
    Preserving Agriculture Land: The LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund

    enJanuary 08, 2024

    About this Episode

    For years, Utah's prime agricultural lands have been disapearing. This is detramental not only to our local food security and agricultural industry, but also disheartening to those who have farmed and cared for those lands for many generations. 

    The LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund was created to help preserve agriculture land in Utah by creating conservation easements that allow farming families to keep in business, while preserving the beautiful open space that so many love and enjoy in Utah. 

    Join Jim Bowcutt and Jeremy Christensen in this episode to learn more about the LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch fund, how it is helping Utah, and how you can be involved. 


    Learn more at ag.utah.gov/leray-mcallister-working-farm-and-ranch-fund/ 

    Recent Episodes from Ag Talk with UDAF

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    Exploring the Agriculture Voluntary Incentive Program

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    Join Conservation Division Director, Jim Bowcutt, and the Ag VIP program manager, Katie Slebodnik as they teach us about this program, how it helps farmers and the environment, and how to participate in the program. 

    Ag VIP Program Page

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     Learn more about the Pollinator Habitat Program

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    Returning guests on this episode are Dr. Brandon Forsyth, Director of Medical Cannabis and Hemp, and Cody James, Deputy Director of Medical Cannabis and Hemp. 

    More information on Hemp Cannabinoid Products

    If you are interested in having Brandon and Cody see your hemp facility and would like to contact them, email agriculture@utah.gov

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    Episode guests: Tony Richards, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Soil Health Program Manager, & Braden McMurdie, member of the Utah Soil Health Committee. 

    Learn more about the Soil Health in the West Conference

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    Guests on this episode are Commissioner Craig Buttars, Deputy Commissioner Kelly Pehrson, and Director of Legislative and Government Affairs, Amber Brown. 

    Utah Legislature Website

    Preserving Agriculture Land: The LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund

    Preserving Agriculture Land: The LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund

    For years, Utah's prime agricultural lands have been disapearing. This is detramental not only to our local food security and agricultural industry, but also disheartening to those who have farmed and cared for those lands for many generations. 

    The LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund was created to help preserve agriculture land in Utah by creating conservation easements that allow farming families to keep in business, while preserving the beautiful open space that so many love and enjoy in Utah. 

    Join Jim Bowcutt and Jeremy Christensen in this episode to learn more about the LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch fund, how it is helping Utah, and how you can be involved. 


    Learn more at ag.utah.gov/leray-mcallister-working-farm-and-ranch-fund/ 

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    More Information

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    In the short and sweet episode, we will learn from UDAF Plant Industry Division Director, Rob Hougaard and State Entomologist, Kris Watson to discuss why there are regulation on the importation of firewood and Christmas trees and what consumers should be aware of. 

    Episode Resources: 

    Don't Move Firewood

    Utah Insect and Pest Program

    Utah Nursery Program

    The Agriculture Stress Assistance Program

    The Agriculture Stress Assistance Program

    Nation-wide, farmers and ranchers are two times more likely to die by suicide than other demographic. This can be brought on by day to day stresses of farming and ranching, dealing with an unpridictable mother nature, crop or animal loss, strenuous work schedules, financial stresses, and the preasure of keeping multi-generational farms in operation for future generations. 

    For this reason, Utah State University Extension along with the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food have partnered to bring Utah's agricultural and rural communities the Agriculture Stress Assistance Program. Tune into this episode to learn more about the program and how it is helping Utahn's or how it could help you and your family. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health and are in need of assistance, please utilize the resources linked below to help you on your mental wellness journey. If you or a loved one is struggling with thoughts of self harm, please call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. 


