
    About this Episode

    Did you know that Ireland was the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote? How did that happen? In this episode, we talk about Queer Irish history and the hidden figures who made it possible.

    In this episode, we will:

    • Pay homage to some of the inspirational figures who fought for the rights and dignity of the Queer community, such as David Norris and the Sexual Liberation Movement.
    • Discuss one of the key moments that led to the marriage referendum act in Ireland: the Noble Call speech by Rory O’Neill, also known as Panti Bliss, a drag queen and activist who spoke out against homophobia and discrimination.
    • Explore what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the Queer community in their quest for equality and justice.
    • Look back at two Irish icons who lived authentically and courageously as themselves, known as the Ladies of Llangollen.

    We hope you enjoy this episode, and we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Don’t forget to leave us a review and share this podcast with your friends. Thanks for listening!

    If you found anything distressing in today's episode, please do reach out to supports. Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Recent Episodes from The Plainly Queer Podcast

    Still Plainly Queer

    Still Plainly Queer

    In our final episode, we're wrapping up the first season of the Plainly Queer Podcast, taking a moment to reflect on the enlightening journey we've shared together. We'll revisit pivotal discussions on sexuality, gender, mental health, and activism, sharing insights and key takeaways from our guests, listeners, and personal experiences.

    A heartfelt thank you to our listeners for your support and invaluable feedback; stay tuned as we tease possible plans for season two! We're eager to continue these important conversations, challenging exclusion and fostering a space of understanding and inclusivity.

    We remain plainly queer, and we wear it with pride. Join us in celebrating the end of a successful season, and here's to many more conversations to come!

    Plainly Erotically and Relationally Queer

    Plainly Erotically and Relationally Queer

    Welcome to the penultimate episode of The Plainly Queer Podcast, season one! 

    Ever wondered what it's like being a queer therapist navigating the diverse and intricate landscape of gender, sex, and relationships?

    In this episode, we dive deep into these topics. Join us as Paul O'Beirne takes the hot seat. Paul, a budding sex and relationship therapist, offers a unique perspective on training and working with clients who identify as LGBTQIA+ and who have diverse and complex sexual and relational needs and the rewards of being a queer therapist in this field.

    Paul is the founder of UdoU Therapy, a counselling and psychotherapy service that offers online and face-to-face sessions for individuals and couples. He is a pre-accredited member of the IACP Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and a student member of the COSRT College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists.

    You can follow him on Instagram [@udou_therapy] or email him at udoutherapy@gmail.com.

    We hope you enjoy this episode and find it informative. If you have any feedback, questions or comments, please get in touch with us at PlainlyQueer@gmail.com.

    And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks for listening!


    • Relationally Queer: A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners - co-edited by Silva Neves and Dominic Davies
    • Erotically Queer: A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners - co-edited by Silva Neves and Dominic Davies

    These books are essential resources for anyone interested in gender, sex and relationship diversity.

    Queer History Part 2: The Roots of Oppression and Resistance.

    Queer History Part 2: The Roots of Oppression and Resistance.

    How did the LGBTQIA+ community become marginalised and persecuted throughout history? How did they resist and survive in the face of oppression and violence? In this episode, we dive into the ancient and modern roots of homophobia and transphobia and the stories that inspire us to have pride and continue to protest today and every day. Love is Love, and it always has been.

    In this episode, we will:

    • Trace the origins of queerphobia in ancient civilisations such as Mesopotamia and Rome and how they influenced the later attitudes and laws of Christianity and Islam.
    • Examine the role of religion in shaping the social and legal norms that discriminated against and criminalised the LGBTQIA+ community, such as the Inquisition, the sodomy laws, and the death penalty.
    • Reflect on the tragic events that shocked and galvanised the queer community, such as the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, and the persecution of LGBTQIA+ people by ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

    Don’t forget to leave us a review and share this podcast with your friends. If you want to get in touch and share your thoughts, email us at PlainlyQueer@gmail.com.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you found anything distressing in today's episode, please do reach out to supports. Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Queer History Part 1: The Hidden Figures of Ireland.

    Queer History Part 1: The Hidden Figures of Ireland.

    Did you know that Ireland was the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote? How did that happen? In this episode, we talk about Queer Irish history and the hidden figures who made it possible.

    In this episode, we will:

    • Pay homage to some of the inspirational figures who fought for the rights and dignity of the Queer community, such as David Norris and the Sexual Liberation Movement.
    • Discuss one of the key moments that led to the marriage referendum act in Ireland: the Noble Call speech by Rory O’Neill, also known as Panti Bliss, a drag queen and activist who spoke out against homophobia and discrimination.
    • Explore what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the Queer community in their quest for equality and justice.
    • Look back at two Irish icons who lived authentically and courageously as themselves, known as the Ladies of Llangollen.

    We hope you enjoy this episode, and we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Don’t forget to leave us a review and share this podcast with your friends. Thanks for listening!

    If you found anything distressing in today's episode, please do reach out to supports. Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Special Guest Chris Sheridan - The Queer Therapist

    Special Guest Chris Sheridan - The Queer Therapist

    On this episode of The Plainly Queer Podcast, we welcome Chris Sheridan a trans, masc, non-binary, neurodivergent psychotherapist. Chris specialises in gender, sexual and relationship diversity therapy and is the founder of The Queer Therapist, a UK online therapy service. They provides affirming therapy for GSRD and neurodivergent individuals and also serve as the lead psychotherapist and expert advisor for Voda, the LGBTQIA mental health app.

    In the episode, we discuss the trans and non-binary experience from Chris’s unique lived perspective. We examine the current trends of transphobia against the backdrop of historical genocide and discuss how we can learn from the past to help us navigate towards a more inclusive future. Intersectionality and the sexy sounding concept of Neurospicy are also explored from a plainly Queer perspective.

    You can learn more about Chris through their website at https://thequeertherapist.com/ or their Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/theqtherapist/

    Below are some of the resources mentioned in the episode:

    The Voda App: https://www.voda.co/

    The Wheel of Power and Privilege: https://kb.wisc.edu/instructional-resources/page.php?id=119380

    The Right is Laying the Foundation for Genocide article: https://www.theslateonline.com/article/2022/11/the-right-is-laying-the-foundation-for-genocide

    Thank you for being part of our Plainly Queer community. We hope you enjoy this episode. Please note that it discusses potentially distressing topics, so engage mindfully and seek professional help if needed.

    Here is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/ and https://thequeertherapist.com

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Special Guest Anne Marie Toole and Dil Wickremasinghe

    Special Guest Anne Marie Toole and Dil Wickremasinghe

    On this episode of The Plainly Queer Podcast, we welcome our guests Anne Marie Toole and Dil Wickremasinghe. Both co-founds of Insight Matters, a Queer affirming therapy centre in Dublin which offers a range of holistic and therapeutic services.

    In the episode, we discuss how and why Insight Matters came about and developed into the thriving centre, it is today with over a hundred therapists. We explore the social issues affecting Queer individuals in modern-day Ireland, such as the importance of intersectionality and individuality. The topics of Queer relationships and Queer parenting are also discussed through the unique and insightful perspectives of Anne Marie and Dil and their life experiences.

    Be sure and listen to Dil’s mental health radio show ‘Tuning Inward with Dil’ every Wednesday on Dublin City FM or catch previous episodes via the Dublin City FM website. Thank you for being part of our Plainly Queer community.

    Please note that this episode discusses potentially distressing topics. Engage mindfully and seek professional help if needed.

    Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Special Guest Silva Neves

    Special Guest Silva Neves

    On this episode of The Plainly Queer Podcast, we welcome our guest Silva Neves, a psychosexual and relationship therapist and supervisor and a pioneer in GSRD (Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity) training in the UK and beyond. Silva is the author of Compulsive Sexual Behaviours and co-editor of the books Erotically Queer and Relationally Queer, both Pink Therapy guides for practitioners.

    In the episode, we discuss issues affecting the Queer community, including the current rise in homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in our society. We touch on serval topics from Erotically and Relationally Queer, such as Queer sex, religion within the Queer community and shame, to name a few. Join us as we explore what it is to be Erotically and Relationally Queer with guest Silva Neves.

    Reading list:

    Erotically Queer. A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners. Edited by Silva Neves and Dominic Davis. ISBN 9781032197319

    Relationally Queer. A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners. Edited by Silva Neves and Dominic Davis. ISBN 9781032197241

    Compulsive Sexual Behaviours. A Psycho-Sexual Treatment Guide for Clinicians. Silva Neves. ISBN 9780367465483

    Please note that this episode discusses potentially distressing topics. Engage mindfully and seek professional help if needed.

    Thank you for being part of our Plainly Queer community.

    Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    Queer Joy/Funk

    Queer Joy/Funk

    In the first of our two episodes to celebrate pride week, we delve deep into the complexities of Queer Joy and introduce the concept of Queer Funk.

    We share our personal anecdotes and explore the balance between societal expectations and our unique desires. This candid discussion includes our thoughts on traditional institutions, societal norms, and the navigation through the often heteronormative world.

    We shed light on our experiences and emphasise the importance of authenticity and self-compassion. We invite you to share your experiences of 'Queer Joy' and 'Queer Funk'.

    Remember to like and subscribe to our podcast, and do reach out to us at plainlyqueer@gmail.com; your input is truly appreciated.

    Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Dublin: https://outhouse.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/

    The Sister of Perpetual Indulgence: https://www.thesisters.org/ 

    Article: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/queer-nuns-protest-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence-b2315550.html 

    The Trauma and Healing Podcast: Found on all platforms

    Paul O Beirne https://www.psychologytoday.com/ie/counselling/udou-therapy--dublin-dn/1141855

    Clodagh McGrath http://www.clodaghmcgrath.com

    Queer Mental Health - Part 3

    Queer Mental Health - Part 3

    On this episode of The Plainly Queer Podcast, we continue our discussion and exploration of Queer mental health. In Part Three our focus shifts to discussing Queer mental health in an informal, unscripted manner. Discussing therapeutic interventions that can used utilised outside of therapy and giving practical tips and advice that may be of help to everyone listening.

    From the power of silence to the joys of journaling; join us in this ad hoc yet relevant discussion.

    Please note this episode discusses potentially distressing topics. Engage mindfully and seek professional help if needed.

    Thank you for being part of our Plainly Queer community.

    Below is a list of resources that may be of help to anyone listening:

    Queer affirming counselling and psychotherapy services: https://www.insightmatters.ie/

    LGBTQ+ community support in Ireland: https://lgbt.ie/

    LGBTQ+ Youth Support in Ireland: https://www.belongto.org/

    Transgender Equality Network Ireland: https://teni.ie/

    The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/