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    In the Looking at 2024 call we talked about "bookmarks" and one of them will be Religion connected to Aliens.

    Topics we cover:

    • The search for the religious experience
    • How the ETs and Religion will be linked in the media
    • Why UFOs are now called UAPs
    • The power of familiarity
    • Our job
    • "Let's bring the black helicopters" game
    • The CIA modus operandi
    • Aliens - our genetic cousins residing outside of our regular perception?
    • ETs might be portrayed as angels or demons
    • Narratives to control our perception


    Books that were mentioned:

    Recent Episodes from Driving to the Rez - With Inelia Benz and Larry Buzzell

    Trust in higher-self choices - Driving to the Rez - Episode 194 - Part One

    Trust in higher-self choices - Driving to the Rez - Episode 194 - Part One

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    Go to Part Two

    How to make sure that our choices that brought about the experiences in our life are coming from our higher-self and not from some destructive or limiting program or influence that we have unconsciously integrated into our lives.

    Topics in this episode:

    • Why me?! Why is this happening to me?
    • What motivates your actions?
    • Spoiler alert:  You are NOT here to have low-frequency interactions
    • Make sure your choices from your Higher-Selt and not programs
    • The framework to analyze your choices
    • The "Oh, shit!" moment when the small self runs the show
    • The secret to looking young!
    • "But the children in China are starving!"
    • Powerful question: "Why not now?"
    •  The steady rock in the turmoil

    When the excitement of new experiences passes, then what? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 193 - Part One

    When the excitement of new experiences passes, then what?  - Driving to the Rez - Episode 193 - Part One

    Go to part two. Read the article.

    “That’s one of the main reasons why people die and are reborn.[...]To start everything fresh. To get the excitement of the newness of it all back again.”

    Discussing a recent sky trip, how each panel member has experienced it and what can we learn from that from a physical body perspective and from a soul perspective.

    When your body says "NO" and your soul says "YES". - Driving to the Rez - Episode 192 - Part One

    When your body says "NO" and your soul says "YES".  - Driving to the Rez - Episode 192 - Part One

    Go to Part Two or Read the article

    On the Second Hour of Driving To The Rez episode “See Me, Don’t See Me”, a really good point was made by one of our panelists, Iliana Rojero. The point was that sometimes we are all set to do something, in her case do a public talk, and our body starts to fill us with fear. Basically, our body is telling us not to do the thing we planned to do.

    Topics we cover:

    • The conflict between what we say we want and what we are actually manifesting
    • Looking at limitations
    • When the body wants something and the soul wants something else, who wins?
    • Exercise to see if you identify with the body or the soul
    • Doing an exercise just once, might not be enough
    • Examples from going skying
    • It is not about tricking the body into doing stuff
    • What is the most important, key point when talking to the body
    • Past life trauma and skills

    See me, don't see me - Driving to the Rez - Episode 191 - Part One

    See me, don't see me - Driving to the Rez - Episode 191 - Part One

    Go to Part Two and read the article.

    “See me, don’t see me” is an energy that many lightworkers have. 

    On the one hand, lightworkers are very much “people persons”. They go out of their way to help others, create high-frequency interactions and groups that support, heal and build. 

    On the other hand, we can be expert lone-wolves, want to be left alone, are more comfortable on their own and will often end up living by themselves, with dogs, cats, horses or goats (put pet name here), or in a temple like apartment, which is sound proof and separate from the rest of city they might live in.

    Topics we cover:
    - Everything is a co-creation
    - Manifesting through programs
    - Lightworkers and small-talk
    - Make sure your body is on board with your manifestations
    - Larry's crystal scrying
    - Being seen online vs being seen in person
    - Connect but don't forget your street smarts
    - Being a leader

    Flat Earth, Round Earth, Hollow Earth or something else entirely? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 190 - Part One

    Flat Earth, Round Earth, Hollow Earth or something else entirely? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 190 - Part One

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    The nature of Earth is neither round nor flat. It is multidimensional and dictated by the perceptual frequency band that our physical body senses can perceive and agree (as a collective) of as possible.

    Topics we cover:

    • References to Planet Earth in Inelia's books
    • What is the geometry of a dream world
    • The space photographs of Earth
    • Flying from Neah Bay to London
    • The gravity and magnetic anomalies
    • Satellite flyby 
    • The M.C. Escher paintings
    • Pachamama
    • The stars feeling very, very close

    Religion and Aliens - Driving to the Rez - Episode 189 - Part One

    Religion and Aliens - Driving to the Rez - Episode 189 - Part One

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    In the Looking at 2024 call we talked about "bookmarks" and one of them will be Religion connected to Aliens.

    Topics we cover:

    • The search for the religious experience
    • How the ETs and Religion will be linked in the media
    • Why UFOs are now called UAPs
    • The power of familiarity
    • Our job
    • "Let's bring the black helicopters" game
    • The CIA modus operandi
    • Aliens - our genetic cousins residing outside of our regular perception?
    • ETs might be portrayed as angels or demons
    • Narratives to control our perception


    Books that were mentioned:

    What it means to be HUMAN - Driving to the Rez - Episode 188 - Part One

    What it means to be HUMAN - Driving to the Rez - Episode 188 - Part One

    Go to part two.

    Discussing our human nature and what it means to be a human being. 

    Topics we cover:

    •  Humans as Creators of the Universe
    •  How and why we disabled ourselves in the Dark/Light Paradigm 
    •  Difference between bringing Reality in and building things 
    •  Dark beings have trouble coming into incarnate in this Universe 
    •  Dark/Light Paradigm agreements, changing the "they are doing it" to "we are doing this to ourselves"
    •  We have limitations to engage in this Universe but especially so in the Dark/Light Paradigm
    •  Having more awareness does not equate to more powerful or able 
    •  Our "extra-sensory" capacities and skills are not related to enlightenment  
    •  Removing limitations of awareness will take us into the Light Paradigm
    •  What humans can do that the Anunnaki can't 
    •  Endarkenment 
    •  Dropping the weight and pressure - interpreted as enlightenment 

    Riding the Waves of Beginnings - Driving to the Rez - Episode 187 - Part One

    Riding the Waves of Beginnings - Driving to the Rez - Episode 187 - Part One

    Go to part two.

    This podcast explores other ways to prepare for a new year. 

    Topics we cover:

    • How to be street smart with new years resolutions
    • Why it's important to make a new years resolution 
    • Why its important to temper righteousness 
    • Cracking the matrix as lightworkers
    • Hang onto the love
    • How to counteract negativity towards your manifestations
    • What you give lip service to vs, what your life actually is
    • Some of our biggest blocks are "clauses"
    • Read "The Artist's Way" if you're creative or an artist
    • Usually, the biggest counter-manifestation are your own programs
    • Creating a mirror bubble
    • Giving our power away to others 
    • Two case studies for public new years resolutions 
    • What does "success" mean and in what context?
    • "I at least double the amount of time I spend in the light in 2024."

    Do you want to rocket fuel your manifestations? This is for you:

    Fairies, Elves and Nature Spirits - Driving to the Rez - Episode 186 - Part One

    Fairies, Elves and Nature Spirits - Driving to the Rez - Episode 186 - Part One

    Go to part two.

    An exploration and classification of Fairyfolk

    Topics we cover:

    •  Seeing gnomes and fairies, 
    •  The Shungite medallion - moved without Inelia's awareness 
    •  Inelia's "fairies"
    •  Larry's visit on the ship
    •  Faeries incarnating as humans
    •  Elemental shamans and rez territory 
    •  Stepping into the astral at will
    •  The Stick people
    •  Seeding orgonite to accelerate the split 
    •  Engage in the light but don’t make strong connections with those in dark/ligh
    •  It’s our responsibility not feed the dark/light paradigm because we’re powerful and everything is amplified
    •  Not all guardian angels are angels 
    •  Your Guardian Angel and Your Entourage

    A Brilliance of Lightworkers - Driving to the Rez - Episode 185 - Part One

    A Brilliance of Lightworkers - Driving to the Rez - Episode 185 - Part One

    Go to part two.
    How to best spend our energies now as a Brilliance of Lightworkers.

    Topics we cover:

    • calibrating our "BS" meter
    • RA and Law of One
    • How lightworkers get distracted and sidetracked
    • People in health stores
    • Our game is inspiration, collaboration, growth, and discernment
    • We still walk in a shared reality
    • The call to "Not go to battle" is often misunderstood
    • The power of Logo symbols
    • Is Mercedes Benz still an HF company? 
    • Conflict vs Choice - there is a difference
    • HF experiment - building a city in Second Life
    • Don't feed the dark side