
    Privatizing Roads Solves the Problem of Road Closures

    enJanuary 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Road closures privatizationEconomist Walter Block suggests privatizing roads for more efficient and effective management of road closures, reducing disruption to commuters and businesses.

      The issue of road closures for various events could be better handled in a free market system through private ownership of roads. During a recent traffic jam caused by West Virginia University's graduation, the city closed down lanes for exclusive use by attendees, but this raises the question of how such closures would be managed in a free market. The government lacks the authority to shut down roads for renovations, parades, or other events. Instead, the legitimate owners of the roads should have the power to make such decisions. Economist Walter Block argues for the privatization of roads and highways, suggesting that the principles of free enterprise should apply to these infrastructure systems. This would allow for more efficient and effective management of road closures, as well as reducing the disruption caused to commuters and businesses. Overall, the privatization of roads could lead to a more flexible and responsive transportation system, with fewer unnecessary closures and delays.

    • Road Ownership and ClosurePrivate entities would control roads under this system, and governments could only close them with owners' consent based on profit and loss considerations.

      Under this proposed system, private entities would own and control roads, and governments would have no right to shut them down for sentimental events or protests without the owners' consent. The decision to close roads would be based on the benefit outweighing the cost for the private owners, who would be the true owners due to the roads being constructed from involuntary taxpayer payments. Road closures would be determined by who can obtain a voluntary agreement from the legitimate owners, and the decision would be heavily influenced by monetary profit and loss. This system would prioritize consumer welfare over current political decisions made without considering the impact on consumers.

    • Privatized roads event closuresIn a privatized road system, individuals or homeowners have the authority to approve road closures for events based on price and accessibility, eliminating government conflicts and allowing for consumer interests to prevail.

      In a system of privatized roads, individuals or homeowners would have the sole authority to approve road closures for events, rather than relying on government regulations. This would eliminate conflicts over what events to shut down the streets for and allow for the determination of the best times and roads based on price and accessibility. Additionally, there would be no prohibitions on activities such as alcohol consumption since the roads would be private property. This system would ultimately serve the interests of private property owners and consumers better than the present system. The profit and loss associated with road closures would determine whether a road is closed for an event or not. This approach would not only settle conflicts over public roads but also yield authority over the roads to the legitimate owners. However, for more detailed information, visit Mises.org.

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