
    Power: Some People Get Drunk On It. That’s Frightening

    enApril 30, 2021

    About this Episode

    If you feel like a massage with warm butter, go to a spa. This show is not for you. But if you truly wish to know more of how the world REALLY works, welcome aboard and we’ll start off with the secret of peace. Not between Taiwan and China but peace and  harmony in your own life. Two special challenges for Happy Warriors. The intoxicating feeling that power gives you. Police officers, politician, flight attendants, Home Owners Associations, even school teachers are susceptible to the almost irresistible seductiveness of exerting power over others. Most feminine women yearn for a powerful man and most men with power achieve more. Having power but not becoming a tyrant. Why most male speed-cops issue warnings and tickets but most female speed-cops issue only tickets. Why I recommend books to some people but not to you.

    Your main thing is your life and your life is best understood as a unified totality of the 5Fs. No matter what lies ahead, you’ll be better equipped to face it if you just focus on your own 5Fs. Here’s the blueprint https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a happy warrior not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life. 

    Recent Episodes from Rabbi Daniel Lapin's podcast

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    Money, Marriage, and Murder. Get Wise

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    Escalate Your Income While The Economy Plummets.

    Back in 1950 Yemenite Jews arriving in Israel saw water faucets and thought they created water. They knew nothing of the invisible infrastructure of pipes and pumps that made water gush out of the faucet. Similarly, there is an invisible spiritual infrastructure that makes modern commerce possible. Finding food in the supermarket reliably every day; assuming the light will come on when you flick the wall switch; reaching someone on the other side of the world from your mobile phone; knowing that when you go through an intersection on a green light you won't be T-boned by an 18-wheeler barreling through against a red light. How strangers will happily provide what other strangers want. All through the magic of money. When government integrity goes, the judicial system goes, crime comes, and the economy tanks. See the rules here:  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/book-of-ruth-free-lesson-signup. Use code RUTH15. What happens when five individual farmers working for themselves form a co-op and start collaborating. Why reported murder rates decline, even while you just know crime is way up.

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    Co-hosted with Susan Lapin. If you cannot play tennis, your life can still be good. If you can't sing, play a musical instrument, or tell jokes, your life can still be wonderful. But there are five distinct things that are vital for every successful and happy life. What is more, you cannot have 3 out of the 5. It's all five or nothing. In a  way, these five  things make up an indivisible totality of good living. A good way of thinking of them is as your life's operating system. Everything you do, achieve and enjoy rests on the foundation of a smoothly-running operating system.  We talk of identifying these five things and acquiring them. We reveal useful tips, tools, and techniques that we have published in our new book, The Holistic You. Read about it here  https://a.co/d/24XdFHh What is the difference between electric cars and polyamorous living arrangements? Does making money mean the same to women as it does to men? Are there male female relationships that are 100% non-romantic; purely business or social? Discover how the world REALLY works.

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    Why hate the Jews? The honest, true, and deeply uncomfortable explanation for anti-Semitism. Two nations on one island: Haiti is desperate and hopeless. The Dominican Republic is vibrant and successful. What is the difference? Whenever you hear concern about "The Children" know that you are being powerfully and emotionally  manipulated for political purposes.  More Jews had to leave Arab lands than Arabs had to leave Israel in 1948. Why are Arab refugees treated differently from all other refugees in the world? The fallacy of proportionality. Someone is beating up your wife and kid, careful now, make sure your response is proportional. Really? Where did this rubbish doctrine come from? Loving those you give to rather than those who give to you. Isn't compassion always a desirable characteristic?

    Ancient Solutions for Modern Problems

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    Hey, women, stay away from universities! How to ruin your life in 3 easy steps. The most ignored problem in all of scientific research and nobody knows the answer. Where are you on the Flamboyant Life Force--Darkest Death spectrum line? How to improve every important aspect of your life by utilizing the fact that we are all attracted to vibrant life and a little repelled by death. Get the hang of all  this by reading https://bit.ly/TheHolisticYouBookWhy wives feel happier if they do not feel that they carry the family's financial burden. See today's social dysfunctionality in perspective https://bit.ly/TheGatheringStormCourse. Have university-educated American presidents made fewer mistakes than those with no college degree? We know the purpose of a factory or a hospital or a sports stadium but what is the purpose of a university? Try to define "education." Hint: It's harder than you think. Why universities are bad for women's happiness. My job is NOT to massage you with warm butter but to teach how the world REALLY works. God bless.

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    Here is today's life-changing principle: How you view tomorrow impacts your life today. The difference between selling coffins and selling cradles. Let the destructive patterns of your background end with you. Deploying the positive feedback loop of Optimism, Money, and Marriage. Tell me what you wish you knew when you were twenty years old. The book that makes it all happen https://bit.ly/TheHolisticYouBook. Become a Happy Warrior and inspire others  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/. Onwards and upwards with the 5Fs that give a good life. 

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