
    Purefield Radio 016: Spiritual Paths, Intuitive Gifts, and the Healing Arts w/ Thom Levy and Haleya Priest

    enSeptember 20, 2017

    About this Episode

    We're delighted to share our interview with Thom Levy and Haleya Priest, founders of Sanctuary Healing Arts Center in Amherst, MA. Thom and Haleya are holistic practitioners offering a range of classes and workshops in Reiki, Akashic Records, energy healing, and Angel therapy. We talk about the spiritual journeys that led them to working and teaching together, the challenges and rewards of their profession, and what it means to run a thriving healing practice. We also offer practical suggestions for staying grounded and aligned in daily life and for developing your own intuitive gifts.

    To learn more about Haleya, Thom, and Sanctuary Healing Arts, visit their website.

    To join Purefield Radio's Facebook community, click here.

    As always, you can find us at Purefield Massachusetts and/or email us at purefield.mass@gmail.com. We love hearing from you. Thanks for listening!

    Recent Episodes from Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast

    Inner Work 178: Why inner work is critical for healers, changemakers, and activists

    Inner Work 178: Why inner work is critical for healers, changemakers, and activists

    How do we reconcile an injustice that we observe in the outside world with our deep spiritual knowledge that ultimately there is a divine order at play... and that the reality we're experiencing now is a temporary figment (or illusion) that we're all creating together?

    Are we meant to take immediate action when we observe a pain or injustice in the world? Are we meant to work on ourselves internally first, and/or WHILE we are taking action to correct these injustices?

    These are some of the complex questions I'm addressing in this episode of Inner Work, after receiving a thoughtful email from a listener.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    • why inner work is so critical for healers, changemakers, and activists 
    • how to align yourself with your deepest purpose and understand the role you're meant to play in this lifetime
    • specific questions to ask yourself to get a clearer sense of where and how your gifts are most needed
    • how to connect to your intuition to know when you must take immediate action (to correct an injustice) and when you must move into acceptance or letting go

    Thank you to Dana for writing in with this important topic.

    To connect with me, visit https://josephinehardman.com 

    To join my email community and receive my free Akashic Records Mini Course plus weekly newsletter, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Thank you for continuing to do your inner work so you can evolve, heal, grow, and show up in the world at your highest level. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.


    Inner Work 177: Owning and Speaking Your Sacred Yes (with Josephine Carmela)

    Inner Work 177: Owning and Speaking Your Sacred Yes (with Josephine Carmela)

    My special guest for this episode is Josephine Carmela, an award-winning, transformational Empowerment & Relationship Mentor. For the past 12 years, she’s been helping heart-based entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers achieve breakthroughs to experience healthier love, harmony, and fulfillment.

    Josephine is a Mind/Body Therapeutic coach, certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner, and Relationship Mentor. She follows principles of somatic psychology for a “body-mind-spirit-emotion” holistic approach to enable transformation for her clients, drawing on her training in multiple disciplines including Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Dance Movement Therapy, Body Mind Centering, Kinetic Awareness, and Relational modalities. 

    In 2016, she co-authored a book with New York Times Bestselling Authors Marci Shimoff, Chris and Janet Attwood, and appears in the Living Legacy Project honoring exceptional Canadian women. She is also the founder of AlignedFEMME which helps women embody conscious communication, emotional resilience, and empowered masculine/feminine dynamics. Josephine is on a mission to help women create healthier SELF-love and relationships that work. 

    In this conversation, we touch on:

    • how women are conditioned to give their power away (and what that often looks like)
    • common patterns of undervaluing, minimizing, and shrinking ourselves to please others or avoid conflict
    • how we can lose our sense of identity in relationships, and how to begin getting back in touch with your true self, your needs, and your desires
    • what "owning and speaking your SACRED YES" really means

    Reserve your spot in Josephine's upcoming 5-week immersive program: 


    To connect with her online, go to https://josephinecarmela.com or https://instagram.com/josephinecarmela

    To connect with me (Josephine Hardman!), visit https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, and please keep doing your inner work!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.


    Inner Work 176: To the Healers, Changemakers, and Conscious Leaders of the Spiritual Industry

    Inner Work 176: To the Healers, Changemakers, and Conscious Leaders of the Spiritual Industry

    This episode of INNER WORK is going out to my fellow healers, coaches, and spiritual practitioners -- you are the changemakers, the transformational agents, the wayshowers. You lead with your Light... and your sacred work is truly needed today.

    Join me for a deep discussion on:

    • why I believe (humbly and not so humbly!) that your work as a healer can change the world
    • the huge impact you're here to create... and why it's important to continue healing yourself so you can serve others at your highest level
    • a few recent "shadowy" trends in the spiritual industry... and how we can help turn the tide and bring greater integrity, depth, and conscious leadership into this industry
    • the qualities that set you apart as a healer and transformational agent

    Thank you for being here and for upholding such high standards for your spiritual work, both personally and professionally. It means a LOT!

    To connect with me, you can visit https://josephinehardman.com

    Join my email community (get access to my Akashic Records Mini Course + email column The Weekly Seeker): https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Explore my Akashic Records Certification Program and get on the waitlist for next enrollment: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/


    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.



    Inner Work 175: You can be spiritual and...

    Inner Work 175: You can be spiritual and...

    Welcome to another episode of INNER WORK! 

    In this one, I dispel some myths and misconceptions about what it means to be spiritual, and what is required of us as spiritual and evolved beings.

    I also invite you to challenge some limited beliefs we might have internalized from the mainstream spiritual community.

    I address topics such as:

    • you can be spiritual and... make a lot of money (so you can be a conscious steward of abundance and help humanity evolve through your contributions)
    • you can be spiritual and... set firm boundaries with people (only YOU get to choose who and what is allowed into your life and energy field)
    • you can be spiritual and... feel human emotions like sadness, anger, resentment, grief (they will NOT derail your manifestations, if you allow yourself to feel them without judgment)
    • you can be spiritual and... ENJOY earthly pleasures and experiences

    Thank you for being here and for continuing to work on your evolution. It makes a difference!

    To get access to my Akashic Records Mini Course and email column The Weekly Seeker, join my email community: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    To connect with me or explore my work, visit https://josephinehardman.com

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

    Inner Work 174: Manifestation through the Akashic Records

    Inner Work 174: Manifestation through the Akashic Records

    Did you know that, in addition to offering us divine guidance, healing, and wisdom, the Akashic Records can serve as a potent tool of manifestation?

    In this episode of Inner Work, I teach you some ways to harness the power of the Akashic Records to manifest your highest desires (in alignment with your authentic self, and for the highest good of all concerned.)

    Join me for a discussion of:

    • a listener question about using the Akashic Records for manifestation
    • why the Records are NOT a predictive or fortune-telling tool (and how to use them instead)
    • 2 specific practices for manifesting through the Akashic Records
    • troubleshooting guide for when your manifestations aren't showing up... yet

    Thank you to Nanda for submitting this thought-provoking question! 

    To get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course and weekly email column, you can join my email community here:


    To explore my work, head over to https://josephinehardman.com

    I lovingly appreciate your presence here, your willingness to heal, and your deep curiosity and spiritual openness. Thank you for stopping by to spend this time with me.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.


    Inner Work 173: Shatter the lies and illusions of your ego

    Inner Work 173: Shatter the lies and illusions of your ego

    Your ego self is the façade of yourself you have unconsciously and inevitably created as a consequence of living in a society, in a family, in a particular human culture.

    This ego self is a protective construct; a version of ourselves we create in order to blend in, to be accepted by others, to be liked, to be seen as worthy or valuable... and most of all, to not stand out or be kicked out of the tribe.

    Your ego is, therefore, concerned with your survival and with how you come across to others. Above everything else.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    • how your ego self gets created
    • how the agendas and concerns of your ego often clash with the higher-level purpose and desires of your Soul
    • the ego's tactics for keeping you "safe"
    • how your ego feeds you lies and illusions... and how to start shattering them (to get your ego out of the way)

    Thank you for being here and for continuing to do your inner work! It's not always easy, so I commend you for being committed to your healing and growth.

    You can join my email community and get my Akashic Records Mini Course + email column, The Weekly Seeker: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit me online: https://josephinehardman.com


    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.


    Inner Work 172: How the Akashic Records can help you get out of victimhood

    Inner Work 172: How the Akashic Records can help you get out of victimhood

    Being in a state of victimhood is NOT FUN. It can be extremely challenging, painful, and difficult to get out of -- especially since it's an unconscious state of being.

    By virtue of living in a human family, society, and culture, we're often conditioned or taught (unconsciously) to use victimhood to bond with others, to get sympathy or care, or to lower others' expectations of us.

    In this episode of Inner Work, I talk in depth about what victimhood really is, how and why we might get stuck in it, and how to identify when you're operating from a state of victimhood in your life.

    I also share ways in which the Akashic Records can powerfully help you shift out of victimhood and claim your full power, self-worth, and energy.

    Get my free Akashic Records Mini Course (and my weekly newsletter) by joining my email community here:


    Connect with me online: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for spending this time with me, and please keep doing your inner work! As you free yourself, you inspire others to become free as well.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

    EVOLUTION: Stepping into your gifts and sacred service

    EVOLUTION: Stepping into your gifts and sacred service

    This episode of INNER WORK is all about claiming your spiritual and divine gifts, stepping into your authentic self fully, and aligning with the sacred service you're here to offer humanity.

    You have a unique and important role to play in humanity's evolution, and you have gifts that can assist other humans in becoming freer and more conscious beings.

    So what are those gifts you carry within you, what are some deeper layers of those gifts, and how can you begin claiming your inner power fully?

    If you feel deep in your Soul that you're here to be of service in a meaningful way, join me as we explore these questions... and more.

    Thank you for being willing to step into the sacred work you're here to do. No one else can do it YOUR way, so your presence is absolutely essential.

    To take your inner work to the next level and continue healing yourself, explore my resources for self-healing here:


    Some of my free content for healers and spiritual practitioners:






    To connect with me, visit https://josephinehardman.com or send a note to me@josephinehardman.com

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.


    Inner Work 171: Tarot Pentacles, Part 4

    Inner Work 171: Tarot Pentacles, Part 4

    This episode of INNER WORK is the final installment in my 4-part series on the Tarot Pentacles. 

    I cover the Pentacles court cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King of Pentacles. Join me for a discussion of:

    • reading the court cards as a family
    • multiple interpretations of the court cards: as personal signifiers, archetypes, primordial energies, and as representing other people in your life
    • taking your understanding of the court cards to the next level

    Thank you to everyone who requested this Tarot series! I appreciate your input and engagement with this podcast.

    To explore my resources for self-healing, go here:


    Join my email community and receive my free Akashic Records Mini Course:


    Connect with me by visiting https://josephinehardman.com or sending a note to me@josephinehardman.com

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

    EVOLUTION: Question your cultural assumptions and beliefs

    EVOLUTION: Question your cultural assumptions and beliefs

    We all inevitably grow up with and internalize certain cultural beliefs and assumptions. These can include beliefs about life, family, relationships, the world, ourselves... as well as cultural standards about physical appearance, money, success, and what we "should" do or be to fit in.

    These beliefs can truly limit us or cause suffering and stuckness in our lives. As you walk your path of awakening, it's important to question the cultural beliefs and assumptions you've taken on unconsciously.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    • my discovery of an insidious cultural belief I had been carrying (the belief that "life will eventually disappoint you")
    • how these cultural beliefs and assumptions get internalized
    • how we're conditioned to want things that our culture says we should want... instead of allowing ourselves to follow our authentic desires
    • how to begin noticing and releasing cultural ideas and assumptions that have held you hostage

    To take your inner work to the next level, check out my resources for self-healing here:


    You can join my email community and receive my free Akashic Records Mini Course here:


    Connect with me by visiting https://josephinehardman.com or sending a note to me@josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for spending this time with me! Your presence means a lot. Please take good care of yourself.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.