
    Rick Rubin: Modern Master Of The Creative Act

    enJanuary 16, 2023
    Why is individual uniqueness important in art?
    What does Rick Rubin emphasize about the creative process?
    How did Run DMC and Aerosmith's collaboration impact music culture?
    What does the speaker believe about the democratization of music?
    How can openness contribute to personal growth and creativity?

    Podcast Summary

    • Every artist's work is unique and valuableFocus on creating art that resonates with you and share it with the world, embracing the process and taking risks.

      Every person's art is unique and valuable, reflecting the artist's individuality. Comparing art or creativity to others is an unproductive and limiting mindset. Instead, focusing on making art that resonates with us and sharing it with the world is essential. Rick Rubin, a renowned music producer, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of openness to possibility, wonder, and magic in the creative process. His new book, "The Creative Act," explores these ideas further, offering insights into cultivating our innate creativity. As we embark on our creative journeys, it's crucial to remember that our art is a reflection of who we are and the impact we make on the world. Embrace the process, take risks, and share your unique perspective with others.

    • Exploring the creative process through podcast interviewsCreating a podcast offers opportunities for deep conversations and new insights, even when interviewing familiar faces. The creative process can be a rich source of wisdom and inspiration.

      Creating a podcast provides unique opportunities for connection and learning, whether interviewing new acquaintances or longtime friends. The formal interview structure can reveal new insights and perspectives. Timing and patience are crucial in bringing people together for meaningful conversations. The Creative Act, a forthcoming book by Steven Pressfield, defied expectations with its focus on wisdom and meditation on the creative experience, rather than a memoir format. The inception of the book came from working on another artist's biography, which inspired Pressfield to explore the deeper aspects of the creative process.

    • Lessons from T Bone Burnett's Creative ProcessT Bone Burnett spent 7 years reflecting on his past projects to reverse engineer his decision-making processes and share intuitive solutions to creative problems. His tools emerged from solving various problems, like adding musicality to Run DMC's early hip hop recordings.

      The creative process involves continuous learning and reflection, even for experienced producers like T Bone Burnett. During his collaboration on the Johnny Cash book, Burnett discovered new insights about his past work and relationships, including his own with Cash. He realized that he wanted to share the principles learned in the studio, which were often intuitive solutions to problems, with others. This led him to spend seven years reflecting on his past projects and reverse engineering the decision-making processes. These tools, which emerged from solving various problems, were essential reactions and not conceptualized at the time. For instance, when working with Run DMC in the early days of hip hop, Burnett felt the need to demonstrate that rap was not so different from what people were used to. He solved this problem by recognizing the missing piece in Run DMC's album and adding elements to showcase its musicality. Overall, Burnett's experience shows that the creative process is an ongoing journey of learning and applying new tools to solve problems.

    • Groundbreaking hip hop-rock collaborationThe collaboration between Run DMC and Aerosmith on 'Walk This Way' introduced hip hop to a broader audience and marked the beginning of rap music's mainstream success, while also contributing to Aerosmith's career resurgence.

      The collaboration between Run DMC and Aerosmith on the song "Walk This Way" was a groundbreaking moment in music history. The choice of this well-known rock song for a rap remake brought a new layer to hip hop music through the use of the iconic "Toys in the Attic" breakbeat. This crossover event not only marked the beginning of rap music reaching a broader audience but also played a significant role in Aerosmith's resurgence in their career. The goal was to effectively communicate the essence of hip hop to those unfamiliar with the genre, and the result exceeded expectations, leaving a lasting impact on music culture. The speaker, who was involved in the Beastie Boys and the hip hop scene at NYU, saw the appeal of hip hop as a democratization of music, and the collaboration between Run DMC and Aerosmith embodied that spirit.

    • From college dorms to the Beastie Boys: Rick Rubin's journey in hip hopRick Rubin's career in hip hop began with chance encounters, collaboration, and perseverance. His role as a producer allowed him to buffer artists from the business side while staying creative, leading to the Beastie Boys' debut album 'Licensed to Ill' and hip hop's first Billboard number one.

      The early days of hip hop music were marked by serendipitous encounters, collaboration, and perseverance. Rick Rubin, a key figure in the genre's evolution, shared his experiences of discovering his love for music in college dorms and later becoming a touring member of Madonna's team. It was during this time that he met future Beastie Boys members Adam Yauch and Michael "Mike D" Diamond. Their shared passion for rap music led them to experiment with producing rap records in the style of LL Cool J and Run-DMC. However, the process of writing and producing music was time-consuming, and Rubin's eclectic taste and productivity led him to seek new ways to be involved in various projects. He realized that his role as a producer allowed him to be a buffer between artists and the business side of music, while also staying focused on the creative process. A pivotal moment in Rubin's career came when he had to leave Madonna's tour due to an ear infection. This unexpected event led him to focus on producing the Beastie Boys' debut album, "Licensed to Ill," which became a cultural phenomenon and the first hip hop album to reach number one on the Billboard charts. Rubin's experiences demonstrate the importance of chance encounters, collaboration, and staying true to one's creative vision in the world of music.

    • Embrace the creative journeySuccess in creativity comes from allowing the process to unfold naturally, staying present, and surrendering to the ebb and flow of the journey. It's a dance with the universe, not a fight.

      Success in creativity isn't about forcing things or fighting against the current. Instead, it's about allowing the process to unfold naturally, staying grounded in the present moment, and surrendering to the ebb and flow of the creative journey. The work itself is elusive and multifaceted, involving hard work, play, passion, and structure. It's a journey of self-discovery, and it takes patience, focus, and wisdom to navigate. Anxiety and uncertainty are common, but with experience and discipline, one can stay the course and adapt when necessary. Ultimately, the creative process is a dance with the universe, not a fight against it.

    • Embrace the charm of the rough draftRegularly check your work's original version, trust your instincts, and create without pressure for authentic results.

      The initial stages of creating something, be it a song or an idea, often hold a unique energy and charm that can get lost in the process of polishing and perfecting it. It's essential to regularly check back on the original version and assess if the additional time and effort invested is making it better or just overcomplicating it. The demo or rough draft might not be perfect, but it could hold the essence and humanity that might get lost in the later stages. It's crucial to trust your instincts and be confident in recognizing when the original version is the best one. Additionally, creating without the pressure of making the "greatest" thing can lead to more authentic and enjoyable work. Ultimately, the goal should be to create for yourself and trust that if you're true to who you are, your work will resonate with others.

    • Artists should express themselves authentically and challenge their audienceSteve Jobs' idea that consumers don't always know what they want applies to art and creativity. Producers can shape projects or take a minimalist approach, focusing on the essential heart and highlighting individual elements.

      Artists have the responsibility to express themselves authentically and challenge their audience, rather than catering to their demands. Steve Jobs once said that consumers don't always know what they want until it's presented to them. This idea applies to art and creativity as well. Moreover, there are different types of producers in the music industry. Some impose their opinions and shape the project in a certain direction, while others create beats and let artists add their own lyrics. The producer discussed in the conversation has a minimalist approach, focusing on the essential heart of the project and stripping it down to its core. This approach brings clarity and highlights the individual elements, putting pressure on them to shine. Lastly, there are podcasts like Soulboom and The Conversation that explore existential questions and groundbreaking issues, providing food for thought and stimulating meaningful conversations.

    • Emphasizing perfection and essentials in artA successful record producer and author of 'I Ching' believe in stripping down to the core message and essential elements for minimalist art.

      Minimalism in art is about perfection and stripping down to the essentials. A successful record producer emphasized this, believing that every element must be perfect for minimalism to work. The book "I Ching" is an example of minimalist writing, with no extraneous information and a focus on the core message. The author's openness to various artistic expressions and belief in the mystical are essential to their creative process. The author's willingness to explore the fringes and embrace the mystical stems from their belief in everything and a desire to move beyond orthodoxy. A mystical experience the author had with depression led them to appreciate the importance of embracing the unseen and intangible forces in the creative process.

    • A friend's introduction to Prozac led the speaker to find relief from her long-lasting depression.Despite initial reluctance, the speaker found relief from her depression with the help of a psychic-psychopharmacologist and Prozac, despite gaining weight as a side effect.

      The speaker's long-lasting depression led her to try various therapists and healers without success. Eventually, she was introduced to Prozac by a friend, but her reluctance to take medication as a vegan and natural living advocate delayed her trying it. After a bad initial experience, she eventually found a psychic-psychopharmacologist who prescribed the drug and helped her through the difficult side effects. Despite gaining weight as a side effect, the drug eventually worked for her and lifted her depression. The speaker also mused about the potential connection between her depression and weight gain.

    • Stay open to the universe's subtle messagesCultivate curiosity and openness to find inspiration and answers from the universe through meditation and daily life experiences

      The universe or source, as some call it, can provide us with inspiration, answers, and guidance if we are open and paying attention. This can take the form of mystical experiences, overheard conversations, or even seemingly random events. The key is to live in a state of curiosity and openness, looking for clues and connections in the world around us. Meditation can be a helpful practice in quieting the mind and increasing our receptivity to these subtle messages. Ultimately, the way we tap into this source of information is unique to each person, and it may require experimentation to find what works best for us. Whether we call it the muse, source, or something else, the important thing is to stay open to the constant stream of wisdom and inspiration that surrounds us.

    • Embracing Openness for Personal Growth and CreativityOpenness to new ideas, experiences, and people is essential for personal growth and creativity. It can lead to moments of inspiration and influence cultural movements. Everyone has the ability to be creative, and staying open can lead to a better understanding of the world and improved well-being.

      Being open and receptive to new ideas, experiences, and people is crucial for personal growth and making important decisions. This openness can lead to moments of inspiration and creativity, which can influence not just the individual, but also larger cultural movements. These moments can be compared to seeds that need to be fertilized and nurtured in order to grow. If the receiver doesn't respect and act on the idea, it may be picked up by someone else. The idea of openness is a recurring theme in various works, including Elizabeth Gilbert's "Big Magic." The notion of creativity is not limited to artists, as everyone possesses the ability to be creative. The cultural perception of creativity as something only a select few possess is a misconception. Staying open to new experiences and ideas can lead to a better understanding of the world and improved well-being.

    • Expanding Our CreativityCultivating an artistic mindset can lead to unexpected discoveries and innovative solutions to complex problems.

      Creativity is not just a gift for the few, but a capability we all possess. We make creative choices every day, and being open to new experiences and perspectives can lead to unexpected discoveries and improvements in various aspects of our lives. The artist within us can be amplified through practices that expand our awareness and help us approach problems with a beginner's mind. This artistic sensibility, when applied to problem-solving, can lead to new and innovative solutions, especially for complex issues like climate change, artificial intelligence, and more. The story of AlphaGo, an AI system that learned to play the game Go, illustrates this point by demonstrating how an unexpected move, inspired by human intuition, led to a breakthrough in the AI's strategy. In essence, we are all orchestra members contributing to the bigger picture, and cultivating our artistic side can make our individual contributions more impactful and meaningful.

    • Computer's unconventional win in GoThinking outside the box and challenging preconceived notions can lead to success, even for a computer with limited knowledge.

      The computer's victory in the game of Go against a grandmaster was not due to its superior knowledge or intelligence, but rather its ability to think differently and ignore the cultural and historical context of the game. The computer, which only knew the rules, made a move that was considered irrational by human standards, but mathematically increased its chances of winning. This episode highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and letting go of preconceived notions, as the computer's success came from its lack of knowledge rather than its abundance. This idea ties back to the concept of beginner's mind, emphasizing the value of approaching situations with a fresh perspective and a willingness to challenge our beliefs. Ultimately, the story serves as a reminder of the humility that comes with acknowledging the vastness of the universe and the limitations of our own understanding.

    • Approach life and creativity with a beginner's mindsetEmbrace new discoveries by letting go of preconceived notions and assumptions, fostering an environment for inspiration and ideas to emerge.

      We should approach life and creativity with a beginner's mindset, letting go of preconceived notions and assumptions. This can lead to new discoveries and unexpected outcomes, as seen in the example of musicians trying a new instrument or Van Halen's biggest hit being made on the keyboard instead of the guitar. The role of a facilitator in the creative process is to create an environment that encourages inspiration and ideas, requiring patience, listening, and gentle guidance. This mindset allows for the highest expression to emerge with a minimal footprint.

    • Focusing on the work, not egos, for effective communication and feedbackEffective communication and feedback in creative collaborations require setting aside personal egos and focusing on the work to create the best possible outcome. This mindset fosters growth and improvement in various aspects of life.

      Effective communication and feedback, especially in creative collaborations, require setting aside personal egos and focusing solely on the work at hand. The goal is to create the best possible outcome without making it a personal referendum. This approach, as discussed, is crucial for productive studio sessions and can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional settings. By removing the focus from individuals and keeping it on the work, constructive feedback can lead to growth and improvement. This mindset necessitates maturity, grace, and a commitment to the common goal of creating something great. Additionally, listening to podcasts like Working It Out, where artists provide and receive feedback, can offer valuable insights and lessons on effective communication and collaboration.

    • Embrace Constructive Feedback for GrowthConstructive feedback is vital for artists to improve and grow. Ego can hinder the creative process, but receiving feedback, even if initially shocking, can help artists adapt and create their best work.

      Constructive feedback is essential for growth, especially for artists. Ego can hinder the creative process by preventing artists from receiving valuable criticism. Receiving feedback, even if it's initially shocking, can help artists improve their craft and create the best possible work. The ability to receive feedback and adapt is crucial for artists to stay grounded and avoid operating in a vacuum. It's important to remember that everyone's perspective is unique, and we all imagine different worlds, even when given the same cues. By taking risks and sharing our unique creations with the world, we ensure that no one else can make the art that we can make. And while our art is a reflection of who we are, it's not everything we are. Humbling ourselves to learn and grow from feedback is an essential part of being a craftsman among craftsmen.

    • Understanding the symbolism behind our creationsExplore cube psychology to connect with the deeper meaning of your creative projects. Fine-tune your radar to making things and adopt a creative mindset. Share your creations to enrich others' lives.

      Our creations are a reflection of who we are and how we live in the world. Everyone has something unique and valuable to express, and by sharing our creative acts, we enrich the lives of others. If you're interested in understanding the symbolism behind your own creative projects, you can explore the concept of cube psychology. To begin your creative journey, start by finely attuning your radar to the art of making things and adopting a certain way of being. Your creations are a beautiful expression of your unique self, and the world is waiting to enjoy them. The podcast "Rich Roll" offers insights and resources for those looking to explore their creative potential. Subscribe, support the sponsors, and share the show to join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of self-discovery and creative expression.

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    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

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    181: Stephen M.R. Covey, Trust & Inspire

    181: Stephen M.R. Covey, Trust & Inspire

    Organizational trust expert, experienced executive, and #1 bestselling author Stephen M. R. Covey is a New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The SPEED of Trust—The One Thing That Changes Everything. He is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world. 

    Stephen personally led the strategy that propelled his father’s book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” to become one of the two most influential business books of the 20th Century, according to CEO Magazine.

    As President and CEO of Covey Leadership Center, Stephen nearly doubled revenues while increasing profits by 12 times. During that period, the company expanded throughout the world into over 40 countries, greatly increasing the value of the brand and enterprise. The company was valued at $2.4 million when Stephen was named CEO, and, within three years, he had grown shareholder value to $160 million in a merger he orchestrated with Franklin Quest to form FranklinCovey.

    Stephen co-founded CoveyLink, a consulting practice, which focuses on enabling leaders and organizations to increase and leverage trust to achieve superior performance.

    Stephen recently merged CoveyLink with FranklinCovey, forming the Global Speed of Trust Practice, where Stephen serves as Global Practice Leader.

    Stephen M.R. Covey Online:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/StephenMRCovey
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephenmrcovey
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100029016867179
    LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-m-r-covey-6400191a5/

    Web: https://www.speedoftrust.com/ 

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    Web: KevinRandallJones.com  


    Michael Ovitz - Knowledge Is Power - [Invest Like the Best, EP.359]

    Michael Ovitz - Knowledge Is Power - [Invest Like the Best, EP.359]
    My guest today is Michael Ovitz. Michael is the legendary talent agent and co-founder of CAA, or Creative Artists Agency. Michael started CAA in 1975 and over the next twenty years, he built it into the world’s most formidable talent agency, changing Hollywood forever. The list of stars he’s worked with is endless, from Meryl Streep to Steven Spielberg and David Letterman.  Since leaving CAA, he has become an investor and adviser to many prominent firms, most notably Andreessen Horowitz, and Michael’s work ethic is unmatched. Please enjoy this great discussion with Michael Ovitz. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the modern research platform for leading investors. Stretch your research budget with flexible expert calls you can trust. At a fraction of the cost of traditional expert networks, Tegus customers pay only what an expert charges – with zero markups and no confusing call credits – netting an average 70% savings. Don’t want to conduct a full hour call? Tegus offers the ability to schedule 30-minutes, an offer you won’t find anywhere else. And they don’t stop there. With white-glove custom sourcing for every project and robust compliance measures, including a dedicated 50+ analyst team that vets every call transcript, Tegus ensures your privacy and protection. As the industry innovator for qualitative insights, Tegus helps you find the right experts you need at a quality and speed that can’t be matched. For a limited time, as a listener, you can trial Tegus for free by visiting tegus.co/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Show Introduction  (00:03:25) First Question, Michael Crichton's Impact (00:04:14) The Art of Storytelling and Creativity (00:07:20) Michael Crighton’s Writer's Block (00:09:53) The Birth of Jurassic Park (00:12:42) The Importance of Pacing in Storytelling (00:17:43) Positional Power and Influence (00:20:04) Knowledge is Power (00:22:10) The Role of Agents in the Business World (00:36:18) The Importance of Momentum in Business (00:42:35) Branding and Image (00:45:44) The Art of Spotting Talent (00:46:20) The Role of Persistence (00:51:25) Investing in People (01:00:30) Building Mystique (01:06:30) The Importance of Relationships (01:10:39) The Role of Art in the Entertainment Industry (01:17:04) Telling the Truth to Clients (01:25:28) Winning the Coca-Cola account (01:42:18) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Done for Michael

    A Journey to the Artist Thrive Summit and Beyond Ep. 246

    A Journey to the Artist Thrive Summit and Beyond Ep. 246
    Journey with Selomon and Shannon Shine as they recount their experience at the highly acclaimed Artist Thrive Summit. From July 18 to 21, 2023, artists, arts leaders, educators, and funders from across the nation converged, both in-person and online, to forge connections, ignite creativity, and align their visions.

    Join Shannon and Selo as they delve into the collaborative spirit that permeated the gathering and share some of their favorite moments of the summit.

    Beyond the Artist Thrive Summit, the hosts turn the spotlight on their own extraordinary event, "Shine Online." This exclusive affair showcased outstanding talents and visionary artists, and Selomon and Shannon promise to unveil a treasure trove of interviews from these remarkable creators in future episodes of the podcast.

    Get ready to be captivated by candid conversations, enlightening insights, and heartwarming encounters with artists who dare to dream big and push the boundaries of creative expression.

    Jacob Collier: The Language Of Harmony

    Jacob Collier: The Language Of Harmony
    Musician Jacob Collier is known for his electrifying performances and thoughtful views on art and humanity. This hour, Jacob joins us for a conversation on the sparks that fuel his creative process. Want to share feedback with our team? NPR is conducting a survey to better understand how listeners like you spend time with podcasts. Help us out by completing a short, anonymous survey at npr.org/podcastsurvey - and thanks!

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