
    Regulate your nervous system

    enAugust 03, 2024
    What recent events have affected our mental health?
    How does social media impact our nervous systems?
    Why is calming our nervous system essential for self-care?
    What personal experience did the speaker share about COVID-19?
    How can we improve our overall well-being effectively?

    Podcast Summary

    • Nervous System ImpactRecent events can significantly affect our nervous systems, leading to increased anxiety and nervousness. Prioritize calming our nervous systems and limit exposure to news and external stressors for better mental health.

      The emotional and psychological impact of recent events, including economic instability, political changes, and social media, can significantly affect our nervous systems. It's essential to be aware of this and take steps to protect our mental health. The constant exposure to news and external stressors, even if we feel we have no control over them, can lead to increased anxiety and nervousness. The last 20 years have been particularly challenging in this regard, with numerous emotionally taxing events. To counteract this, we should prioritize calming our nervous systems before focusing on other aspects of self-care, such as eating healthy. Additionally, limiting exposure to news and external stressors, especially through social media, can help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being.

    • Nervous system impact of daily habitsContinuously exposing ourselves to stressors without healing can negatively impact our nervous systems and attract more negative situations, emphasizing the importance of conscious choices for overall well-being.

      Our nervous systems are deeply affected by our daily habits and experiences, and if we continuously expose ourselves to stressors without giving ourselves time to heal, we may attract more negative situations into our lives. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling overwhelmed during the first COVID lockdown and how she noticed the impact of stress on her sister and others around her. She emphasizes the importance of being aware of the impact of our daily choices, such as unhealthy eating and excessive caffeine consumption, on our nervous systems and overall well-being. The speaker encourages us to remember our ancestral roots and our ability to thrive under stress, and to make conscious choices to support our nervous systems and overall health.

    • Listening to body and spiritDuring hardships, listen to your body and spirit for guidance instead of relying on external solutions. Trust the process and allow yourself to be led towards positive changes.

      When facing difficult times, it's essential to listen to your body and spirit instead of relying on external solutions like medication or distractions. The speaker shares his experience of ignoring his body's signals and seeking a quick fix from doctors, but ultimately discovering that the answer lay in listening to his body and trusting the guidance from within. He encourages us to recognize that we hold the power to make positive changes in our lives by taking a step back, praying, and being open to the wisdom that comes from within. The speaker's personal experience led him to adopt an ancestral diet of 80% fat and meat, but the key message is the importance of trusting the process and allowing ourselves to be guided towards the best path for our individual wellbeing.

    • Nervous System CareSmall changes in daily routine like enjoying mornings and choosing happy activities can regulate the nervous system, improve mood, and lead to better coping mechanisms and overall well-being.

      Taking care of your nervous system is crucial for better coping mechanisms and overall well-being. This can be achieved by making small changes in your daily routine, such as enjoying your mornings instead of rushing, and choosing activities that make you happy. By doing so, you'll be able to regulate your nervous system, improve your mood, and ultimately take control of your life. It's important to remember that self-soothing and reacting to stressors are not long-term solutions. Instead, being proactive and taking responsibility for your body and mind will lead to mastery over both, and ultimately, a better quality of life. The behaviors of successful individuals, such as CEOs, reflect this mindset, as they prioritize actions that help regulate their nervous system and prepare them for the day ahead. So, take a moment to consider your actions and make small changes that will lead to a more balanced and calm nervous system.

    • Self-care and mental healthSeek solace in alone time for emotional processing and personal growth, it's a necessary step towards living a healthier, more balanced life.

      Taking control of one's life and mental health is crucial, even if it feels scary or uncomfortable. The last few decades have been challenging for our nervous systems, and it's okay to seek solace in our own company. Processing emotions and thoughts, whether consciously or subconsciously, is essential for personal growth. If you're feeling overwhelmed, give yourself permission to be alone and quiet. This may involve moving to a calmer environment or setting boundaries with chaotic people in your life. Remember, you deserve peace both externally and internally. It's important to recognize that everyone has been through difficult times, and taking time for yourself to heal and process is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it's a necessary step towards living a healthier, more balanced life.

    • Maintaining peace within oneselfSetting boundaries and eliminating toxic relationships are crucial steps to maintaining peace within oneself, leading to personal happiness and positively influencing those around you.

      Protecting and maintaining peace within oneself is crucial for personal happiness and well-being. This peace can be disrupted in various ways, including through negative interactions with others. It is essential to set boundaries and eliminate toxic relationships that cause stress and disrupt your peace. This may take time, but the effort is worth it to become the calmest, happiest version of yourself. Your peaceful demeanor can also positively influence those around you. Remember, you have the power to calm yourself and those around you, so make a conscious decision to prioritize your peace and happiness.

    • Inner Calm and AttractionCultivating inner calm can make us magnetically attractive, but setting boundaries and self-care are crucial to maintain peace and authenticity

      Cultivating inner calm and peace can make us magnetically attractive to others, drawing people to us who are seeking tranquility. However, to maintain this peaceful state, it's essential to establish boundaries and regulate who enters our energy field initially. This may require a certain level of sharpness or spikiness. Focusing on our nervous system, practicing self-care, and creating a calming environment can help us become the most beautiful and authentic versions of ourselves. Remember, it's important to prioritize our own well-being and inner peace.

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