
    Potluck - Sass × Houdini × No JS? × Solid Project × First Dev Job Tips × Bartering × DRM × Dev Laptops × Databases × Frontity × More!

    enSeptember 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing summer break and sponsors, sharing personal experiences, and exploring SaaS and SCSS use casesThe hosts discuss their personal experiences during summer break and share insights on using Sass for CSS development, offering benefits like easier nesting and variables for efficient coding. SaaS and SCSS have different use cases, and the choice depends on project requirements and developer preference.

      During this episode of Syntax, the hosts discuss their upcoming summer break and share some personal experiences. They also introduce three sponsors: Linode, Sentry, and Auth0. The hosts share their experiences of leaving their children for the first time and how they were pleasantly surprised by their children's ability to adapt. They also talk about upcoming changes, including a move to a new house and studio. Regarding the technical topic of the episode, a question was asked about the use cases for SaaS (Software as a Service) and SCSS (Sass, a CSS preprocessor) in 2021. The hosts discuss their experiences with Sass in their projects and how it can offer benefits such as easier nesting and variables, making development more efficient. They also mention that CSS and post-CSS can cover most use cases, but the choice between them depends on the specific project requirements and the developer's preference. The hosts also mention that they use CSS variables extensively but cannot use them in media queries, which is a small use case for Sass variables. Overall, the episode covers both personal experiences and technical topics, providing insights and tips for developers.

    • Exploring Sass and CSS Houdini for CSS DevelopmentSass offers useful features for CSS development, but avoid heavy frameworks. CSS Houdini is an exciting API, but it's not fully implemented yet.

      Sass, though not as trendy as some newer technologies, remains a reliable and useful tool for CSS development. Its features like nesting and automatic BEM generation continue to make it a valuable asset. However, it's important to avoid over-reliance on heavy frameworks and keep refactoring in mind. As for CSS Houdini, it's an exciting web API that allows writing custom CSS with JavaScript access to APIs like Paint, Layout, and Animation. While progress has been made in Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Samsung, Firefox and Safari still have a way to go. The spec is not yet complete, and there's a lot of underlying work to be done before it can be fully implemented. So, while we wait, it's worth keeping an eye on IsHoudiniReadyYet.com for updates.

    • Building projects without JavaScript and benefits of progressive enhancementEnsure websites function without JavaScript, use tools like server-side rendering and hydration for progressive enhancement.

      While JavaScript plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience on websites, it's important to ensure that the site functions properly without it. The discussion highlighted the experience of building projects without JavaScript and the benefits of using tools that allow progressive enhancement, such as server-side rendering and hydration. Additionally, the Solid project was introduced as an intriguing solution for web developers to own and control their data, potentially reducing the need for storing and managing large amounts of data in the cloud. However, the success of such a solution would depend on its ease of use and integration.

    • Modern tools and practices for developersUsing modern tools like Square, Sentry, and being helpful can simplify processes, improve security, and enhance productivity for developers.

      Using modern tools and practices can simplify processes, improve security, and enhance productivity. This was evident in the discussion about the importance of not storing sensitive customer information and the convenience of using tools like Square for transactions. Another modern tool mentioned was Sentry, which not only handles errors and exceptions but also provides performance tracking metrics to optimize website speed. For beginners starting their first developer job, being helpful and a quick learner are essential practices to lay a foundation for a successful career. These are just a few of the valuable insights shared during the podcast discussion.

    • Be a good team player and learn from colleaguesFocus on learning and growing as a developer, ask questions, and respect ongoing projects.

      Starting your career as a developer involves being a good team player, learning from experienced colleagues, and respecting the context of ongoing projects. Don't try to argue or change things unnecessarily, especially as a junior developer. Instead, be hungry to learn, ask questions, and absorb knowledge. Regarding bartering skills for goods or services, it can be an interesting concept but may not always be practical or efficient. Instead, focus on building your career and expertise through formal channels. The speaker shared an experience of trading a patio installation for their services, but they acknowledged that such opportunities might not come up frequently. Overall, the key is to stay focused on learning and growing as a developer.

    • DRM: A Necessary Evil for Content ProtectionDRM is essential for major studios and content providers to protect their intellectual property. It ensures user access to content while preventing unauthorized usage.

      Digital rights management (DRM) is a necessary evil in the world of content protection for major studios and content providers. While some may argue against it, the reality is that these entities invest significant resources into producing content, and they will not make it readily available for free. DRM ensures that their intellectual property is protected, and it's here to stay. However, the implementation of DRM should not be invasive and ruin the user experience. In a smaller context, collaborative projects can be successful without a formal contract, but as projects grow in size and complexity, a clear agreement and a common denominator like money become essential. For instance, a small website fix can be done through a wine-bottle barter system, but a massive website project requires a more formal approach. Regarding Widevine DRM, it's a leading content protection solution used by major streaming services like Disney, Warner Brothers, Netflix, and Hulu. Its lack of compatibility with Linux is a limitation that can be frustrating for users, but it's a necessary measure to protect content. Ultimately, it's important to understand the rationale behind DRM and focus on finding ways to work with it rather than against it.

    • Impact of DRM on user experienceDRM can negatively impact user experience with content expiration and internet requirement. Use Auth0 for secure authentication and authorization to enhance user experience

      While Digital Rights Management (DRM) can provide security and authentication for products, it can also negatively impact the user experience. The speaker shared examples of DRM causing frustration, such as content expiring or requiring an internet connection, which can make the product worse for the user. The speaker also highlighted the importance of secure authentication and authorization for applications, and recommended using a service like Auth0 to handle these tasks. Auth0 provides features like social login, customizable login pages, SDKs for various frameworks, user management with roles and permissions, and multi-factor authentication. The speaker also mentioned the complexity of implementing biometric authentication and how Auth0 can simplify this process. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of balancing security with a positive user experience.

    • DIY Linux Laptop for Web Developers: Customizable and UpgradeableA new DIY laptop for web developers runs Linux and offers easy upgrades and replaceable components, but challenges include soldered components and potential Linux bugs.

      The concept of a DIY, high-end, upgradeable laptop running Linux is an intriguing development for web development. This laptop, which resembles a MacBook Pro, promises easy upgrades and replaceable components. However, its success may face challenges due to the increasing use of soldered components in computers, which can make them faster but less repairable. Some users, particularly those coming from a Mac background, may also find the Linux operating system less polished, with potential bugs and compatibility issues. On the other hand, tools like Prisma, which offer support for databases like MongoDB, can make querying and aggregating data much easier and faster, improving overall productivity for web development projects. Overall, these developments reflect the ongoing tension between the desire for customizability and the pursuit of speed and efficiency in technology.

    • Simplifying database work with PrismaPrisma is a framework that simplifies MongoDB interactions, handles translations, and addresses issues like n+1 problem. It also offers built-in migrations and GraphQL support.

      While working with databases, especially MongoDB, can be tricky and come with its own challenges, such as writing complex aggregations and dealing with migrations. Prisma, a framework that supports MongoDB, aims to simplify the experience by handling translations to MongoDB and addressing issues like the n+1 problem. However, it may not eliminate the need for custom aggregations in certain situations. The speaker also expressed a desire for a more solid database structure, especially in larger projects, and mentioned that they would consider using Prisma for future projects due to its built-in migrations and GraphQL support. Regarding the use of GraphQL and Svelte in TypeScript, the speaker mentioned that they currently use GraphQL Cogent and Apollo in their project but that the development experience with Svelte and GraphQL might differ with SvelteKit. Overall, the conversation touched on the challenges of working with databases and the potential benefits of using frameworks like Prisma to simplify the process.

    • Using Cogent for handling data in Svelte is more streamlined compared to React hooksSvelte simplifies data handling with Cogent by eliminating the need for hooks and providing both async and observable functions for flexibility.

      The speaker found the experience of using Cogent, a GraphQL codegen for Svelte, to be more streamlined and easier compared to using hooks in React for handling data. In Svelte, instead of importing and using a hook to create a function, you can directly import and use a function. This simplifies the process and eliminates the need for additional steps. Additionally, Cogent provides both an async and observable version of the function, allowing for flexibility in handling data on the client or server side. The speaker also mentioned that they have moved away from using Apollo cache in Svelte, as they can update Svelte stores directly and don't need to worry about loading screens or other complexities. Overall, the speaker found that Svelte simplifies the development process and eliminates unnecessary complications. However, they have not evaluated Froniti, a tool for using React with WordPress, and cannot provide thoughts on it.

    • Comparing Frontity, Gatsby, Next.js, and WebpackFrontity offers a more WordPress-focused approach while faster tools like Vite, Parcel, and esbuild gain popularity, the future of Webpack is uncertain but these tools cater to different developer preferences and project needs.

      Frontity, a new WordPress framework using React, offers a more WordPress-focused and batteries-included approach compared to tools like Gatsby or Next.js. This could be appealing to WordPress developers who prefer fewer concepts to learn and minimal configuration. However, the dominator in the discussion expressed a preference for faster tools like Vite, Parcel, and esbuild, which have gained popularity due to their significant speed improvements over Webpack. The future of Webpack remains uncertain, as it may shift towards being an under-the-hood tool, with create React app, Next.js, and Gatsby already incorporating it. Ultimately, the choice between tools depends on individual preferences and project requirements.

    • Appreciating advancements in web development and addressing MacBook Pro performance issuesWeb development has come a long way, with fewer configs needed and exciting future possibilities. MacBook Pro users can use Hot to monitor CPU temperature and usage for performance troubleshooting.

      The current state of technology, specifically in the realm of web development, is a vast improvement from the past due to the abundance of options and fast-paced competition. During a recent episode of Syntax, the hosts expressed their gratitude for not having to write webpack configs anymore and shared their excitement for the future. They also highlighted their sponsor Linode, a cloud computing hosting service offering various solutions beyond Linux servers. A significant issue discussed was the MacBook Pro's CPU throttling, causing audio issues and slowdowns. To address this, the hosts recommended an app called Hot, which displays the CPU temperature and capacity usage. Understanding this information can help determine whether performance issues stem from the CPU or excessive processes. In a lighter note, the hosts shared their "sick picks," including a free app called Hot and a silicone mat used under bowls to prevent spills and protect surfaces. The mat's versatility extends to electronics work and potentially even soldering.

    • Protecting floors during soldering with a waterproof matUse a waterproof mat, like a silicone one designed for pets, to protect floors during soldering. Check out Wes's courses on web development at westboss.com/courses, using coupon code 'syntax' for a discount.

      Wes mentioned the importance of having a waterproof mat for protecting floors during soldering, and he recommended a silicone mat designed for pets. He also announced his new web components course on Level Up Tutorials, emphasizing its foundational nature and affordability for beginners. Wes encouraged listeners to check out his courses on web development, offering a discount for annual subscriptions or team sign-ups at westboss.com/courses, using the coupon code "syntax" for a $10 discount. Wes expressed his gratitude to Level Up Tutorials for sponsoring the podcast. He hinted at potential future changes to the show, such as new bumpers, but made no firm commitments. Listeners can find the full archive of Syntax.fm episodes at syntax.fm.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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