
    Practicing Meditation: "Getting Out of Your Own Way"

    enJune 01, 2013

    About this Episode

    2013-05-29 - Practicing Meditation: "Getting Out Of Your Own Way" - The depth and vitality of a meditation practice depends on our sincerity, and an attitude of curiosity and friendliness.  With this as the grounds, our practice will cultivate the clear seeing and openheartedness that expresses our deepest nature. This talk covers basic ingredients in a meditation practice, and includes a half hour of questions and responses. Please support this podcast by donating at www.tarabrach.com or www.imcw.org. Your donations allow us to continue to freely offer the teachings!

    Recent Episodes from Tara Brach

    Part 2: Healing Depression with Meditation

    Part 2: Healing Depression with Meditation

    Most people get depressed at times, and many suffer greatly from bouts of major depression. At the heart of the suffering is the experience of severed belonging—of being imprisoned in the pain of separation, unworthiness, unlovability and hopelessness.

    These two talks explore several meditation practices that reconnect us with our natural aliveness, openheartedness and awareness. They empower us to develop our inner resources, energize us to awaken, free us from rumination and remind us that we are not our depressive thoughts and feelings. The growing realization of the loving awareness that is our home heals the very roots of depression.

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    We then let go of any doing, and simply notice and allow the changing flow of experience, letting life be just as it is. In this pure allowing presence we become aware of the background silence that is listening. The invitation is to relax and be the awareness that is conscious of all that is unfolding.

    Tara Brach
    enMarch 07, 2024

    Part 1: Healing Depression with Meditation

    Part 1: Healing Depression with Meditation

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    These two talks explore several meditation practices that reconnect us with our natural aliveness, openheartedness and awareness. They empower us to develop our inner resources, energize us to awaken, free us from rumination and remind us that we are not our depressive thoughts and feelings. The growing realization of the loving awareness that is our home heals the very roots of depression.

    Tara Brach
    enFebruary 29, 2024

    Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence

    Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence

    We spend great swaths of time in a trance that removes us from awareness of our body and senses. This meditation reconnects us by scanning through the body, including sounds and then resting in the field of awareness and aliveness. We practice relaxing and gently arriving again when thoughts carry us away; learning the pathway home to living presence.

    Tara Brach
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    “Getting Over Yourself”: A conversation with Tara Brach and Stephen Josephs

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    Tara Brach
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    Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace

    Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace

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    Tara Brach
    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Letting Go of Controlling – Part 2: The Path of Freedom

    Letting Go of Controlling – Part 2: The Path of Freedom

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    “Listening to and feeling, the changing flow - right here, right in the center of now.”

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    Read the article "What is Love Asking From Us?": https://www.tarabrach.com/blog-what-is-love-asking-from-us/

    Tara Brach
    enFebruary 08, 2024

    Meditation: Relaxed and Alert

    Meditation: Relaxed and Alert

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    Tara Brach
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