
    Potluck - Svelte × Bleeding-Edge Tech × Git Process × Screencasts × Government Jobs × Permissions-Based APIs × Rescript × More!

    enJuly 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Git, Create React App, Svelte, and Uncle ExperiencesWhile the latest technology like Svelte offers an improved developer experience, it may come with a smaller community and fewer libraries. Personal experiences as uncles were also shared, highlighting different approaches to gift-giving.

      During the Syntax podcast episode, Scott and Wes discussed various topics including Git, Create React App, working on screencasts, being on the bleeding edge, and working in government jobs. They answered a listener's question about using the latest Svelte in serious projects, comparing the improved developer experience to the small but growing community and lack of libraries. They also shared their personal experiences as uncles and the different ways they approach gift-giving. From a development perspective, the question about Svelte brought up the debate of whether to adopt the latest technology, even if it comes with a smaller community and fewer libraries, or to stick with a more stable version. Scott, who is currently working extensively in Svelte, shared his perspective, acknowledging the current lack of libraries but emphasizing the improved developer experience. As for their personal lives, Scott shared the joy of becoming an uncle for the third time, while Wes described his uncle as the one who gives the kids the loud and inappropriate gifts. The episode was sponsored by Dottech Domains, LogRocket, and Mux video APIs and streaming.

    • Building Components from Scratch in SvelteSvelte's newness and closer relationship with the DOM can lead to simpler development with fewer dependencies, but also comes with the risk of smaller community and fewer readily available packages. Building components from scratch is possible and surprisingly simple, but consider the trade-offs.

      In Svelte, due to its closer relationship with the DOM and the availability of built-in features, there is a tendency to write and build components from scratch rather than relying on external libraries. This can lead to a simpler development experience with fewer dependencies, but it also comes with the risk of a smaller community and less readily available packages. For instance, while there are packages available for various functionalities in Svelte, it's often simpler to write your own components or use built-in features. The speaker shared their experience of building components from scratch in Svelte, such as a Toast message package, and found it surprisingly simple. However, it's important to consider the trade-offs, including the risk of having to rely on fewer packages and the potential need for more custom development. Ultimately, the decision between using external libraries extensively or building from scratch depends on individual preferences and risk tolerance.

    • Deleting Git history and choosing a frameworkTo delete Git history, remove .git folder. For larger projects, consider Next.js or Gatsby over Create React App, but be aware of potential vendor lock-in.

      To completely sever ties to an old project using Git, you can delete the hidden dot git folder from the root directory of the project. This will remove the Git history and allow you to start fresh with a new initial commit. Regarding the use of Create React App (CRA) for building production-level web apps, it is still useful but often overshadowed by other frameworks like Next.js and Gatsby. While CRA is great for learning and small projects, larger projects may benefit from the additional features offered by Next.js or Gatsby. However, it's important to note that there is potential for vendor lock-in with these frameworks, particularly with their routing systems and other specific features. To mitigate this risk, it's important to consider the ease of migrating away from these frameworks if necessary. For instance, routing in Next.js can be replaced with React Router or other custom solutions, and the serverless functions are not specific to Next.js, making the migration process more manageable. Ultimately, the choice of framework depends on the specific needs and constraints of the project.

    • Switching React platforms involves trade-offsConsider benefits and downsides of using fully-featured platforms like Next.js and hosting on services like Vercel, versus self-hosting and building own solutions. Decision depends on personal preferences and project requirements.

      Moving from one React platform to another, such as from React Router to Next.js, may involve significant effort. However, there are trade-offs to consider, like the potential benefits of using a fully-featured platform like Next.js and hosting it on a service like Vercel. This can include access to exclusive features, ease of deployment, and improved performance. On the other hand, there are potential downsides, such as the risk of vendor lock-in and the cost of using a paid service. Ultimately, the decision depends on personal preferences and project requirements. Some developers may prefer the flexibility of self-hosting and building their own solutions, while others may value the convenience and added features of a fully-managed platform. It's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Additionally, the trend towards partially self-hosted and partially cloud-based solutions is a significant shift from the traditional "wholesome" approach of hosting and running everything locally. This can lead to a complex mix of self-hosted and cloud-based components, with the choice of which components to host locally and which to use as a service being a critical decision. The decision to use a service for image optimization, for example, can significantly improve website performance but comes with the added cost and potential loss of control.

    • Personal preference and the right tools for development projectsChoose tools based on personal comfort and project requirements. Wes recommends IShowU for Mac screencasts and is excited about Descript for audio and video editing.

      Personal preference plays a significant role in choosing the right tools and services for development projects. Some developers prefer the simplicity of traditional FTP setups, while others embrace the more complex serverless functions. The decision ultimately depends on individual comfort levels and project requirements. Regarding screencast tools, Wes shared his favorite for Mac, IShowU, which offers additional features like retina recording, superimposing faces, and multiple audio streams. For Windows and Linux, he couldn't provide a recommendation. He currently uses ScreenFlow on Mac for recording and editing, but is excited about Descript, a new tool that transcribes audio and allows for text editing, creating a seamless workflow for audio and video editing. A special offer was mentioned for dot tech domain names, which are tech-focused and offer a large selection of available names. For a limited time, they are offering an 80% discount on a 5-year registration using the code "syntax5" at go.techforward/syntax. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of personal preference and finding the right tools for individual development needs.

    • Persisting through challenges with video editing softwareDespite initial difficulties, individuals should persist in learning new software and seeking solutions to overcome bugs. Finding the right tool for one's needs can lead to increased productivity and creativity.

      While some individuals may have had initial challenges with using certain video editing software like Descript or dealing with bugs in ScreenFlow, their experiences highlight the importance of persistence and the value of seeking solutions through resources like online searches. This approach is not a sign of giving up, but rather a sign of determination and continuous learning. Additionally, the expectation for software to be perfect and continuously evolving, as well as the potential benefits of paying for subscription services, were also discussed. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of bug fixes in ScreenFlow and excitement for Descript's potential to become a more powerful tool for creators. Ultimately, the importance of finding software that fits one's needs and makes life easier, regardless of the cost, was emphasized.

    • Seeking help and implementing solutionsWhen encountering a problem, don't get overwhelmed. Look for resources, understand the solution, and make it work. Whether it's reverse-engineering a circular timer or automating weight logging with a camera, the key is to make things work.

      When encountering a problem, instead of getting overwhelmed, we can turn to resources like Google or online communities for answers. The key is not just to understand the solution, but also to implement it and make it work. For instance, when trying to create a circular timer using SVG stroke offset, the speaker looked up the solution, reverse-engineered it, and built it from scratch. Similarly, when wanting to automate the process of logging weight on a digital scale that doesn't sync with Apple Health, the speaker suggested using a serverless function to pull data from the Fitbit API and push it to Apple Health. The speaker emphasized the importance of making things work, even if it means going the extra mile and building a solution from scratch. Additionally, the speaker shared a creative solution to automate logging weight by rigging up a camera above the scale to take a photo of the value and sending it to the Apple Health API. Overall, the takeaway is to not be afraid to seek help and implement solutions, even if it means taking an unconventional approach.

    • Considering stability over latest techLeaving a stable job for new tech isn't always the best choice. Try implementing new tech within your current organization or explore side projects for personal growth.

      Stability and benefits in a job should not be overlooked in favor of the latest technology. Dee, who works for the government and feels she's missing out on new tech, was advised that while the latest tech can be exciting, it doesn't necessarily mean leaving a stable job is the answer. The speaker shared personal experiences of leaving a job for more tech but missing the stability and benefits. They also suggested trying to implement new tech within the current organization and having side projects for personal growth. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering the impact of one's work on the public as a government employee. Additionally, they introduced LogRocket as a tool to help developers identify and address errors on their websites.

    • Managing complex authorization in permission-based APIsUse a system like Keystone for fine-grained access control, implement checks on both server and client sides, and consider role-based permissions for simplification.

      While authentication is important, authorization can be more complex when building permission-based APIs, especially when dealing with multiple levels of permissions for users. The speaker recommends using a system like Keystone, which provides access control at both the model and field levels, allowing for fine-grained control over what users can do. It's crucial to implement checks on both the server and client sides for security. Role-based permissions can be used to group permissions and simplify the process, but it still requires careful consideration and planning. Remember, you cannot trust anything on the client, and access checks must be made on both sides for data mutation and user interface. Some systems may have more intricate role systems with role groups and micro roles, providing even more control.

    • Managing Drupal's complex permissions system vs choosing between Rescript and TypeScriptDrupal's permissions system offers comprehensive access control but requires deep understanding. TypeScript is simpler and feels like an addition to JavaScript, but hiring and resources may be a challenge for Rescript.

      Drupal's permissions system, with its extensive matrix of radio buttons, offers a comprehensive solution for managing access levels site-wide. However, it may not be the most straightforward option for developers, as it requires a deep understanding of roles and permissions. On the other hand, when it comes to choosing between Rescript and TypeScript, the speaker's personal preference leans towards TypeScript due to its simplicity and the fact that it feels like an addition to JavaScript rather than an entirely new language. The speaker also mentions the challenges of hiring, training, and finding packages for a less popular language like Rescript. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges the potential benefits of Rescript and keeps an eye on its adoption in the development community. The release of Svelte Kit, a framework for building end-to-end applications, has further piqued their interest in Rescript. Ultimately, the decision between the two languages depends on individual developers' priorities, project requirements, and comfort levels.

    • Authenticity and transparency in podcast workThey prioritize informed decisions for their audience, value transparency, and believe in accessibility to content through multiple sponsors instead of paywalls.

      Both the speakers in this discussion value authenticity and transparency in their work, whether it's in their choice of technology or monetization methods for their podcast. They emphasized the importance of observing the market and making informed decisions based on practical reasons and the potential benefits for their audience. Regarding their decision to have multiple sponsors on their podcast, they explained that they have a large pool of sponsors who align with their values and provide value to their listeners. They prefer this approach instead of having a Patreon with content behind a paywall, as they believe it allows more accessibility to their content for a larger audience. They also mentioned their belief in transparency and not hiding content behind paywalls. Additionally, they shared their experiences with adopting new technologies like TypeScript and how they waited until it became the clear winner in the market before making the investment. They acknowledged the possibility of future changes in the landscape and the potential for exploring new technologies like Rescript. Overall, their discussion highlights the importance of making informed decisions based on practical reasons and the potential benefits for their audience, as well as their commitment to transparency and accessibility in their work.

    • Angular's extensive library and included featuresAngular offers time-saving benefits with its comprehensive library and built-in features, but its large number of versions and learning resources might intimidate some developers.

      Angular, despite having a large number of versions and a seemingly steep learning curve, offers a lot of benefits for developers due to its extensive library and included features. The speaker, Wes Bos, shared his personal preference for frameworks with more "batteries included," as he finds it more efficient to have more functionality built-in rather than having to constantly search for external libraries. He acknowledged that Angular could be a good choice for others, but, for him, he doesn't have the time to learn it again. Angular's versioning and the abundance of learning resources might intimidate some developers, but the framework's comprehensive offerings can save time and effort in the long run. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and time constraints. The speaker also emphasized that his positive or negative opinions on specific frameworks don't mean that others are inherently bad. He encouraged developers to make their own choices based on their needs and experiences. Additionally, he mentioned Mux as a sponsor and a great video hosting platform for developers, highlighting its ease of use, reliability, and developer-focused approach.

    • Automating data entry without an APIUse JSON, network requests, and fetch function for simple tasks. For complex tasks, employ tools like Puppeteer. Prefer SvelteKit for application development. Try Wyze sprinkler controller for user-friendly app and master pump relay feature.

      Automating data entry into web forms without an API can be achieved by converting a spreadsheet into JSON, inspecting network requests in dev tools, and replicating those requests using a fetch function. For more complex tasks involving button clicks and input typing, tools like Puppeteer can be used. My current favorite tool for building applications is SvelteKit, which offers server-side rendering and simplicity in working with Svelte. Lastly, I recommend the Wyze sprinkler controller for its user-friendly app and master pump relay feature, even though it currently lacks a Canadian store.

    • Improved home irrigation with smart sprinkler systemsSmart sprinkler systems offer cost-effective, convenient, and efficient irrigation solutions for homeowners, with easy testing and identification of issues from a distance, and a thoughtfully designed feature to bypass the power brick in specific situations.

      The smart sprinkler system, despite being affordable, offers a convenient and efficient experience for homeowners. Unlike traditional systems where one had to physically check and adjust the controller, the smart sprinkler system allows for easy testing and identification of issues from a distance. An additional feature that adds value is the inclusion of a power brick, which can be bypassed by pulling power directly from a pump relay, catering to specific situations where using the power brick might not be necessary. This shows that the system is not only cost-effective but also thoughtfully designed. Furthermore, the speaker also mentioned his Svelte components course, offering a discount for those interested in learning advanced techniques using Svelte stores, actions, custom stores, animations, and more. The course is available at level up tutorials.com/forward/pro, and all of Wes Bos' courses are currently on sale at wesbos.com/courses with an additional discount using the coupon code "syntax". In essence, the smart sprinkler system represents a significant improvement in convenience and functionality for homeowners, and the Svelte components course offers a valuable opportunity for developers to expand their skillset with advanced techniques.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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