
    Preparing Startups for the Abundant Future [Episode 22]

    enMarch 04, 2019

    About this Episode

    Singularity University is on a mission to make the world a more abundant place. In this episode, we'll hear from Molly Pyle, the Senior Program Manager of Singularity University Programs and the Co-Chair of the Women's Impact Network.

    • 2:00 How Singularity Started: Niching in Exponential Technology
    • 4:00 What is An Exponential Mindset?
    • 8:00 The SU Ecosystem and the Global Goals
    • 15:00 About Molly
    • 25:00 The Global Startup Program
    • 27:00 Where do I start?
    • 31:00 What do the next decades look like for SU?

    After hearing Molly’s positive mindset about the abundant future that technology can create for us, she poses a challenge… Listen in to hear more!

    Recent Episodes from Global Goals Project

    Saving the Planet with Cricket Protein [Episode 37]

    Saving the Planet with Cricket Protein [Episode 37]

    Key Links

    In this episode, founder Alex Drysden talks about the business model of a disruptive supplement company, following your WHY in the face of challenge, and building a brand to change people's mindsets.

    • What is Crik Nutrition? How did it start?
    • Why are crickets good for us and for the planet?
    • Why is it taking so long for cricket-based foods to hit the market?
    • Are you developing your own farming, or focusing on brand development?
    • How do you maintain sustainable sourcing and methods?
    • How do you create a disruptive business model with e-commerce?
    • What has been the most important thing to keep you going when Crik seemed like it wouldn't work?

    Listen in to hear what it takes for a mission-driven e-commerce company to change the insect stigma and disrupt an unsustainable industry.

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    How to Integrate the UN Global Goals Into Your Business [Episode 36]

    Lila Karbassi is the Chief of Programs at the United Nations Global Compact. The UNGC exists to help companies implement the UN Global Goals, track their progress, and give them tools to continually improve their practices.

    Key Links:

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    • What is the UN Global Compact, and who is involved?
    • Why should companies adopt the Sustainable Development Goals?
    • How does the UNGC help companies implement the SDGs into their business?
    • What will happen to the planet in the next 5 years if business practices don't change?
    • What are some of the top initiatives?
    • Do you think we're on pace to hit the SDG's by 2030?

    Tune in to get an inside look at the Global Goals from the UN Global Goals initiative for businesses.


    More details:   http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/ungc/


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io

    Quantifying Good with Impact Accounting [Episode 35]

    Quantifying Good with Impact Accounting [Episode 35]



    When Ted Carling and Tim Roman tackled the problem of measuring impact to get useful data, they didn’t expect to work on the next level of business accounting. 

    In this episode, we cover:

    • What is the mission and vision of Ecotone Analytics? 
    • How you measure impact?
    • How does impact measurement make it easier to raise capital?
    • Can you share the business model of Ecotone?
    • Can you share more about the App your building?
    • What are the biggest challenges you'll have to overcome to scale?
    • How can impact accounting and measurement forward the Sustainable Development Goals?

    Listen in to hear how quantifying impact has transformed their client’s businesses and funding efforts, and where to start when looking at the impact of your company and investments.


    Produced by Simpler Media

    B Lab's Innovative Tools to Help Impact Companies Grow Sustainably [Episode 34]

    B Lab's Innovative Tools to Help Impact Companies Grow Sustainably [Episode 34]

    B Lab exists to support the cultural change happening around business: How can we create social change with business? And how can we operate sustainably, from sourcing to selling? 


    Key Links:


    In this episode, we talk with B Lab executives Laura and Amanda to find out:

    • What is the mission and vision of B Lab?
    • Can you give us a quick background of B Lab and why you got involved?
    • How does the ecosystem work?
    • What stage of business would you recommend to take the assessment?
    • Why should people measure their impact? What are the benefits?
    • Can you share more about B Analytics?
    • What kind of companies are signing up to use this tool?
    • Can you share with us how you integrated the Global Goals with B Lab?
    • How can we get involved?

    Tune in to discover how you can use the Impact Assessment as a guide for your own business growth, and how you can use the B Lab Analytics to inform your investments. 

    More details:  http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/b-lab/ 


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io

    Conscious Company Acceleration with Fledge [Episode 33]

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    Fledge Accelerators have helped 81 companies from 26 countries since 2012. Their goal is to help foster a wave of companies that make a measurable impact in the world, collectively improving in the lives of everyone on the planet.


    Key Links:


    In this episode, we ask:

    • What is the mission and vision of Fledge?
    • Can you share why you started Fledge?
    • Can you share more about how you structure the business model for Fledge?
    • What does the ideal business for Fledge look like?
    • Do you work with exponential tech companies? Why or why not?
    • Can you share more on the methodology to scale?
    • How are you measuring the impact?
    • What do you think it'll take to solve the Global Goals?
    • Any final challenges to the audience?

    Listen in to hear the founder of Fledge talk through their learning-focused accelerator model and the community of impact businesses they are building across the globe.


    More details:   http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/luni-libes/


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io

    The Secret Weapon of Scaling: Brand Storytelling [Episode 32]

    The Secret Weapon of Scaling: Brand Storytelling [Episode 32]

    Josh doesn’t think about investing as a numbers game. For him, it’s like surfing. In this episode, Josh shares how to catch the wave of a trend and spot companies that could transform an industry by changing the narrative of a stigmatized product.

    Key Links:

    His approach to impact investing is holistic… and all about alignment. We ask:

    • What is your personal mission of what you want to create in the world?
    • Can you share with us a little bit of background on how you got here?
    • How do you change the narrative on products that are stigmatized?
    • What are the pros and cons of getting into the product market?
    • What is your relationship to fundraising vs. bootstrapping?
    • What are the top lessons you've learned?
    • What are the next ventures your interested in?
    • What is one piece of advice you'd leave with them?

    “Look at your time as the most valuable asset you have. You really want to spend it doing things that can be a global impact rather than just to make a buck or two.”

    Listen in for ideas on how to leverage your brand story to scale strategically, and how to invest in companies that represent the next era in their industry.

    More details:  http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/josh-campbell/


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io

    Global Goals Project
    enJanuary 27, 2020

    SOCAP 2019 Recap: The Global Goals At The Intersection of Money and Meaning [Bonus Episode]

    SOCAP 2019 Recap: The Global Goals At The Intersection of Money and Meaning [Bonus Episode]

    Social Capital Markets is the #1 conference for social entrepreneurs and impact investors. This year, you can watch sessions from the event in the Digital Experience online… for free!

    Key Links:

    Katy covers:

    • The conference content tracks. 
    • The Global Goals in focus at this year’s SOCAP.
    • The new role of creatives and storytellers in the impact ecosystem.
    • The top two questions for investors to think about.
    • The conference experience and culture.
    • The SOACP Digital Experience and resources.

    We’re sending a big thank you to Social Capital Markets for gathering the community and having us this year. See you all next year at SOCAP 2020!

    More details:  http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/socap19


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io

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    Catalyzing Collaboration Across the Planet with Conveners.org [Episode 31]

    The Conveners team believes it is critically important that people come together to address the greatest challenges facing the planet. Conveners host events, connect businesses to accelerators and gathers technology tools to help impact companies navigate the changing economy. 

    Key Links:

    In this episode, we talk with Executive Director Avary Kent about their organization for catalyzing collaboration, answering the following questions?

    • What is Conveners.org and what are you set out to solve?
    • Why are these different components important to an ecosystem?
    • What are some of your favorite accelerators?
    • How do you address Global Goal #17?
    • Can you share the business model?
    • How do you see the future of partnerships playing into getting these goals done?
    • What's next for Conveners.org?

    You’ll also learn about their top recommended accelerators, hear about their platform for finding accelerators, and experience a mindset-shift around collaboration for impact businesses.

    More details:  http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/avary-kent/


    This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

    For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io