
    Provision In The Time Of Famine - Paul M. Williams

    enMarch 20, 2016
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    About this Episode

    1 Kings 17:1-16

    We are living in incredibly difficult times and difficult times call for times of encouragement!! Biblical encouragement is not airy fairy sentimentalism but rather is rooted and grounded on the steadfast faithfulness of a God who is able to sustain and provide for His people in times of great need!! You don’t need me to tell you that we are living in times of great famine. The preaching and teaching of truth is seldom to be heard in our land. Yet…the same God who was able to keep His people in the wilderness for 40 years, providing them fresh manna morning by morning is able to also feed His people! The same God who commanded the ravens to feed His faithful servant Elijah is the same God who will also feed us in the time of famine!!

    This sermon is an exhortation to God’s Saints and a testimonial to the faithful mercies of a covenant keeping God who though He leads us into the wilderness, is able to sustain His beloved children.

    Recent Episodes from Bethesda Shalom

    Revival (Pt. 5) – Paul M. Williams

    Revival (Pt. 5) – Paul M. Williams

    Acts 2:1-4

    The word suddenly is an awesome word!!  Forty-one times it appears in the KJV.  It’s a word of wonder, of surprise and amazement! At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Their backs were bloody, beaten black and blue, yet they held a prayer meeting and got so full of the Holy Ghost that they burst forth into songs of praises unto God!!!  “And suddenly (without premeditation, God showed up) there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed”  (Acts 16:26).  As the wonderful events of that midnight hour died down, the best was yet to come - the jailor and his house were saved and baptised! 

    This sermon is about the suddenness of revival!  Here we are labouring in prayer — Lord, will we ever break through!?  Praying Saints, I want to encourage you, KEEP PRAYING — God will come through!  You say, Brother Paul, how will He come through?  Suddenly when you least expect it, in the midnight hour, the break will come! 

    Bethesda Shalom
    enMarch 04, 2024

    Revival (Pt. 4) – Paul M. Williams

    Revival (Pt. 4) – Paul M. Williams

    2 Chronicles 7:13-14

    My dear people, there is a price to be paid for revival — it’s a painful affair!  Duncan Campbell put it this way; “If you want revival, get right with God. If you are not prepared to bring the "last piece," for God's sake stop talking about revival, your talking and praying is but the laughing-stock of devils. It is about time we got into the grips of reality”.  The Welsh revival of 1904-05 began with a young man seeking the face of God by the name of Evan Roberts.  For over a decade he had prayed in private for God to send a revival to Wales.  At the age of 26, Evan attended a meeting at which a preacher named Seth Joshua prayed these famous words, “Lord, bend us”.  As Roberts heard these words, the Holy Spirit pressed Him sore and said, “That’s what you need”. Upon bended knees, with tears streaming down his face, Evan Roberts cried aloud, “Bend me, bend me!!”.  That same year, God used Evan Roberts as an instrument of revival, as God swept into Wales.

    You say, Lord, send revival — Brother, don’t ever pray these words unless you’re willing for God to begin with you!!

    Bethesda Shalom
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Rival (Pt. 3) - Paul M. Williams

    Rival (Pt. 3) - Paul M. Williams

    2 Chronicles 7:13-14

    Without question, even on a precursory level, as one picks up the history books and begins to read the accounts of past revival, you will be met with a common pattern again and again. Before the sound of the mighty rushing wind, the prayers of God’s people were heard!  “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:1-2).  What were they doing gathered together with one accord in one place?  The same thing they were doing previous to this, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren” (Acts 1:14).  The first business of the first Church of Jesus Christ was prayer!!  Quite literally, the Church was birthed in prayer.  When they hit upon hard times, they didn’t gather to deliberate and strategise, they held a prayer meeting and poured out their hearts to God!

     Search the history books and show me revival  which was not preceded by prayer, I know of none!  May God be pleased to stir your hearts through this third sermon part to the end that you might seek His face in prayer to see a heaven sent revival in our day.

    Bethesda Shalom
    enFebruary 19, 2024

    Revival (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams

    Revival (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams

    Acts 2:37-38

    Before every divine visitation, God begins to awaken the consciences of His people first to the possibility of revival, and secondly to the need for revival.  How can a thirst for revival begin in the hearts of God’s people unless there is a conviction that such a work of God is even for today? Perhaps the greatest hindrance to God sending revival amongst the so-called remnant Church in this land is the sin of unbelief.  Simply put, we do not believe that such a work of revival is possible today.  Just mention the word “revival” and with a disheartened look of disapproval, you will be pointed to the headline news which daily announces the moral and spiritual decadence of our nation. But look, Biblically and historically, revival has always come out of moral lows.  When God’s people get burdened over the spiritual rot in their own lives and the lives of those around them, then they begin to cry out to God if perhaps He might do something about it!!! 

    This sermon is part 2 of a 3-part mini-series, looking at revival. 

    Bethesda Shalom
    enFebruary 12, 2024

    Revival (Pt. 1)

    Revival (Pt. 1)

    Acts 2:37-38

    My dear Brothers and Sisters, you don’t need me to tell you that we are living in a dry and thirsty land!  A land that once flowed with milk and honey is now a barren wasteland.  Once the Church of Jesus Christ stood as a bastion of faithfulness and a pillar of truth decrying the spiritual bankruptcy of a fallen world.  Once it stood as a blazing lighthouse, warning the wicked of their pending danger, guiding them into the Gospel harbour of saving grace. But now? Now it has made the world its bed-fellow, drinking from the same polluted cisterns, and eating from the same soiled troughs. Rather than it being the “ekklesia” - the salt and light of the earth, the Church of Jesus Christ has joined hands with the world and is marching in sync to the same humdrum tune. Horatius Bonar - that great Scottish light; in a day when giants still roamed the land, summed it up so well when he said; “I looked for the Church and I found it in the world; I looked for the world and I found it in the Church”.  If that could be said 150 years ago, what can be said of this generation?  Let’s just be honest, spiritual indifference plagues the Church!  The Word of God has been side-stepped, the prayer meetings abandoned, the pursuit of holiness replaced with the pursuit of pleasure, and godly discipline has given way to entertainment. Where’s the brokenness?  Where’s the mourning?  Where’s the sorrow over sin?  My dear people, I ask you in earnest, what are we to do?  By what means shall we recover to ourselves this dying corpse? Without hesitation I tell you; there’s only one hope for this backslidden nation and the dying Church that lingers within it. REVIVAL!! 

    This sermon is part 1 of a 3-part mini-series, looking at revival. 

    Bethesda Shalom
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    It’s Time To Move – Paul M. Williams

    It’s Time To Move – Paul M. Williams

    Exodus 40:33-38

    If I were to ask you to tell me what the single greatest glory was attending the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness, I wonder what answer you would give?  Would it be the miraculous wonders — fresh manna by morning; the rock which was clave in two? Would it be the glory of the gold which adorned the holy furniture in the tent of the congregation? Would it be the precious stones that decorated Aaron’s breastplate or the two that rested upon his shoulders?  I’ve no doubt that each of these glories were wonders to behold, yet the glory that I have in mind exceeds the splendour of each of these as heaven exceeds the glory of the earth!! You say, Brother, tell me, what is in your opinion, the single greatest glory that for 40 years attended the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness?  Without question, it was the pillar of cloud that led them by day and the pillar of fire that led them by night! Brothers and Sisters, the single greatest glory that attended the children of Israel in their wandering journeyings was the very presence of God in their midst, leading them in the way that they should go!

    Tell me, in this dispensation of grace has anything changed? Doth not He that led His people then, still lead His people now? Ah, the visible column of cloud and fire might no longer be visible but does that mean that He no longer leads His people?  He leads, the question is, will His people obey? 

    Bethesda Shalom
    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Forgetting What Lies Behind – Paul M. Williams

    Forgetting What Lies Behind – Paul M. Williams

    Philippians 3:12-15

    As each of you begins this New Year, I wonder this morning how much of 2023 you’ve allowed to stick?  How much of last year has come across as unwanted baggage into this year?  Do you know that for many a soul, their future has been mapped already for them by events that lie in the past? The child who all their life was told, you’ll amount to nothing finds that those wretched words follow them into adulthood!!  The infant that falls from a tree and breaks a leg, in their later years rediscovers that old injury as it returns to bite with vengeance!!  I’m no skeptic, but the facts on this one speak for themselves!! To a large extent tomorrow’s future is shaped by yesterday's past; this year by the years preceding it, Brethren, if we’re not careful, we can become victims of past failings, prisoners of yesterday’s woes — serving a sentence that we’ve allowed to be imposed upon us when the text of this Holy Book states that Christ came to set us free! 

    This sermon is a call to leave the past behind and to reach forward to those things that lie before!

    Bethesda Shalom
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    Reality – Paul M. Williams

    Reality – Paul M. Williams

    Jeremiah 5:31

    Many today are happy to live in an echo chamber where the only narrative they ever encounter is the one they want to hear.  You all know what an echo chamber is, don’t you? Have you ever shouted from inside a cave?  What do you hear back?  More of the same!!  That’s an echo chamber, and Brethren, if we’re not careful we can find ourselves living in one!! 

    This sermon is an earnest call for Christians to walk in truth and reality with God.  As I begin a New Year, the desire of my heart more than ever is that I might deal honestly with the One who deals honestly with me!!  Lord, if my heart’s not right, I want to know!!! If my heart’s motivations are jaded, Lord reprove me!  If I’m veering off track, show me O Lord!!!

    The Word and the Spirit – Paul M. Williams

    The Word and the Spirit – Paul M. Williams

    Hebrews 4:12

    Once upon a time the preacher hastened fearlessly to climb the stairs of the pulpit, burdened with a message from heaven, armed in hand with a open Bible.  Book, chapter and verse was his modus operandi and for the unction of God He pleaded!!  Brothers and Sisters, it is the last part of this statement that has become my soul’s burden over the last number of years — O for the unction of God upon the Word!!!  It is simply not enough to have the letter of the Word, we need the Word and the Spirit.  The preaching of God’s Word in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.  Paul understood this and saw the mighty effects of it in Thessalonica. What does he say? “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power (Lit. force), and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake” (1 Thess. 1:5). 

    This sermon is a plea to surrender!  A call to yield!  “Today if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts”


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