
    Pt 3: Living with a Stoma | Louise Thompson

    enAugust 28, 2024
    What is a stoma and why is it created?
    How does a stoma bag function in waste collection?
    What are common emotional reactions to encountering a stoma?
    How can stoma nurses assist patients in adjusting?
    What strategies did Louise use to manage her mental health?

    Podcast Summary

    • Stoma appearanceDespite a stoma's alarming appearance, it's a normal part of the healing process for some individuals and gets smaller over time with the help of healthcare professionals.

      A stoma is an opening created in the abdominal wall for the passage of waste from the body, usually as a result of intestinal surgery. A stoma bag is used to collect this waste. The process involves pulling a small portion of the intestine through the incision and securing it to the bag. The sight of a stoma can be alarming for those unfamiliar with it, as it may appear red and swollen, and can move slightly. However, stoma nurses and other healthcare professionals are essential in helping individuals adjust to this major life change. It's important to remember that a stoma is a normal part of the healing process for some individuals, and it does get smaller over time. For those outside of the medical field, encountering a stoma for the first time can be overwhelming, but with the help and support of healthcare professionals, it becomes a manageable part of daily life.

    • Stoma behavior concernsStoma patients may have fears and questions about touching, pain, and function of their stoma, as well as being alarmed by its appearance and continued movement.

      Experiencing a stoma, a surgical opening on the abdomen for the elimination of body waste, can be a shocking and unfamiliar experience for those who have never encountered it before. The lack of prior exposure to this medical condition can lead to feelings of fear and confusion, as well as questions about what is normal behavior for a stoma. For instance, people might wonder if they can touch it, if it hurts, or if it still functions like a regular organ. The visual aspect of a stoma can also be alarming, and some individuals may even panic due to the sensation of continued movement and activity in the area, despite the organ no longer being functional. These feelings are common, and it's essential for healthcare professionals to be sensitive to the unique challenges faced by stoma patients during their transition.

    • Emotional journey of recoveryA health crisis can unearth past traumas and create a rollercoaster of emotions, but patience, resilience, and support from loved ones can help navigate the complex journey of recovery.

      Experiencing a health crisis can bring up past traumas and create a rollercoaster of emotions. The speaker shared her personal experience of undergoing multiple surgeries, including the placement of a stoma, and the subsequent challenges she faced during her recovery in the hospital. She recalled feeling hesitant to share her positive experiences publicly due to past experiences of being readmitted and facing complications. The speaker also described the hospital environment as surreal, with a mix of odd and challenging experiences. Despite the difficulties, she acknowledged meeting some lovely people during her stay. Overall, this discussion highlights the complex emotional journey that can accompany a health crisis and the importance of patience, resilience, and the support of loved ones during recovery.

    • Stoma surgery recoverySupport from loved ones and healthcare professionals is crucial during stoma surgery recovery, but mishandled procedures can trigger traumatic responses and hinder progress.

      The recovery process after stoma surgery can be a challenging journey filled with both encouraging experiences and traumatic incidents. The speaker shared how they were fortunate to have supportive people in their life during their recovery, but they also experienced a deeply distressing moment when a healthcare professional mishandled a drain removal. This experience triggered a PTSD response and left the speaker feeling overwhelmed and wanting to give up. The speaker's recovery is still recent, and they've faced numerous challenges along the way. It's important to acknowledge the complexity of the recovery process and the emotional toll it can take. Despite the difficulties, the speaker is persevering and finding strength in their support network.

    • Personal GrowthTwo and a half years of mental and emotional improvements have led to physical and emotional strength, joyful routine with son, future planning, and less time in therapy, more in life coaching.

      The speaker has made significant improvements in her mental and emotional well-being over the past two and a half years. She now feels physically and emotionally strong, and has established a fulfilling routine with her son that brings her joy and a sense of safety. This relationship has shifted from being a trigger for anxiety to a source of comfort and something she looks forward to every day. Additionally, she is now able to plan for the future and make arrangements for upcoming events, which is a major step forward as she used to only focus on the immediate moments due to being in shock. Her progress also includes less time in therapy looking backwards and more time in life coaching looking forwards, focusing on making her life better rather than just fixing problems.

    • Embracing joy in healingHealing goes beyond coping with past traumas, it's essential for experiencing joy in life. Routine and reflection can help maintain a positive mindset and improve emotional wellbeing.

      Healing is not just about coping with past traumas, but rather enabling us to fully experience and embrace joy in life. This idea, shared from a book, resonated deeply with me as I've come to realize the importance of accessing joy to maintain a positive mindset. Healing is crucial for enjoying life to its fullest, and even small practices can help us maintain a better headspace. However, I've noticed that my weekly routine plays a significant role in my emotional wellbeing. Mondays, with their sense of normalcy and routine, bring me comfort, while weekends, with their spontaneity, can be challenging for me due to past traumatic experiences. Reflecting on this, it's worth considering if there are aspects of our lives that no longer hold significance and might be worth letting go. These changes can impact our interests, hobbies, and overall personal growth.

    • Body perceptionChanging our perspective on our bodies from focusing on perceived flaws to appreciating their functions can lead to improved wellbeing and mental space

      Our perception of our bodies can significantly impact our mindset and overall wellbeing. The speaker shares how they used to dislike certain aspects of their body but have since come to see it as a powerful unit, leading to a decrease in self-consciousness. This shift in perspective has allowed them to focus on the incredible functions of every cell in the body, rather than dwelling on perceived flaws. As a result, they've prioritized different interests and have had a difficult time engaging with fitness-related discussions. It's important to remember that our bodies are working tirelessly to keep us alive and viewing them in a positive light can free up mental space and improve our relationship with ourselves.

    • Mental health after traumaLearning to distinguish between everyday challenges and deeper emotional issues can help manage mental health after trauma, promoting a more balanced and present approach to life.

      Managing mental health, especially after experiencing trauma, can be a challenging process. Louise shares her experience of feeling overwhelmed by everyday responsibilities, leading her to associate her exhaustion with past traumas. However, she's learning to differentiate between normal exhaustion and trauma-related feelings, allowing herself to let go of unnecessary anxiety. This process has helped Louise focus on positive and logical thoughts, enjoy the present moment, and avoid constantly seeking the next thing. Her reflection on her brother's similar experiences highlights the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness in managing mental health. Overall, the journey towards mental wellness involves learning to distinguish between everyday challenges and deeper emotional issues, allowing for a more balanced and present approach to life.

    • Appreciating the presentInstead of constantly chasing achievements, focus on enjoying the process and expressing gratitude for the present moment to slow down time.

      Life is not about constantly chasing validation or achievements, but rather enjoying the process and the journey. We often compare our lives to a game, where we're so focused on reaching the end that we forget to appreciate the present moment. To slow down time, we need to be less busy and find things that bring us gratitude. Even in the face of adversity, it's essential to recognize the value of the second chances we're given in life and appreciate the gift that is existence. By focusing on the present and expressing gratitude, we can find motivation and meaning in our experiences.

    • Mental health supportSeeking help and support for mental health struggles is a sign of strength, not weakness. Self-care practices like writing, being outdoors, and open conversations can improve mental health. Mental health issues are common and having open discussions can reduce stigma.

      Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being, and it's important to prioritize it. During the conversation, Louise shared her personal experience with mental health struggles and the importance of seeking help and support. She emphasized the value of self-care, such as writing, being outdoors, and having open conversations. It's crucial to remember that mental health issues are common and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. The conversation also highlighted the importance of having open and honest conversations about mental health to reduce the stigma and help those who may be struggling. Lastly, taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally, is crucial, and we should never hesitate to reach out for help if needed.

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    Follow the podcast on Instagram @thestompcast

    To improve your mental fitness, get Dr Alex’s book The Mind Manual

    Download Mettle: the mental fitness app for men

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