
    Reboot Extras #11: Red-Yellow-Green Check-ins - with Andy Crissinger & Chris VandenBrink

    enJune 18, 2020

    About this Episode

    The fundamental unit of doing that great work is conversation. Conversations happen easier, clearer, and more harmoniously if we can connect as human beings, look each other in the eye, trust, and feel safe naming what’s up for us. In this clip, coaches Andy Crissinger and Chris VandenBrink share Reboot’s Red-Yellow-Green model for check-ins and how it’s implementation can shift the tone of how you relate to folks and hold meetings such as 1-1’s and offsites. Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Follow our step by step guides: - How To: Leave a Review on Your Computer: - How To: Leave a Review on Your iPhone: Never miss an episode! Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on all our episode releases.

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