
    Potluck - WordPress × 3rd-Party Cloud Services × Backend Hosting × Drupal × Getting Clients × GPS vs BEM × More!

    enAugust 04, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Selling Clients on Alternatives to WordPressWhen clients prefer WordPress for small business websites, developers should consider pitching the benefits of newer technologies like Vue or React for faster, stronger, and more efficient solutions.

      When it comes to choosing a technology for building websites for small businesses, the client's preference for WordPress may not always be the best solution. While WordPress is a popular choice for creating brochure websites, freelance developers who prefer static sites using technologies like Vue or React might feel frustrated if they're constantly building small sites using WordPress. However, the clients may not be aware of the advantages of using these newer technologies. Therefore, it's up to the developer to sell the benefits of smaller, faster, and stronger solutions, even if it means going against the client's initial preference. This can be a challenge when clients believe they need to have control over data entry and updates, but in many cases, they may never use these features. Ultimately, the focus should be on delivering a better user experience and meeting the client's needs, even if it means suggesting a technology that's different from what they initially requested.

    • WordPress vs Jamstack: Which is Right for Your Client?WordPress offers user-friendly content management and mobile-friendliness, but Jamstack provides faster load times and a more modern design. However, new solutions aim to address the downsides of Jamstack, such as real-time content updates and easy-to-use builders.

      While newer technologies like Jamstack offer benefits such as speed and a slick user experience, they may not always be the best choice for clients who prioritize ease of use and the ability to make quick updates to their website. WordPress remains a popular choice due to its user-friendly content management system and mobile-friendliness. However, if proposing a non-WordPress solution, it's essential to sell the client on the benefits they may not initially consider, such as faster load times and a more modern design. Additionally, the industry is seeing a push for solutions that address the downsides of Jamstack, such as real-time content updates and easy-to-use builders. Companies like Stackbit, Sanity, Team SCMS, and Gatsby Cloud are investing heavily in these areas to provide a more seamless experience for developers and clients alike.

    • Balancing innovation and client needs with third-party servicesConsider the project's unique requirements and client needs when deciding between building from scratch or using third-party services. Evaluate the risks and benefits, and choose a provider with a proven track record.

      When considering new technologies or third-party services for building client websites, it's essential to strike a balance between innovation and client needs. While exploring new tools and services can lead to improved functionality and efficiency, it's crucial to ensure they are the best fit for the specific project and client. Trust issues surrounding third-party services are valid, but it's important to weigh the risks against the benefits. Companies with proven track records and a long history of success are generally safer bets. Ultimately, the decision to use a third-party service or build from scratch depends on factors like cost, expertise, and time. While building everything from scratch offers greater control, it also requires significant resources and effort. In the end, it's essential to carefully evaluate each option and make an informed decision based on the unique requirements of the project and client.

    • Trade-offs of DIY vs. using a service for building and hosting websitesWhile DIY offers more control and potentially lower costs, using services provides a user-friendly experience, faster implementation, and scalability. Consider factors like expertise, time, resources, customization, ease of use, maintenance, and cost before making a decision.

      When it comes to building and hosting websites or applications, there's a trade-off between doing it yourself and using a service. While doing it yourself gives you more control and potentially lower costs for smaller projects, it can also require significant expertise, time, and resources for maintenance and infrastructure. On the other hand, using a service can provide a more user-friendly experience, faster implementation, and scalability, but it can also get expensive as the project grows. The speaker shared his personal experience leaning towards doing it himself initially but eventually realizing the benefits of using services for certain aspects of his stack, such as continuous integration. He also recommended considering services like Prismic for a CMS and page building, which can provide a good balance between customization and ease of use. The speaker also acknowledged the frustration of dealing with different hosting options and costs for front-end versus back-end projects and suggested considering the level of maintenance and cost you're willing to take on before making a decision.

    • Hosting back-end applications: A challenge for newbiesBack-end hosting requires more complex tasks, leading to fewer free options. Consider render.com for cost-effective and user-friendly node back-end hosting.

      While there are numerous options for hosting front-end applications, the choices for back-end hosting are more limited, especially for newbies looking for a free tier with features like off-database image hosting. The reason for this lies in the nature of back-end hosting. Back-end applications involve more complex tasks, such as handling stateful applications with sessions or file uploads, and managing databases. Many popular hosting platforms like Heroku and Vercel are built on serverless functions, which are stateless and easier to manage. However, when it comes to handling stateful tasks or complex features like image hosting, back-end developers often have to look for specialized services or build their own solutions, which can be more challenging. The speaker recommends checking out render.com as a cost-effective and user-friendly option for hosting node back-ends, which works similarly to Netlify for front-end applications. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasizes that back-end hosting is a crucial aspect of building web applications and that there are ongoing efforts to make it easier and more accessible.

    • Simplifying server-side management with serverless hosting and Drupal's improvementsServerless hosting simplifies server-side management, but costs add up. Drupal offers excellent GraphQL, JSON, REST support and is a strong contender for internal CMS use, providing access control, inputs, and customizability.

      While deploying a new front-end app is relatively straightforward, managing updates on the server-side, including database and adapter changes, can be more complex. Companies like Render are trying to simplify this process with serverless hosting solutions, and they offer good experiences for hosting Node.js apps and even private services. However, the cost of using such services can add up if you need to host multiple apps. Regarding Drupal, it has evolved from its awkward and clunky past, with versions like 9 offering excellent GraphQL, JSON, REST support, and TUM (which stands for "Text User Interface Manager" in this context). Drupal can be a great option for internal CMS use, providing access control, inputs, and customizability, making it a strong contender for blogging, business, and document publishing applications. Its popularity among PHP developers and its flexibility make it a powerful choice for powering various systems, including mobile apps. Overall, Drupal is a highly regarded CMS, with users either staying silent or expressing strong positive sentiments towards it.

    • Drupal's admin interface and data flexibility set it apartDrupal's admin interface and data control make it easier for developers and clients to handle and customize data, with new features like GraphQL and Droopy in Drupal 9.

      Drupal's strength lies in its admin editing interface and data flexibility, making it easier for both developers and clients to handle and customize data compared to other platforms. The speaker also expressed interest in exploring Drupal 9 and its new features, including GraphQL and the potential new icon, Droopy. Additionally, the speaker shared their frustration with advanced custom fields and data types in other platforms, highlighting Drupal's ease of use and control over data. They also mentioned that clients often preferred the Drupal version due to its better admin theming aspects and overall user experience. Furthermore, the speaker mentioned LogRocket as a useful tool for debugging issues on websites, allowing developers to see exactly what users see in a scrubbable video replay, eliminating the need for time-consuming back-and-forth communication with clients for screenshots or screen recordings.

    • Importance of online presence for small businessesFocus on businesses that see value in a website and are willing to invest in it to solve their business problems

      Not every business needs a website, but having an online presence can be crucial for small businesses, especially during times of crisis. Wes and the Syntax team discussed the importance of targeting businesses that see value in technology solutions for their business problems. They shared examples of how the pandemic forced many businesses to adapt quickly to an online world, and having a website became essential. For freelance web developers like Brian, it's essential to approach potential clients who understand the importance of a website and are willing to invest in it. While some businesses may not see the need, it's essential to be persistent and find those who do. Additionally, traditional methods like networking and word-of-mouth can still be effective in generating leads. Ultimately, the key is to focus on businesses that see the value in a website and are willing to invest in it to solve their business problems.

    • Expanding your network and building connectionsBEM and GPS are popular CSS naming conventions, but the best approach depends on personal preference and project needs.

      Building connections and expanding your network can be a valuable asset for your career or business. Whether it's through traditional methods like networking events or online platforms like Upwork, the key is to make those connections and build trust. Regarding CSS naming conventions, BEM is a popular one that allows for scoped selectors, but there are alternatives like GPS (Global Page and Section) that have their merits. Ultimately, the best approach may depend on personal preference and the specific needs of your project. Some developers prefer to use a minimal number of classes and take advantage of the CSS cascade, while others prefer a more scoped approach. It's important to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and the most effective approach may depend on the specific circumstances of your project. Additionally, tools like Style Components or future developments in the CSS language itself may offer solutions to the scoping issue.

    • Leveraging STEM background and work experience in web development rolesSTEM background and corporate work experience can enhance web dev applications by showcasing teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Demonstrate these abilities and choose a preferred CSS methodology for organized, readable code.

      Having a background in STEM and work experience in a large corporation can be valuable assets during the job application process for web development roles. The interview process often goes beyond just technical abilities and assesses a candidate's teamwork skills, communication abilities, and problem-solving abilities. Leveraging experiences from your past work in a technological setting and highlighting your strong organizational skills can set you apart from other candidates. While technical skills are important, demonstrating your ability to work well in a team and communicate effectively can be just as crucial for success in a development role. Additionally, the choice of CSS methodology, such as GPS or BEM, is ultimately a matter of preference as long as the code is organized and readable by team members.

    • Engage in continuous learning through curiosity and questioningCuriosity and asking thoughtful questions can lead to new insights and discoveries, enhancing personal growth and resonating with others.

      Being a good employee involves not only showing up and doing the job, but also being curious and asking thoughtful questions. The speaker shared an example of how he engaged with a YouTube channel, Matthias Wandel, and learned the optimal way to place a fan in a room based on scientific data. This discovery not only satisfied his personal curiosity but also resonated with others in his network. The speaker's sick pick was a podcast called "I Was There Too" by Matt Gourley, which explores various topics through the lens of storytelling and improv comedy. Both the YouTube channel and podcast demonstrate the value of continuous learning and the power of asking questions to gain new insights.

    • Fascinating stories of people who appeared in movies but never got the spotlightListen to the 'I Was There Too' podcast for intriguing stories of individuals who unexpectedly became part of major motion pictures

      The "I Was There Too" podcast, hosted by Matt Gourley, offers fascinating interviews with people who have appeared in movies but never got the spotlight. From the guy who played Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars to passengers on the bus in Speed, this podcast provides intriguing stories of how these individuals unexpectedly became part of major motion pictures. Matt's interviewing skills make the podcast wholesome and engaging. If you're interested in learning web development, check out westboss.com/courses, where various courses on React, Gatsby, JavaScript, and more are currently on sale. Additionally, leveluptutorials.com/forward/pro offers tutorial videos on building Svelte components, including advanced techniques and stores. Don't miss out on these resources!

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    Show Notes

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