows like 'Explained' and an upcoming series on the world's best Airbnbs.

      The speaker expresses a deep appreciation for Vice Media's high-quality production and their exploration of various topics, from Tesla rebuilding to pyro technology and Netflix shows. He also mentions his excitement about Vice-like shows on Netflix like "Explained" and the upcoming series on the world's best Airbnbs. Additionally, the speaker promotes his upcoming courses on Westboss.com and LevelUpTutorials.com, particularly React Testing for Beginners, and encourages listeners to check out React Testing Library. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for Vice Media's content and his own educational offerings highlights his passion for learning and exploring new topics.

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    Show Notes

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    CJ: X Instagram YouTube TwitchTV

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Show Notes

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    React and TypeScript - Gabriele Petronella (Small Talk)

    React and TypeScript - Gabriele Petronella (Small Talk)
    Small Talk is a series of live-stream interactive events with our experts, an informal 30-minute chat on their area of expertise where you'll have a chance to interact with them, ask questions and learn straight from the source.

    This time we talk with Gabriele Petronella, our go-to React and TypeScript expert. The popular libraries are at the centre of his workshop, where we'll see how to use them together to overcome the issues related to the scalability and evolvability of your code.

    Small Talk is a chance to go behind the scenes of our experts' work and get a sneak peek of what their workshop will be about and, as usual, you’ll be able to join the conversation by asking questions from home.
    Always wanted to ask a trainer that burning question about what they do? Now you have a chance!

    We’ll discuss how Gabriele's workshop was born, why React and TypeScript are a great couple when used together, what type of professionals will benefit from this the most, what type of exercises we’ll be doing in the workshop and how these will enable you to learn the key concepts during the class.

    Did we say it already? You’re encouraged to be part of the conversation and ask questions during the live streaming through the chat provided by YouTube.

    When: Friday 30th September 2022, from 3 pm CEST

    Who: Gabriele is the co-founder of buildo, a software consulting company based in Milan, where he works as a lead software engineer. Passionate about front-end and back-end architectures, he has extensive experience with react, TypeScript and Scala.

    Workshop link: https://bit.ly/TypeScript_React_ENG_Podcast

    #JavaScript #React #TypeScript #FrontEnd #Framework #WebFramework #Software #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #SoftwareEngineer #SoftwareDev #BackEnd #FrontEndDevelopment #BackEnd #Code #Coding #Programming