
    React use() hook and Async Server Components Proposal

    enNovember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • React's new useDeferredValue hookReact's new hook, useDeferredValue, allows developers to optimize promise handling and write cleaner code, with potential implications for performance and developer experience.

      React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has introduced a new hook called "useDeferredValue." This hook is designed to change the way developers write code, particularly around promises. The hosts of the Syntax podcast, Wes Bos, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott Tolinski, discuss the potential implications of this new hook and share their thoughts on it. They mention that it was a listener suggestion before the Next.js announcement, and since then, there has been a lot of chatter about it. The podcast is sponsored by two companies, Sentry and Auth0. Sentry is an error tracking tool that can help developers log, track, and resolve errors in their code, especially when using new features like this new React hook. Auth0, on the other hand, offers authentication and permission services for applications. The hosts encourage listeners to check out both sponsors and use their discount codes for additional benefits.

    • Managing authentication complexities with Auth0Auth0 simplifies authentication handling for developers, allowing them to focus on building applications while managing complexities such as multiple sign-ins and email changes.

      Handling authentication in applications can be complex due to various edge cases, such as users signing in with multiple providers, changing email addresses, or deleting accounts. Auth0 simplifies this process, making it easy for developers to handle these complexities and focus on building their applications. The speaker shared personal experiences with managing multiple Microsoft accounts associated with different services, which can be tricky to manage. In the world of React development, the community uses Request for Comments (RFCs) to discuss and decide on new features. The latest RFC is about adding first-class support for promises and async/await to React hooks. This new feature will make it easier for developers to write asynchronous code in a more concise and readable way, ultimately improving the development experience.

    • Simplifying asynchronous data calls with use hookUse hook simplifies handling asynchronous data calls by allowing components to directly use a function that returns a promise, eliminating the need for separate useEffect hooks and dependencies management.

      The new use hook proposed in React, called "use," aims to simplify handling asynchronous data calls within components. This has been a challenge in the past, requiring the use of useEffect and dealing with dependencies. The discussion also touched on React Suspense, which allows components to pause and display loaders while fetching data. Additionally, the emergence of server components and client components adds complexity. The use hook allows a component to directly use a function that returns a promise, making the process more straightforward and eliminating some of the previous complications. This can be seen in action in the new Next.js 13. Essentially, instead of using a separate useEffect for data fetching and dealing with the intricacies of resolving promises, the use hook streamlines the process by allowing the promise to be directly returned and resolved within the component itself.

    • Checking for null data in React HooksUpon first render, data fetched with hooks is null. Ensure data availability before accessing it by performing data calls on the server side, using libraries like TanStack Query, or waiting for data to resolve in React Server Components.

      It's important to check for null data when using React Hooks, especially when fetching data from APIs. Upon the first render, the data will be null, so it's crucial to ensure data availability before accessing it. One solution is to perform data calls on the server side and handle errors or missing data appropriately. This approach ensures that data is always available to components, eliminating the need for creating hooks for every data fetch. Additionally, the use of libraries like TanStack Query, which return loading state and data, can help simplify the process of handling data fetches and reduce the need for creating multiple hooks. While hooks can only be used in client components in React, the proposal for using await inside of React Server Components opens up the possibility of using database libraries and waiting for data to resolve before rendering, similar to how it's been done in PHP for decades. In essence, these approaches help streamline the process of fetching and handling data, making the development process more efficient and effective.

    • New server component feature in React introduces API usage differencesReact's new server component feature brings changes to data fetching and global promises, adding complexity and potential risks for developers

      The new server component feature in React introduces different API usage for server and client components, which can feel limiting and inconsistent for developers. The use of a special hook for data fetching in client components, as opposed to the ability to use async await directly in server components, adds complexity and exceptions to the established React rules. Additionally, React is modifying global promises by adding new fields, which has sparked concerns about potential future conflicts and compatibility issues. While some see these changes as improvements, others are skeptical about the added complexities and potential risks. It's essential to carefully consider these changes and their implications before implementing them in projects. For those interested in a deeper understanding, it's recommended to read the official proposal and weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks.

    • Exploring React optimization techniques and historical eventsUnderstanding React's underlying mechanics, best practices, and historical events can lead to more effective and optimized development. Techniques like caching, defining functions outside of components, and using a compiler can improve performance and prevent issues.

      React and other similar frameworks can benefit from techniques like caching, defining functions outside of components, and potentially having a compiler to optimize performance and avoid issues like infinite loops. The discussion revolved around historical events like the Smooshgate incident, where developers proposed a solution called Smoosh to address issues with Flatten and flat in React. However, they ended up using flat instead. Another topic covered was the importance of defining event listeners and promises outside of components or functions to prevent infinite loops and maintain proper references. The conversation also touched upon the advantages of Svelte's API in this context due to its compiler-based approach, which allows for more efficient transformations at runtime. Overall, the key takeaway is that understanding the underlying mechanics of React and related frameworks, as well as best practices and potential improvements, can lead to more effective and optimized development.

    • Exploring the Differences and Innovations in React and SvelteThe speaker expresses excitement about the unique features and simplicity of Svelte, while also acknowledging the potential fragmentation in the React ecosystem with the recent acquisition of Remix and introduction of new features.

      The speaker is expressing excitement about the differences and innovations in various JavaScript frameworks, specifically React and Svelte. The speaker appreciates the simplicity and lack of certain concepts, such as memoization, in Svelte, which he finds refreshing. On the other hand, he currently uses server-side data loading in React and is intrigued by the potential fragmentation in the React ecosystem with the recent acquisition of Remix by Shopify and the introduction of new features like server components and suspense. The speaker also mentions the similarities between SvelteKit and Remix and wonders about the future of these frameworks. Overall, the speaker is enthusiastic about the ongoing developments in web development and the variety of options available to developers.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

    6:39 - CSS Subgrid

    8:10 - CSS Houdini

    11:20 - CSS features not supported in older browsers yet

    • Scrollsnap - IE 11 and up. Lot’s of mobile issues.
    • position:sticky - no IE at all

    14:24 - NPM tink

    • installer-less npm
    • Load packages at runtime into a shared cache across all projects
    • Intelligently download the parts you need

    17:25 - Yarn PnP

    • Hard links to eliminate package duplication
    • Shared cache across all projects

    18:31 - Pika & Snowpack

    21:10 - Deno

    • New Node?

    25:39 - React

    • Suspense in more libraries
    • Suspense for Server Rendering
    • Meteor
      • New ownership. v1.9 just dropped with lots of promise for future growth
    • Svelte 3
    • Vue 3
    • Apollo
    • Next.js

    36:37 - Serverless

    • Going to get easier
    • Begin.com
    • Next.js / Now Functions

    38:14 - Gatsby

    • A single useQuery (made possible by suspense)

    39:36 - Headless CMS Thunderdome

    42:20 - Next Gen Frameworks

    • Keystone
    • Strapi
    • Meteor
    • Vulcan.js

    43:46 - Cypress

    • End to end testing
    • Currently no Firefox support, but hopeful for 2020

    44:21 - Modulz

    • Exports to JS component

    45:00 - Figma

    • Was already amazing in 2019
    • Constantly improving and adding new features
    • Can import from Sketch


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