
    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    enJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • ADHD and trauma connectionUnderstanding the connection between ADHD and trauma can help individuals better cope with their experiences. Self-awareness, communication, and delegating tasks are crucial in managing symptoms and reducing guilt and shame.

      ADHD and trauma are interconnected, and understanding this connection can help individuals better cope with their experiences. The podcast discussion highlighted the personal experiences of both the host and their guest, who shared how their upbringing and past traumas have influenced their ADHD symptoms. They also emphasized the importance of self-awareness, communication, and delegating tasks to reduce feelings of guilt and shame. The house move experience served as a microcosm of these challenges, showcasing the importance of recognizing and accepting individual strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the podcast's impact on raising awareness about ADHD and its complexities is significant, as it has changed the conversation and brought new perspectives to the table.

    • ADHD and Autism in FamiliesDifferences in ADHD and autism can lead to unique challenges in family dynamics, including intense focus vs. lack of guilt, masking and unmasking, and learning difficulties.

      The speaker, Rox, has ADHD and her husband, Rich, is not. Rox experiences intense focus and hyper-fixation on certain things, while Rich does not feel guilt or shame when someone does more for him. Rox also suspects that she, her father, and her eldest son have autism, but she is unsure about pursuing a diagnosis. The speaker discusses the challenges of masking and unmasking, and how it feels to be in the middle of a family with autistic members. Rox's ADHD makes it difficult for her to retain information and learn from her mistakes, while Rich is envious of her ability to focus and learn quickly. Rox uses her ADHD as an excuse to avoid arguments and change plans, causing frustration for Rich. The bath is an important safe space for Rox, and the inability to purchase a bath for their bathroom led to a disagreement between the couple.

    • Neurodivergent miscommunicationsMisunderstandings and disagreements rooted in neurodivergent differences can harm relationships if not addressed through open communication, self-advocacy, and understanding.

      Misunderstandings and disagreements, even those rooted in neurodivergent differences, can be a significant challenge in relationships. The speaker shared two instances where miscommunications led to arguments, one due to undiagnosed ADHD and the other due to a lack of awareness and understanding of the time. These incidents could have potentially caused harm to their relationship if not reflected upon and learned from. The speaker emphasized the importance of open communication, self-advocacy, and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships. They also highlighted the impact of their upbringing and past experiences on their fear of confrontation and their tendency to suppress anger. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of empathy, patience, and effective communication in navigating the complexities of relationships.

    • Effective communication, collaborationEffective communication and collaboration are crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment. Ask for help instead of demanding, respect boundaries, and set rewards for completing tasks to motivate each other.

      Effective communication and collaboration are key to maintaining a harmonious living environment. The speaker shares how they approach tidying up their bedroom without shaming or demanding their partner, instead asking if they can do it together. However, they acknowledge the importance of respecting each other's boundaries and avoiding making demands when the other person is busy or focused on something else. The discussion also touches upon the importance of setting rewards for completing tasks and the challenges of balancing work and personal life, especially when dealing with external pressures like moving or filming content. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open and respectful communication, collaboration, and finding ways to motivate each other to maintain a clean and organized living space.

    • Social media vulnerabilityEmbracing vulnerability on social media despite negative comments can lead to increased self-confidence and mental peace for neurodivergent individuals like Roxanne, a musician with ADHD, who learned to create content about her condition and laugh off negativity.

      Embracing vulnerability and learning to detach from negative comments on social media can lead to increased self-confidence and mental peace. Roxanne, a musician, shares her experience of dealing with rejection and hate comments, which she found particularly challenging due to her RSD diagnosis. She describes how creating content about her ADHD helped her develop a thicker skin and learn to laugh off the negativity. Roxanne also discusses the connection between ADHD and music, suggesting that the busy internal world of neurodivergent individuals can be quieted through music and that the sensitivities and emotions expressed in music resonate deeply with us.

    • ADHD growthRegardless of background or perceived success, everyone is learning and growing, including those with ADHD. Imagining and acting upon those imaginings, despite imposter syndrome, can lead to incredible outcomes. Realizing nobody is born an expert and everyone has learned skills can be empowering. Link between ADHD and trauma emphasizes importance of individual experiences and support.

      Everyone, regardless of their background or perceived success, is learning and growing, including those with ADHD. The ability to imagine and act upon those imaginings, even when it feels like an imposter syndrome, can lead to incredible outcomes. Furthermore, the realization that nobody is born an expert and everyone has learned skills and masked their differences can be empowering. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the potential link between ADHD and trauma, emphasizing the importance of understanding individual experiences and providing support. Ultimately, the journey of understanding and accepting one's ADHD, rather than fixating on its origins, can lead to greater acceptance and personal growth.

    • Self-acceptance and forgiveness for ADHDThe lack of understanding and support for ADHD can lead to deep self-hatred and negative core beliefs, emphasizing the importance of processing pain and seeking forgiveness for personal growth, and the impact of love and influence on mental health, as well as the role of sensory experiences in managing symptoms.

      The lack of understanding and support for ADHD can lead to deep self-hatred and negative core beliefs among those affected. The speaker, who lost her mother at a young age and has experienced estrangement from her father, shared her own struggles with self-acceptance and forgiveness. She emphasized the importance of processing pain and seeking forgiveness, not just for the sake of reconciliation, but for personal growth. The speaker also highlighted the impact of her mother's love and influence on her life, even in her late 30s. Another takeaway is the role of sensory experiences, such as scented candles, in managing the symptoms of ADHD and promoting calmness and focus. The speaker's experience writing a book about neurodivergence and self-hatred taught her the importance of addressing the hidden emotional struggles of those with ADHD and the devastating impact it can have on mental health.

    • Limiting beliefsIdentifying and addressing limiting beliefs can lead to self-love and personal growth, but focusing too much on self-hatred may hinder progress.

      Our limiting beliefs, the negative thoughts we hold about ourselves, can significantly impact our lives. The author's experience involved identifying these beliefs through an Excel spreadsheet and turning them into chapters for her book. Each belief was explored, and she worked to change her perspective, moving from self-hatred to self-love. The author emphasizes that focusing on self-hatred rather than addressing the underlying issues is what truly holds us back. The book, co-written with a friend, became a success, and they learned valuable lessons about each other's working styles. While the author's approach to writing was chaotic and last-minute, her friend was methodical and consistent. Despite their differences, they both reached the finish line, demonstrating that there's no one "right" way to achieve goals. The process led the author to reflect on her past and apologize for unintentionally misunderstanding her child's autism, leading to deeper conversations and growth.

    • Apologies and mistakesAcknowledging mistakes and apologizing sincerely strengthens relationships and promotes personal growth. Authenticity and vulnerability in content creation can lead to profound impacts on people's lives.

      Acknowledging mistakes and apologizing sincerely can lead to stronger relationships and personal growth. This was a powerful lesson shared by the speakers during their discussion about parenting and creating content. They emphasized that it's essential to understand that everyone makes mistakes and that it's how we respond to them that truly matters. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in content creation, as it can lead to profound impacts on people's lives. The speakers also shared their experiences with helping others through their content and the humbling experience of witnessing the human impact it can have. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of empathy, understanding, and a willingness to learn and grow.

    • Effective ParentingRole modeling, self-love, and honesty help build self-esteem and prevent addiction in children. Important to do what we say and setting boundaries, while love and acceptance are essential.

      Effective parenting involves a combination of role modeling, self-love, and honesty to help children build self-esteem and avoid addiction. Role modeling is crucial, as children learn more from what we do than what we say. Love and acceptance are essential, but setting boundaries is necessary. Honesty about addiction and creating an open environment can also help. Impulsivity, a common trait among ADHD individuals, can lead to both destructive and constructive outcomes depending on support and self-understanding. The speaker's experience of starting a successful business impulsively illustrates the potential benefits of impulsivity when paired with self-understanding and support.

    • Communication in TransitionsClearly and confidently communicating what we do is crucial during personal and professional transitions. Embracing diverse perspectives can lead to valuable insights.

      Being able to clearly and confidently communicate what we do is an important aspect of navigating personal and professional transitions. The speaker, who once worked at a bank and now identifies as a social media influencer but struggles to use that label, found herself at a loss for words when asked about her occupation. She suggested using the term "author" instead, but even that felt uncertain. The speaker shared her experience of organizing a move, which she described as both stressful and well-planned. She also discussed the dynamic of her team, where she and another team member, who she believes may be on the autism spectrum, approach decision-making differently. The team's contrasting perspectives led to a fascinating exchange, highlighting the value of diverse thinking. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of finding the right words to express ourselves and the benefits of embracing different perspectives.

    Recent Episodes from ADHD Chatter

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Alex welcomes back Rich & Rox, two-time Sunday Times best selling authors, creators of the body doubling app called Dubbi and founders of the globally recognised brand, ADHD Love!


    00:00 Trailer

    02:16 What have you been up to and what have you learned about yourselves in the past 7 months!

    06:48 Have you had any huge ADHD realisations since we last had you on? Either Rox about your own ADHD, or Rich as a close observer of ADHD?

    09:45 So, no ADHD diagnosis for you yet Rich?

    13:44 Rich, are there still things you just have trouble understanding about ADHD no matter how often they're explained? 

    15:34 Rox, be honest, when was the last time you used ADHD to get out of an argument?

    28:02 Rich, which one of Rox’s ADHD traits is most likely to cause an argument in your relationship?

    31:51 What does a good day look like in your household?

    34:36 What does a bad day look like?

    35:39 Sobriety and how that’s impacted Rox’s music career

    39:48 How do you manage RSD when navigating the music industry?

    44:11 I've always wanted to ask a musician, what do you think the association between ADHD and music is?

    46:58 Has taking to the stage again dug up anything within you, either insecurities or passion for performing?

    50:08 So Rich, when was the last time you had a moment of "Thank god Rox is NOT neurotypical" and you found yourself really cherishing Rox's eccentricities?

    52:09 Do you consider that ADHD could be trauma related?

    56:30 Rox, has your father now accepted your diagnosis?

    60:13 Rox, my producer has a personal question for you…

    01:03:46 The ‘ADHD item’ segment

    01:05:47 Why your new book is called ‘Small Talk’

    01:20:38 Do any heartwarming stories from your audience spring to mind?

    01:24:08 Washing machine of woes

    01:31:18 Your most impulsive thing

    Buy their latest book, Small Talk 👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/SMALL-TALK-negative-beliefs-neurodivergent/dp/1529915422/

    Download the Dubbi app 👉 https://www.dubbii.app

    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 25, 2024

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    TJ Power is an esteemed neuroscientist, international speaker, and co-founder of Neurify, an organisation at the forefront of the mental health sector providing accessible and scientifically-backed teachings to enhance the management of mental health.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:49 Let's start with the very basics. What are the 4 happiness chemicals we have as human beings?

    03:03 Let's talk about Dopamine. When it comes to dopamine, what are the differences in someone with ADHD vs someone without ADHD?

    03:38 As an example, back when we were cavemen and cavewomen, where would our dopamine highs be coming from?

    05:54 What does the perfect morning routine look like for someone with ADHD

    07:11 Dopamine sources to avoid

    09:24 What is Effort dopamine vs Non-effort dopamine?

    10:25 How to get natural dopamine hits

    11:22 The perfect pre-bed routine for better sleep

    14:27 Ice bath demonstration

    17:23 What part do real human in-person connections with family and friends play on the ADHD brain with regards to our biochemistry?

    19:49 The biochemistry behind maintaining friendships

    21:38 Oxytocin and intimacy

    23:39 Optimal time to have sex for better sleep

    25:30 What is the difference in our biochemistry when a person has sex vs when they watch pornography?

    28:40 Can you explain the difference between genetic vs behavioural ADHD in the current day and why there might be some overlap there?

    30:12 Washing machine of woes

    34:57 The biochemistry behind body doubling

    36:22 Certain people with ADHD who might be high-functioning and successful, what do you think they are doing right?

    38:07 How does our pursuit for dopamine in ADHDers increase the risk of addiction

    43:36 Are coffee and dopamine related?

    46:56 The biochemistry of Rejection Sensitivity

    52:23 What does your knowledge of dopamine teach us about our eternal pursuit of happiness?

    55:38 Most impulsive thing

    Visit TJ's website 👉 https://tjpower.co.uk

    Find TJ on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/tjpower/?hl=en

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

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    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 17, 2024

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this weeks Diary of late diagnosed ADHD woman, Alex chats to Dez Rock, who shares her late ADHD diagnosis story, and the lessons she's learnt along the way.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1nT2hBaZHY&t=463s

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 14, 2024

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    Alex sits down with Dr Ayan Panja, an NHS doctor of 25 years, to reveal the secrets to manage ADHD Shame.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:36 How long have you been a doctor?

    02:58 Why have so many people been missed for so long?

    05:55 Does ADHD medication work?

    06:27 Is shame common with ADHD?

    09:47 Why does trauma affect longevity?

    14:08 How shame can present different before and after diagnosis

    17:27 The hidden costs of shame

    23:02 How to flood yourself with self compassion

    35:11 Self medicating ADHD

    37:47 The Washing Machine of Woes

    42:59 ADHD item (sunglasses)

    44:06 Closing advice on ADHD Shame

    47:58 Most impulsive thing

    Follow Dr Ayan on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drayanpanja/

    Visit Dr Ayan's website 👉 https://www.drayan.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 10, 2024

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    Alex sits down with Neurodiversity Consultant, Matt Gupwell, to discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)


    00:00 Trailer

    01:34 RSD Explained

    03:32 The difference between RSD and Emotional Dysregulation

    10:38 What are your biggest triggers?

    11:59 Has RSD interfered with your working relationships?

    15:35 RSD in relationships

    26:46 Long term strategies

    32:04 Is it hard for Neurotypicals to understand RSD?

    33:40 Washing machine of woes

    37:46 What is Alexithymia?

    43:25 Theories as to the genesis of RSD

    45:43 The HALT Theory

    51:09 Your ADHD item (juggling balls)

    56:33 How RSD is depicted on social media

    59:18 The positive side of RSD

    01:02:24 Closing advice

    01:08:46 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Matt's website 👉 https://www.thinkneurodiversity.co.uk

    Visit Matt's instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/thinkneurodiversity/

    Visit Matt's Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgupwell/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 03, 2024

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this week's bitesize clip, Holly Morris shares her experience of living as a late diagnosed ADHD woman.

    Relatable, emotional and inspirational in equal measure.

    Listen to the full episode here 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5AaYW3nNTTiMzQe8mHr22V?si=gfIMXJRnTDSv0TZtjRjjwg

    Watch the full episode here 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKmBCQ0IqCU&t=1399s

    Find Holly on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/hollymorrisss/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 31, 2024

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    This week, Alex sits down with ADHD Nutrition Coach, Amber Macintosh.

    Amber explains what the perfect ADHD breakfast looks like, what foods may be detrimental to the ADHD brain, the 3 ADHD superfoods and SO MUCH MORE!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:20 Joe Wick's latest ADHD comments

    04:29 Types of ultra-processed foods that are bad for ADHD

    06:12 The fundamental dietary building blocks for ADHD

    11:30 Protein sources for vegans

    14:34 The worst breakfast for ADHDers

    16:52 Coffee, good or bad for ADHD?

    18:52 Isn't a healthy diet expensive?

    23:40 3 ADHD superfoods

    31:52 Foods to avoid

    36:29 Blood sugar levels and why they're important for us to understand

    39:17 Why people with ADHD struggle with diet

    42:07 What is the ADHD community misunderstanding about the connection between brain health and gut health

    44:40 Do ADHDers need more calories to feed their faster rate of thinking

    46:21 ADHD item

    53:34 Busting diet myths

    58:22 Washing machine of woes

    01:02:46 What is the perfect '3 meals a day' plan for an ADHDer

    01:06:06 Foods that help us sleep

    01:10:25 Alcohol, good or bad for ADHD?

    01:14:34 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Amber's website 👉 https://www.ambermacintosh.com

    Follow Amber on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/amberscoaching/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

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    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 28, 2024

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    In this week's bitesize clip, I speak with Karen Doherty, a relationship therapist who specialises in neurodivergent couples, to discuss strategies for RSD, and how to manage RSD in relationships.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6Opd8B4ipk&t=1421s

    Visit Karen's website 👉 https://karendohertycoaching.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 24, 2024

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    This week, Alex sits down with Dr Mine Conkbayir and legendary comedian Paul Whitehouse.

    Dr Mine has been diagnosed with ADHD, she thinks her husband has ADHD, but is Paul convinced? Tune in to find out!

    ** Correction to episode: Dr. Mine is NOT a neuroscientist. This was an error made by the ADHD Chatter team **

    Dr Mine and Paul have something very exciting coming soon. Watch this space!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:50 Is ADHD a product of nature or nurture?

    11:13 Is Paul 'The Devil's Advocate'?

    12:22 ADHD in comedy

    15:10 Do you think Paul has ADHD?

    23:25 RSD in your marriage

    30:13 Is ADHD the wrong name?

    33:55 How do you (Dr. Mine) deal with emotional dysregulation

    34:29 The positives of ADHD

    40:59 Friendships

    42:47 Paul, where does your creativity come from?

    51:24 ADHD item

    52:17 Is a strong sense of justice an ADHD trait?

    54:08 Washing machine of woes

    59:59 How to cater to ADHD in schools

    01:03:22 Your most impulsive thing

    Find Dr. Mine on Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mine-conkbayir/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 20, 2024

    Dad V Girls FINALLY Reveals How ADHD Affects His Marriage

    Dad V Girls FINALLY Reveals How ADHD Affects His Marriage

    Joel from the infamous brand Dad V Girls finally talks about his ADHD.


    01:05 Your quick ADHD test

    03:51 How ADHD presented in your childhood

    07:49 Positives of ADHD

    11:41 Your businesses before Youtube

    14:35 How social media affected your family dynamic

    19:30 Burnout

    25:52 Worst bits of ADHD

    27:40 How ADHD shows up in your marriage?

    32:28 Do you see ADHD in your family members?

    34:39 ADHD parenting tips

    36:31 Making friends when you have ADHD

    37:48 Do you see ADHD traits in your wife?

    38:43 Your ADHD item

    40:23 Are you sensitive to criticism?

    42:25 Do you feel imposter syndrome?

    43:51 Do you ever feel outnumbered?

    44:53 Washing machine of woes

    53:03 Can certain behaviour be blamed on simply being a man, when actually they are your ADHD?

    54:52 Advice for younger Joel

    58:35 What do you like about having daughters, specifically?

    60:30 Your most impulsive thing

    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 13, 2024