
    Real Estate in a Pandemic: Renters and Landlords (Part 2)

    enJune 17, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Renters Face Financial Hardships Amid PandemicDespite concerns, many renters have made payments with help from unemployment benefits and stimulus checks. However, a potential cliff is coming as these benefits expire, and the pipeline of new rental supply has slowed down.

      The pandemic has put significant pressure on the rental market, with a large number of renters facing financial hardships and uncertainty around federal relief measures. According to the National Multifamily Housing Council, nearly a third of renters didn't make their rent payment on time in April and May. However, these numbers aren't as alarming as they seem, as rent payments are typically not all collected by the first week of the month. Unemployment benefits and stimulus checks have allowed many renters to make their payments, but the delay in getting these payments out has caused some concern. Looking ahead, there is a potential cliff coming as supplemental unemployment benefits are set to expire in July, and Congress has yet to pass a law to continue them. This could lead to real problems for the rental sector toward the end of the summer. In the short term, the pipeline of new rental supply has slowed down due to construction bans in some areas. Additionally, there's a growing opportunity for technology to solve outdated and inefficient processes for both renters and landlords. Overall, the rental market is facing unique challenges due to the pandemic, and it will be important to monitor the situation closely as we move forward.

    • Real estate market slowdown impacts rentsThe real estate market slowdown may lead to steady or increasing rents in some areas, but the impact varies by metro area and housing type, with single family homes seeing a surge in demand.

      The real estate market, particularly in the multifamily sector, is experiencing a slowdown in new supply due to social distancing measures and uncertainty around land prices. This could lead to rents holding steady or even increasing in some areas, as demand remains strong and existing homeowners are less likely to sell. However, the situation is more complex than that, with significant variations between different metro areas and housing types. For example, single family homes have seen a surge in demand due to the challenges of obtaining mortgages during the pandemic. Overall, it's likely that both the existing and new supply of rentals will be reduced for some time, but the exact impact on rent prices will depend on various factors, including the duration of the economic downturn and the level of government stimulus.

    • COVID-19's Impact on Renters vs. HomeownersThe COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects renters financially, while relief efforts primarily help homeowners. A balanced approach is needed to consider renters' and landlords' needs and responsibilities.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to financial hardships for many renters, who typically have lower incomes, savings, and job stability compared to homeowners. While federal relief efforts, such as mortgage deferrals under the CARES Act, have primarily focused on homeowners, the majority of renters are not covered. This disparity can be attributed in part to the fact that homeowners tend to vote in greater numbers than renters, leading to policy decisions that favor homeowners. With evictions on hold in many cities and calls for rent forgiveness growing, it's important to consider the impact on landlords, who still have obligations to meet despite tenants' financial difficulties. Landlords, particularly small, individual owners, often operate on thin margins, making it challenging for the government to simply absolve renters of their rent payments without providing some form of compensation to landlords. Ultimately, addressing this crisis requires a balanced approach that considers the needs and responsibilities of both renters and landlords.

    • Balancing rental relief and landlord financial obligationsProvide tenants with resources to pay rent while mandating its use, benefiting both parties and maintaining property values.

      The current rental crisis requires a balanced approach to provide relief for renters while acknowledging the fixed costs landlords face. Many landlords, particularly those with only rental properties, are struggling to meet their financial obligations and are turning to hard money lending options for short-term cash flow. It's unfair to ask this narrow group of people to bear the burden of the crisis alone. The best solution is to directly provide tenants with the resources they need to pay rent, while mandating that it's used for that purpose. This approach benefits both parties, as it allows landlords to maintain their properties and tenants to keep their homes. Rents tend to hold during economic downturns as people continue to need a place to live, and history shows that rents bounce back relatively quickly after a recession. However, regional differences must be considered, as areas with high unemployment rates may experience rent declines. Overall, a balanced approach that addresses the needs of both renters and landlords is necessary to mitigate the impact of the crisis.

    • The rental market's recovery will vary by metro area and could take up to a decadeThe pandemic's impact on the rental market is uncertain, with some experts predicting a return to normal in 10 years and others anticipating tough times for tall buildings with elevators in the next 3 to 5 years. Factors like the unemployment rate, marriage rate, and government response will influence the recovery's pace.

      The pandemic's impact on the rental market is expected to vary greatly depending on the specific metro area. While some experts believe that things will return to normal in the next 10 years, others anticipate tough times for tall buildings with elevators in the next 3 to 5 years due to aversion to density. The unemployment rate's correlation with home prices, as seen during the last recession, suggests that the rental market could continue to be affected for several years. The low marriage rate among millennials could also contribute to the rental market's strength, as it might delay the formation of households that typically lead to homeownership. The pandemic's impact on dating and marriage is also a potential factor, with some suggesting that virtual dating could lead to more marriages and a longer-term positive effect on the rental market. Ultimately, the recovery's pace will depend on the availability and distribution of a vaccine and the government's response to the economic situation.

    • Leveraging Technology to Streamline Single Family Rental ManagementTechnology can automate maintenance requests, improve communication, and optimize yield in single family rental properties, addressing challenges of management and maintenance.

      Single family rental properties, despite the challenges of management and maintenance, can be successful investments due to their liquidity and potential for automation. However, managing day-to-day issues in single family rentals can be a significant challenge without economies of scale or dedicated property management. Technology can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by automating maintenance requests, streamlining communication between landlords and contractors, and maximizing yield through sophisticated tenant evaluation algorithms. While there are currently limited technology solutions for rental properties, the inefficiencies in the real estate market present a significant opportunity for innovation. By leveraging technology to streamline processes and solve pain points, companies can revolutionize the rental industry and provide better experiences for both landlords and tenants.

    • Tech improves rental market efficiency and fairnessTechnology helps landlords determine accurate rent prices and assess financial risks fairly through advanced data analysis and unbiased credit evaluations, improving overall rental market efficiency and inclusivity.

      Technology has the potential to significantly improve the rental market by helping landlords determine the right rent price based on market conditions and providing more accurate credit evaluations. Currently, small landlords often rely on limited data sources like Craigslist and Zillow to determine rent prices, leading to inefficiencies. Additionally, traditional credit scoring methods, such as FICO scores, can be outdated and biased against certain groups. Tech solutions can help assess financial risks more accurately and fairly, and even be used to evaluate creditworthiness in various aspects of life. Furthermore, technology can drive efficiencies in managing large rental portfolios by quickly assessing risks and helping landlords make informed decisions on tenant selection. Overall, embracing data and modeling in underwriting processes can lead to a more inclusive and accurate evaluation of credit, benefiting both landlords and renters.

    • Opportunity for innovation in real estate rental sectorTraditional rent collection methods are inefficient and prone to errors, making mobile apps and automated payment systems a game-changer for the real estate industry. Technology can help streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide a better rental experience.

      The real estate industry, particularly in the rental sector, is highly capital-intensive and has not yet fully embraced technology. However, there is a significant opportunity for innovation, especially in areas like rent collection and communication with tenants. Traditional methods like check payments are inefficient and prone to errors, making mobile apps and automated payment systems a game-changer. Despite the capital intensity of the industry, technology can help streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide a better rental experience. The government's role in the real estate market, particularly through mortgage backing, also influences the pace of technological adoption. While it may take time for technology to transform the real estate industry, the potential benefits are significant.

    • Real Estate Industry's Fragmentation and Data-Rich Nature Present Opportunities for PropTech CompaniesPropTech companies can improve customer experiences, unlock additional supply, and optimize maintenance in the real estate industry despite government subsidies. They can focus on application process, access to housing, and data utilization.

      The real estate industry, with its heavy government intervention and complex tenant-landlord laws, presents numerous opportunities for PropTech companies to provide better customer experiences and unlock additional supply through innovative business models. The fragmentation and data-rich nature of the industry make technology a natural solution. However, the government's subsidization of home purchases makes it challenging for private corporations to compete on price. Instead, they can focus on improving the application process, providing access to housing for a larger percentage of Americans, and utilizing data to optimize maintenance and other aspects of real estate management. The need for technology in the real estate sector is evident, and the potential for Fintech solutions to address financing needs for both renters and homeowners is significant. Overall, the real estate industry's strong fragmentation and data-rich nature make it an exciting space for technological innovation.

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    Here's one small passage that speaks to his larger thesis on where we're heading:

    "I think why we're seeing so many developers flock to Ollama is because there is a lot of demand from consumers to interact with language models in private ways. And that means that they're going to have to figure out how to get the models to run locally without ever leaving without ever the user's context, and data leaving the user's device. And that's going to result, I think, in a renaissance of new kinds of chips that are capable of handling massive workloads of inference on device.

    "We are yet to see those unlocked, but the good news is that open source models are phenomenal at unlocking efficiency.  The open source language model ecosystem is just so ravenous."

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    a16z Podcast
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    Find Jason on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasoncitron

    Find Anjney on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnjneyMidha


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