
    £60,000 per month Remote Recruitment Business is OVERWHELMED!

    enMarch 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • International growth and hiring strategiesApple's success highlights the importance of in-person teams for businesses with nuanced needs, while remote hiring is effective for technical roles.

      Expanding a business internationally and outsourcing work to other countries can be an effective strategy for growth. However, the decision to hire remotely or in-house depends on the specific needs and nature of the business. For instance, technical roles can often be done remotely, but roles requiring a deep understanding of a business's nuances and personal interactions may be better filled in-house. Apple, as the most valuable company in the world, demonstrates the value of having a physical headquarters and a team working together in person. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the entrepreneur's goals and the unique requirements of their business.

    • Balancing Flexibility and Accountability in LeadershipEffective leaders strike a balance between allowing remote work for value-adding employees and ensuring presence and visibility in crucial roles, emphasizing communication, human interaction, and output-based management.

      Effective leadership involves striking a balance between flexibility and accountability. Daniel Priestley, as an investor and partner in various businesses, understands the importance of allowing employees to work remotely if they bring value to the company. However, he emphasizes the need for presence and visibility in certain roles where being on-site is crucial. Communication and human interaction are also essential for optimal performance. Ultimately, leaders must manage their teams based on output and trust, while ensuring that employees understand the importance of being present when required. Additionally, technology can offer opportunities to recruit top talent at lower costs from other locations. But, when starting out, following the footsteps of successful entrepreneurs can lead to valuable hires and lessons learned.

    • Growing a business through outsourcing to the PhilippinesOutsourcing tasks to the Philippines can help businesses find talent and save time. Break down big goals into smaller steps, prioritize self-care, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Having multiple income streams and significant cash flow is important for continued growth.

      Outsourcing tasks to a team in the Philippines can be an effective solution for businesses that are struggling to find the right talent locally and are running out of time to get important tasks done. Sophie, a business owner, shared her experience of how she was able to grow her business by hiring a team in the Philippines to manage her Amazon listings and website development, freeing up her internal team to focus on other demands. This model, while not suitable for every business, is becoming increasingly popular. Another key takeaway from the conversation was the importance of breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable steps and prioritizing self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sophie emphasized her desire to continue making a significant impact on business owners and remote professionals while also being present for her family and pursuing personal growth. She also highlighted the importance of having a significant abundance of cash to create multiple streams of income and keep following the flow.

    • Connecting businesses with remote professionals through effective communicationEffective communication enables businesses to access necessary resources, like skilled remote professionals, and achieve their goals through services like UpTo, which offers hourly rates and seamless hiring experiences.

      Language and business outcomes are connected. The way individuals and businesses communicate can influence their ability to acquire resources and achieve their goals. For instance, a business that connects remote professionals with companies worldwide, allowing them to work effectively together, aims to provide access to necessary resources for optimal client support and team opportunities. This business, called UpTo, helps companies fill specific roles by recruiting candidates from the Philippines and handling onboarding, management, HR, payroll, and other aspects, ensuring clients can focus on growing their businesses. UpTo charges hourly for this service, offering clients flexibility and cost savings. The hourly rate for a software developer from the Philippines through UpTo ranges between £18 to £22. UpTo's approach avoids exploitation and includes all fees, providing clients with a seamless experience. If a client is unsatisfied with a hired candidate, UpTo can find a replacement. UpTo's recruiters are also psychologists, ensuring a good match between candidates and clients.

    • Recruiting psychologists for exceptional matches in remote workHiring recruiters with psychology degrees leads to great personality and culture fits for remote employees, resulting in high retention rates and repeat business.

      Having recruiters with psychology degrees has led to exceptional matches for this company, particularly when working remotely. The importance of personality and culture fit cannot be overstated, especially since remote employees are expected to stay with the company for a long time. The company's focus on fostering and nurturing these relationships between clients and candidates has resulted in high retention rates and repeat business. However, acquiring new clients outside of referrals remains a challenge. The cost of hiring remote professionals from countries like the Philippines is significantly less than in the UK, making it an attractive option for businesses. The company is considering hiring an agency to manage their advertising efforts but is unsure about the cost, which was quoted at 3.5 grand a month, including ad spend. Ultimately, the success of the ad campaign depends on the return on investment.

    • Focusing on a specific niche market is key to business successAmazon started selling books and expanded by focusing on a niche market. Effective lead generation strategies include Google PPC ads, content marketing, podcasts, and email lists. Sell the outcome, not just savings. Have a unique selling proposition to differentiate from competitors.

      Identifying and focusing on a specific niche market is crucial for business success. This was emphasized during the discussion, as the speakers highlighted how Amazon started by selling books and gradually expanded over the years. Narrowing down your target market allows for easier marketing and a clearer message to potential customers. Another key point discussed was the importance of lead generation and how Google PPC advertising can provide an instant solution for businesses looking to increase their customer base. Content marketing, podcasts, and email lists were also mentioned as effective long-term strategies for generating leads. The speakers also touched on the importance of selling the outcome rather than just the percentage savings when marketing to potential customers. They emphasized that businesses need to clearly communicate the value they can provide and minimize the perceived risk for customers. Lastly, having a unique selling proposition (USP) was discussed as a way to differentiate your business from competitors. In the context of the discussion, the USP was having a team in both the UK and the Philippines, which minimizes the risk for businesses and provides access to specialist skills that may not be readily available locally.

    • Hiring remotely from countries like the Philippines: Cost savings and risksClearly justifying additional costs, providing insurances, ensuring security systems, offering perks, and utilizing Google PPC advertising can help mitigate risks and retain talent when hiring remotely.

      While hiring remote staff from countries like the Philippines can offer cost savings and access to specialized skills, it's important to consider additional costs and risks. Making it clear why the additional cost is justified, providing necessary insurances, ensuring adequate security systems, and offering attractive perks are all crucial in retaining talent and mitigating risks. The cost savings may not be as significant for part-time hires or for highly specialized skills, which can be harder to find locally. Utilizing Google PPC advertising can help generate more leads to find the right talent. Overall, careful planning and consideration are necessary when hiring remotely to ensure a positive experience and successful partnership.

    • Maximizing Business Growth with PPC AdvertisingInvesting in PPC advertising requires understanding costs and potential ROI. Hiring an agency or doing it in-house demands time and effort to optimize campaigns, ultimately aiming for maximum ROI and business growth.

      Taking full responsibility for your business's growth includes investing in effective marketing strategies like Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. However, it's crucial to understand the costs involved and the potential return on investment (ROI). The speaker suggests that hiring a PPC agency could be beneficial, but it's essential to know the breakdown of costs and ensure they're delivering results. If you're doing it in-house, be prepared to put in the time and effort to optimize your campaigns. The speaker also suggests considering recruiting talent in-house or a combination of both in-house and agency support. Ultimately, the goal is to maximize your ROI and grow your business.

    • Google AdWords: Targeted Advertising for Higher ROIGoogle AdWords targets users actively searching for specific terms, leading to potential for high conversions. Invest in marketing efforts, create high-quality content, and consider a diverse range of case studies for effective advertising.

      Google's intent-based marketing and the potential for high return on investment make it a powerful advertising platform for businesses. Unlike social media platforms where advertising can feel like an interruption, Google AdWords targets users who are actively searching for specific terms, leading to a higher potential for conversions. This was highlighted in a previous podcast episode featuring a pizza company that grew its business from $20 a month to £1.8 million through Google AdWords. Another key point is the importance of investing in marketing efforts, especially with a platform like Google, which is backed by significant resources and used by major brands. However, it's essential to create high-quality content to support the advertising spend and provide potential customers with valuable information to help make informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, having a diverse range of case studies and success stories can help in creating engaging and informative content for marketing efforts. If you're considering working with an agency, it's recommended to carefully review their pitch deck to ensure they have a solid approach and can deliver results.

    • Entrepreneurial and Investor Mindsets for SuccessCombine an entrepreneurial mindset for opportunities with an investor mindset for profit to become a successful 'investopreneur'. Overcome feelings of loneliness for clarity and growth.

      Being a successful entrepreneur involves having both an entrepreneurial mindset, which seeks opportunities, and an investor mindset, which seeks profit. Combining these two perspectives creates an "investopreneur" who is dedicated to finding profitable opportunities. Additionally, entrepreneurs often face feelings of loneliness, but overcoming these moments and seeking new perspectives, such as taking a walk in nature, can lead to clarity and growth. To summarize, having a strong entrepreneurial and investor mindset, as well as finding ways to overcome feelings of loneliness, are crucial for achieving success as an entrepreneur.

    • Overcoming Challenges with a Clear Vision and DeterminationA clear vision, determination, resilience, and the ability to learn and adapt are crucial for entrepreneurial success.

      Having a clear vision of what you want, and the determination to make it happen, are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success. The speaker shares his personal experience of facing cash flow issues and how taking a walk to clear his mind led him to ideas, while team brainstorming sessions helped him find solutions. He emphasizes the importance of having a significant abundance of cash for creating opportunities and making a greater impact. The speaker also encourages listeners to identify what they want and become the person who can have it, emphasizing the importance of resilience, relationship-building, and innovation. While the speaker assessed Sophie on the 8 Traits of Great Entrepreneurs, she received high marks for having a clear vision, passion, resilience, and innovation. However, she could improve in areas like commercial awareness and mastering marketing. Overall, the key takeaway is that having a clear vision, determination, and the willingness to learn and adapt are essential for entrepreneurial success.

    • 8 Traits of Successful Individuals: Sophie's ProgressContinuously learn and improve by focusing on traits like commercial awareness, innovation, and note-taking. Engage with others at live events to expand knowledge and network.

      The 8 traits of successful individuals were discussed, and a contestant named Sophie scored 6 out of 8. The traits included commercial awareness, master marketers, innovation, and more. Sophie was encouraged to continue her learning journey and was given a recommendation to use a specific notebook for note-taking. The hosts also mentioned some of their favorite quotes and phrases, and encouraged listeners to engage with them at an upcoming live event. The importance of self-improvement, note-taking, and attending events to learn and grow was emphasized. Listeners were asked to support the podcast by leaving reviews and buying tickets to the live event.

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

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