
    Presidential Election 2020 LIVE | Full Coverage

    enNovember 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • A historic and unpredictable election nightStay informed and engaged with The Daily Wire's coverage, as the outcome of the election is uncertain and the importance of battleground states cannot be overstated.

      Key takeaway from the election night discussion at The Daily Wire is that the night was described as a significant and unpredictable event, akin to the Super Bowl, World Series, and soccer's biggest tournament all rolled into one. The speakers expressed uncertainty about the outcome and criticized the media and social media for their handling of the election. They encouraged viewers to tune in to The Daily Wire's coverage and made it free for all viewers, not just members. They also set up a war room to provide up-to-date information and analysis throughout the night. The speakers highlighted the importance of the battleground states and the need for Trump to win at least 7 of them to secure the presidency. They also emphasized the importance of staying informed and encouraged viewers to engage with them on social media. Overall, the tone was upbeat and optimistic, despite the uncertainty of the election outcome.

    • Key Battleground States in 2020 US Presidential ElectionSeveral states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, are expected to have razor-thin margins and determine the 2020 US Presidential Election outcome. Pennsylvania is a major focal point due to its potential impact.

      The 2020 US Presidential Election is expected to be a close race, with several key states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, likely to determine the outcome. These states are expected to have razor-thin margins, and the results from 2016 are being closely compared to monitor the trends. Pennsylvania, in particular, has become a major focal point for both campaigns. The media's role in shaping public perception and the potential impact on the election outcome, given the media's handling of certain stories in the past, is also a significant concern. The stakes are high, and the night could be long and unpredictable. The focus is on providing accurate information and context to help audiences understand the significance of the election.

    • Fear of balkanization in America due to escalating culture war and institutional takeoversThe culture war's escalation and institutional takeovers by the radical left could lead to a complete separation of the American public, with potential consequences including armed conflict or dissolution of the republic.

      The current political climate in America could lead to a balkanization of the country if the culture war continues to escalate and institutions continue to be taken over by the radical left. This isn't just limited to the Democratic Party or the media, but also includes corporate America and social media. The fear is that if Republicans continue to lose the culture war and the political war, there could be a complete separation of the American public. The consequences could be dire, including the potential for armed conflict or even the dissolution of the republic. The only thing preventing a complete separation at this point is the fear of losing taxpayer dollars and job creation in certain areas. However, the Democratic Party's pursuit of a left-wing utopia at the expense of individual rights and personal freedoms is an ugly choice that could further fuel the divide.

    • A Divisive Political Climate and the Importance of Life InsuranceThe political climate in the US is divisive, with some calling for unity on policy disagreements and others accusing the 'woke left' of transforming America. Meanwhile, securing life insurance is essential but often daunting, which is where Policygenius comes in to help.

      The current political climate in the United States is increasingly divisive, with both sides accusing each other of fueling racial animus and undermining American values. Some believe that good-hearted liberals and conservatives should come together and focus on policy disagreements while upholding basic rights. However, others argue that certain members of the Democratic party have chosen to align with a "woke left" that seeks to fundamentally transform America, even if it means discarding American history and philosophy. This divide is creating a new American caste system and ripping up racial and sexual animosities. The election presents a clear choice: embrace fellow Americans and wave the flag, or torch the country and create a new project. Additionally, it's important for individuals to take responsibility for their loved ones by securing life insurance, which can be a daunting but necessary task. Policygenius simplifies the process by providing an easy-to-use marketplace and expert help to save time and money.

    • Policygenius: Prioritizing Customers in Life InsurancePolicygenius is a customer-focused life insurance platform with positive reviews and a streamlined process to help secure the right coverage for loved ones. Election results in Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona are expected early, while Pennsylvania's outcome may be delayed due to mail-in ballots, making Trump's path to victory uncertain.

      Policygenius is a life insurance platform that puts the customer first. With excellent reviews and a user-friendly process, Policygenius helps ensure you get the coverage you need for your loved ones. As for the election, keep an eye on Florida and North Carolina for early results, and wait for Arizona later in the night. Trump's path to victory includes winning Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona, with Pennsylvania being crucial as well. The election results in Pennsylvania could be delayed due to mail-in ballots, making the outcome uncertain.

    • Unexpected voting patterns in 2020 U.S. electionMail-in ballots favored Democrats, early voting favored Republicans, and election day saw significant turnout. Some Republicans who initially avoided mail-in ballots due to party stance ended up voting early. Issues with mail-in ballots and digital voting systems could impact election outcome.

      The 2020 U.S. election voting patterns have shown unexpected results, with Democrats performing well in mail-in voting, Republicans doing well in early voting, and a significant turnout on election day. The Republican Party's stance on mail-in ballots initially deterred some voters from using this method, but many still wanted to participate and voted early instead. However, issues with mail-in ballots, such as non-receipt or difficulties in California, have led some registered Republicans to vote in person. Additionally, the digital voting system used in California this year, which lacked clear instructions and a user-friendly interface, may have contributed to confusion and potential votes lost among older generations, who are more likely to vote for the Republican Party. These factors combined could impact the election outcome.

    • Unprecedented voter enthusiasm for Trump in liberal precinctsDespite COVID-19, Trump's resilience and voter passion indicate a strong desire for his rhetoric, while Biden struggles. Uncertain election outcome emphasizes the importance of diversifying investments in gold.

      The 2020 presidential election in the United States has seen unprecedented enthusiasm from voters, particularly from those supporting Donald Trump. This was evident even in liberal precincts in Los Angeles, where Michael, the speaker, encountered passionate Trump supporters. The energy and turnout at polling places have surprised many, and while it may not directly impact the election results, it indicates a strong desire for the kind of rhetoric Trump is providing. Additionally, Trump's resilience and determination despite contracting COVID-19 have further showcased his character virtues, setting him apart from his opponent, Joe Biden, who has appeared to struggle during the campaign. Furthermore, the uncertainty surrounding the election outcome has emphasized the importance of diversifying investments, particularly in precious metals like gold, to safeguard against potential market volatility.

    • Election Violence and Unrest: Concerns of Ongoing ChaosDespite the election outcome, concerns of violence and unrest persist, with some cities already experiencing violence and many preparing for potential looting and further clashes. The ongoing political and media rhetoric has been accused of fostering division and violence.

      The political and economic landscape has been marked by chaos over the past year, leading some to consider diversifying their investments in precious metals. During the ongoing presidential election, there have been reports of violence and unrest in various cities before the polls have even closed. Cassie Dillon reports from the war room that there is already violence taking place in DC, with videos circulating on social media showing people getting arrested and engaging in violent behavior. This violence has been anticipated, with many cities boarding up in expectation of potential unrest. Regardless of the election outcome, there are concerns that there will be celebratory looting or further violence. The ongoing tension and unrest have led some to express shame over the state of American democracy, which has been unable to conduct peaceful elections without the threat of violence. The media and political rhetoric have also been accused of actively fostering division and violence, with polls showing a plurality of Americans believing that militias and right-wing groups are causing the violence in American cities. The ongoing propaganda effort by the Democratic Party and the media, which are often intertwined, has been accused of misrepresenting the causes of violence and contributing to the ongoing unrest.

    • Debates over voter suppression and fraud in US electionsLong lines and allegations of fraud are issues, but concerns over corporate influence, loss of objective journalism, and individual freedom are also significant threats to democratic processes.

      The ongoing debates surrounding voter suppression and fraud in the US elections have led to accusations from Democrats that such actions are attempts to manipulate the democratic process. Long lines to vote are considered voter suppression, while claims of widespread voter fraud are viewed skeptically. The corporate world, including media and technology companies, have been accused of supporting progressive causes, raising concerns about potential manipulation and control. The fear is that this could lead to a loss of individual freedom and the suppression of dissenting voices. The departure of traditional journalists from objective reporting to overtly political coverage is also a cause for concern, as it could further polarize society and undermine trust in democratic institutions. Ultimately, the loss of the mentality that values freedom of speech and expression could lead to the legal protections being ineffective, leaving society vulnerable to manipulation and control.

    • The character of a nation is shaped by its peopleIndividual leaders can influence a nation's destiny, but the collective moral compass of the population ultimately determines its character. Protecting free speech is essential for preserving constitutional order, and the love of country should guide us towards the betterment of our society.

      The character of a nation is determined by the character of its people. While the character of individual leaders can impact the destiny of a country, it is ultimately the collective moral compass of the population that shapes the nation's future. Additionally, the protection of free speech, which comes from a divine source, is essential for preserving the constitutional order. The love of country, akin to the love for one's mother, is a virtuous requirement, but it's important to remember that even the best countries can stray from the right path. The current political climate in the United States shows stark differences in attitudes towards the election outcome, with the right expressing concerns and the left experiencing panic. Ultimately, it's crucial for all citizens to engage in the democratic process, uphold the values they believe in, and work towards the betterment of their country.

    • Perspective on Institutions: Left vs RightThe left sees institutions as obstacles or tools, while the right views them as protectors of values. This perspective applies to various institutions, including universities, educational systems, and families. Protecting one's home and having peace of mind, especially during uncertain times, is crucial.

      There's a fundamental difference in perspective between the left and the right when it comes to the role of institutions in society. The left tends to view institutions as obstacles or tools to be used in pursuit of their goals, while the right sees them as protectors of values. This discussion touched on the university system, the educational system, and the family, among others. The speaker also highlighted the importance of protecting one's home and introduced Ring as a solution for home security. He shared personal experiences and emphasized the need for peace of mind, especially during uncertain times. Additionally, there was a mention of the ongoing political tension in the US and some light-hearted commentary on the situation.

    • Politicization of COVID-19 continuesDemocrats use pandemic to instill fear, blame Trump for deaths; Businesses may struggle to get employees back to work; COVID-19 cases to rise until Jan, then decline naturally; Media, potentially Biden admin, may push mask mandates, lack constitutional power

      The COVID-19 issue is not going away as a political issue anytime soon. The speakers believe that Democrats have used the pandemic to instill fear and blame President Trump for the deaths. They also discussed how businesses may struggle to get employees back to work due to previous lockdowns and the lack of a vaccine. The speakers predict that COVID-19 cases will continue to rise until January, but then decline naturally. However, they also note that the media and potentially a Biden administration may continue to push mask mandates and other restrictions, despite not having the constitutional power to do so. They suggest that focusing on deaths and hospitalizations, rather than cases, is a more accurate way to assess the situation.

    • Florida Governor DeSantis Confident of GOP Victory in FloridaGovernor DeSantis is optimistic about the GOP's chances in Florida, citing erased mail-in vote advantage, large Republican turnout, historical trends, and strong performances in Democratic areas. He also highlighted Florida's contrasting COVID-19 policies with California.

      Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is optimistic about the Republican party's chances in the ongoing election, particularly in his state. He believes that the advantage Democrats had in mail-in and early votes has been erased, and Republicans are turning out in large numbers. DeSantis also mentioned the historical trend of the Republican nominee getting a significant percentage of Republican votes in Florida. He acknowledged the importance of strong Republican performances in Democratic strongholds like Miami-Dade County and expressed confidence that President Trump will win the state. Additionally, DeSantis touched upon the difference in COVID-19 policies between Florida and California, with Florida allowing businesses and gyms to remain open while California, under Governor Gavin Newsom, has implemented stricter measures.

    • Florida Vote Outcome Significantly Impacts Trump's Chances of Re-ElectionFlorida's early votes, favorable view of Trump, and DeSantis' handling of COVID-19 will influence the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election, potentially impacting Trump's chances of re-election.

      The outcome of the Florida vote in the 2020 Presidential Election will significantly impact President Trump's chances of retaining the presidency. The votes will start coming in after polls close, with early and absentee ballots being counted first. The best-case scenario for making a call on the state is between 9 PM and 11 PM EST. Floridians view Trump favorably due to his long-term connections to the state, including his residence at Mar-a-Lago, and his attention to Florida issues such as water resources, military bases, and space exploration. Governor DeSantis has been praised for his handling of the COVID-19 crisis in Florida, focusing on protecting the elderly and keeping the state functioning while maintaining individual liberties. He plans to run for president in the future and during that time, he will discuss his philosophy on handling the pandemic.

    • Schools not significant sources of virus transmissionDespite political debates, data shows schools are safe to reopen, with no reported cases of students infecting teachers and few examples of transmission. Considering mental health and other health issues, schools should reopen to trust individuals to make learning environment decisions.

      Despite the political debates and fears surrounding the reopening of schools during the pandemic, data and evidence suggest that schools are not significant sources of virus transmission. Of the 10 most populous school districts in the country, five are in Florida, which have reopened, while the other five, including New York City, have kept schools closed. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emphasized that there have been no reported cases of students infecting teachers, and few examples of this phenomenon have been reported in other states or countries. DeSantis also highlighted the importance of considering the impact of the pandemic on mental health and other health issues, and noted that hospitals were not overwhelmed during the pandemic. Overall, the focus on data and evidence supports the reopening of schools, and trusting individuals to make decisions about their learning environments. The more we return to normal, the more people appreciate it.

    • Comparing Political Belief to Religious FervorRecognizing the limitations of political figures and focusing on realistic solutions is crucial, despite the intense belief and devotion towards them.

      The intensity of belief and devotion towards political figures, such as Joe Biden, among certain groups, can be compared to religious fervor. During the campaign, Biden positioned himself as a parent, savior, and even a god-like figure to appeal to voters. He promised to save souls, crush the virus, and protect families. However, these promises are not feasible for any president, and the faith placed in the government's ability to solve all problems is concerning. This phenomenon has been observed in politics for a long time, with politicians promising to heal the earth, replace hearts of stone with flesh, and even prevent deaths from viruses. While people may have a natural longing for a leader to serve as a savior, it is essential to recognize the limitations of any political figure and focus on realistic solutions. In Florida, a closely contested state, Trump's victory in 2016 by only 1.6% highlights the importance of this battleground state in the 2020 election. The outcome in Florida could significantly impact the overall election results.

    • Florida Elections: Miami-Dade and Broward Counties to Decide FateMiami-Dade and Broward Counties in Florida are crucial for upcoming elections due to significant Democratic wins in 2016. Trump's performance among Cuban American voters and media influence are key factors.

      The upcoming US elections are expected to be closely contested in Florida, particularly in Democratic-leaning areas like Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. These counties, where Hillary Clinton won by significant margins in 2016, will be crucial for both parties to secure votes. Trump's performance among Cuban American voters in these areas could be a deciding factor. Meanwhile, the media's role in shaping public discourse and influencing elections is a major concern, with many calling for alternative sources of news and information. The New York Times, for instance, has a significant influence and resources, but lacks diversity of opinion on certain issues. To counteract this, some suggest cutting subscriptions to mainstream media outlets and supporting conservative voices instead. The Daily Wire, for example, is taking a more active role in this fight and has announced some exciting initiatives. Candace Owens, the founder of the Blexit Foundation and host of the Candace Owens Show for PragerU, is one such voice leading the charge.

    • FBI's Inaction Amidst Unrest and RiotsThe speaker raises concerns over the FBI's lack of action to prevent unrest and riots, potentially due to ideological leanings within the organization and the challenges of navigating federal bureaucracy.

      The current political climate in the United States has led to widespread unrest and rioting, with businesses taking measures to protect themselves by expressing support for Black Lives Matter. The speaker expresses concern over the lack of action from law enforcement, specifically the FBI, to prevent these events. The speaker believes that the FBI's inaction may be due to ideological leanings within the organization, making it difficult to root out those who support groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The federal bureaucracy is also seen as a significant obstacle due to its size and depth. While the cause of the FBI's inaction may be debated, the speaker expresses frustration and concern over the situation in Washington D.C. and the potential for further unrest.

    • Media and Democratic response to questions about political violence and racismThe media and Democrats labeling those asking about political violence and racism as not anti-racist is concerning, especially during an election year. Black American support for the Republican party may shift due to lack of change in policies or outcomes for the black community, resonating with figures like Candace Owens and President Trump.

      The media and Democratic Party's response to questions about the connections between certain political movements and violence, as well as their labeling of those who ask such questions as not sufficiently anti-racist, is a concerning development, especially during an election year. Another significant takeaway is the potential shift in black American support towards the Republican party, which could be a game-changer in the upcoming election. This shift is a result of the realization that there has been little change in policies or outcomes for the black community despite decades of allegiance to the Democratic Party. The willingness of figures like Candace Owens and President Trump to address these issues directly and without apology has resonated with many black Americans. The polls showing an increase in black support for Trump are a testament to this, and if this trend continues, it could mark the first opportunity for the Republican party to win back the black vote in a meaningful way.

    • Trump's unconventional politics resonate with unlikely communitiesTrump's unique ability to bring people together, The Daily Wire's commitment to open conversation, and Candace Owens' cultural influence contribute to insightful and relevant content

      Donald Trump's unconventional approach to politics, including his thick skin and ability to withstand criticism from the media and opponents, has resonated with communities, such as the rap community, that have historically felt neglected by politicians. Trump's success in forming unlikely coalitions, like an Amish parade and a rapper parade, highlights his unique ability to bring people together despite their differences. The Daily Wire team's commitment to providing deep, up-to-date information and fostering a community that values open conversation, even if it's unorthodox, sets them apart from traditional cable news. Their team's diverse backgrounds, including religious and political beliefs, add to their unique perspective and ability to engage in ideas in a friendly and respectful manner. Candace Owens' actual foothold in the culture and her friendship with the president further strengthens their team's ability to provide insightful and relevant content.

    • Bridging the gap between politics and cultureCandace Owens, a political commentator turned cultural celebrity, influences celebrities' perspectives, resonates with diverse audiences, and bridges the gap between politics and culture, promoting conservative ideologies in the entertainment industry.

      Candace Owens has uniquely crossed over from being a conservative political commentator to a cultural celebrity, a feat rarely achieved in modern times. She has deliberately reversed the propaganda she was exposed to in her youth and aims to connect politics with culture. Behind the scenes, she has private communications with numerous celebrities who respect and follow her work. These interactions allow her to influence their perspectives and broaden the reach of conservative ideas. Owens' unpredictability and love for various aspects of culture, including music, give her the ability to resonate with diverse audiences. Her impact is significant, and she hopes more celebrities will publicly align with conservative values. Her mission to bridge the gap between politics and culture is essential for ensuring that conservative ideologies are not overlooked or undervalued in the entertainment industry.

    • Candace Owens Joins The Daily Wire and Moves to NashvilleConservative media figure Candace Owens is joining The Daily Wire, moving to Nashville, and collaborating on a new project involving live shows and various content. The Daily Wire aims to replace the media through diverse offerings beyond investigative journalism.

      Candace Owens is officially joining The Daily Wire and moving to Nashville to collaborate on a new project. This is not a joke, but a groundbreaking move in conservative media that will involve creating shows with a live studio audience and engaging in various types of content. The Daily Wire aims to replace the media not just through investigative journalism and cultural commentary, but also by making culture and producing fiction and talk shows. This is the first of several exciting announcements for the year, and the team is looking forward to sharing more details soon. The polls have also been closed on the East Coast for over 30 minutes, and there are updates coming in from the Daily Wire election war room.

    • 2020 Presidential Election Results Unclear as Several States Still Counting VotesThe 2020 presidential election results are uncertain with several states still counting votes. Florida is projected to go to Trump, but Georgia is close and recounts are expected in some states.

      The 2020 presidential election results may not be known on Tuesday night, as several key battleground states are still in the process of counting votes. The New York Times currently projects a 96% chance of President Trump winning Florida, but with about 40% of the votes still to be counted. In Georgia, Trump is down by about 2% with only 15% of the votes reported. There have been no major surprises yet, with Virginia being the only state called for Joe Biden. Recounts are expected in some states if the final vote tally is under 1%, and candidates can demand recounts or sue for election malpractice in others. The least likely scenario is congressional intervention if there is no clear winner by December 6th. Both candidates have encouraged supporters to stay in line and vote even if polls have closed. The Miami Dade margin in Florida is good news for Trump, as he is currently leading in a county where Biden was expected to win by a large margin. Overall, the election is expected to be a close race, and the results may not be known for some time.

    • Media's lack of objectivity and credibility during the 2020 electionThe media's abandonment of journalistic standards and relentless opposition to certain figures has damaged their credibility, leading to a shift towards conservative media outlets and the rise of diverse voices

      The media's lack of objectivity and credibility during the 2020 election has led to a shift in the conservative media landscape. Candace Owens' move to Daily Wire and Megyn Kelly's podcast launch are examples of this trend. The media's willingness to abandon journalistic standards and their relentless opposition to certain figures, like President Trump, has damaged their credibility beyond repair. This has left a void that conservative media outlets are filling, aiming to provide an alternative to the establishment media. The election results and the media's role in shaping public opinion have underscored the need for diverse voices and perspectives in media. The media's loss of trust from the public is a significant problem, and it's clear that change is needed.

    • The future of media lies in digital platformsObjectivity is crucial in journalism, but the line between objective and less objective journalists is becoming clearer as traditional media struggles and some rely on controversial figures for relevance.

      The future of media lies in digital platforms, as traditional legacy media continues to struggle and even rely on controversial figures like Donald Trump for relevance. Megan Murphy, a media figure who has maintained objectivity in the face of personal attacks from the president, emphasizes the importance of staying impartial and focusing on the story rather than making it about oneself. Despite the current state of despair regarding the decline of objective journalism, there is a silver lining in the fact that the mask has slipped, and it's now easier to distinguish between objective and less objective journalists. However, the dishonesty and lack of transparency from some media outlets and personalities is a major concern, as viewers are increasingly aware and deserve better.

    • Acknowledging biases and valuing diverse perspectives in mediaRecognize biases, work with facts, and appreciate alternative viewpoints for balanced media coverage.

      While some people believe the media is biased and propagandistic, others argue that transparency about biases and working from agreed-upon facts are key. The speaker expresses appreciation for unbiased analysis and the value of alternative viewpoints. The term "legacy media" was discussed as a holdover from the past, no longer representative of mainstream American perspectives. The importance of efficiency and time-saving tools, like stamps.com, was also emphasized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging biases, working with facts, and valuing diverse perspectives in media.

    • Using Stamps.com to save time and money at the post officeStamps.com offers a 4-week trial with free postage and a digital scale, helping users avoid trips to the post office and save time and money.

      Technology, specifically Stamps.com, can help save time and eliminate the need to physically visit the post office. During the discussion, it was mentioned that Stamps.com has been in use since 2017 and offers a 4-week trial with free postage and a digital scale with no long-term commitments. The convenience of this service was emphasized as a way to avoid wasting time and money. Additionally, the Republican Party's shift in demographics was discussed, with Trump's success in gaining outside shares of the black and Hispanic votes, potentially making the party a majority instead of a minority one. This could be a significant development in American politics.

    • Election outcomes depend on actual votes, not polls or media predictionsThe importance of individual freedom and the power of Americans to shape their own political future, even in the face of unexpected changes, was emphasized.

      The outcome of elections cannot be determined solely by polls or media predictions, but rather by the actual votes cast on election day. During the 2020 election, there were conflicting polls about Trump's support among minority voters, but the only poll that truly matters is the one on election day. The speaker also highlighted the importance of individual freedom and the ability to change one's political beliefs, using the example of Candace Owens and her influence on the political landscape. Despite the unexpected departure of some colleagues, the speaker remained optimistic about the future and the power of the American people to shape their own destiny.

    • Hope for Change and ImprovementLeftists may cause chaos, but conservatives can restore order. Personal connections drive commitment to fight for California. Unity and joy are essential for progress.

      Despite the political differences and challenges, there is always a chance for change and improvement. The speaker expresses a belief that leftists and progressives may break things, but conservatives can step in to fix them. He shares his personal connection to California and his commitment to fighting for it, even as he acknowledges its current struggles. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of unity and joy, as evidenced by the positive spirit at a recent Trump rally in Beverly Hills. Overall, the message is one of hope and determination in the face of adversity.

    • Ben discusses the morality of staying in a liberal state and inspiring Hollywood professionalsBen believes conservatives must take ownership of their beliefs and stand up for them, inspiring others to do the same. Red states offer a kinder community for conservatives, contrasting the destruction caused by left-wing groups in liberal areas.

      The speaker, Ben, had a meaningful conversation with Dennis Prager about the morality of staying in a liberal state like California and spending taxpayer dollars there despite holding conservative values. The conversation resonated with Dennis, and he seemed to be considering a move to a red state. The speaker also shared his experience of running an organization for Hollywood professionals who were conservative and how they had been inspired by Donald Trump's willingness to fight for conservative values publicly. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing his belief that conservatives have finally realized they cannot hide from the left and need to take ownership of their beliefs and stand up for them. The speaker also highlighted the contrast between the peaceful Trump supporters in Beverly Hills and the destruction caused by left-wing groups, and expressed his belief that Tennessee, a red state, would be a better place for conservatives to live due to the kindness of the people there.

    • Mask-wearing behaviors differ between Democrats and RepublicansDespite the ongoing pandemic, mask-wearing behaviors vary between Democrats and Republicans, potentially indicating political affiliations, but this doesn't definitively determine someone's beliefs.

      The ongoing political discourse and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to noticeable differences in mask-wearing behaviors between Democrats and Republicans, which can serve as a subtle indicator of political affiliations. However, it's important to note that this observation doesn't necessarily equate to a definitive or accurate assessment of someone's political beliefs. Furthermore, the inconsistency in applying health and safety measures across various contexts, such as protests versus election rallies, raises questions about ideological consistency and the prioritization of personal values over public health. As the election results continue to unfold, particularly in closely watched states like Georgia and Florida, it will be crucial to monitor the data and trends closely to gain a clearer understanding of the electoral landscape.

    • 2020 Election: A Shift from the Political NormUnpredictable election with surprising results, Republicans encouraging early voting, Democrats leading in mail-ins, betting markets favoring Trump, early Senate successes for Republicans, potential unrest and violence, concerns about poll accuracy

      The 2020 election is proving to be unpredictable, with surprising results in various races. While Democrats have historically benefited from early and mail-in voting, this year Republicans have encouraged early voting, leading to smaller numbers for Democrats in that category. However, high numbers of mail-in votes are expected from Democrats. The betting markets are showing a shift towards President Trump, with some large bets being placed on him. In the Senate races, Republicans have seen some early successes, including Mitch McConnell's reelection in Kentucky, despite significant Democratic spending. There are concerns about potential unrest and violence if the results of the election, particularly in Pennsylvania, are not clear by tonight. Some experts believe that the polls, which were inaccurate in 2016, may have erred on the side of caution this year, leading to potentially inaccurate predictions. Overall, the 2020 election is shaping up to be a significant shift from the political norm, with unexpected outcomes in various races.

    • Skepticism towards polling accuracyPolling's reliability is questioned due to pollsters' interests, modern polling's origins, and the decline of exit polling.

      The reliability of polling, a key component of modern social science and media, is being questioned as the system that produced it begins to break down. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the accuracy of polls, pointing out that pollsters have an interest in redeeming their profession or pleasing their clients, and that modern polling, statistics, media, universities, and the administrative state emerged together. The speaker also notes that exit polling, a common polling method, is increasingly unlikely in the current climate. With Florida's election results showing a close race despite polls indicating a Biden lead, the speaker suggests that polling may be the last vestige of the modern administrative state to collapse.

    • Florida election results shift narrative of the nightUnexpected Florida win for Trump makes it harder for Biden to secure presidency, raises questions about polling errors in other states.

      The outcome of the Florida election results was a significant development for President Trump's campaign. Winning Florida statistically makes it harder for Biden to secure the presidency, and the unexpected result raises questions about potential polling errors in other states. The polling miss in Florida was substantial, with Trump now predicted to win by over 3 points, compared to the initial prediction of a 2.5-point lead for Biden. This error could potentially impact other states, such as Ohio, which is also predicted to be a close race. The unexpected outcome of the Florida election has shifted the narrative of the night, making it a competitive one for both candidates. The impact of Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens on the Florida vote, as well as their overall contributions to the campaign, were also highlighted during the discussion. Overall, the Florida results add an element of uncertainty to the election, and the race is expected to be closely contested for the remainder of the night.

    • Unexpected shifts in key battleground statesExit polls indicate a decrease in Democratic support among Hispanic voters in Florida and Trump outperforming estimates in several states, challenging assumptions about demographics and emphasizing individual voter behavior.

      The 2020 election results are showing unexpected shifts, particularly in key battleground states like Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. The exit polls indicate a significant decrease in Democratic support among Hispanic voters in Florida, and Trump is outperforming previous estimates in several states. Drive 308, a polling aggregator, has adjusted their predictions accordingly, suggesting Trump could win Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia. The unexpected trends challenge assumptions about the role of demographics in the election and highlight the importance of individual voter behavior. The night is far from over, and the outcome remains uncertain, but these shifts have the potential to significantly alter the electoral landscape.

    • Florida's Unique Political Landscape and BCM's Commitment to FirearmsRon DeSantis' win, BCM's focus on responsibility, and The Daily Wire's conservative initiatives highlight Florida's distinct political identity and the importance of rights and responsibilities in self-defense and media.

      Florida is an exceptional state with a unique political landscape, as evidenced by Ron DeSantis' unexpected win in the 2018 gubernatorial race. Meanwhile, Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) in Florida prioritizes responsibility and duty in providing high-quality, reliable firearms to individuals, ensuring they have the necessary tools for self-defense. BCM's commitment to producing top-notch rifles and offering expert marksmanship training reflects the importance of both rights and responsibilities in protecting oneself and others. The Daily Wire, with its new initiatives, such as Candace Owens joining the team and partnering with Prager University, continues to make strides in media and education, emphasizing the importance of conservative values and fighting against the establishment media.

    • Daily Wire partners with PragerU to expand educational contentThe Daily Wire is collaborating with PragerU to offer subscribers access to their entire catalog, strengthening the platform as an alternative to mainstream media. Matt Walsh shares his thoughts on the election and media's role in shaping public opinion.

      The Daily Wire is expanding its content offerings by partnering with PragerU to bring their entire catalog to Dailywire.com subscribers. This move aims to provide valuable educational content and strengthen the platform as a replacement for mainstream media. Matt Walsh, a Daily Wire host, also joined the show to discuss his thoughts on the upcoming election and the media's role in shaping public opinion. Despite his usual cynical outlook, Walsh expressed some optimism about the election results and criticized the Democrats for neglecting key voter groups. Overall, the partnership with PragerU and the continued criticism of the media reflect The Daily Wire's commitment to providing alternative perspectives and education to its audience.

    • Media's irresponsible reporting fuels chaosMedia's sensationalized reporting can normalize extremist views, leading to chaos and unrest. Demand accountability from those who profit from it.

      The media's irresponsible reporting and promotion of divisive narratives have contributed to the current state of unrest and chaos in America. This includes the false portrayal of political figures as evil and the encouragement of rioting and looting. This phenomenon, known as renormalization, allows fringe ideas to become mainstream propositions. Companies and individuals who benefit from this narrative, even if they don't engage in the violence directly, can still contribute to its spread. It's crucial for the American people to recognize the diffuse downsides of this trend and demand accountability from those who profit from it. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge that while some politicians may not possess traditional virtues, they can still possess important virtues that contribute to their leadership.

    • The Shift from Religious Truths to NicenessSome religious communities have prioritized niceness over religious truths, leading some evangelicals to lean towards socialist beliefs. Biblical love involves speaking truthfully to people, and Trump's ability to stand up to pressure is admirable, despite his methods.

      While decency and niceness are important virtues, they may not always be the most crucial aspects of leadership or religion. The speaker argues that in recent history, some religious communities, including the Christian, Mormon, and Jewish communities, have shifted their focus towards niceness as a replacement for religious truths. However, this reduction of religion to niceness has led some evangelicals to lean towards socialist beliefs. The speaker also emphasizes that biblical love, which is not synonymous with sentimentality or niceness, involves speaking truthfully to people and telling them what's in their best interest. The speaker admires Donald Trump for his ability to stand up to pressure, even if his methods are not always nice or elegant. The speaker expresses confusion about the motivations of those who oppose Trump, labeling some of them as "Never Trumpers," and suggesting that some may have withdrawn from politics out of disgust, while others may be actively working against Trump. The speaker also shares his own experiences with politics and religion, and his ongoing work on a commentary on the Torah.

    • The importance of people in our livesFocus on human connection and love for true happiness and fulfillment, rather than external factors like wealth, fame, or politics.

      Despite the various challenges and complexities of life, the most valuable and important thing is the people in our lives. This was a recurring theme in the conversation, emphasized by the speaker's personal experiences and beliefs. He highlighted the importance of happiness, human connection, and the potential danger of dehumanizing people in favor of abstract communities or political ideologies. The speaker also shared his belief that true happiness and fulfillment come from focusing on the people in our lives, rather than on external factors like wealth, fame, or politics. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of prioritizing human connection and love in a world that can often feel disconnected and divisive.

    • 2020 US Presidential Election Results Uncertain, Caution Against Premature ProjectionsThe 2020 US Presidential election results are still uncertain, and it's important to wait for accurate and complete data before making definitive statements. Caution is advised against premature projections, especially in areas with high voter turnout.

      The 2020 US Presidential election results are still uncertain as data is coming in from key battleground states like Georgia and North Carolina. The New York Times projections show a strong lead for Trump in these states, but the speakers caution against reading too much into the projections, especially in areas with high voter turnout, such as Fulton County in Georgia and Southern Florida. Dennis Prager, a guest on the show, weighed in on the topic of turning California, stating that the left's hold on the state is a religious worldview that makes their failures unfalsifiable. The conversation also touched on the media's role in shaping public perception of the election and the importance of waiting for accurate and complete data before making definitive statements. Overall, the tone was optimistic but cautious, with a focus on the importance of data and context in understanding the election results.

    • Key Swing States and the 2020 Presidential ElectionThe outcome of the 2020 presidential election could depend on Pennsylvania and Michigan, but Trump's chances remain strong if he holds on to North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Ohio. Early voting numbers and unexpected voter turnout on election day could also impact the results.

      The speakers in this discussion believe that the outcome of the 2020 presidential election hinges on a few key swing states, specifically Pennsylvania and Michigan. They argue that if Trump holds on to North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Ohio, he will likely win the election, even if he doesn't secure Michigan or Pennsylvania. They also discuss the importance of early voting numbers and the potential for unexpected voter turnout on election day. Overall, the speakers express cautious optimism for Trump's chances in the election, but acknowledge that it's still too close to call. Additionally, there was a brief and humorous exchange about the religious backgrounds of the speakers.

    • A discussion about self-defense and carrying guns leads to sharing personal experiences and admiration for each otherTwo individuals, despite differing backgrounds and self-defense preferences, find common ground in their commitment to protecting themselves and their families, and appreciate each other's strengths and support.

      During a conversation about guns and self-defense, it was revealed that one person carries a 357 Magnum revolver for protection and open carries it, making his wife feel more comfortable and reassured. Another person, despite being large and practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu, also prefers to carry a gun for self-defense and views it as a more effective tool in physical altercations. The conversation also touched upon their wives, with both expressing admiration for each other's significant others. Additionally, they shared some past experiences, including a misunderstanding about choking each other, and a failed attempt at appearing on a radio show. Despite some rocky moments, they maintained a friendly rapport and acknowledged the importance of self-defense and the role their wives play in their lives.

    • Personal stories from interviews with Trump and BidenCrowder shared experiences with Trump and Biden, discussing Trump's comment on his great-granddaughter and Biden's use of a project management tool, as well as his consideration of a provocative comment and thoughts on the 2022 elections.

      During a podcast, Steven Crowder shared stories about interactions he had with former presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He recounted how Trump commented on the appearance of his great-granddaughter and Biden's use of a specific project management tool. Crowder also discussed how he had once considered making a provocative comment during a conversation about sexism but decided against it due to potential legal consequences. Additionally, Crowder expressed his thoughts on the ongoing 2022 elections, specifically in Arizona and the senate races, and shared some updates on the vote counts in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Overall, the podcast touched on various topics, including politics, personal anecdotes, and current events.

    • Presidential Race Uncertain: Virginia Closer Than Expected, Florida for TrumpThe presidential race remains uncertain with Trump trailing but expected to surge in key states, Florida predicted for Trump, Virginia closer than expected, heated social media discussions, pollster revising prediction, and the happier candidate may not win this year

      The presidential race is still uncertain, with the president trailing by about 3 percentage points but expecting a surge of votes in key states like Virginia. Florida is predicted to be a Trump victory, while Virginia is closer than expected and is still waiting for a large number of absentee ballots to be counted. The Republicans have lost a seat in the Senate, and there are heated discussions on social media about the election results and the Latino community's vote. Pollster Henry Olsen, who had previously forecast a Biden victory, is now revising his prediction due to new data. The observation that the happier candidate tends to win in presidential elections may not hold true this year if Trump loses. The election results and the subsequent events continue to evolve, making the outcome uncertain.

    • Trump's appeal to supporters goes beyond personalityDespite criticisms of Trump's character, his supporters remain loyal due to feeling represented and valued, and the divide between urban and rural areas exacerbates tensions.

      The intense passion and support for Donald Trump among his followers is not solely due to his unconventional personality or comedic style, but rather because they feel that he represents them and stands up for their values. This is evidenced by the massive turnouts at his rallies, even during the pandemic, and the fact that the hatred towards him is often projected onto his supporters. Trump's character and personal life were widely known and celebrated before he entered politics, but it was only when he became a symbol of conservatism that he became a target of intense scorn and hatred from the left. The lack of understanding and empathy towards those in the Midwest, as shown by the overlooked opioid crisis and declining life expectancy, highlights the divide between urban and rural areas and the disconnect between the political elite and the everyday American.

    • Trump's unconventional approach resonates with many, particularly menTrump's rejection of societal norms and refusal to back down resonates with supporters, especially men, seen as a masculine trait and a departure from recent sentimentality in religion and society.

      During the discussion, it was expressed that Donald Trump's unconventional approach to politics, including his rejection of societal norms and refusal to accept premises of adversarial questions, resonates with many people, particularly men. This is seen as a masculine trait and a departure from the sentimentality and redefinition of sin in religion and society over the last few decades. Trump's representation of forgotten virtues, such as refusing to back down, is appreciated by his supporters, even if they acknowledge his lack of other virtues. Critics often focus on his myth-rejecting behavior when it's inaccurate, but his unwillingness to accept premises adversely asked is a significant part of his success in areas like foreign policy. Ultimately, Trump's unapologetic stance and rejection of societal norms have struck a chord with many, especially those feeling overlooked or disregarded.

    • Leaders with moral flaws have been chosen by GodGod chooses leaders with flaws, recognizing their complexity is crucial, and avoiding hypocrisy is important.

      The moral character of a leader is complex and does not define their ability to lead or the destiny of a nation. Using historical examples, it was emphasized that God has chosen leaders with moral flaws, and it is essential to recognize the complexity of human beings without dismissing their sin. The speaker also touched upon the hypocrisy of some religious institutions in the past, who have used moral failings as a political tool to further their agenda. Ultimately, the importance of striving towards God and recognizing the complexity of leaders was emphasized, a concept often ridiculed by the elite on the left.

    • Unexpected voting trends in the 2020 U.S. Presidential electionDonald Trump may gain support from minority populations, pollsters face reputation risks, and political stances on defunding the police and college education could influence voter demographics, making the election outcome uncertain.

      The 2020 U.S. Presidential election is proving to be a close and contentious race, with unexpected voting trends emerging. The speaker believes that Donald Trump may be making inroads into minority populations, which could potentially turn the election in his favor. The pollsters, who have been widely criticized for their inaccurate predictions, may still be able to salvage their reputation if Joe Biden wins, despite their significant errors in Florida. The speaker also noted the potential impact of political stances on certain voter demographics, such as Hispanics and college-educated whites. The ongoing debate over issues like defunding the police and college education was also discussed as having potential implications for the election outcome. Overall, the conversation highlighted the uncertainty and complexity of the election, with various factors contributing to the tight race.

    • Shift in Latino vote and controversial statements in electionRepublicans gain Latino votes, Democrats win Latinx demographic. Controversial statements from individuals like Nicole Hannah Jones and Ibram X. Kendi spark controversy. Battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina could determine election outcome, with potential for litigation over mail-in ballots.

      The ongoing election has seen a significant shift in the Latino vote, with Republicans making gains and Democrats winning over the Latinx demographic. The media coverage of the election has highlighted controversial statements from certain individuals, including Nicole Hannah Jones and Ibram X. Kendi, which have sparked controversy and accusations of intentional misinformation. The outcome of the election could hinge on key battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, with the potential for litigation if there are disputes over mail-in ballots and their validity. The New York Times' handling of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists with controversial statements has also been a topic of discussion. The white suburban women demographic has been identified as a potential problem for Trump, with some buying into the "woke" messaging and wanting to be seen as socially acceptable. The election's outcome could take days to determine, and potential legal challenges could prolong the uncertainty.

    • Supreme Court's Legitimacy and Roberts' DecisionsRoberts prioritizes court legitimacy over ruling on controversial issues, but some view it as cowardice. Originalists like ACB bring less partisanship, while Roberts' appointment serves as a cautionary tale.

      The Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, has been criticized for not ruling on certain controversial issues due to concerns over the court's legitimacy and potential backlash. Roberts' decision not to rule on these issues, despite his duty to uphold the Constitution, has been seen as a cowardly move by some. However, it's important to note that Roberts may genuinely believe that making certain moves against the left could lead to the destruction of the court. The recent addition of originalists like Amy Coney Barrett to the court has led to less partisanship and more focus on the nuances of the law. Bush's appointment of Roberts, who was perceived as an originalist but later showed signs of being more partisan, serves as a cautionary tale. Scalia, a former justice, believed that the founders intended for the electorate to decide on constitutional rights rather than the court. The presence of books in a home is a reminder of the importance of ideas and the value of reading.

    • 2020 US Presidential Election: Trump on Track to Win Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and OhioTrump leads in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio, with a strong chance of winning these states and securing the presidency. He's also performing well in Texas and has a 95% chance of winning North Carolina. Betting markets show Trump as a 2.5 to 1 favorite.

      The 2020 US Presidential Election is still unfolding, with key battleground states like Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania still awaiting final tallies. However, based on current data and trends, it appears that President Trump is on track to win essential states like Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio, which could secure him the presidency. Trump is also leading in Ohio and North Carolina, with a 2.4% and 0.4% lead respectively, and has a 95% chance of winning North Carolina according to New York Times projections. Additionally, Trump is performing well in Texas and is expected to hold on to the state. If Trump can secure these states and win Pennsylvania and Arizona, he will win the election. In betting markets, Trump is currently winning by a 2.5 to 1 margin. It's important to note that final tallies are still coming in, especially in Georgia and North Carolina, and trends may shift. But as of now, there's reason to be optimistic for a Trump victory.

    • 2020 Presidential Election: A Nail-Biter with Surprising ResultsDespite unexpected results in some states, the 2020 presidential election remains close, with Trump showing a strong performance and conservative media expanding their reach to challenge the left's media dominance.

      The 2020 presidential election is proving to be a close race, with unexpected results in several key states. For instance, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Donald Trump has nearly doubled his votes compared to 2016, while in Virginia, where Fox News called the race for Joe Biden early, the results are still incredibly close, with Trump currently leading. The close race has left many wondering if Trump could have a redo of 2016, given his strong performance so far. The media, including the New York Times and social media, have been criticized for potentially misleading the public with their coverage. In response, conservative media outlets like the Daily Wire are expanding their reach and influence, with plans to launch new shows, partnerships, and initiatives to challenge the left's stranglehold on media and culture. The Daily Wire's founder Ben Shapiro urged viewers to become subscribers and engage in the culture to help take back the media landscape. The night's broadcast, which was expected to last only a few hours, is turning into a nail-biter, with many results still undecided.

    • 2022 Elections: Ohio Polls Show Close Race with Disconnect between Polling Data and Popular SentimentThe 2022 elections are revealing a disconnect between polling data and popular sentiment, particularly in Ohio. Trump's narrow lead and the massive spending in the South Carolina Senate race could have long-term implications for the Republican Party, potentially making it easier to win over suburban female voters.

      The 2022 elections are proving to be a close race, particularly in key states like Ohio, which could be an indicator for other battleground states. The latest polls show Trump leading in Ohio, but the narrow margin raises questions about the accuracy of polling data and the disconnect between popular sentiment and polling results. This disconnect, driven by a fundamental shift in political and racial alignments, could have long-term implications for the Republican Party. Even if Trump loses the election, the realignment of working-class and minority voters could make it easier for the GOP to win over suburban female voters. Additionally, the massive spending in the South Carolina Senate race between Lindsey Graham and his opponent, totaling $200 million, is seen as a wasted investment. Overall, the 2022 elections are showing that the political landscape is changing, and the outcome, whether it's a Trump win or loss, will have significant consequences for the future of American politics.

    • Republican Party Changes with Trump's PresidencyTrump's presidency led to more populist candidates, breached Democratic firewall, replaced elites with Trump-friendly figures, and shifted Republican style. Election results have consequences, some detach, broadcasting industry plays crucial role, media credibility at stake.

      The Republican Party is undergoing significant changes due to Trump's presidency, with more populist candidates expected to emerge. The Democratic firewall on race and class issues has been breached, and traditional Republican elites like John McCain and Mitt Romney may be replaced by Trump-friendly figures like Josh Hawley. The style of the Republican Party has shifted, and Trump may have played a pivotal role in this change. The election results, particularly in California and Arizona, will have significant consequences for the political landscape. Some are detaching from the political process, but the broadcasting industry will continue to play a crucial role in covering these developments. The media's credibility is at stake, and the outcome of the election could determine its future.

    • Outdated tactics for manipulating information and public opinionThe traditional methods of controlling information and shaping public opinion through rioting, lying, and censorship are less effective in the modern age, with alternative media outlets and the Internet making it easier for people to access and share information.

      The traditional methods of manipulating information and public opinion through rioting, lying, and shutting down narratives may not be as effective in the modern age, where the Internet and alternative media outlets have made it easier for people to access and share information. The speaker believes that their plan, which was formulated in the "old days," is outdated and that their attempts to suppress information, such as the Biden story, did not work as intended. Instead, they are being outmaneuvered by alternative media outlets like The Blaze and The Daily Wire, which are filling the void left by the mainstream media. The speaker also highlights some political victories for the Republican Party in Florida, suggesting that the polls may be off and that the outcome of the election could be closer than expected.

    • Skepticism towards polls in electionsDespite their inaccuracy, polls continue to play a role in elections. However, their predictions can be unreliable due to unconventional events and voter enthusiasm, leading to potential election surprises.

      The role of polls in elections may be diminishing due to their inaccuracy in predicting voter behavior, especially in an election season filled with unprecedented events like riots, lockdowns, and unconventional candidates. The speakers expressed skepticism towards pollsters, comparing their predictions to those of psychics, and suggesting that enthusiasm for incumbents and the unappealing nature of their opponents can significantly impact election outcomes. Additionally, there are concerns about potential election results delays and shenanigans, which may fuel fears of voter fraud and heightened tensions. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of political parties focusing on attracting new voters and appealing to the public on intellectual and emotional levels.

    • Politicians' communication with minority groups and election outcomesTrump's straightforward approach resonated with some minority voters despite controversial rhetoric, Republicans could learn to treat all voters as equals, and Trump's policies have shifted perspectives of critics

      The way politicians communicate with voters, particularly minority groups, can significantly impact election outcomes. During the discussion, it was noted that despite Donald Trump's controversial campaign rhetoric towards immigrants in 2016, he managed to gain the support of many Hispanic and black voters. This was attributed to his straightforward approach, treating all voters as equals rather than catering to specific groups with a patronizing tone. The Republicans, moving forward, could learn from this and aim to speak to all voters as Americans, fostering a sense of dignity and respect. Additionally, the impact of Trump's policies, such as Supreme Court appointments, has shifted the perspective of many critics, including the speaker, who acknowledged that his actions have outweighed their initial concerns. However, it's important to remember that the election results are still uncertain, and various scenarios, including a potential college tie, could lead to unprecedented political developments.

    • Uncertainty in the 2020 Presidential Election ResultsThe 2020 presidential election results could result in complex scenarios, including a tied Electoral College or contested outcome, and unexpected shifts in traditionally red or blue states. The Republican Party's future and the balance of power in Washington could be impacted by the outcome of the Senate races.

      The 2020 presidential election results could be uncertain and may lead to various complex scenarios, such as a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College or a contested outcome in the House and Senate. The election could also see surprising shifts in traditionally red or blue states like Arizona. While some predicted a landslide victory against President Trump due to his personal character, the race is not turning out to be a blowout. The question then becomes what the Republican Party will look like after Trump, and whether they can maintain the gains made with non-white voters. The outcome of the Senate races, particularly in North Carolina, could significantly impact the balance of power in Washington. The election analysis also brought up the idea of Chekhov's gun, emphasizing the importance of the 269-269 tie and the potential for a contested outcome.

    • Why Protests Don't Always Translate to VotesDespite widespread protests, the 2020 election results showed a gap between protest energy and voter turnout. Unexpected voting trends among Latino, black, and minority voters added to the surprise.

      The 2020 election results have defied many expectations, and the reasons for this may lie in the enthusiasm gap between protests and voting. The speaker expresses surprise at the number of people participating in protests and riots, but wonders why they aren't translating that energy into voting. The speaker also notes the discrepancies in polling data, particularly regarding the Latino and black vote, which have not followed the predicted trend of leaning Democratic. The speaker also mentions the unexpected shift in Cuban and Venezuelan voters towards Trump. The speaker finds it ironic that the media's portrayal of Trump as a racist has not deterred these minority voters from supporting him. Overall, the speaker suggests that the election outcome may challenge prevailing narratives about the electorate and the power of protests to influence elections.

    • 2020 US Election Results Uncertain, Narrow Biden Win Could Mean Unity and Legislative AgendasIf Biden wins narrowly, he may need to unite the left and focus on legislative agendas with a Republican-controlled Senate. The media's narrative has shifted, and the election outcome could take weeks to determine. Polls, once favoring Biden, were inaccurate, raising questions about election data and predictions.

      The 2020 US Presidential election results are still uncertain with key battleground states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan yet to declare a clear winner. The analysis by various pundits, including Crowder, suggests that if Biden wins narrowly, he will need to unite the left and focus on legislative agendas with a Republican-controlled Senate. Meanwhile, the media's narrative has already started to shift, and that the election outcome could take weeks to determine. The polls, which were once favoring Biden, have been inaccurate, raising questions about the reliability of election data and predictions. Ultimately, they were wrong, and it's essential to examine the implications of such errors and what they mean for the country's political landscape.

    • Skepticism towards polls and assumptions about voter demographicsThe reliance on polls and assumptions about voter demographics can lead to a distorted view of the electorate and the outcome of elections. It's important to question assumptions and seek out diverse sources of information.

      The reliance on polls and assumptions about voter demographics can lead to a skewed understanding of the electorate and the outcome of elections. The speaker expresses his skepticism towards polls and the idea that certain groups, such as Black Lives Matter or minority voters, can be simplistically categorized and appealed to based on certain beliefs or ideologies. He argues that the Democrats have been making assumptions about these groups that don't hold up to reality, leading to misguided campaign strategies. The speaker also shares his surprise at the exit poll results from the 2020 election, which defied the predictions of the mainstream media. He encourages people to seek out alternative sources of information and to question the assumptions and narratives presented by the mainstream media.

    • Media bias and the 2020 election resultsThe 2020 election results challenged media narratives, highlighting the importance of alternative voices and nuanced discourse. The media's portrayal of politicians like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump was criticized, emphasizing the need to recognize and challenge media dominance.

      The 2020 election results are a repudiation of the dominant narrative pushed by legacy media outlets and a vindication for alternative voices. The discussion highlighted the significant disparity in how politicians and figures are portrayed in the media, with examples given of Governor Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. The importance of challenging the dominance of legacy media was emphasized, as it shapes public perception and understanding of events. The conversation also touched upon the need for nuanced and thoughtful discourse, as opposed to the often divisive and emotionally charged tone found in some media outlets. The election results could potentially lead to a shift in media consumption habits, with more people seeking out alternative sources for information. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of recognizing the limitations and biases of polling data.

    • Key states showing promising signs for TrumpOhio, North Carolina report high support for Trump and Tillis, while concerns persist for Arizona and tensions rise in Portland and D.C.

      The presidential race in several key states is showing promising signs for Donald Trump, with 82% reporting in favor of him in Ohio and 89% reported for Senator Tillis in North Carolina, which may indicate a positive upballot for the Republicans. However, concerns remain for Arizona, where 74% reporting shows a significant lead for the Democrats' candidate, and tensions are rising in various cities, particularly in Portland and Washington D.C., as Black Lives Matter protests and Antifa groups clash with law enforcement. Despite this, Trump's position in Florida, which has yet to be called by the networks despite having over 90% of precincts reporting, remains strong. The war room team will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as new information becomes available.

    • Media's lack of objectivity damages credibility, leading to calls for replacementThe media's dishonesty during the 2020 election has left many seeking alternative sources of truth, with conservative outlets like The Daily Wire expanding and hiring investigative journalists to fill the gap.

      The media's lack of objectivity and repeated dishonesty during the 2020 election has led some to call for its replacement. The Daily Wire, a conservative media outlet, is taking steps to expand and hire investigative journalists to provide alternative news and information. The media's credibility has been severely damaged, and many people are looking for new sources of truth. Joe Biden's presidency is seen as a nonentity and a mask for the radical left. The importance of this moment is not just about the Daily Wire's growth, but about the need for diverse voices and perspectives in media. The media's repeated deception and bias have left many feeling disillusioned and seeking honesty and transparency. The media landscape is changing, and it's up to consumers to demand better and support those who deliver it.

    • Joe Biden's perceived lack of substance could be an assetBiden's promise of normalcy and media narrative could sway voters, but Democrats must adapt to changing political landscape to win.

      Joe Biden's perceived lack of substance or "nothingness" could potentially be his greatest asset in the 2020 presidential race. Despite his advanced age and seemingly uneventful campaign, some voters may be drawn to his promise of a return to normalcy amidst the chaos and polarization of the current political climate. Additionally, the media and technology have played a significant role in shaping the narrative around what is considered "normal" in politics, and the ongoing social and political unrest may indicate that a shift away from the status quo is necessary. Ultimately, the outcome of the election could hinge on whether the Democrats learn from their past mistakes and adapt to the changing political landscape, or continue to rely on their traditional coalition and risk alienating key voters.

    • The Democratic and Republican Parties grapple with shifting political landscapeBoth parties face pressure to adapt to changing voter demographics and ideologies, with the Democrats debating left vs. moderate approaches and the Republicans gaining support from traditionally Democratic groups.

      The political landscape is shifting, and the Democratic Party is grappling with the question of whether to move further left or moderate in response to election results. Meanwhile, the Republican Party is seeing success in gaining support from traditionally Democratic voter groups like Latinos. The ongoing debate over election results and the role of media in shaping public perception adds complexity to the situation. The persistence of socialist ideologies, despite their age, continues to pose a challenge. Ultimately, the future of political parties may depend on their ability to adapt to changing voter demographics and ideologies.

    • 2020 US Election: Shift Towards Republican Party Among Working ClassThe 2020 US Presidential election has seen a realignment of the political landscape, with the Republican Party gaining support from working class voters, particularly in Southern states, due to their emphasis on economic concerns and Trump's connection with the heart of the country.

      The 2020 US Presidential election has seen a realignment of the political landscape, particularly in terms of the working class base. Biden, perceived as a lockdown candidate, spooked many voters, particularly in Southern states and blue collar communities, with his emphasis on restrictions and closures. This has led to a shift towards the Republican Party, which is increasingly being seen as a multiracial, working class party. Trump's connection with the heart of the country, based on his long-standing public profile, has also played a role in his appeal. Despite media portrayals of Trump as a racist or bigot, he has managed to bring in voters from diverse backgrounds. The election remains close, and the future of the Republican Party will depend on its ability to address economic concerns and continue to expand its base. The media's repetition of outdated frames of reference for Republican candidates may no longer be effective in shaping public opinion.

    • Personal connections matter in electionsGovernor DeSantis' success in Florida underscores the importance of showing up, making the case, and building relationships with diverse communities, challenging media influence and boosting voter registration efforts.

      The personal connection and engagement between politicians and voters, regardless of party affiliations, can significantly impact election outcomes. Governor DeSantis' success in Florida, despite media criticism and negative portrayals, highlights the importance of showing up, making the case, and building relationships with diverse communities. The media's influence can be challenged when voters have firsthand experiences and connections with candidates. Additionally, voter registration efforts and a focus on re-opening society have contributed to Republican gains in Florida. Ultimately, the voters' desire for normalcy and the ability to live their lives outweighs the media's attempts to shut everything down.

    • Unexpected election results in key states like FloridaPollsters' predictions are off, Trump is performing better than expected, and the election outcome remains uncertain

      The election results are not turning out as predicted by pollsters, with Florida being a prime example. Governor DeSantis and the Daily Wire team are urging caution against prematurely declaring the election for Joe Biden based on current polling data. The Daily Wire's analysis shows that Trump is performing better than expected in key states like Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio, and could potentially make up for a loss in Arizona by winning Iowa and Nevada. The polling discrepancies are a blow to the credibility of pollsters, and the Republican vote appears to be stronger than anticipated. The election is far from over, and the outcome remains uncertain, but the trends are favoring Trump. The Daily Wire's team of editors and analysts have been working tirelessly to provide accurate and timely information to their audience, setting them apart from the mainstream media.

    • Impact of Presidential Election on State Races and Political LandscapePresidential election results could significantly impact state races and the broader political landscape, with key battleground states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada determining the outcome. Failure of identity politics as a strategy could lead to changes in state politics.

      The outcome of the presidential election could significantly impact gubernatorial races and the broader political landscape. Historically, there have been instances where presidential elections have influenced state elections, with voters expressing approval or disapproval of the president's policies while supporting or opposing candidates at the state level. During the Obama administration, for example, Democrats suffered losses in state elections despite his popularity. If Trump wins the presidency, the failure of identity politics as a strategy could lead to significant changes in politics at the state level. The panelists believe that identity politics is a replacement for class politics in America, and if it fails, political parties will need to come up with a new strategy. The people most invested in identity politics are not the marginalized communities it aims to represent but rather white woke liberals. It remains to be seen how easily they will accept this failure and move on. The election results in key battleground states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada will determine the outcome of the presidency and could have a significant impact on the political landscape for years to come. The panelists discussed the possibility of Trump needing to flip one or more of these states to win the presidency. Additionally, Nebraska, which splits its electoral votes by congressional district, could also play a role in the final outcome.

    • The outcome of the presidential election depends on key states like Arizona, where Cuban Americans' voting patterns may shift.Conservatives face challenges in influencing academia, entertainment, and media, especially in gaining government funding and countering liberal ideologies.

      The outcome of the presidential election hinges on a few key states, with Arizona being a potential game-changer for both parties. Historically, Cuban Americans in Florida have tended to vote more conservatively than Mexican immigrants in Arizona, but this trend may be shifting as newer generations become less politically aligned. The cultural battlefield for conservatives includes three areas where they currently have little influence: academia, entertainment, and media. Academia, in particular, is a significant challenge due to its reliance on government funding and the dominance of liberal ideologies. To counter this, conservatives will need a long-term strategy to regain influence in these areas.

    • Challenging the Left's Dominance in Cultural InstitutionsProvide alternatives to higher education, expand media reach, and engage in entertainment to challenge the left's dominance and bring about change

      To challenge the left's dominance in various cultural institutions such as academia, media, and entertainment, it's crucial to provide viable alternatives. Ben Shapiro emphasized the importance of reducing dependence on higher education, which often results in unmanageable debt and indoctrination. He also highlighted the need to expand our reach in media, particularly investigative journalism, and in entertainment, where conservative viewpoints are underrepresented. The Daily Wire aims to address this imbalance by producing fictional content, morning shows, and hiring investigative journalists. By offering valuable content and engaging communities, the Daily Wire aspires to make a difference and bring about change. It's a long-term goal, but with the support of subscribers, progress can be made.

    • Belief in independent content creationIndependent creators can thrive by producing what audiences want, despite industry challenges and potential political shifts.

      Despite the challenges in the entertainment industry and potential changes in political leadership, there's a belief that independent content creators can still thrive by producing what audiences want to see. Regarding foreign policy, while a new president may try to renegotiate deals or shift focus, the realities on the ground and checks from Congress could limit the capacity to reverse progress made in the last four years. Eric Weinstein, as a heterodox thinker, emphasized that many have underestimated Trump's appeal to non-traditional Republican crowds and criticized the left for alienating people through scolding and false accusations. Overall, the message is that staying true to the core values of progress and understanding diverse perspectives is crucial for moving forward.

    • Democratic Party's appeal to younger generationsIf Biden wins narrowly, the Democratic Party may reflect on their approach to resonate with younger generations, considering their concerns on homeownership, family formation, and economic stability. Socialism could be an option, but finding a younger leader might be a challenge.

      The outcome of the 2020 US Presidential election remains uncertain, but if Joe Biden wins narrowly, there could be introspection within the Democratic Party regarding their approach and appeal to younger generations. The speaker expresses concern that the Democratic Party's ideology might be failing to resonate with the younger demographic, particularly when it comes to issues like homeownership, family formation, and economic stability. The speaker suggests that some form of socialism could help address these concerns and keep the capitalist system alive. However, the speaker also acknowledges that finding a younger leader within the Democratic Party might be challenging, and the consequences of failing to attract young people could be significant for the future of the American experiment. The speaker also touches upon the changing meaning of socialism and the need to reconsider the market's distributional mechanism and the concept of success in the current political economy.

    • Understanding the nuances of capitalism and addressing market failuresTo attract professors, it's essential to recognize market failures and ensure academic freedom, rather than treating them as government handouts. Avoiding extreme ideologies and promoting open discourse are key to the future of the country.

      The ongoing debate about the state of capitalism hinges on distinguishing between its inherent flaws and instances of corruption. The term "capitalism" itself, popularized by Marxists, carries a loaded meaning. While some argue that the solution lies in reducing government intervention, others see the need for addressing market failures. In the context of attracting professors, the issue isn't necessarily about treating them as government handouts but recognizing market failure and ensuring academic freedom. The key lies in understanding the nuances and avoiding extreme ideologies, as both the far right and far left pose challenges to the mainstream. The future of the country depends on whether mainstream liberals are open to dialogue with those holding individual rights and freedoms as common ground, or if they prioritize their policy goals at the expense of open discourse.

    • The Left and Right in Academia: Finding Common GroundDespite valid concerns, ideologies hinder meaningful conversations between the left and right in academia. Both sides need to engage in soul-searching and open dialogue to find common ground and improve understanding.

      The modern left and right in academia are stuck in their ideologies, unable to find common ground and engage in meaningful conversations. The speaker argues that both sides have valid concerns but are unwilling to acknowledge them due to their strong beliefs. He believes that if the left can make inroads into academia, even if they don't win a majority, it could lead to a more balanced discussion and a better understanding between the two sides. However, he also criticizes the right for their past actions in tampering with the wage mechanism for scientists, leading to the importation of foreign students as a way to suppress wages. This history of manipulation has made it difficult for productive conversations to take place. The speaker calls for both sides to engage in soul-searching and have open conversations to find common ground and move forward.

    • Lamenting the prioritization of grievance studies over essential issuesThe cultural divide is hindering productive conversations, with essential issues like safety and progress in STEM being sidelined for grievance studies. The refusal to engage in baseline conversations is driving people towards figures like Trump.

      The current cultural divide in society, fueled by the inability to agree on fundamental values, is hindering productive conversations and creating a barrier to entry for important discussions. The speakers in this conversation lamented the prioritization of grievance studies over essential issues like ensuring safety and progress in areas like STEM. They believe that the left's refusal to engage in a baseline level of conversation is driving people towards figures like Donald Trump, who seem more willing to have these discussions. The speakers also acknowledged the existence of extremes on both sides, with the extreme left engaging in a revolutionary movement that has gained mainstream power within the Democrat Party. To move forward, there is an opportunity to stand up for academic freedom and promote individualism and patriotism to foster better conversations and progress.

    • The left's ideology and its impact on productive dialogueThe left's push for significant societal changes and challenge to traditional logic, coupled with their disproportionate influence in media, has led to confusion and a disconnect between values and actions, making productive dialogue challenging.

      The current political climate is deeply divided, with the extreme left pushing for significant societal changes and challenging traditional logic, making it challenging for productive dialogue. The left's power and influence in shaping the narrative, particularly in media, has led to confusion and a disconnect between values and actions. The divide between the practical and the ethereal in the left's ideology has created an environment where consistency and rational thinking are being questioned, leading to uncertainty and instability. The election results showed a divided government, which is beneficial as neither major party should have unchecked power. However, the ongoing culture war and the inconsistency between values and actions in the left's ideology pose a significant challenge for meaningful progress and dialogue.

    • Frustration with Democratic Party and Media Handling of Political SituationsThe speaker expresses frustration with the Democratic Party and media for not being aggressive enough in challenging conservative figures and decriminalizing drugs, while raising concerns about potential capriciousness and misapplication of controlled substance laws.

      The speaker in this discussion is expressing frustration with the Democratic Party and the media for their handling of political situations, specifically in relation to the election results and the perceived inability to effectively challenge conservative figures like Donald Trump. They believe that the Democrats and the media are not being aggressive enough and are instead engaging in "patty cakes" rather than confronting their opponents head-on. The speaker also mentions the decriminalization of drugs in Oregon as a positive development, but expresses concern about the potential for capriciousness in the implementation of such laws. Additionally, they criticize the designation of certain substances as controlled substances under federal law, arguing that it is being misapplied and erodes the idea of equal justice. Overall, the speaker's tone is passionate and critical, with a focus on holding those in power accountable and advocating for change.

    • The evolving use of language and identity in politicsKamala Harris' tweet highlights the growing trend of self-identification based on ethnicity and background, but raises questions about inconsistent belief structures and the need for a nuanced approach to recognizing and respecting gender and cultural norms while acknowledging the objective reality of biological sex.

      The use of language and identity representation in politics, as demonstrated by Kamala Harris' tweet, has evolved significantly. The idea of self-identification based on ethnicity and background is becoming more commonplace. However, this new designation raises questions about the mainstreaming of inconsistent belief structures, which some argue is beyond communism. The left's inability to maintain consistency in their ideologies, such as the contradiction between biological sex being immutable and gender being a social construct, is a point of contention. It's essential to recognize and understand these contradictions to gain a clearer perspective on the issues at hand. Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding a way to acknowledge and respect the variability in gender and cultural norms while recognizing the objective reality of biological sex. This requires a nuanced approach and an openness to dialogue and understanding.

    • Productive conversations about gender and sexualityContinue having complex conversations with compassion, respect, intellectual rigor, and scientific understanding, addressing intersex and separating gender from sexuality, and avoiding misunderstandings through clear communication and context.

      The discussion revolved around the complexity and nuance of gender and sexual identification, and the challenges in having productive conversations about these topics due to deeply held beliefs and the potential for harm. The speakers acknowledged the importance of compassion and respect, while also emphasizing the need for intellectual rigor and scientific understanding. They also highlighted the need to address issues related to intersex and separating gender from sexuality in a thoughtful and inclusive manner. Despite the difficulties, they agreed that it's crucial to continue having these conversations in the pursuit of justice and understanding. The conversation also touched upon the controversy surrounding the trans category and the need for clearer communication and context to avoid misunderstandings. Ultimately, the speakers recognized the complexity and importance of these issues and the need for ongoing dialogue and education.

    • Presidential race in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan uncertain, Senate races looking good for RepublicansThe presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is a toss-up in Pennsylvania, with Georgia and Michigan results still pending. The Senate races, particularly in Iowa and Georgia, are favoring the Republicans, potentially mitigating downside risks for the party.

      The presidential race in the United States is currently a toss-up between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, with Pennsylvania being a key battleground state. The race in Virginia is still undecided due to uncounted votes in Fairfax County, which is heavily in favor of Biden. Georgia, another closely watched state, is seeing late votes coming in and controversy over the early call for Arizona. The Senate races, particularly in Iowa and Georgia, are looking good for the Republicans, which could mitigate potential downside risks for the party. The results in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin may not be known until Friday. The New York Times prediction for Georgia has dropped slightly, but Trump is still favored to win. The potential for a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College is a possibility, which would result in the Vice President presiding over tied votes. Overall, the situation remains uncertain and the team will continue to monitor the data and provide updates.

    • Impact of 2022 Senate elections on Biden's agenda and Trump's 2024 chancesThe 2022 Senate elections could limit Biden's legislative agenda, while Trump's 2024 chances are uncertain, with key states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania crucial for his victory. Fox News provided insightful analysis on the night's election results, with perspectives debated on its impact on the media landscape.

      The Republicans are expected to take control of the Senate in the 2022 election cycle, which could significantly impact President Biden's legislative agenda. Additionally, Donald Trump's chances of winning the presidency in 2024 are looking uncertain, as he needs to win key states like Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania to secure the victory. The conversations on the show stood out for their depth and intelligence compared to other media outlets. Despite some inaccurate early calls by networks, the night turned out to be better than expected for the Republicans, with Trump winning key states and the GOP retaining the Senate. The perspectives on Fox News have been debated, with some arguing that it has lost its way, while others maintain that it remains unique among cable news due to the lack of conservative alternatives.

    • Fox News' election coverage raises concerns over accuracy and objectivityDespite uncertainties in election results, concerns arise over Fox News' early calls and potential inaccuracies, adding to the confusion. Positive developments include GOP's House wins and unexpected results in Wisconsin. Legal battles and pollster inaccuracies continue to impact the outcome.

      While Fox News offers a diverse range of political perspectives, there are concerns about the accuracy and objectivity of their election coverage. The speaker expresses disappointment in Fox News' early calls and suspects they may be getting bad information. The New York Times' sudden shift in Georgia's projection has added to the uncertainty, and the ongoing developments in various states keep the election outcome unclear. Despite these concerns, there are positive developments, such as the Republican Party's strong performance in the House and unexpected results in Wisconsin. The speaker also mentions the potential impact of the pollsters' inaccuracies and the ongoing legal battles in contested states. Overall, the election's outcome remains uncertain, and the accuracy and fairness of the media's coverage continue to be significant concerns.

    • Challenges and complexities of polling in the modern eraThe accuracy of polling has been questioned due to technological shifts and potential media influence, with some organizations prioritizing narrative alignment over accuracy, leading to a loss of credibility.

      The accuracy of polling in the current political climate, particularly during the 2020 elections, has been called into question. The discussion highlighted several reasons for this, including the technological shift away from landlines and the potential influence of media organizations on polling results. Some pollsters, like Trafalgar, were able to accurately predict the election outcomes, while others, like Quinnipiac, were consistently off. It was suggested that polling organizations may prioritize aligning with the media narrative over maintaining accuracy, leading to a loss of credibility. The impact of Obama's presidency on media standards was also mentioned, with the belief that the media no longer feels the need to adhere to traditional standards of truth and speaking to power. Overall, the discussion underscores the challenges and complexities of polling in the modern era.

    • The shift from truth-telling to narrative promotion in comedy, journalism, and institutionsComedians, journalists, and institutions prioritize narratives over truth-telling, making it challenging for comedians to make jokes about certain figures and for media to report accurately. However, some institutions and individuals still prioritize truth-telling.

      The ethical standards and roles of comedians, journalists, and institutions have shifted significantly, with a focus on promoting narratives rather than speaking truth. This change was highlighted by the presidency of Barack Obama, who was seen as a "large wall of obsidian" due to his perfection and blackness, making it difficult for comedians to make jokes about him. This trend continued in academia and media institutions, where the priority is no longer on truth-telling but on adhering to the narrative. However, not all institutions have completely abandoned truth-telling, and there are still individuals and venues committed to reporting accurately. For instance, the Wall Street Journal and CBS still have a level of commitment to the news, although there is confusion and inaccuracies in some races during the 2020 election. The role and reliability of pollsters have also been called into question, as they have struggled to accurately predict election outcomes in recent years. Overall, the ethical landscape of comedy, journalism, and institutions has shifted, with a greater emphasis on promoting narratives rather than speaking truth.

    • Election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada are still uncertainThe election outcome may take longer than expected due to high volume of mail-in and early votes. Biden is leading in some key states but the final result is not clear yet.

      The election results are taking longer than expected due to a high volume of mail-in and early votes. The focus is now on Pennsylvania and Michigan, with Nevada starting to report results. Trump's chances of winning depend on his performance in these states. Biden, meanwhile, is urging patience and expressing confidence in the process. The election outcome may not be clear until all votes are counted. Biden has already claimed victories in Arizona and Minnesota, and is optimistic about Wisconsin and Michigan. The process could extend into the following day or even longer. Despite the uncertainty, Biden is encouraging supporters to keep the faith and trust the democratic process.

    • Daily Wire Expands Offerings to Counter Biased MediaThe Daily Wire, a conservative media outlet, plans to expand with new shows, investigative reporters, and movies to counter perceived media bias. They seek viewer support to continue their mission, especially if Biden wins the presidency.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media outlet, is expanding its offerings and encouraging viewers to join them in the fight against what they perceive as biased mainstream media. They plan to launch new shows, hire investigative reporters, and even produce movies as part of their mission to provide accurate news and entertainment from a conservative perspective. They believe this is necessary, especially if Joe Biden wins the presidency, and are asking for viewer support to make it happen. President Trump has also expressed his intention to continue fighting the election results.

    • 2020 US Election: Uncertain Results and Prolonged ProcessBoth parties are preparing for a prolonged election process as results remain uncertain. The focus is on counting every vote, with inconsistent projections and key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in question. Regardless of the outcome, Democrats will criticize the Republican nominee and their reaction may be emotional.

      The 2020 US Presidential election results are uncertain and both parties are preparing for a prolonged process to determine the winner. The language used by the Biden campaign and some officials in key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania echoes this expectation, as they emphasize the importance of counting every vote. The election projections have been inconsistent, with some states like Georgia and North Carolina that were initially trending towards Trump now in question. The Democrats are expected to criticize the Republican nominee in 2024, regardless of the outcome, using similar tactics as in the past. If Trump wins, the Democrats may take some time to reflect and learn from the election, but their reaction is likely to be emotional and irrational based on past behavior. The focus now is on Nevada, which could impact Trump's chances if he loses Arizona.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds 2020 Presidential Election ResultsJoe Biden holds a favorable position but Trump could still win through victories in key battleground states. Voting process ongoing with concerns over vote manipulation and delays. Social media censorship sparks debates on free speech. Pennsylvania's outcome crucial for election outcome. Uncertainty may lead to increased tension and potential unrest.

      The 2020 presidential election results are still uncertain, particularly in key battleground states like Georgia and Pennsylvania. Joe Biden currently holds a 60-40 favorite position, but Trump could potentially win by securing victories in Pennsylvania and possibly Michigan or Wisconsin. The voting process is ongoing, leading to accusations and concerns about potential vote manipulation and delays. Social media platforms, like Twitter, have censored some of Trump's tweets about the election, sparking debates about free speech and bias. The election outcome could take several more days, with Pennsylvania being a crucial state to watch. The overall uncertainty and prolonged election process may lead to increased tension and potential unrest among supporters of both candidates.

    • The 2020 US Presidential election legal battles and unprecedented voter turnoutThe ongoing election legal battles may not last long, but high voter turnout and cultural shifts have significantly impacted the race.

      The ongoing legal battles surrounding the 2020 US Presidential election could last for an uncertain period, but it's unlikely to drag on for months like Bush v. Gore did. The highly charged political climate and the divisive nature of the candidates, particularly Donald Trump, have led to unprecedented voter turnout. Early voting played a significant role in shaping the election's outcome, with many votes already cast before the final debate. The debate itself did not significantly impact the race. A revolution, as Spencer described it, refers to the ongoing cultural and ideological shift on the left, where the focus is no longer on which direction the country should take but rather on whether it is inherently good or evil. This perspective is reflected in the widespread discussions on systemic racism and the calls for fundamental change.

    • Elites and academics manipulating public opinion using Marxist techniquesElites and academics exploit 'racism' label, amplify certain viewpoints, suppress dissent, and push for revolution, not based on grassroots movements or clear policy platform.

      The ongoing discussions about systemic racism and the resulting protests are not driven by grassroots movements, but rather by elites and academics who are using Marxist techniques to manipulate public opinion. The label of "racism" is used as a synonym for "evil," and those who do not conform to the desired narrative are labeled as such. This manipulation has been amplified through various platforms, including social media, which have been used to relentlessly promote certain viewpoints and suppress others. The ultimate goal is to stage a revolution, and the idea that this is a popular uprising from the ground up is a false narrative. It's important to remember that this is not a policy-driven election, as the left is not running on a clear platform, but rather an emotional appeal to overthrow the current system.

    • Proposed government changes and their potential impactPolitical figures propose altering the electoral college, Senate representation, and constitutional amendments to address perceived unfairnesses. This could change the way policies are discussed and potentially silence certain viewpoints.

      Some political figures are proposing significant changes to the structure of the American government, including doing away with the electoral college, altering the Senate's representation, and potentially mitigating certain constitutional amendments. They argue that these changes are necessary to address what they perceive as fundamental unfairnesses in the current system. This could lead to a shift in the way policies are discussed and debated, potentially making it more difficult for certain viewpoints to be heard or represented. Additionally, there's a push to redefine what is considered political and what is considered apolitical, with some arguing that certain beliefs and actions should be considered outside the realm of political discourse. This could have far-reaching implications for how we view and engage with political issues moving forward.

    • Belief in infallibility and its religious undertonesEven educated individuals can hold infallible beliefs, rooted in a desire for special knowledge and a sense of being chosen, leading to dismissal of contradictory evidence.

      Some individuals hold a belief in the infallibility of certain concepts, such as democracy and polling data, despite evidence to the contrary. This attitude is akin to religious fervor and is motivated by a desire for special knowledge and a sense of being chosen. The discomfort and indignation displayed when challenged on these beliefs stems from the perceived threat to their unique understanding of the world. It's essential to recognize that even well-educated and successful individuals can fall victim to this mindset, which can lead them to dismiss evidence that contradicts their beliefs. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these discussions with empathy and patience, as changing deeply held beliefs can be a challenging process.

    • The uncertainty of the future is a part of the human experienceEmbracing the uncertainty of the future can lead to excitement and fun, despite the failure of political parties to offer alternatives and the allure of predictions or polls.

      Having access to the future is not a desirable or attainable thing for humans, as it would eliminate the need for faith and make life less exciting. Religious beliefs aside, no one is smart enough to know the future. Objecting to predictions or polls can be perceived as a lack of faith in those claiming special powers. Both political parties have failed to offer genuine alternatives to the current system, leading many to seek something that transcends it. This search for something that breaks the scripted system can be seen in the language of "getting woke" or "getting red pilled," which signifies waking up from a perceived simulation or matrix. The American Constitution, with its emphasis on freedom association and individual rights, is one of the few things that can genuinely offer a way out of the current system. Ultimately, the uncertainty of the future is a part of the human experience, and embracing it can lead to excitement and fun.

    • Elections don't determine our ultimate futureThe outcome of elections is significant but our focus should be on personal actions and community engagement

      While the outcome of elections can be significant, it's important to remember that our ultimate future is not determined by the government. God unfolds history, and God's ways are not our ways. The importance of this election may be a prediction, and the future of the country will depend less on the outcome and more on individual actions, such as spending time with family, getting a job, and helping neighbors. The left's institutional takeover in American life is a reminder that civic responsibility extends beyond voting and requires ongoing engagement in one's community. Ultimately, elections are just moments in time, and our focus should be on the things that truly matter in life.

    • Continue helping community despite challengesDespite hardships, we should help those in need and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

      Even when faced with hardships and challenges, we should continue to engage with our community and help those in need, regardless of their past actions. This is the fundamental responsibility of a good citizen. Moreover, we should remember that suffering is a part of life, and it presents opportunities for learning and growth. We should not expect easy victories or for life to be fair, but instead embrace the challenges and continue to strive towards making a positive impact. The example of an elderly person's resilience in the face of adversity illustrates this principle. Their suffering and experiences offer valuable lessons for the rest of us. Ultimately, we must remember that death is not the end, and our experiences and actions continue to shape the world around us.

    • Presidential Election Results in Key Battleground States Still UncertainFox News has called Arizona for Biden, but many votes are still outstanding in several states including Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump has expressed concern about the counting of mail-in and absentee ballots.

      The 2020 presidential election results in several key battleground states are still uncertain, with a large number of votes yet to be counted. Fox News is currently the only network to have called Arizona for Joe Biden, but there are still hundreds of thousands of votes outstanding in the state. In Georgia, New York Times projections show Biden leading, but the race is still close. In North Carolina, the vote count is evenly split between the two candidates. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are expected to take longer to determine due to the high volume of mail-in and absentee ballots. President Trump has expressed concern about the counting of these votes and has indicated that he will be speaking to the American people soon. The outcome of these states will be crucial in determining the final result of the election.

    • The Daily Wire Expands Media Offerings Amidst Shifting CultureThe Daily Wire is growing its media presence with a morning show, investigative journalists, and partnerships, filling the gap left by liberal media bias and high cable bills.

      The Daily Wire is expanding its media offerings, including a new morning show, investigative journalists, and partnerships with PragerU and a film production company. The media landscape has shifted dramatically, with many traditional outlets favoring the left, leaving room for alternative voices. The audience's response has been strong, with many expressing their support for conservative media and a willingness to fight back against perceived bias. The election results remain uncertain, but the culture seems to be shifting, with a growing openness to conservative viewpoints. The average cable bill in America is high, and a significant portion of that goes to funding liberal media through carriage fees. The Daily Wire invites viewers to join them as the replacement media and become a member for exclusive content at a discounted rate.

    • Cutting ties with corrupt institutions for a better futureConsider investing in media sources that align with your values and goals to save money and support positive change, while letting go of corrupt institutions and their dead weight.

      Supporting certain media outlets and institutions that may not have your best interests at heart could be costing you significantly, both financially and in terms of the wellbeing of your family and country. The speaker suggests cutting ties with these institutions and instead investing in alternative media sources that align with your values. The analogy used is that of a Saturn 5 rocket, where the first stage represents the working class carrying the dead weight of corrupt institutions, and letting go of this dead weight can accelerate progress. The speaker also expresses concern about the suppression of news stories by big tech and its potential impact on the election outcome. Ultimately, the call to action is to reconsider where your money and support are going and to consider investing in media outlets and causes that align with your values and goals.

    • Clear rules and transparency build trust in democratic processesFlorida's clear rules and efficient vote counting have built trust, but ambiguity in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin can lead to capricious decisions, and tech companies' ambiguous rules can be manipulated, threatening democratic processes' legitimacy.

      Transparency and clear rules are essential for trust in democratic processes, such as elections. The speaker highlighted Florida's excellent election system, which has improved after facing criticism in 2000, as an example of how having clear rules and counting votes efficiently can lead to trust and certainty. However, the speaker expressed concern over states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin not having clear rules, allowing ambiguity that can lead to capricious decisions. The speaker also mentioned how tech companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter operate with ambiguous rules, which can be manipulated for their benefit. The speaker emphasized the importance of standing firm on principles and not letting ambiguity undermine the legitimacy of democratic processes. The speaker also expressed disappointment that the results of the 2020 election may not be known on election night due to the lack of transparency in some states.

    • The reliance on computer models over real-world observationsTrust in models and experts can lead to inaccurate and biased information, distorting politics and science. Question sources and consider multiple perspectives.

      The 2020 election, the COVID-19 pandemic, and global warming share a commonality: a common belief in computer models over real-world observations. The speaker argues that pollsters, media, and experts have created a bubble of homogeneous thinking, leading to inaccurate and biased information. The distrust in what people see with their own eyes and the reliance on models and experts have resulted in significant distortions in various domains, including politics and science. The speaker also touches upon the potential manipulation of polls and the media's role in shaping public opinion, suggesting that these factors could influence the election outcome. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning the sources of information and considering multiple perspectives to make informed decisions.

    • Importance of accurate electionsMaintaining fair elections is crucial despite disagreements between polls and results, with concerns over potential corruption and the importance of upholding democratic processes.

      Despite disagreements between poll numbers and actual voting results, the importance of accurate elections remains paramount. The speaker expressed concern over the flawed polling system and potential for nefarious activities, but emphasized that the underlying premise of fair elections must be upheld. Additionally, the Republican Party is poised to retain control of the Senate with wins in Montana and Maine, and the outcome of the Georgia and Arizona elections remains uncertain. The speaker also addressed concerns of voter fraud, expressing particular worry about Pennsylvania and its potential for corruption. Overall, the importance of ensuring free and fair elections was a recurring theme throughout the conversation.

    • 2020 US Presidential Election in Pennsylvania: Missing Ballots, Rule Changes, and Potential FraudThe 2020 US Presidential election in Pennsylvania has faced numerous issues, including missing ballots, unclear rules, potential fraud, and the federal government's involvement. These concerns have led to multiple lawsuits and potential Supreme Court involvement, potentially impacting the election outcome and raising questions about the court's legitimacy.

      The 2020 US Presidential election in Pennsylvania has raised significant concerns due to various issues, including missing ballots, unclear rules, and potential fraud. An experiment by a local news affiliate revealed that some ballots went missing, which could potentially influence the election outcome. The governor's unilateral decision to change the rules and the lack of clarity regarding postmarking requirements have added to the confusion. These issues, along with reported fraud cases, have led to numerous lawsuits and potential Supreme Court involvement. John Roberts, the Chief Justice, is expected to rule on these cases, potentially facing criticism and calls for questioning the court's legitimacy. Additionally, the increased use of mail-in ballots has given the federal government a role in state elections, making it possible for the incumbent president to influence the electoral process. The left's accusations of election manipulation by the president are a projection of their concerns about future elections. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell's efforts in confirming judges and retaining his leadership in the Senate have been noteworthy.

    • Impact of 2020 elections on American politicsA Biden presidency with GOP-controlled Senate may lead to regulatory state resurgence, while checks and balances could prevent worst-case scenarios. Power of executive orders and administrative state remains a concern.

      The outcome of the 2020 elections could significantly impact the direction of American politics. If Donald Trump loses the presidency but Republicans maintain control of the Senate, key figures like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham could prevent a left-wing revolution. A Biden presidency may be limited in its ambitions if the GOP maintains control, leading to a resurgence of the regulatory state. However, the system's checks and balances may prevent the worst-case scenarios. Despite the pessimistic view, the power of the executive orders and the administrative state remains a concern, with the potential for an intimidation game between the executive and regulatory bodies.

    • Unexpected Republican house count lead and election tensionsRepublicans hold unexpected house lead, tensions rise over election results, crucial states still uncertain, fair electoral process crucial

      The current house count is now in favor of the Republicans by a margin of 5 seats, which was an unexpected outcome. Another significant point is the importance of social proof in influencing public opinion, which President Trump has masterfully utilized throughout his political career. However, the ongoing presidential election results have led to tensions between the two major parties. Joe Biden has urged for all votes to be counted, while President Trump has implied the possibility of voter fraud. The race is still uncertain, particularly in crucial states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, where significant votes are yet to be counted. Republicans need to secure a lead beyond the margin of potential cheating to avoid losses. The election results could bring significant consequences, including the potential loss of Republican senators in Arizona and the impact of personal animus between political figures. Overall, the election results and the ensuing tensions highlight the importance of a clear and fair electoral process.

    • Trump's strengths and weaknessesTrump's unconventional tactics brought successes but thin skin and attacks on opponents were significant weaknesses, costly during the 2020 election. Historical figures faced similar paradoxes, but political stakes and potential consequences are higher.

      While Donald Trump's unconventional tactics and refusal to conform to political norms have been key to his successes, his thin skin and penchant for attacking opponents also serve as significant weaknesses. These flaws became particularly costly during the 2020 election, as Trump's baseless claims of vote theft helped to reframe the narrative and potentially sway public opinion. The tragic truth is that all of Trump's strengths come with corresponding weaknesses, and the question becomes whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. This dilemma is not unique to Trump; historical figures like Ulysses Grant, who fought to win the war despite his drinking problem, illustrate the same paradox. However, the stakes are higher in the political arena, and the potential consequences of Trump's actions are far-reaching. Ultimately, the media bias and tech giants' influence on the election outcome further complicate the situation, creating a significant headwind for conservatives. The solution, as some argue, lies in replacing the mainstream media with alternative sources and refusing to accept losing as an inevitable outcome.

    • Disappointment with perceived lack of patriotism among Christians and mediaSpeaker expresses concern over labeling patriotic teaching as fascism, advocates for historical series, criticizes political divide and delays in results, emphasizes commitment to truth and transparency, encourages listening for coverage tomorrow

      The speaker expresses disappointment in what they perceive as a lack of patriotism and love for America among some Christians and the media. They believe that teaching about the country's founding in a patriotic way is being labeled as fascism, and they suggest creating a historical series to educate people. The divide between political ideologies is described as significant, with one side seemingly wealthier than the other. Trump's actions and speeches are criticized for milking moments and delaying results, with Georgia's election results being particularly tight. The Daily Wire is presented as a reliable source for information, with plans for new projects and initiatives. The speaker emphasizes their commitment to truth and transparency, and encourages listeners to tune in for coverage tomorrow morning.

    • Election Night Full of Breaking News and Confident Trump VictoryThe speaker expresses optimism about the Trump campaign's significant lead in Pennsylvania and other key states, despite efforts to disenfranchise voters and the need to cancel celebrations. He remains confident in their victory and expresses gratitude to his team, family, and supporters.

      The speaker is expecting a night filled with breaking news and consequential information, which will likely extend into his show the next day. He also mentioned that the election results have been phenomenal, with the Trump campaign winning several key states, including Pennsylvania, where they have a significant lead. The speaker expressed disappointment that celebrations had to be canceled due to ongoing efforts to disenfranchise voters. Despite this, he remains optimistic about the outcome and is confident in their victory. The tone of the conversation was upbeat and confident, with the speaker expressing gratitude to his team, family, and supporters. The conversation also touched on the unprecedented nature of the election process and the large number of voters who came out to support their candidate.

    • President Trump and Vice President Pence claim victory, express concern over voter fraud, and plan legal actionTrump and Pence believe they've won the election, accuse potential voter fraud, and plan legal action to secure their victory

      According to President Trump and Vice President Pence, they believe they have already won the 2020 presidential election based on current vote counts and margins in several key states. They expressed concern over potential voter fraud and announced plans to take legal action to ensure the integrity of the vote. The president's remarks were met with criticism for what some perceived as extreme rhetoric, but he maintained that he was simply standing up for the rule of law. The campaign's goal now is to prevent further ballot counting and to challenge any alleged irregularities in court. The election outcome remains uncertain, but the president's team is determined to fight for what they believe is a valid victory.

    • President Trump's premature declaration of victory and claims of voter fraudDuring the 2020 presidential election, Trump's premature declaration of victory and unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud undermined the democratic process and the integrity of the election results. It's important to thoroughly investigate allegations of voter fraud but only after all legally cast votes have been counted.

      During the 2020 presidential election, President Trump and his team predicted that he would not concede if the voting process appeared to be unfavorable to him. True to form, when election night results showed him performing well initially but with a large number of votes still to be counted, especially in key swing states, Trump made unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud and prematurely declared victory. This action was widely criticized as deeply irresponsible, as it undermined the democratic process and the integrity of the election results. It's important to note that allegations of voter fraud should be thoroughly investigated if there is evidence to support them, but it's inappropriate to make such claims prematurely or without concrete evidence. The election outcome should only be determined after all legally cast votes have been counted. Additionally, some argue that the pause in vote counting in certain states may have provided an opportunity for potential cheating, but it's crucial to remember that the responsibility lies in ensuring a fair and transparent voting process, not in making unfounded accusations or premature declarations of victory.

    • Allegations of vote counting fraud in certain statesThe speaker raises concerns over the stopping of vote counting in certain states where Trump had leads, potentially allowing Biden to establish a narrative and raise mistrust among Trump supporters if he ultimately loses the election. Further investigation is needed to understand why and how the counting was stopped.

      The speaker believes that the stopping of the vote counting in certain states where Donald Trump had commanding leads is a form of fraud. According to the speaker, this action allowed Joe Biden to establish the narrative and took away the opportunity for a proper count. The speaker also expresses concern that if Trump does not claim fraud now, the story will be set in stone, potentially leading to mistrust among his supporters if he ultimately loses the election. The speaker acknowledges that there may be evidence of fraud but emphasizes the need to understand why and how the counting was stopped and who had the power to do so. The speaker also acknowledges that Trump's actions may be seen as tone-deaf given the current narrative control by Biden's side. Overall, the speaker believes that the stopping of the vote counting is a significant issue that requires further investigation.

    • Battle of narratives in the 2020 presidential electionBoth sides are fighting to shape public perception, with Trump raising concerns about potential voter fraud and Democrats framing his actions as an attempt to undermine democracy, the issue remains contentious and divisive.

      The ongoing dispute over the 2020 presidential election results has become a battle of narratives, with both sides fighting to shape public perception. Trump and his supporters are fighting against the narrative that the election was fair and Biden is the legitimate winner, while the Democrats and their allies are framing Trump's actions as an attempt to undermine democracy. The danger for Trump is that if he continues to make inflammatory statements, the left will use them to blame him for any violence or unrest that occurs. However, some argue that Trump is right to raise concerns about potential voter fraud and that he should continue to fight for transparency and accountability in the election process. Ultimately, the issue comes down to whether it is more effective to fight dishonorable opponents with honor or to meet their tactics with equal force. There is no easy answer, but it is clear that this dispute will continue to be a contentious and divisive issue in the coming days and weeks.

    • 2020 Presidential Election Results: Uncertainty and ControversyDespite ongoing vote counting and allegations of voter fraud, the 2020 presidential election outcome remains uncertain. Trump's speech during the discussion energized supporters but faced criticism and anger. The situation could still change, and the country awaits a clear resolution. Corporations and media play a powerful role in shaping public perception.

      The 2020 presidential election results continue to be a contentious issue, with President Trump making allegations of voter fraud and refusing to concede, leading to potential consequences such as social media suspensions and further eroding faith in the electoral system. Trump's speech during the discussion energized his supporters but he faced criticism and anger from non-supporters. The election outcome remains uncertain as several states are still counting votes, and both candidates have arguments for potential victory scenarios. The situation could still change as more information comes in, and the country awaits a clear resolution. It's important to note that the discussion also highlighted the powerful role corporations and media play in shaping public perception and the potential impact of candidates' actions on the public's trust in the electoral system.

    • Media's role in shaping the election narrativeDespite an uncertain outcome, the media's influence on shaping the election narrative is a concern for conservatives, as the predicted blue wave did not materialize and the Republicans are expected to maintain control of the Senate.

      The 2020 election results are still uncertain, and the lack of a clear victory for either candidate could allow the media to shape the narrative in the coming days. Another significant takeaway is that the predicted blue wave did not materialize, and the Republicans are expected to maintain control of the Senate, making it difficult for Joe Biden to implement policies like court packing if he wins the presidency. The election also serves as a repudiation of the media for many Americans who feel they have been misled. The uncertainty of the outcome and the potential for the media to shape the narrative are causes for concern among conservatives.

    • 2020 Presidential Election Results UncertainDespite initial predictions, the 2020 Presidential Election results remain uncertain with key states still counting votes and legal challenges ongoing. The Republicans are expected to maintain their Senate majority.

      The 2020 presidential election results are still uncertain, with key states like Pennsylvania yet to fully report their votes. The night has seen unexpected Republican victories, defying pre-election polls, and the Republicans are set to maintain their Senate majority. Wisconsin, a more liberal state than Pennsylvania, could be crucial for President Trump's chances if he manages to maintain his lead there. The election outcome remains uncertain, and the legal challenges and vote counting process are expected to continue. This uncertainty is detrimental to the faith in the institutions and system of government.

    • President Trump's handling of potential voting irregularitiesDespite inconsistencies in vote counts and allegations of fraud, the outcome of the 2020 presidential election remains uncertain due to ongoing lawsuits.

      During the 2020 presidential election, President Trump's handling of potential voting irregularities has set a narrative that could influence public perception, regardless of the actual outcome of the election. The speaker noted that Trump had the opportunity for a clean win but chose to address allegations of voter fraud prematurely. The speaker also pointed out inconsistencies in the handling of vote counts in different counties, raising concerns about potential for fraud. Despite these concerns, many lawsuits have been filed, and the outcome of the election remains uncertain. The speaker also announced new initiatives from The Daily Wire in response to the current media landscape.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/shapiro

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    We examine the last-minute polls; Trump and Biden make their last-minute cases; and we examine the Left’s plans if Joe Biden is elected.

    Get your copy of "How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps" here: https://utm.io/uHjV

    If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/shapiro

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