
    Proof the Islamist Threat to England Can No Longer Be Ignored | Winston Marshall

    enMarch 31, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Music Industry Reactions to BLM ProtestsArtists faced backlash for opposing BLM views, leading some to quit bands or compromise beliefs, while BLM raised funds for their own causes.

      The music industry experienced a significant shift during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, leading to cancellations and repercussions for those expressing opposing views. Winston Marshall, a member of Mumford and Sons, was one such individual who spoke out against BLM's Marxist, anti-capitalist, and anti-family ideologies, resulting in professional consequences. The industry's response was characterized by a black square campaign, where artists were expected to show solidarity with BLM, and those who didn't adhered to this were met with backlash. Marshall, who had previously met the host in London for an art conference and later in 2018 during a tour, decided to quit the band rather than compromise his beliefs. The BLM organization, which raised over $90 million during this period, spent a significant portion of it on their own real estate portfolios and trans charities, leading Marshall to question their true intentions. This episode underscores the importance of standing by one's convictions, even in the face of industry pressure and potential backlash.

    • Unexpected controversy from a tweet leads to new careerA tweet about a book caused personal stress and controversy, but ultimately led to new opportunities in ideas and media for the musician.

      A simple tweet about a book led to unexpected public controversy and personal stress for a musician, ultimately leading him to leave his band and explore a new career in ideas and media. The incident, which gained widespread attention and caused chaos, was not an intentional act of controversy, but rather an unintended consequence of sharing his thoughts on a sensitive topic. Despite the initial shock and duress, the musician learned to navigate the situation and eventually found new opportunities in the world of ideas and media. This experience served as a turning point in his life, leading him to a new passion and career.

    • Finding passion through unexpected eventsUnexpected events can lead to personal growth and new passions. Embrace authentic self and let life's twists and turns unfold.

      Unexpected events, even those that seem negative at first, can lead to personal growth and the discovery of new passions. This was the experience of the speaker, who found himself drawn to politics after a bizarre and life-altering event. He encourages others going through similar experiences to embrace their authentic selves and let the chips fall as they may. The speaker also reflects on the stark contrast between peaceful and violent reactions to the same event, which left him feeling distraught and angry. This experience highlights the complexities and tensions that can exist within a community and society as a whole.

    • Protests against Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Britain escalate, threatening democracy and safetyWidespread protests in Britain against Israeli-Palestinian conflict lead to threats against elected officials, undermining democratic processes and increasing hate crimes against Jews and Muslims.

      The situation in Britain regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to widespread protests, with participants coming from various groups, including Hamas supporters and far-left socialist groups. The protests have become increasingly hostile towards Israel, with some threatening the safety of elected officials. This has resulted in democratic processes being undermined, as seen in the arson attack on an MP's office and the Speaker of the House of Commons going against parliamentary protocol due to threats against MPs. The situation has also led to a rise in anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate, which is being overshadowed by the conversation around Islamophobia. The overall impact is the erosion of democracy and safety for elected officials in Britain.

    • Politically correct environment hinders addressing Islamist extremism in BritainDespite 38,000 Islamist extremists, politicians hesitant to speak out due to fear of being labeled, Labour Party plans to restrict criticism of Islam, leading to potential suppression of free speech and unaddressed issues.

      The politically correct environment in Britain has made it difficult for politicians to address the significant issue of Islamist extremism in the country. With approximately 38,000 Islamist extremists among its population of 67 million people, the threat is substantial. Yet, due to fear of being labeled racist or far-right, few politicians are willing to speak out. The situation is expected to worsen as the Labour Party, which is poised to win the next election, plans to define Islamophobia in a way that would restrict criticism of Islam. This could lead to a situation where free speech is suppressed, while real issues go unaddressed. The situation in Britain serves as a warning for other Western countries facing similar challenges. The only way out is for open and honest discussions about these issues, without fear of being labeled or censored.

    • Immigration and Demographics in London: Safety Concerns and Political InstabilityThe speaker raises concerns about the impact of changing demographics and immigration on safety and political stability in London, criticizing the lack of serious political conversation and biased media coverage.

      The speaker expresses concern about the changing demographics and immigration issues in London, UK, which they believe could lead to safety concerns and potential political instability. They mention the large number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the lack of serious political conversation or action about integration. The speaker also criticizes the media for unequal treatment of protests and counter-protests, citing the arrest of Tommy Robinson as an example of biased policing. They express a belief that the Republicans in the US may be better equipped to handle immigration than the Democrats, and that the situation in Britain is becoming increasingly dangerous due to the lack of political pushback.

    • Unequal enforcement of laws and societal double standards in the UKCertain actions or beliefs face harsh consequences while others are overlooked, creating a sense of disenfranchisement for those affected.

      There is a significant issue with unequal enforcement of laws and societal double standards in the UK, particularly concerning freedom of speech and expression. This issue is highlighted through examples of selective policing, where certain actions or beliefs are met with harsh consequences, while others, like those advocating for Palestinian causes, are overlooked. The discussion also touched upon the historical neglect of the grooming gangs issue and the role of figures like Tommy Robinson in bringing attention to it. The speakers expressed concern about the reluctance of authorities to address these issues, leaving many feeling disenfranchised and unheard. Despite these challenges, the speakers continue to engage in open dialogue and advocacy, emphasizing the importance of speaking out against injustice.

    • The Political Climate in Britain: A Concern for Aspiring and Entrepreneurial IndividualsThe importation of American progressive identity politics through various means is causing concern for many in Britain, particularly those who are aspirational and entrepreneurial, leading to a risk of them leaving the country.

      The current political climate in Britain is causing concern for many, particularly those who are aspirational and entrepreneurial. If nothing changes, there's a risk that these individuals will leave the country and head to places like America or Israel instead. The leftist alliance in Britain, which includes Hamas supporters, Islamists, hooligans, Marxists, Antifa, and BLM, has imported American progressive identity politics. This has come in through various means, including culture and entertainment, schools, and the backdoor of empathy. People are hesitant to speak out against these ideas due to the fear of being labeled racist or far-right. The British public's temperament is unclear, but there's a sense that the country's spirit of revolution, which has historically led to people standing up for themselves, may be waning. The British identity is also unclear to many, making it difficult for people to articulate what it means to be British. Overall, the conversation highlights the confusion and pernicious nature of the imported ideas and the need for more people to speak up and challenge them.

    • Understanding the role of values and morals in shaping national identityValues and morals deeply rooted in historical and cultural contexts shape the character of a country, with Christian ethics influencing Western societies and making them generally favorable places for diverse religions. National identity can be complex, particularly in countries with rich histories and complex constitutions.

      Despite the complexities and debates surrounding national identity and religious beliefs, it's important to recognize that values and morals, deeply rooted in historical and cultural contexts, shape the character of a country. For instance, while some may argue against labeling certain nations as Christian, the influence of Christian ethics on Western societies is undeniable. These values have made Christian countries generally favorable places for atheists, Muslims, and Jews to live. However, this trend may not hold true for all countries, particularly Muslim nations. Furthermore, understanding what it means to be British or American, for example, can be challenging due to their rich histories and complex constitutions. While the United States has a clearer definition of its national identity through its Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the British identity is more intricate, shaped by a thousand-year history and various acts and traditions. Ultimately, it's crucial to address the issues that concern us, including the future of free speech and the courage to speak out against controversial topics. While some may view the current political climate as a cause for concern, it's essential to remember that courage and apathy have played significant roles in shaping the histories of nations like Britain.

    • Balancing Free Speech and Incitement to ViolenceThe complexity of balancing free speech and incitement to violence requires ongoing dialogue and a commitment to upholding values of peace, respect, and understanding.

      While the importance of free speech and the need for open dialogue are universally acknowledged, the line between protected speech and incitement to violence can be blurry. The discussion highlighted the challenges of balancing these rights, especially when protests escalate into illegal activities and calls for violence. The speakers agreed that more people need to stand up against hate speech and intolerance, but the response to such incidents remains a complex issue. The use of coded language and the shifting dynamics of protests add to the complexity. While some may argue for absolute free speech, others believe that incitement to violence should not be tolerated. The speakers acknowledged the challenges of navigating this issue and agreed that it requires ongoing dialogue and a commitment to upholding the values of peace, respect, and understanding.

    • Support for terrorist groups and free speechThe line between free speech and material support for terrorist groups is blurry, and the issue becomes more complex when considering large numbers of people supporting causes like Palestine. Debate should extend beyond free speech to address integration and assimilation for unity and social cohesion.

      While free speech is a fundamental right, expressing support for prescribed terrorist groups like Hamas is illegal in some countries, including Britain. However, the line between speech and material support is blurry, and the issue becomes more complex when considering the large number of people who support causes like Palestine. Some argue that more arrests need to be made to prevent disruptions to commerce and public safety, while others prioritize the importance of free speech. Ultimately, the conversation around this issue should extend beyond free speech to address the larger challenge of integration and assimilation, which is crucial for unity and social cohesion. The French approach of banning religious symbols in public buildings is one example of a solution, but no definitive answer has been found yet. The debate around these issues is set to become more prominent, particularly in the context of Islamophobia in Britain.

    • Complex feelings towards America from abroadPeople worldwide see America as an essential ally but are curious and confused about its current leadership, with concerns about President Biden's health and uncertainty about succession.

      Despite some criticisms and concerns about the current state of American politics and leadership, many people around the world, including in Britain, still view America as an essential ally and hope for its strength and stability. At the same time, there is curiosity and confusion about who is actually in control, given the perceived frailty of President Biden's health and the uncertainty about who would take over if he were to step down. The discussion also touched on the upcoming Dissident Dialogues festival in New York City, featuring prominent intellectuals like Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, which might be of interest to the audience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and nuanced feelings towards America that exist beyond its borders.

    • Maximize your podcast experience by reviewing, sharing, and joining the Locals communityReview, share, and join the Locals community for early access and exclusive content to deepen your understanding and contribute to a vibrant conversation

      Importance of engaging with this podcast on various levels to maximize your experience. Firstly, remember to review and share the podcast with your network to help spread the word. Secondly, for access to early and exclusive content, consider joining the Locals community at trubinreport.locals.com. By doing so, you'll not only deepen your understanding of the topics discussed but also contribute to a vibrant and growing community. So, don't miss out on these opportunities to enhance your learning journey and be part of an enriching conversation.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    #129 - Hi-Rez Rapper On Freedom, Liberty And God

    #129 - Hi-Rez Rapper On Freedom, Liberty And God

    About this conversation: Hi-Rez is a Bronx-born Florida-raised rapper. Hi-Rez describes himself as a radical freedom extremist, rapper and a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. Hi-Rez made a name for himself after several of his videos went viral where as an Uber driver he would start rapoping for his customers. Hi-Rez was one of the few singers in the world who was critical of the Covid plandemic policies and mandates. I hope you enjoy it! Links Website Hi-Rez Rumble Twitter/X Hi-Rez Youtube Hi-Rez

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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    591. Andy & DJ CTI: Dave Chappelle's Pro-Palestinian Rant, Trump Fined $5,000 & SCOTUS Vs. Biden Admin's Censoring

    591. Andy & DJ CTI: Dave Chappelle's Pro-Palestinian Rant, Trump Fined $5,000 & SCOTUS Vs. Biden Admin's Censoring

    In today's episodes, Andy & DJ discuss Dave Chappelle's Pro-Palestinian rant as the crowd cheers 'Free Palestine' encouraging Jews to leave, Trump being fined $5,000 for violating gag order, and the SCOTUS to decide if the Biden admin illegally bullied social media into censoring content.

    Aspen Ideas Festival: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars

    Aspen Ideas Festival: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars

    From the Aspen Ideas Festival, recorded Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Jordan Peterson, author of the best-selling 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, may be one of the most famous intellectuals in North America today. He also may be among the most misunderstood. His fans say that he’s saved their lives, and detractors say that he’s the gateway drug to the alt-right. Who is this psychologist-philosopher whom so many of us had never heard of two years ago, and what does he really believe?



    Donald Trump Vs. Ron DeSantis are going at it... again. White people are being targeted and is Trump getting arrested today? We have the latest. #RonDesantis #DonaldTrump #Arrest Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW: https://mugclub.rumble.com/post/3721102/round-1-trump-vs-desantis-the-fight-is-on-louder-with-crowderGET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/ NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo