
    RELOADED | 79: The White Mouthless Creature

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What did the brother see in the oil field?
    How did the family's strange occurrences begin?
    What unusual noises did the speaker hear at home?
    What were the listener's supernatural encounters about?
    How does the family relate local wildlife to their experiences?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mysterious Creatures in OklahomaA family in Oklahoma reported encounters with a possible Bigfoot on their property, which included seeing a figure in the snow and hearing strange noises, leading them to believe a large ape-like creature was present in the area.

      The discussion revolves around personal encounters with mysterious creatures, possibly Bigfoot, on a family's property in Oklahoma. The first encounter was reported by a brother who saw a figure, described as having a human-like posture and covered in snow, in an oil field across the road from their property. Although initially dismissed as a sign, the incident gained significance when the family started hearing strange noises and seeing other unusual occurrences on their land. The consensus among those involved is that these experiences point towards the presence of a large, ape-like creature in the area. The secrecy surrounding such occurrences in their community suggests that similar stories are not uncommon in their region.

    • Bigfoot sightings in the eastern USDespite fewer sightings in Midwest due to less suitable habitat, witnesses report large, quick and silent creatures in PA and OK, raising questions about their diet, habitat and potential inbreeding

      There have been multiple reported sightings of large, possibly Bigfoot-like creatures in the eastern United States, including Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. These encounters have described the creatures as being large but not necessarily massive, and some have reported seeing white or albino versions. The potential existence of these creatures raises questions about their habitat, diet, and possible inbreeding. The flatlands in the Midwest may not provide as good hiding places as more mountainous or forested regions, which could explain why there are fewer reported sightings in those areas. The witnesses in these encounters have described the creatures as being able to move quickly and silently, making them difficult to track and study. Overall, the reports of these creatures highlight the continued intrigue and mystery surrounding the possibility of Bigfoot or similar creatures existing in North America.

    • Rural Oklahoma forests and prisonsUnexpected forests in rural Oklahoma near prisons can create a false sense of danger due to potential for prisoner escapes, but most strange occurrences are likely natural phenomena or wildlife.

      The speaker's rural area in Oklahoma is unique for its unexpected presence of forests and the proximity of a prison system. The forests provide ample hiding places, making it possible for escapees to elude capture for extended periods. The speaker shares an experience of hearing strange noises outside their home, which they initially believed could be an escaped prisoner or a large creature. The noises were later discovered to be caused by an unusual occurrence with their air conditioner unit and the surrounding grass. Despite the area's reputation for crime and occasional escapes, the speaker does not believe the strange occurrences were directly related to the prison. Instead, they attribute the incidents to the area's natural phenomena and local wildlife.

    • Sasquatch footprints and noisesUnusual footprints and loud, tree-breaking noises led a family to believe they encountered Sasquatch on their property, despite lacking definitive proof

      The speaker had an encounter with possible Sasquatch footprints and strange noises in their property. They explored the area with their family, and during one night, they heard a loud yell from the east side of their property and the sound of a tree breaking. The tree sound was unlike anything they had heard before, resembling a gunshot. The speaker believed it could have been a large person, but the size and force of the sound were unusual. The footprints they found earlier in the discussion also lacked toe definition and were larger than human size, further fueling their belief in the existence of Sasquatch. Despite not having definitive proof, the speaker remains curious and open-minded about the possibility of supernatural or paranormal occurrences on their land.

    • Bigfoot encountersWitnesses reported hearing unusual footsteps and thuds, and observing a large, agile creature making quiet leaping sounds in the woods, leaving them feeling unexplained events that they couldn't fully explain.

      The witnesses described experiences that could be consistent with encounters with large, elusive creatures, possibly resembling Bigfoot. The first account involved hearing distinct footsteps and a thud in the woods, with the creature stopping just out of earshot. The second account described a creature making quiet leaping sounds as it moved through the woods and a fence, suggesting a large, agile creature. Both encounters left the witnesses feeling unexplained events that they couldn't fully explain. Despite skepticism from some friends, the witnesses remained convinced that they had experienced something unusual.

    • Humanoid Creature EncounterA witness encountered a humanoid creature in the woods with distinct features, including high cheekbones, sunken-in middle cheeks, deep-set eyes, and a compact nose, leaving him questioning the true nature of the encounter.

      The witness described an encounter with a mysterious, humanoid creature in the woods, which had features unlike any known animal, including thin, muscular build, high cheekbones, sunken-in middle cheeks, deep-set eyes that appeared black, and a nose that was compact and seemingly connected to the mouth. The creature did not make any sound when it disappeared, leaving the witness questioning what he had really seen. The encounter occurred around 8 p.m. on a Wednesday in November 2017, and the description shares similarities with other reports of white, humanoid creatures. While the witness initially thought it might have been a hog, the creature's humanoid features and lack of a mouth were distinctly different from any known animal. The encounter left the witness feeling both fascinated and unsettled.

    • Encounter vs. Media DepictionPeople's encounters with the supernatural don't always match media depictions, and personal experiences can shape beliefs and interpretations.

      The speaker had an encounter with a mysterious creature in the woods, which they initially believed to be a skinwalker or a Wendigo based on descriptions they had heard. However, when they saw the creature in the horror video game "Until Dawn" and later in the show "Stranger Things," they were surprised to find that it looked different than what they had imagined. The speaker also shared a conversation with a friend who had discussed his experiences with mind control programs and MK-Ultra. The speaker then expressed their belief that there were multiple shooters at the Mandalay Bay shooting based on the distinct sounds they heard in the audio evidence. Throughout the conversation, the speaker showed an interest in the supernatural and conspiracy theories.

    • Mass shooting capabilitiesThe speaker challenges the official narrative of a mass shooting, suggesting the use of automatic weapons and the possibility of multiple shooters or a more capable one.

      The speaker believes the sounds heard during a mass shooting could not have been produced by a shooter using a bump stock alone, and instead suggests the use of an automatic weapon. The speaker also questions the accuracy of the shooter, suggesting there may have been multiple shooters or a more capable one involved. The discussion also touches on the weight and maneuverability limitations of wearing a bulletproof vest, and the financial means of the shooter. Overall, the speaker expresses skepticism about the official narrative of the mass shooting and raises questions about the shooter's capabilities.

    • Censorship in MediaThe speaker believes that censorship is rampant and getting worse, leading him to avoid YouTube and opt for other platforms. He is pessimistic about the current state of affairs and believes that the deep state's influence goes beyond governments and nations.

      The speaker has gone from being a mainstream media consumer and a podcast host with a small following, to someone who questions conspiracy theories and faces censorship. He has seen firsthand how channels and content that delve into controversial topics get silenced, leading him to avoid YouTube and opt for other platforms. He believes that censorship is rampant and getting worse, and that it will take a significant shift in society for things to change. The speaker is pessimistic about the current state of affairs and believes that the deep state's influence goes beyond governments and nations. He also shares a personal experience of encountering an unexplained entity in the woods. Overall, the speaker's experiences have led him to question the limits of what we know and understand in the world.

    • Woods experiencesEncountering strange noises and entities in the woods leaves the speaker with a sense of unease and uncertainty, and hunting experiences add to the feeling of otherworldliness.

      The speaker has had unusual experiences in the woods, including hearing strange noises and encountering an unidentified entity. The noises have become a normal part of life, but the encounter with the entity was more concerning. The speaker has also had experiences with hunting, where they felt a sense of fear or hopelessness after shooting what they believed to be a deer, only to discover later that they had missed. The woods where these experiences occurred have a sense of unease or "weird juju" to them, and the speaker cannot definitively label the entity they encountered as evil or just a nasty creature. The experiences have left the speaker with a feeling of uncertainty and a sense that something otherworldly may be present in the woods.

    • Supernatural encountersListener experienced unsettling encounters with two separate entities, one leaving books and another making no sound as it disappeared, both felt otherworldly.

      The listener had a deeply unsettling experience with what they believed to be two separate supernatural encounters. The first encounter involved receiving books from a man with a sinister aura, while the second encounter involved an entity that left the listener feeling perplexed and fearful. The listener believes that these experiences were not normal and that they involved entities that were not tied to this earth. They also noted that the second entity did not make any sound as it left, and the environment around them became eerily quiet. The listener expressed their appreciation for the podcast and their desire to continue the conversation about these experiences.

    Recent Episodes from The Confessionals

    Members Preview | 687: Face Off With Fallen Angels

    Members Preview | 687: Face Off With Fallen Angels
    In episode 687: Face Off With Fallen Angels, Matt joins to share his journey through dark spiritual realms and personal transformation, that was marked by his exposure to hidden, malevolent forces. Raised in a household with both Christian and Jewish traditions, he became disillusioned and drifted into the occult. Matt's fascination with Kabbalah and black magic eventually led him to a shocking encounter with a terrifying creature—a horned, owl-like entity standing five feet tall. In a moment of desperation, Matt invoked the name of Jesus Christ, and the entity vanished, sparking a dramatic shift in his life. This initial confrontation set off a cascade of bizarre and frightening events: electronics malfunctioned as if controlled by unseen forces, strangers seemed to follow him with unnatural precision, and he witnessed shape-shifting beings he came to recognize as Shadim. These entities, sometimes taking on the form of Bigfoot-like creatures with glowing eyes, appeared to manipulate the people around him and even the very environment he moved through. Despite the isolation and escalating danger, Matt remained resolute in his faith, refusing to surrender as the entities sought to destroy him.

    Images discussed in this episode can be found HERE 

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Head In The Clouds
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    686: Bigfoot's Secret Lair

    686: Bigfoot's Secret Lair
    In Episode 686: Bigfoot's Secret Lair, Tony and Kelley discuss an investigation at a private property in North Carolina known for frequent Bigfoot activity. The property, owned by a family for over 200 years, has multiple trails, some of which are graveled for easy access. Described as "Bigfoot Disney World" by the owner, it has been a hotspot for strange occurrences, such as rock-throwing, mysterious smells, and vocalizations that seem to mimic animals. Kelley and the Squatch Watchers discovered what they believe to be ancient artifacts and structures on the land, including deer mandibles and stick structures that were possibly used as blinds. They also encountered unexplained lights, described as green orbs, which seemed to flirt with the team before disappearing. The property is believed to have spiritual significance, with burial mounds and other markers that suggest it could have been an ancient religious site. This mix of paranormal and archaeological evidence made the investigation compelling, with potential ties to ancient civilizations and unexplained phenomena.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - 30 Hours To Utah
    YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 10, 2024

    RELOADED | 146: A Touch of Mystery

    RELOADED | 146: A Touch of Mystery
    On Episode 146: A Touch of Mystery, we have Kevin joining The Confessionals to share the miraculous things that have happened to both himself and the people in his family. He also discusses his run-ins with shadow people and what seems to be an entity that is frequently encountered by many other guests on our show! 

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    Members Preview | 685: Surviving Satanic Sacrifice

    Members Preview | 685: Surviving Satanic Sacrifice
    In episode 685: Surviving Satanic Sacrifice, Nora shares her harrowing experiences growing up in a Satanic cult, where she witnessed and endured unspeakable abuse, including rituals, sacrifices, and occult practices. She recounts how these dark forces followed her into adulthood, from surviving multiple rituals to experiencing spiritual attacks. Nora also explains how she finally found healing through her faith, but not before facing terrifying demonic encounters. Her journey includes a chilling moment when, after returning to the house where the most horrific ritual occurred, she felt a presence next to her and saw the dark figures vanish as a light filled the room.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer


    Joel Thomas - "Rose In A Cage"

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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    684: The Bunny Man

    684: The Bunny Man
    In episode 684: The Bunny Man, Jeremy and Derek join to share chilling experiences rooted in East Tennessee's mysterious folklore. As Jeremy unravels the eerie legends surrounding his own home, the story takes a dark turn when they discuss the infamous Bunny Man, that he had encountered as a child, and other supernatural encounters that have haunted the region for generations. Jeremy then goes through a deep dive into spine-tingling tales of faceless entities, cryptic messages, and the unsettling connection between ancient legends and modern-day sightings. 

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Adiós
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    RELOADED | 412: Reservation Alien Abduction

    RELOADED | 412: Reservation Alien Abduction
    In Episode 412: Reservation Alien Abduction, we are joined by Jamaal for a third time to tell his stories from the reservation. He previously joined us on Episode 315: Skinwalkers On The Reservation and on Episode 339: Goatman Found Us. Now on Episode 412, he tells us stories about little people on the reservation, more skinwalker accounts, and seeing a five-foot-tall alien through his window when he was just a kid. After waking up with marks on his body, Jamaal began to think he had possibly become part of an abduction scenario.

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Members Preview | 683: The Curse of Zany

    Members Preview | 683: The Curse of Zany
    In episode 683: The Curse of Zany, Daniel Swarthout, author of "The Wringler" shares his chilling encounters with a malevolent entity named Zany, which has haunted him since childhood. Daniel recounts his early experiences of seeing Zany, a terrifying figure with a white face, sharp teeth, and eyeless sockets, who has loomed over him for decades. As he dives into the dark history of his family's possible cursed bloodline, Daniel reveals how his faith has been both a shield and a battleground against these persistent supernatural attacks. From unexplained physical marks to intense confrontations with this entity, Daniel's story is a haunting reminder of the battles that some carry with them, unseen by others. His life story is a powerful testament to the resilience of faith in the face of overwhelming darkness.

    Daniel's Book: The Wringler

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Head In The Clouds
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enAugust 29, 2024

    682: Re-Enchanting The Unseen

    682: Re-Enchanting The Unseen
    In episode 682: Re-Enchanting The Unseen, Josh Robinson shares his extraordinary experiences as a pastor in West Virginia, detailing an encounter with the supernatural that changed his worldview forever. Josh explains how a young woman, involved in deep witchcraft and invoking ancient deities, came to his church seeking redemption. Her eventual baptism became a powerful, unsettling experience, culminating in what many witnesses, including Josh, believed to be an exorcism.

    Josh talks about how this event sparked his deeper exploration of the unseen, ultimately leading him to write a book called "Re-Enchanting the Unseen". He uncovers ancient lore, the mysterious supernatural history of West Virginia, and his upcoming podcast, "Tell Me Strange Things", which will explore local legends such as the Mothman, ancient giants, and the connections between Appalachia and mythical realms like Atlantis.

    Josh Robinson
    Podcast: Tell Me Strange Things
    Book: Re-Enchanting the Unseen

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Walking In My Skin
    YouTube | Apple | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enAugust 27, 2024

    RELOADED | 79: The White Mouthless Creature

    RELOADED | 79: The White Mouthless Creature
    Josh comes on the show to share about an ongoing situation he and his family are having on their 20 acres in Oklahoma. It started with his brother seeing a white two-legged animal that he had no reference point to define. As time went on Josh has been having his own experiences which includes a white mouthless creature!

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enAugust 26, 2024