
    Richie and Marla - The Obamanation Season of Taking

    en-usDecember 09, 2013

    About this Episode

    Richie and Marla welcome Bill Deane editor and founder of Our Missing News http://www.ourmissingnews.com

    Obamacare Enrollment Errors Pile Up

    Obama's health care problems are like a bad penny. You can't get rid of it. Showing up now is the discovery that about a quarter of those who signed up in October and November have errors that may not be able to be corrected by the back offices of the insurance companies before the supposed start of Obamacare.

    McDonald's Counterattacks it's Workers

    The McDonald's confrontation at its fast food workers has turned into a war of words, scary words that are setting up a divide-and-conquer plan among the protesters.


    Congress Working Hard to Get Back Home.

    This is serious business on Capitol Hill. After all Congress hasn't had a vacation since Thanksgiving and the members are in a mad dash to get something done on this last week before they shutdown for the year. Why does Congress get more vacation time than school children? Both the House and Senate are out to finalize a few things before they head to Reagan airport. Will they or won't they get to work in these 5 days?

    Thank You Renegade Nation

    Richie Marla and Bill

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