
    Potluck — Video Hosting × Fake Names? × Portfolio Projects × Monorepos × APIs × TLDs × Recording Tips × More!

    enApril 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Handling Dependent API Calls with GraphQLEnsure data from previous API calls is valid before making subsequent requests to prevent errors. GraphQL allows for multiple API calls in a single request, reducing errors caused by outdated data.

      When handling multiple API calls that rely on each other, it's important to ensure that the data from previous requests is available and valid before making subsequent requests. This can help prevent errors caused by using outdated or invalid tokens. The speakers, Scott and Wes, discussed how GraphQL can be beneficial in this scenario as it allows for multiple API calls to be made in a single request, reducing the likelihood of errors caused by outdated data. They also mentioned that it's crucial to check the success of previous API responses before making subsequent requests. The speakers also shared their personal experiences and the feeling of productivity and efficiency that comes with having more time to work due to the kids going back to school. They were also grateful for the listener questions and encouraged listeners to submit their own questions through the podcast's website. The episode was sponsored by Sanity, Sentry, and Vonage.

    • Handling Dependent API Calls and Recommended Video Storage SolutionWhen working with multiple API calls that depend on each other, ensure data is present and correct before making subsequent calls. Catch errors, refresh tokens, and implement retry logic. For video storage and optimization, consider using Mux for its ease of use and streamlined process.

      When working with multiple API calls that rely on each other, it's crucial to ensure the data is present and correct before making subsequent calls. This can involve catching errors, refreshing tokens, and implementing retry logic. For instance, when dealing with a time-limited token, you may need to catch an unauthenticated error, refresh the token, and make the call again. Additionally, when it comes to video storage and optimization for a project, Mux (mux.com) is a recommended service due to its ease of use and time-saving capabilities. Unlike other video hosting solutions, Mux doesn't require you to store your assets elsewhere before connecting them, making the process more streamlined.

    • Streamlined video handling with MuxMux simplifies video handling by offering uploading, quality adaptation, and data management through a single API, making it a more efficient choice for video delivery compared to managing multiple services and databases. Vimeo can also be a cost-effective option for simpler video hosting needs.

      Using a video delivery platform like Mux simplifies video handling compared to managing video files and versions on services like AWS or Azure. With Mux, video uploading, quality adaptation, and data management are streamlined through a single API, eliminating the need for managing multiple services and databases. The speaker also mentions that services like Vimeo can be more cost-effective for simpler video hosting needs. Overall, the choice of video delivery platform depends on the specific requirements of the project, such as the need for user-uploaded videos or the volume of video content.

    • From copying code to writing your ownStarting with copied code is common for beginners, but eventually, the goal is to write your own code and solve problems independently. Different video hosting platforms offer various features and pricing.

      It's normal and part of the learning process for web developers to start by copying and pasting code from tutorials or other sources. However, as they gain more experience, they'll eventually feel the urge to solve problems on their own and write their own code. The speaker shared his personal experience of transitioning from relying heavily on others' code to becoming more self-reliant. He also discussed various video hosting platforms like Vimeo, Wistia, Cloudinary, and Cloudflare, and their respective features and pricing. When it comes to learning web development, it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere, and the ability to learn from others' code is a valuable skill. As confidence and experience grow, so will the desire to tackle problems independently.

    • Understanding Others' Code: A Step-by-Step ApproachTo build confidence and improve skills, learn from others' code by breaking down complex problems into simple steps in plain English. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back, ask questions and seek clarification. Utilize helpful resources like APIs and sponsors to make the process more efficient.

      Learning from others' code and understanding it through a non-code perspective can help in building confidence and improving skills. When faced with complex problems, breaking them down into simple steps in plain English can make the process less intimidating. It's common to feel anxious or slow when working with undocumented code, especially when starting a new job. Imposter syndrome can be a challenge, but asking questions and seeking clarification is a necessary part of the learning process. The speaker recommends taking a step-by-step approach, thinking about the problem from an outsider's perspective, and writing out the process in plain English before diving into the code. Additionally, sponsors like Vonage can provide helpful APIs and resources to make building apps easier and more efficient. Congratulations to Josiah on landing his first web development job and good luck in your new role!

    • Navigating internal code with no documentationAsk questions and communicate effectively to understand unfamiliar code, build confidence, and prevent misunderstandings.

      Working with internal teams on coding projects can sometimes mean dealing with code that doesn't meet the same standards as open-source projects. Managers prioritize getting projects completed over thorough testing and documentation, so developers may encounter confusing or poorly documented code. However, it's essential to keep learning and asking questions. Reading the source code and understanding how functions and systems work together can make developers less reliant on documentation and more confident in their abilities. It's a common challenge to jump into an existing project with no documentation, but developers should communicate with their team members and ask for clarification when needed. Good developers should be willing to explain their ideas and code, and clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and animosity. To get started, developers can ask their team members what they expect when they encounter unfamiliar code or need help. By building a strong foundation of understanding and communication, developers can become more effective and confident in their work.

    • Approaching other people's code with empathyWhen working with others' code, focus on improving documentation and understanding, rather than criticizing it. Monorepos offer benefits but also complexities, so consider the project and team before deciding to use one.

      When working with other people's code or projects, it's important to approach the situation with empathy and a positive attitude. The individuals who wrote the code have likely put time, effort, and even personal attachment into their work. Insulting the code or being critical can unintentionally hurt their feelings. Instead, focus on how you can improve the documentation or understanding of the project. Additionally, monorepos, which house multiple projects within one repository, can be a double-edged sword. They offer benefits like keeping everything co-located and simplifying development, but they can also lead to complexities and challenges, especially in larger open-source projects. Ultimately, the decision to use a monorepo depends on the specific project and team. Some developers find the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, while others prefer to use separate repositories. It's essential to consider the pros and cons and choose the approach that best fits your project and team.

    • Managing Monorepos in JavaScript and Preparing for Junior Developer RoleNavigating monorepos can be challenging, but tools like yarn workspaces help. To prepare for a junior developer role, focus on fundamentals, learn a few frameworks, and build a portfolio.

      Monorepos (single repository projects with multiple applications) in JavaScript can be simple to manage using built-in tools like yarn workspaces, but it can be challenging to navigate and find information across multiple repositories. For new developers, the key takeaway is that there's no definitive answer to knowing if you're ready to apply for a junior position. However, having a solid grasp of fundamentals, experience with a few frameworks, and a decent portfolio are good targets to strive for. Lastly, regarding domain names, ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names) is the authority that decides which top-level domains (TLDs) are possible, and there's currently no information on whether a .eat domain will be available.

    • Discussing the process and cost of creating a new top-level domain and the importance of real-world experience in a developer portfolioCreating a new TLD involves a $185,000 application fee and showing a business model, not all applicants sell second-level registrations, and real-world experience is highly valued in developer portfolios.

      Anyone can apply for a new top-level domain (TLD) through ICANN, but it comes with a hefty price tag of $185,000 for the application and a $5,000 deposit fee. The process involves showing a business model and revenue projections. Not all applicants sell the second-level registrations, meaning someone can own a TLD but not allow others to use it. For those looking to build a portfolio for job hunting as a full-stack developer, it's recommended to include projects from previous employers, as long as there are no NDAs preventing it. Real-world experience is highly valued by hiring managers. During the discussion, it was mentioned that the longest available TLD is dot construction, with 12 characters, while the shortest are just two letters like dot io. Some creative suggestions included dot boss, dot west, and dot dope. An interesting point was made about the concept of "asking for forgiveness rather than asking for permission" when it comes to using projects from previous employers in a portfolio. However, it's always best to ask for permission first if possible. Overall, the conversation touched on the possibilities and costs of creating a new TLD and the importance of showcasing real-world experience in a developer portfolio.

    • Exploring Sanity CMS: Versatile and CustomizableSanity CMS is a versatile headless CMS used by various entities, offering custom schemas, real-time updates, and integration with GraphQL and other platforms. Privacy and anonymity considerations may lead some to use pseudonyms, but having a unique name can contribute to professional recognition.

      Sanity is a versatile headless CMS used by various companies, from large corporations like Nike and National Geographic to smaller entities, offering many-to-many relationships with real-time updates. Developers can create custom schemas with data types and fields, and host the CMS themselves. Sanity offers a query language (Grok) and supports GraphQL, allowing integration with various platforms. Regarding the question about using real names online, privacy concerns and anonymity are valid reasons to consider using a pseudonym. However, having a unique and easily searchable name can also help professionals stand out. Ultimately, the decision depends on personal preferences and priorities. The speakers shared their experiences, and while they have unique names, they are also real. Some people might find it challenging to use their uncommon names, leading to potential benefits of using a pseudonym. However, it's essential to consider that having a unique name can also contribute to professional recognition.

    • Maintaining Uniqueness in Tech IndustryUse a unique name for personal branding, secure domain names and social media handles, stay informed through podcasts, experts, and trends.

      Maintaining privacy and uniqueness in the tech industry is important for developers. This was discussed in the context of having a common name, where the risk exists of being mistakenly attributed for someone else's actions. The speakers suggested using a unique name for personal branding, ensuring availability of domain names and social media handles. They also emphasized that keeping up with updates and libraries is a part of the job for developers, but it's not easy, and everyone doesn't have to be on top of everything. Instead, listening to podcasts, following experts on social media, and being aware of trends can help developers stay informed without having to build or implement everything themselves.

    • Soundproofing your recording spaceUse a shock mount, place a thick material under your keyboard, invest in a good preamplifier, consider using a dynamic microphone, reduce airflow, and add sound-absorbing materials to improve recording quality.

      Creating a high-quality recording for a programming tutorial requires a quiet environment. To achieve this, consider implementing some soundproofing techniques in your recording space. First, focus on reducing vibrations that can enter your microphone. Use a shock mount for your microphone and place a thick material, such as a t-shirt, under your keyboard to dampen sounds. Next, invest in a good preamplifier, like the DBX 286, which can help eliminate background noises, such as a baby monitor or a neighbor's tree being cut down. If you're in a particularly noisy environment, consider using a dynamic microphone, like the Electro Voice RE 20, which is better suited for noisier conditions than a condenser microphone. Additionally, think about reducing airflow into your room as much as possible, as even small gaps can let in unwanted sounds. Old doors may be a source of noise, so consider using weatherstripping or draft stoppers to seal any gaps. Lastly, if major construction to build a room within a room is not an option, consider adding sound-absorbing materials, such as acoustic panels or foam, to your walls to help reduce echo and improve overall sound quality.

    • Limits of Sound Insulation and Creativity in Web DevelopmentSound insulation isn't perfect, but sealing doors with a rubber sweep helps. In web development, clients value creativity and problem-solving skills beyond tutorial projects. Use Sentry for real-time error handling and a free 2-month trial with 'tasty treat'.

      Improving sound insulation in a room involves identifying and addressing areas of airflow, but complete soundproofing might not be achievable. A rubber door sweep, for instance, while helpful for sealing doors, can also clog a keyhole, creating an open pathway into the room. An audio engineer friend confirmed this limitation, suggesting practical solutions instead of expecting perfection. Sound is vibration, and vibration is sound, as illustrated in a favorite song. For those learning to build websites with Node Express, React, and Django, creating a portfolio beyond tutorial projects requires demonstrating creativity and problem-solving skills. Clients are more interested in seeing how you've applied your knowledge to unique situations, rather than just replicating common projects. Keep pushing yourself to innovate and adapt your learning to real-world scenarios. Another valuable tool mentioned was Sentry, a service that captures and handles errors and exceptions in real-time, providing performance insights and user misery scores. Sentry can save developers from unnecessary stress and downtime by quickly identifying and addressing issues. Use the coupon code "tasty treat" for a free 2-month trial.

    • Create unique tech projects to showcase skillsBuilding simple yet creative tech projects can help demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and unique skills to potential employers

      Creating your own tech projects, no matter how small, can help demonstrate your unique skills and problem-solving abilities to potential employers. The speaker recommends starting with a few projects that are substantial enough to finish but not overly complex. For example, building a camera app that texts you when it detects motion or turning a photo into a coloring sheet using edge detection. These ideas show creativity and the ability to turn ideas into functional tech. Even if there are already similar apps on the market, the important thing is to build something unique to you and demonstrate your capabilities. So, identify your own needs and create solutions to solve them.

    • Finding creative solutions to make processes more efficientConsolidate projects when it makes sense, but keep marketing and actual app separate to maintain clarity and application logic.

      It's beneficial to solve your own problems and find creative solutions to make processes more efficient. The speaker shared an example of how they created an app to help them remember dance moves during competitions, and encouraged tweaking tutorials to make them unique and engaging. When it comes to web development, the decision of whether to combine multiple web apps into one or keep them separate depends on individual needs. The speaker shared their personal experience of consolidating different projects into one app to reduce maintenance efforts. However, they also suggested keeping marketing and actual app separate to prevent muddying up the application logic. The popular trend among sponsors like Sanity.io and LogRockets follows this approach as well. Overall, the key takeaway is to find innovative solutions to your problems, and consider consolidating projects when it makes sense for your specific situation.

    • Advantages of keeping blog or marketing website on same domain as main applicationMaintaining a consistent domain simplifies integration, makes HTTPS easier, and saves time and effort. Useful tools like MiniWare TS 80p soldering iron and Cam Link 4k can enhance productivity.

      Keeping a blog or marketing website on the same domain as the main application can offer several advantages. For instance, it simplifies integration, makes HTTPS easier, and allows for easier user authentication. Many larger companies follow this practice, such as Log Rockets with their Blog Rocket and Sentry with their blog and app on sentry.io. However, smaller companies or those with a larger product range, like Vonage, may choose to use separate domains. While it's possible to use different domains, keeping them consistent on the same domain can save time and effort. As for the "sick picks" segment, the speaker recommended a MiniWare TS 80p soldering iron. This compact, USB-powered soldering iron is perfect for small projects and can be powered by a USB-C charger or power bank. Its hackable firmware also adds to its appeal for those interested in tinkering and customization. Another recommendation was the Cam Link 4k, which the speaker mentioned in a previous episode about desk setups. The device allows users to connect multiple cameras with one cable, making it a convenient solution for those who need to manage multiple video sources. Overall, the key takeaway is that maintaining a consistent domain for a blog or marketing website, along with useful and innovative tools like the MiniWare TS 80p soldering iron and Cam Link 4k, can streamline processes and enhance productivity.

    • Using the Cam Link 4k for HDMI devicesThe Cam Link 4k enables users to connect HDMI devices to a computer and use them as webcams or stream games. It's easy to use and reliable.

      The Cam Link 4k is a versatile and convenient tool for connecting HDMI devices to a computer. The speaker shares his personal experience of using the Cam Link 4k with his 4k camera and Nintendo Switch, allowing him to use his camera as a webcam and stream games over Zoom. He also mentions the ease of use and reliability of the device. Additionally, he promotes his latest course, Node Fundamentals Authentication, which covers various authentication topics and concepts in-depth. He encourages listeners to check out leveluptutorials.com/forward/pro for a discount on the course. Overall, the discussion highlights the benefits of the Cam Link 4k and the value of learning authentication concepts through the Node Fundamentals Authentication course.

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    GraphQL High Level


    Designed to replace REST Arch

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    Released by FB in 2012



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    Infosec Campout 2020 occurring (28-29 Aug 2020, Carnation, WA)

    Patreon supporters  (Josh P and David G)

    Teepub: https://www.teepublic.com/user/bdspodcast


    For Amanda next:


    & keynote @grrcon oct 24/25


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    Episode 3 - High Strangeness in the California Desert


    Release Date: 21 March 2014

    This is the 3rd episode of API Case Files - the podcast by and for UFO Investigators. Your host for this Episode is Marsha Barnhart, API Chief of Investigations, who opens the show with a report on API’s 2014 case-load, and provides a snapshot view of API investigator’s currently assigned cases.  Marsha Barnhart produced a segment on a “high strangeness” case, 14-027-AN4, that illuminates possible linkage between UFO experiencers and coinciding  anomalous events.  Paul Carr hosts a Conversation with a Skeptic, “Eric the Red”.  They discusses various aspects of skeptic philosophy and how it bears scrutiny with regards to the UFO question.  Antonio Paris talks about his second book “Space Science,  and Paul Carr presents his 3rd installment of Unidentified Science.  Marsha Barnhart chats briefly with Investigator Nancy Doty regarding her latest case, 14-030

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